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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8978163 No.8978163 [Reply] [Original]

Moon mission will continue to $0.50 by next Friday

>> No.8978237
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>> No.8978319

>the FUD samefag is back

>> No.8978342
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Let it fucking die allready !

>> No.8978922
File: 141 KB, 563x364, sosad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i held from ico through the peak to the absolute bottom and right there i was hacked a few days ago

>> No.8979055


i don't see any moon mission, anon

although i wish for one

>> No.8979078

Explain to me again why we need a paypal of the future that doesn't happen to be paypal?

Explain to me again what exactly they have to show for themselves up to this point?

Explain to me again why their whitepaper isn't a simplified joke?

God you REQtards are delusional. REQ is literally doing nothing new compared to their competition they are just market it a certain way with buzz words like paypal.

SPOILER ALERT: If something is the future of something (a copy with tweaks) then its going to be nothing and it's most likely a scam to get simpletons to kind of understand what they are saying. Simpletons needs something that is familiar to them in order to start to grasp something.

>> No.8979121

>if something is the future of something then its going to be a scam.
yes, thats why playstation 2 was a scam.
Seriously now, is this board plagued with 16 year olds who have the arrogance of believing they now anything about the dynamics technology and business???

>> No.8979147

By the way you fucking faggot, nobody owes you any explanation on shit. If you don't know what REQ has to show and what its ambitions are by now, then don't bother other people with the fact that you have done ZERO research besides lurking on biz and getting tired of seing shill threads.
Go take a bath in acid. The word paypal2.0 was just a marketing gimmick. REQ is much more than a payments network and its biggest advantage lies in its accounting capabilities, hence the PWC partnership.
Now go drink your milk Jimmy, and get the fuck off my board!

>> No.8979156

What the fuck does playstation 2 have to do with anything?? You do realize PS2 was made by Sony which was already a huge conglomerate by the time PS2 released and it had a successful console launch with the PS1.

REQ is a ICO that literally outsourced it's initial promises to 3rd party developers for a measly 30 million dollar developer fund.

>> No.8979186

Lol I guess you never heard of the thousands of social media sites that existed before face book. Just another case of something better coming along

>> No.8979233

Social media aren't the same as payment networks you fucking brainlet

Alsp people aren't going to be leaving a trusted service like PayPal that has been around for almost two decades for some shanty payment network that wouldn't even be able to revert transactions or have a fraud protection system as complicated as paypals.

>> No.8979264
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Someone please just close this thread before this faggot ends up in China from the whole he is digging for himself.

>> No.8979279
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Nice argument. Your shitcoin is going to 10 cents soon when bitcoin dumps like I called it on Jan 21.

>> No.8979324

Seek help

>> No.8979340

Good argument

I btfo'd all the REQ shits

>> No.8979347

So you're stating that the whole market is going to take another dump and REQ with it?!
Oh my, how illuminated you are!!!
>REQ dumps in a bearmarket!! What a shitcoin!!!
Seriously, I wish there was a way of banning pre-18 year olds from biz

>> No.8979365

So they ran an ICO, took money from people, now realize they don't have the capability to build what they want to build, so they are looking to outsource everything. So what value are they themselves building/providing? Am I missing something? Am I the only one feeling disappointed? I feel like they are attempting to outsource the work that I was hoping the REQ team would accomplish themselves. Am I misinterpreting this?

So basically they aren't up to the task and want someone to build it for them on the cheap.

Get out while you can boyos. Prajeet ain't gonna save your satoshis

>> No.8979383

My point is you don't want to be holding some shit coin alt that barely pumps and only pumps when everything else pumps. There's literally zero reason to be holding REQ right now.

>> No.8979437

So you went from vaguely trying to attack the token's fundamentals to talk about pumps??? pahahahahahah just stop dude.
>Am I misinterpreting this?
Yes you are.

>> No.8979448

You sound gullible and setup. Just your average Retard Network holder.

>> No.8979476

This is fucking spam

>> No.8979524

>There's literally zero reason to be holding REQ right now.
Wew lad the arrogance

>> No.8979870


'ahead of roadmap' meme was fun but retarded holders catching up and dumping.

Its retarded usecase for blockchain (payment network and global accounting) with 0 need for decentralisation or trustless system, acually other way around.

I got scammed yesterday on ebay by seller do you know how much time it took paypal to resolve my despute and give me back my money? 20 minutes. 20 fucking minutes and done...

How does REQ solve problem like that?
They use thirdparty Agur (or smthing else).

How they solve oracle feed problem?
They use chainlink.

Do you remember last project that made more problems in theory than it solved? And sad they gonna use agur,chanlink etc. to solve them? Yap it wad called Comfido....


>> No.8979877

But they did for shure solved coding and acually doing shit problem by outsorcing work lmfao.

>> No.8980035
File: 236 KB, 1368x418, 3CE4CA89-4815-404E-B0E0-36A74EE3BD8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some simple math a REQtard will understand. Your coin will never moon because nobody will ever use the network lmfao. Nobody is going to use REQ to send fiat when Stellar will do it faster and cheaper, and nobody will buy things with crypto. It’s that fucking simple.

>> No.8980146

>Explain to me again why we need a paypal of the future that doesn't happen to be paypal?
Because PayPal sucks being honest.

>> No.8980275


Yeh but it has a use case though, so it’s a top 5 crypto

>> No.8980840

Former >100k REQ holder here.
The reason why this coin barely moves is because it's a utility token. The economics are designed in a way so that the value doesn't increase a lot even though there's a lot of network usage.

Think about it: the only use case for it is the token burning. There's no other reason to hold it. When there's a burning, the supply decreases. The supply decreases, value increases. Next burn will then burn less REQ.

This is more a safe haven investment than a moonshot. Check out:

It might go 5x initially and then will increase by 30% per year max. If you're chasing moonshots, look somewhere else.

No intended fudding, just the truth.

>> No.8980930

You're just plain wrong, the reason to hold it is because there's a fucking smart contract that buys REQ at market price that has more buying power the more network usage increases
This token is designed to increase as much as possible directly with network usage

>> No.8980934

Pajeet detected

>> No.8980983

Do your calculations. Even if REQ gets 5% of PayPal's volume, has a fee of 0.1% and stays at $0.22 it will burn only 102.5M coins. That's about 10%. Not impressed at all.

Now, how likely is it that REQ gets those 5% in the next 1-2 years and that the coin stays $0.22 to burn that amount of coins?

You know the answer.

>> No.8980995

Calculation is done for a year.

>> No.8981009

Cashies out in full force

>> No.8981060

>possibility of getting total supply burned by 10%
>not impressed
pick one you retard fudder

>> No.8981098

just like ur whore mom died like i called on jan 21

>> No.8981116

OK, so in that unlikely best case scenario your REQ will be worth $0.242.

If that's what you're looking for, hold your bags.

>> No.8981152

Holy shit this fud spreading samefag never sleeps

>> No.8981216

sure kid, I will.

>> No.8981337

I'm not the excel table creator.

If you think my arguments are shit then bring a counterargument. I know it's more common and easier on biz to just put everything in the FUD drawer, but give it at least a try.

>> No.8981457

hes right though and thats not FUD
doesnt mean that rew wont end up at 100$ one day
a stable 30% per year is dream of every investor

>> No.8981506

>Explain to me again
No point, you are a fudder and not interested in answers you already know.
Since you are probably accumulating, I wish you well, see you on the moon.

>> No.8981578


Lol 5%.

Have you seen the new statement PayPal just put out? They are now charging $4.99 for any international transactions. Its laughable they would do this right when blockchain is starting to emerge. PayPal will be liquidated in 5 years. If not sooner.

You're also not putting into account that Req is more than just PayPal 2.0. Its working to tap into the public accounting market which is worth billions. Not to mention its also creating a simple way to cash out of the cryptocurrency market, which is a multi billion dollar problem in itself.

>> No.8981605

People reducing REQ to the Pay with Request button are either spreading FUD or dumb as fuck.

>> No.8981607

Ahh the old outsource meme, are you going to use the stacy one next? That one was fun.
Yes, and a lot of scammers use that to scam from the sellers. This plus the high fees makes all merchants hate paypal, and they are going to ditch it as soon as they can. Even Ebay is ditching Paypal, cmon.

>> No.8981645

Why wouldn't companies use Stellar for large international payments? The fee is cheaper.

>> No.8981646

Always interested. I sold my bags when I noticed the lackluster of gians. Convince me, I bet you won't even try.
What's the percentage of stuff purchased by cryptos? 0.00001%?
Accounting/Auditing with cryptos? Will not even burn 1000 REQ in the next 2 years.

>> No.8981746


Yeah... Right. Just leave it to it.

>> No.8981750


See this? It's a dApp built on request. Anybody can build one. You can build any kind of dApp you can think of that involves payments, invoices and accounting. Those are multi trillion dollar markets by the way.
Whenever somebody uses one of these dApps built on request, REQ is market bought.
Request are also partnered with the blockchain department of biggest accounting and auditing company in the world, PwC, who will be building products on the Request infrastructure. PwC do business with over 80% of the fortune 500.

That's all the info anybody on this planet needs.

>> No.8981785

We know that, but the point is even if it gets a lot of usage, there's not that much REQ even beign bought

See this >>8980035

>> No.8981786 [DELETED] 


Do your own research. You can make a fiat to fait transaction on Req. You don't need cryptos to use it. The req token is automatically generated during the fiat to fiat transaction as a small fee.

>> No.8981799

It's great that they have a crowdfunding. Still, you're not addressing the incentive and actual value increase of the token.
If you're invested for the technology that's your decision. It just won't moon as hard as other coins, that's what I'm saying.

Have fun.

>> No.8981822


Ok bye faggot

>> No.8981843

I'm aware of that, but the F2F implementation is far away. They don't have an oracle solution yet and I can't imagine them pulling that off without a bank partnership. After all the fiat money must go from an account to another account.

Now imagine you being a bank and someone offers you to "offload" all your transactions. Good luck.

>> No.8981857

Every other coin's valuation is tied purely to speculation. Ethereum could see the most usage of any platform in the world and it would not matter if ETH itself is $1. Vitalik himself has said this.

Request is the one of the only projects with a token model where the valuation is tied to network usage due to the smart contract that burns REQ. So request has 2 things driving the price, speculation AND this token model.

That's my last post if you don't see this then you deserve to miss the boat.

>> No.8981859

Great argument! Hope you can sleep well tonight.
See ya

>> No.8981862

Bullish as fuck. The last time people FUDDED REQ this hard we went to $1 in a couple of weeks.

>> No.8981867

That table is plain wrong.
Even as fud it's stupid, because due to the fee cap the real % is way lower.
But it's fundametally wrong in assuming a 1% penetration in all markets. It may be right for the merchant market in the beginning, it's hard to get market share there, but for the crowdfunding and p2p paying, expecially the crypto related one, it's more than reasonble to expect a double digit market penetration fast.
And it does not count the auditing and b2b market, practically the main one for req.
Useless data.

>> No.8981876

Good post. That's why I might come on board later on when the whole bubble bursted. That's when REQ might be more profitable than alternatives such as index funds or crashed cryptos.

>> No.8981909

So you're saying the table is wrong because a million dollar transaction won't actually have a .5% fee? It will be smaller? You realize that is much, much worse for REQ holders, right?

>> No.8981952


>> No.8982244

Yes, it's part of why it's wrong, the fees are lower, I am not here to bend reality like you fudders.
Good job at ignoring the other part by the way, that is much more significant, since large transactions are not the norm, while market penetration is paramount.

>> No.8982314
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Damn dude, how?

>> No.8982344

What's funny? The fee volume is actually lower than what the table would predict? How is that good for holders?

Nobody buys things with crypto. Period, everyone has that "10,000 bitcoins for one pizza" story in mind, nobody wants to buy things with crypto, they want it to make them rich.

Moreover, REQ doesn't have a clear fiat solution (which is where most of the transaction volume theoretically would come from).

>> No.8982350


>> No.8982389

Any if this coin is really slated to inc 30% / year, what does that mean?

>Every investor wants in
>price explodes

>> No.8982445


This is a legitimate concern.

They seem to lack the capabilities to create a fiat oracle, since they took it off the roadmap.

>> No.8982481


You'r wrong, but you refuse to listen to reason. I wish you well, but you'll probably FOMO in during the mother of all REQ bull runs

>> No.8982498

In fact I stated that the merchant market share will be hard to erode. But for ico that of course do not apply, for general crowdsharing the demographics are near enough to have some good numbers, and for auditing and b2b they will simply use the cheapest and more integrated solution regardless of that.
For the fiat solution they stated multiple times their options, it's true that seamless fiat conversion is still in the works for crypto up to now, but that is true for every crypto.

>> No.8982523

lol they are facing discrimination lawsuit because they fired a female member of staff for no reason , req is known as the most sexist project in crypto in Singapore

>> No.8982553

It's still in the roadmap for Q2 on their site.
I kinda doubt they will make that deadline, but it's there.

>> No.8982570

Here comes the brainlet. Dude, even with all the fud and shill we are having a semi intelligent discussion here, would you mind to go back to the xvg and trx threads?

>> No.8982572

There are no sexism laws in Singapore. It's a dictatorship based upon productivity.

>> No.8982636

>pulling that off without a bank partnership
>who is ING

>> No.8982747

Kys for real.

>> No.8983121

wtf I love REQ now

>> No.8983167

this. im fomoing now

>> No.8983193

This neutralizes the Ricky&Morty fud, nice.

>> No.8983257


literally /ourtoken/

>> No.8983269

I have 27k REQ, will I make it?

>> No.8983283

It's funny because in your example a Paypal 2: Blockchain edition. Would make A LOT more sense than REQ

>> No.8983314

I'll repeat it again.

You'll need 1 million REQ to make it in 2019
You'll need 100,000 REQ to make it in 2021
You'll need 10,000 REQ to make it in 2023
You'll need 1000 REQ to make it in 2030
You'll need 1 REQ to make it in 2045

Due to burning, anti-competition measures and growing adoption (business-side) over time you'll always make it. It just depends on how long you wait.

So if you say "Will I make it?" you'll need to list a timeframe to get an answer.

>> No.8983332

What do you mean by this

>> No.8983369

>he thinks REQ won't reach its ATH for another year
Let me guess, you're in crypto since January?

>> No.8983372


When will req be $100?

>> No.8983417

I've been here since the beginning /g/ mining thread days. You realize it's almost May already right? I don't think we'll reach ATH within the next 7 months no.

If you only account for burning and assume burning will grow exponentially from today onwards that would be in March 2023.

>> No.8983431

So you unironically believe REQ won't reach further that $1 in 2019. Lmao didn't think prophets existed

>> No.8983432
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>It's still in the roadmap for Q2 on their site.

Yeah, there's no chance they can pull it off, because not only do you need a working oracle, decentralized exchange, but for fiat, you need a LIQUIDITY PROVIDER who will agree to send REAL money in exchange for shitcoins to NEETs via the Request Network.

Can you even foresee a situation in the next 5 years where a bank agrees to such a thing?

I can't. I hold a significant amount of REQ and I'm looking for an exit strategy right now unless they manage to solve the significant technical challenges by June..

I'll hold until June. If there are no solutions forthcoming, I'm out.

>> No.8983448
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There's tons of garbage and more established coins offering the same thing, so that's not something that Request should really focus on.

It's a tacit admission that crypto has no purpose.

>> No.8983466

It's based on burn rates assuming it'll grow exponentially from here on out due to growing adoption and Dapps developed upon the Request Network. So while it's no guarantee it's at least better than just some asspull that most people do here.

>> No.8983502

Then you should know that the market is heavily oversold at the moment and a bull is banging at the door.
>You realize it's almost May already right?
Last year's bull run started right after Consensus - almost a month from now.

>> No.8983532

I should probably have explained that my numbers are assuming all the value comes from burning alone. I didn't account for speculation of another bullrun.

>> No.8983657

No it didn't, the bull run started in January.

>> No.8983662

>It's a tacit admission that crypto has no purpose.
I doubt you believe that, but if you do you are in for a big surprise this year.

>> No.8983684

With that assumption in mind, your numbers would be decent enough. That assumption, however, does not correlate with the real world. It is almost certain there will be another bull run soon-ish.

>> No.8983711

DId you read that barclays is thinking of building its own exchange? Do you really believe that banks will stay out of this market for long? By eoy anon, no doubt in my mind.

>> No.8983743

>Rank 102

>> No.8983773

That's literally a bullish as fuck. REQ is oscillating between rank 75 and 105. Of course, /biz/ likes to buy high.

>> No.8984088

Hey REQtards, nobody has built a useful dapp yet, you really think outsourced REQ pajeets will make the a good dapp on the req platform bitch please

>> No.8984128


>> No.8984158

this is a subtle shill

>> No.8984165

>8 posts by this ID
>over a 9 hour long period
Do they pay you by hour or for each post, Rakesh?

>> No.8984232

Paypal is shit. They have high fees and they support money return scams. (Scammer says he didn’t get the product, so paypal just takes it back from the seller without any proof.) Nobody trusts paypal lol.

>> No.8984250

My last post was hours ago you cuck, I just came back to the thread and bunch of REQtards coping came in here. Still haven't changed my mind about RETARD network.

I stand by my point, REQ will not replace paypal or even be a close competitor because theres literally zero ways to reverse transactions and There's no fraud protection system. A reputation based system?? Top kek, that's how pajeets will start scamming, normies aren't going to be using it if there's no way to reverse fraud.

>> No.8984280

And you think REQ's fraud protection based on reputation will be better ?? Lmfao thats shits going to have 10x more scammers than PayPal

>> No.8984305

>10 posts by this ID
You seem quite emotionally invested though.

>> No.8984314

>I doubt you believe that, but if you do you are in for a big surprise this year.

Don't pretend like you know more than anyone else. You have not the vaguest clue what's happening later this year.

>> No.8984335

Bunch of non arguments, typical.

>> No.8984421

Nice try, my argument is that you have a clear agenda. And you are continuing to prove me right.

>> No.8984555

11 posts

>> No.8984593

Haha u suk

>> No.8984630
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He's making good arguments against REQ and you tards are doing a terrible job of defending your bags.

Other anons will see this thread and decide against buying your bags, and you won't break even.

You retards should actually educate yourselves about the shitcoins you put your money in, because it's clear you can formulate an educate answer to the quite legitimate FUD.

>> No.8984711


>> No.8984739

I bought below ICO, suck my dick

>> No.8984755

Sorry bros I sold all my 35k REQ today to buy other positions. I just don't see this going anywhere for the moment. I would rather catch profits while I can and buy back while this stays at the same price.

>> No.8984764


>> No.8984778
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>6 posts by this ID

>> No.8984785

1. This forum has absolutely no effect on the market. It's hilarious that people think it does.

2. Based on what you just said, I'm sure I'm more "educated" on REQ (and probably all cryptos in general) than you are. The reason that I'm not giving him any "arguments" or the time of day is because I can tell he hasn't done his due diligence and is completely foundationally wrong about many things as he "argues." I've seen this shit too many times to correct every single time, especially when most of the time it's just people trolling. I come on here for kicks and general sentiment, hardly ever to discuss things seriously (lmao)

Trust me, REQ is going to explode. If you read every single paper they've written, blogpost, update, and every Reddit (shut the fuck up 4chin neckbeards) post that addresses the nitty gritty technical details, THEN you would realize why REQ is the investment of our lives and that the guy you're defending is a willfully clueless moron. And you're right there with him. MORANS!!!11!

>> No.8984790



>> No.8984809


What did you buy out of curiosity?

>> No.8984834

It's not about what I know but what everybody know, a lot of big names are involved at the research and investment level on a lot of projects that have real use in their raodmaps by end of year. Anyone unaware of that should leave crypto now.

>> No.8984846
File: 204 KB, 1920x1080, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure I'm more "educated" on REQ

I went and scanned the thread for your ID and here are the nuggets of your "wisdom".

You're a bottom-feeding shitposter. If half of the energy you exerted laying worthless shitposts went into proper informed posts, maybe you would find buyers for your heavy bags.

>> No.8984894

>9 posts by this ID
Don't forget to switch back to your other ID every so often, sanjeet.

>> No.8984932

Lmao wow buddy how did you know that was me????? Sherlock over here!

Yeah, I've been making fun of him the whole time and here because I'm sick of his annoying posts that go on and on every single day. It's obvious that he's a lying idiot, and you too. Like, what are you even trying to do, discredit me? Lmao. Take a look at the posts I replied to earlier and you'll see that my comments are either mocking them because they're obvious FUD rats, and then pointing out the absurdity of the other statement. Idc dude, buy REQ if you're not an idiot and want mad gains but can don't have the attention of a toddler. Or don't buy, I literally don't care. Once more, THIS BOARD HAS NO EFFECT ON THE MARKET. And if it did, oh noes!!11! REQ is one of the only sure bets out there you idiot, short term doesn't matter.

>> No.8984937


How many REQ do you own, cucklet?

>> No.8984949

Make sure you save that cap until next year though, you're going to post on here crying when you realize how dumb you've been

>> No.8984971

>every Reddit (shut the fuck up 4chin neckbeards) post that addresses the nitty gritty technical details

They actually haven't addressed any technical details. Not even a proposed way of dealing with fiat-crypto, which means they don't have a solution.

>> No.8984978


>> No.8984987


Caught RLC before it pumped like mad and made some good profits there real quick. I will also probably buy ICX and sell the news for that now that RLC kind of ran out of steam. Plenty of things going on right now with other cryptos so I really don't see a reason to HODL REQ at the moment.

>> No.8985132

More than all assets of your inbred currynigger family combined.

>> No.8985145


So you have 5,000 REQ?

Go sit in the corner REQlet.

>> No.8985169
File: 56 KB, 400x167, IMG_4311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I'm capping this. Literally pic related.

>> No.8985172

Didn't realize your family is of the lowest caste, my bad.

>> No.8985449

Yeah I don't think he got the joke lmao

>> No.8985454

>will make the a good dapp on the req platform bitch please
Please sirs, kindly do the needful and study very good the English language before posting the fudding. Kind regards

>> No.8985475

They’ve got no real fiat solution at the moment which is where all the real money will be.

Any fiat solution they will have is totally dependent on other coins coming through for them, whether it’s chainlink or a network having tokenized assets with central banks issuing tokens redeemable for real money.

>> No.8985548

>bought below ICO
>didn't sell when it was $1
>J U S T

Don't let these bag holders tell you how REQ will become $100 or something, that's simply impossible because of the supply and market cap. REQ is a shitcoin, you will be lucky to see it hit $1 ever again

>> No.8985623
File: 102 KB, 639x673, IMG_4802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you tired of spamming the same shit over and over? It's been more than a month.

>> No.8985636
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>network having tokenized assets with central banks issuing tokens redeemable for real money.
Oh boy, the plot thickens.

>> No.8985666


>> No.8985709

Definitely did not

>> No.8985731



Which is sad because I have a lot of REQ.

Lesson learned, I will take fucking profit every chance I get.

>> No.8985957

It’s not bait, fiat anchors are going to be how you get tokenized assets, some of the fiat anchors will probably be central banks issuing tokens that can be redeemed for real money.

>> No.8986030

Look closer friendo.

>> No.8986415


>> No.8987242
