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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 500x645, r (1830).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9001903 No.9001903 [Reply] [Original]

Its not too late, Bitcoin Cash will hit 100k before Bitcoin Core and you know it

>> No.9001918

Oh, he already sucks by himself.

>> No.9001941
File: 58 KB, 744x622, vercash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9002086

getting closer to truth...BCH is not an altcoin though...it is Bitcoin. Segwit Coin BTC is the one that forked to an altcoin when it shut Op-codes and forked to segwit.

>> No.9002102

What is Core?

>> No.9002114

Cashies are more delusional than linkies

>> No.9002128
File: 84 KB, 1200x488, DUq56Y4U8AEFg_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a core ?

>> No.9002163
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I don't know about this ''bcash'' but Bitcoin Cash besides being the original Bitcoin is worth $1 million per token on fundamentals alone (cash for the entire world)

When time comes seek help, remember its just money :^)

>> No.9002229
File: 154 KB, 1200x791, r (1792).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's a core ?

The name of farce going by "Bitcoin" on exchanges and media, its the name of the only implementation allowed "Bitcoin Core", the same that blocked blocksize upgrades and stiffed innovation while saying they are the Bitcoin.

>> No.9002268
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These threads are funny, not because Bitcoin will win out in the end, but because bcash is trying so hard to take Bitcoin down that XLM and ETH will be the ultimate winners while everything Bitcoin related goes extinct.
>Congratulations on this, seriously

>> No.9002352
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>samefagging this hard

>> No.9002373
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>> No.9002391

fucking retard GMO is a good thing if it weren't for gmo the world would be starving idiot farmers have been gmoing for thousands of year what a fucking shitty comparison

>> No.9002408

this is amazing advertising considering people who fall for the GMO meme are the same mouth breathers that fall for the bcash big blocks meme

>> No.9002535
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>> No.9002547
File: 445 KB, 2048x2310, 1524233120471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCash (Bitcoin Cash) is a fork of Bitcoin specifically designed so that Jihan Wu, the owner of Bitmain (the company that manufactures Antminer ASICs) can continue to exploit a mining accelerator called "ASICBoost".

His whole company's competitive edge was eliminated by Bitcoin so they forked off and made BCash instead and are trying to shill all over and convince people it's the real Bitcoin, when it's not

They're doing this with another justification - that an increase in the block size (literally just increasing a constant) is the method to scale, and Lightning Network is not. BCash cannot utilize Lightning Network since they did not implement Segregated Witness (SegWit), but there will be shills telling you that they can, but they really can't and won't

There are all sorts of other supposed benefits to BCash like 0conf which is really just a choice to lower security in favor of speed, same with the block size increase I mentioned above.

It's just a shitcoin trying to ape the real Bitcoin name. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, nobody with any real technical knowledge prefers BCash.

Also BCash nodes are highly centralized, see pic related. Ignore anyone telling you it doesn't matter, because it does

Everything I said is very important when it comes to the security of the cryptocurrency, but BCash supporters always pretend like these security-sacrificing tradeoffs don't matter. Ignore them

>> No.9002629
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yes genetic mutation is to poison the worlds population by increasing quality and quantity of crop yield

>> No.9002661
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Brian Kelly very bullish on BCH and with good reason, no store of value crap here this is the real deal, replacing the M1 money supply is over a 100 trillion dollar market so you can see the excitement.

>> No.9002686

You fucking moron. Selective breeding and modern genetic modification are not the same. Fucking read something or neck yourself, preferably neck yourself.

>> No.9002690


>> No.9002693

Soyboy detected

>> No.9002706

I prefer bitcoin cash. Bitcoin core is full of people who think their obsolete shitcoin is better than innovative altcoins. They will all die poor

>> No.9002737
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>genetic modification is okay when humans do it through artificial selection
>its not okay when they do it in a lab, producing the same results but faster

brainlet detected

>> No.9002760

Only BCH is capable of all "eight cryptocurrency businesses: exchange platforms; hedge fund management; financing; mining; ICO and exchange platform rating information services; a derivatives market; remittance services; and transaction/payments services." ... at the same time. How do you want to do ICO's on BTC? without coloured coins?? all these things are coming to BCH

>> No.9002810

I'd use ETH for that before BCH. I would rather quit crypto rather than use BCH for anything.

>> No.9002892


Fuck off then you stupid fucking cuckold. Seriously you don't belong in /biz/, back to /r/bitcoin with you.

>> No.9003372

get mad cause I'm not buying your off-brand bitcoin LMAO

>> No.9003644


I don't know how to say it but you are not going to make a difference

>> No.9003674

And somehow the mc is 18 billion lmao get fukt u faggot

>> No.9003741

I know I don't personally matter in such a huge market. But a lot of people feel the same way I do

>> No.9003783

A deflationary asset will never ever be able to replace the M1 money supply.

>> No.9003883
File: 171 KB, 1200x800, 1524207694134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organic is for fags and even if it wasn't this picture is bad and you should feel bad. Try this instead.

>> No.9003903

B-but it's a restricted area

>> No.9003913

My bitch tits say otherwise.

>> No.9003914

>I would rather quit crypto rather than use BCH for anything
Dont let the door hit you on the way out!

>> No.9003957

kek thanks for posting this. This is my favorite one. Corecucks are retarded.

>> No.9003958

With the greatest technical and economic minds in the world working on it i believe the details will get worked out.

>> No.9003966

>this kills the corecuck

>> No.9003982

Fucking thank god someone with a brain for once. Dumb ass cashies this will put an end to their dumbness. They think bcash was made to save the world or some stupid shit when in reality it’s just chinks trying to be profitable

>> No.9004023

Miners gotta mine. Doesn't really matter if it's in China or somewhere else. Oh, you'd prefer a (((second layer))) settlement solution that doesn't resemble blockchain at all? I think Blockstream(tm) might have something in the works for you then.

>> No.9004227

Jp morgen has bought Venezuela bonds which are now petro coin bringing the US dollar off the oil for the first time in history.
How does the USA justify that jp morgen now has petro coin from Venezuela for the bonds they bought ?
Mr diamond of jp morgen has just collapsed the us economy because the USA is not on there own oil.
Economic fact
Watch and see
America needs to go to Washington and demand treason against Trump