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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9015683 No.9015683 [Reply] [Original]

I’m at some lame ass industry party in LA and I’m beyond bored. Everyone here is laughing and having a good time, networking... I feel like I could put a gun in my mouth. These conversation are so base, so mind-numbingly boring, I can’t fucking stand it. Help me /biz/

Pic related, it’s me

>> No.9015717

which industry?

>> No.9015735

People suck.. try drugs maybe

>> No.9015750

You were not born a normie. Welcome to the club. It's a living hell.

>> No.9015757

do more cocaine dummy

>> No.9015776

you are just in the wrong scene. there are lots of people like you and they go out and socialize and have meaningful friendships, it's just that you're in fucking LA with the worst sort of normie faggots. move somewhere else.

>> No.9015792

I’m here because I’m visiting my sister. Her husband is a pleb tier actor and as a result I’m currently overrun with conversations of screenplays and project ideas.. swear to god it’s making it tough to keep my beer down.

If I had any hard drugs I would happily pour them into my asshole, I need anything to numb my suffering right now

>> No.9015802

Well don't be an asshole and do your best to keep a conversation going instead of judging others.

>> No.9015831

I`m always drunk or high at such gatherings.

I can`t stand this shit. Most of the time I don`t even remember the people I "connected" with.

>> No.9015840

Bag some fine ass actress booty, you pussy

>> No.9015897

How the fuck am I supposed to speak to endless waves of retards about how they know X producer on X pleb tier show and they have nothing interesting to say whatsoever. It’s just purely superficial bullshit, no substance. If I have to hear about any more bit parts on netflix shows, or what projects people wanted but didn’t get but then maybe got but then casting decided “no”. I feel like Sysiphus but my boulder is conversation with retards.

>> No.9015932

Just quietly exit the room and go home. That’s what I do.

>> No.9015960

This. Just go OP. When you are not a normie you don't like this kind of shit.

>> No.9015962

>can't stand entertainment industry shills who try to sell you their actor bags
>posts on /biz/
You're right at home faggot, you better start fudding or shilling for lulz or you're never going to make it.

>> No.9015965

Man if I was here with my sister I would have already, instead I’m posted up on a couch like some faggot browing /biz/, maybe I should accept my fate and find a nice rope.

>> No.9015984

I’m quite a few drinks deep, sorry for any typos

>> No.9016088


There’s nothing wrong with you for not wanting to be around a group like that. If you can’t leave then I dunno, be up front and tell an actress you don’t know anything about the industry, they’d probably love to explain it to you in great detail.

>> No.9016258

Is that a young Joe Rogan in pic?

>> No.9016779


Talk to some of the writers about the stories they're trying to sell. Maybe one of them will be interesting.

>> No.9016969
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Ask people if they own any LINK

>> No.9017149
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that would at least turn it into an entertaining night, you silently coming out in the middle of the other guests, throwing a rope over the rafters and proceeding to tie a noose and climb on a chair...

>> No.9017768

OP, do this-
>holler “I have the new Batman”
>drop your pants
>pinch each side of your scrotum and stretch outward with your weiner forming the body of the bat
>flap your scrotal wings
>with each flap up yell BAT!!!
>with each flap down yell MAN!!

I promise you will be remembered in Hollywood. Probably invited to one of this punchbowl pill parties in the hills to play poker with tobey mcguire desu

>> No.9017841

Kek, this is how I met my wife. Was at a kegger in college, laid my dick on my wrist and said “hey babe, like my new watch”

>> No.9017907
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Just play a mental game where you invent shit up and try to keep it uniform between the people you speak to. It has to show you in a good light and be believable without being caricatured.

That or just see how much information you can extract from them by asking them questions and seeing how far you can get just be listening and asking more questions.

Works for me when I'm not feeling it and the people are shit tier amygdalians.

>> No.9017929

I've never been to a party
even if I somehow manage to go to one, I would end up like this too
Should I just give up on this life

>> No.9017949

just wait by the bathroom and ask everyone that comes out for a line.

>> No.9018189

Maybe you just suffer from high intelligence.

>> No.9018252
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>> No.9018259

intelligent people would not have problems finding patterns in the way your interlocutors communicate and use that.

you seem to demand entertainment from them, instead of sparking an environment where enjoyment would be experienced by all parties. You are self-centered.

>> No.9018268

Shill link to everyone you meet

>> No.9018286

This is the biggest cope ever. brb socially awkward, brb yeah its because im way smarter than all

>> No.9018330

the only truth here is that people only tend to feel comfortable in a place they feel they can be appreciated.

on biz, you think people understand you. you think people are like you. you think people LIKE you.

in reality, you know you contribute nothing irl. that is why you crawl your way back here - to a place where you can feel special again.

>> No.9018345


I would feel pretty similar in your situation, but you sound like a melodramatic pussy.

>> No.9018365

you're ungrateful, and a pussy

>> No.9018375

the whole point of being in LA is to fuck bitches not have interesting conversations

>> No.9018382

have to go to a party tomorrow for five fucking hours because it's a relatives birthday who is also my boss, can't even get smashed because I'll act like a retard in front of my whole family. haven't even spoken to most of these people in years or maybe once every few months, they will probably ask how I am doing and I can't say anything because I still live with my parents and have zero accomplishments

What the fuck do I do? How do I enjoy myself? I just want to make it so I can move out forever, save us based sminem

>> No.9019289
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I find myself tuning out in such situations. consequently making myself sound like i'm the dumb one in the conversation, I just become a vacant idiot...my brain will be on standby mode waiting for some action whilst my body is on autopilot. I can't small talk about unimportant shit like the weather or someones mediocre day. I wanna talk about space time and conspiracies and how fucking cool trees are when you sit and look at them.

>> No.9019320
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>> No.9019392

tell them about crypto. make them buy shitcoins. when they loose all their money, blame the joos.

>> No.9019448

It is not giving up on life, just humans
Nothing wrong with that.
I've been to hundreds of parties, fucked dozens of pussies and had millions of stupid convos. All I want now after realizing how pointless it all is, is a shed in the mountains, surrounded by a mine field, with a satellite dish for Internet and a little garden and never having to talk with another human face to face ever again. You haven't missed anything anon, the meaning of life is, there is no meaning. You get born aloe, you live alone you die alone, nothing magical, just life

>> No.9019476
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I hate this word.

>> No.9019915

more like being in a place where you feel you can connect with people meaningfully, on a non-superficial level, whereas most people only want to boast and feel good about themselves and gravitate around whatever person they think they can make use of for their own personal gain

connect meaningfully, as in tell how you really feel and really listen to how the other feels, being two souls together, as opposed to two egoistical material bodies looking to feel superior and to use the other, networking is about finding people you can use to climb the social ladder