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9019260 No.9019260 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine for a second that the Linkies are right and that it hits $1000+

Can you imagine how many people would kill themselves. Could you really deal with all the Linkies posting smug anime girls and saying "I told you so"? I honestly couldn't take it. That's why I bought 1k LINK just in case.

I'd rather lose a couple hundred bucks rather than deal with smug linkies if this shit actually moons.

>> No.9019292

Your first mistake is assuming even a tiny chance that LINK won't be $1000 EOY

>> No.9019317

Absolutely deluded if you think LINK won't reach 1,000 dollars before 2021

>> No.9019329

What makes you think it won't reach 1000$?

>> No.9019334

Green ID = money.
$1000eoy confirmed

>> No.9019342


>> No.9019356

100K eoy2028, it's been mathematically proven.

>> No.9019397

We will just screen shot this and laugh at you for only having 1000 link. Either you go all in and join the marines (or develop an elaborate strategy for increasing your links with other shitcoins), or you NEVER fucking post pics of the god cube again.

>> No.9019451

Repeating 7s are a sign that something is on it's way to manifesting itself into our physical reality. There is litterally no chance that it won't reach $1,000 come dec 31st

>> No.9019504

Can anyone actually make a plausible argument why this shit would ever hit $100?

>> No.9019530

Imagine you could invest in the internet itself in the early 90s. I'm not talking about google, amazon or netscape, but rather the network itself. How much money would you have made? Link is to contracts what the internet is to computers.

>> No.9019543

Of course not. These shillfags are the absolute worst of humanity.

t. nocoiner and proud of it

>> No.9019573

10k link will make you financially free by yr2020

>> No.9019592

It won't though. Trust me I've done the math and it's not going to happen EOY 2018. Possibly EOY 2020 though because of new financial regulation with PSD2 and ISO 20022 being the new standard. This goes way beyond what most of us can even fathom.

>> No.9019609

Independently financially indeendent?

>> No.9019631

let's be serious, most people would sell way before LINK hit $1000

>> No.9019643

If it's successful it'll hit way beyond $100 because the API economy is expected to be a 2.2 Trillion dollar market by EOY 2018. Not sure if people realize this or not but you use API's every single day they are a backend system though. Actually most big companies today, apple, amazon, google make MOST of their profit from selling their API's. This is the main reason why I'm involved in this project.

>> No.9019757

based anon.
I hope they do so I can buy it.

>> No.9019766

I worry that life on easy mode may be disinteresting like any other game would be.

>> No.9019781

I found just one Linkedin blog by an IBM guy about projected API economys size. Got any sauce with projections further into the future?

>> No.9019798

this...thats why i put 10k€ in link...either go big or go home. im convinced this is the next big thing...since jan ive been holding and DCA ing the shit out of link

>> No.9019820

Mining xmr and flipping it for link is tasty

>> No.9019834

LINK has 18 decimals

>> No.9019852
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x1200, PicsArt_02-13-02.13.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k eoy

>> No.9019856

Very dangerous thought process
Although link has memes and is a solid coin doesn't mean it gets pumped to that degree.

Anons shilled dbc back in bull market
Made it seem like Link tier
White paper has tons of buzz words and hard to grasp concept
Anons fomo in
You know what their thought process Was? Go big or go home

Now they are absolutely rekt, just know Link is a massive gamble like any other shit coin

>> No.9019876

link is actually good tho, dbc is chink shittier, anyone with a brain saw that. dbc, fun wasn't long ago, how can you compare those with link?

>> No.9019971

LINK won't outperform the market before mainnet imo. This is why I'm only 20% in LINK and trying to make money with other cryptos. Let's be honest if the bull market continues and LINK doesn't announce mainnet, then it might even drop out of the 100 for some time. Which is exactly what I want.

>> No.9019982

hyperinflation of usd which means it would be equivalent to $0.50 todat lel

>> No.9019994

Its not even top 100 right now bro

>> No.9020015

True. I might be one of them. However that's why I'm keeping at least a small stack of 100 LINK to hold for many years. With my lifestyle, I wouldn't mind having $100,000 at one point.

>> No.9020184

AI on current gen blockchain tech is blatantly stupid. Back before sibos LINK was literally vaporware, but now that we can see the github and there are a lot of very legit presentations on youtube you have no excuse. In fact, if the link team just stopped working right now someone else could pick it up.

>> No.9020190


>> No.9020910

The power to make it difficult resides within.

>> No.9020934

imagine for a second that these aren't entirely larp threads
imagine for a second that bizraelis actually hold this absolute shitcoin
imagine for a second that people actually trusted big mac philosopher to complete such a complex task with absolutely zero knowledge

it's just a meme anon, let it go

>> No.9021001

There are people here who unironically filter link threads. I'm convinced there won't be a biz board after the moonshot. There will just be a wasteland of wojaks and distressed anon knowing that not taking a chance destroyed themselves.

>> No.9021646
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Stinky kittys will be millionaires EOM

>> No.9022006


how many you hold, anon?

>> No.9022023
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1338027750472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the API economy is expected to be a 2.2 Trillion dollar market by EOY 2018
>you use API's every single day
>Actually most big companies today, apple, amazon, google make MOST of their profit from selling their API's

>> No.9022035

Nah we're fucked. I'm actually starting to believing nobody gives a fuck about the oracle problem and they'll just use centralized services like we always have why switch it all up now it's easier. People are used to putting convenience and speed over security and privacy.

>> No.9022123

No linkies unironically believe it will hit 1k. It's just a meme ffs.

>> No.9022676


If crypto, blockchain, smart-contracts, etc are going to be a part of a future LINK's oracles will be big.

This is why if you're invested into crypto or believe in crypto at all LINK is what you should be holding. Decentralized data is mandatory in that future.

The only way LINK's oracles wouldn't be in massive demand is if all of crypto phases out.