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8971464 No.8971464 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Commiefornia is experimenting with UBI (universal basic income) what does the future look like?

>> No.8971513

>Now that Commiefornia is experimenting with UBI
>what does the future look like?
Not good.

>> No.8971567

>what does the future look like?
pic related

>> No.8971589

also google "Yes California and CALEXIT"

>> No.8971715

Glug like days not here yet.
With free paper can buy more rocks and sleep in cave. Rocks worth more if all have paper.
Glug very smart to give vote to free paper tribe.

>> No.8971734

Well when you print 560 million USD every day you might as well start handing cash away because it's worthless anyway

>> No.8971767

yea but the point is the U.S is going to seperate. States will become their own nation. Things will get interesting after that. Texas is pretty much its own country

>> No.8971869

No it isn't.

>> No.8971889

shit how do I get paid?

>> No.8971924

kek, can you at least remove the tinfoil before typing?

>> No.8971931

Fuck yeah California! West $ide motherfucker!

>> No.8971944

I watched cedric's video which talked about this. There are many philosophers who predicted the U.S would break up in 2030 (dont remember exact date). pretty much cedric talked about how jobs are becoming automated and people losing jobs rapidly. The only companies making money will be the tech sector. They will be the ones who will have to pay the most tax and since the govt will always need money, they will hit the tech companies the hardest. So RIGHT NOW tech companies are running universal basic income in california to collect data etc. once its viable california will seperate and give most of that tax money to its citizens instead of the federal govt hypothetically.

>> No.8971954
File: 37 KB, 620x348, 131008174559-n-domino-effect-government-default-debt-ceiling-00005014-620xa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's fast and painless

>> No.8971958

It's literal shilling. They will just use it to win then table it due to budget reasons like healthcare. They are telling people this knowing they would never be able to pay for it.

>> No.8971963


>> No.8971964

>I watched cedric's video
Stopped reading here.

>> No.8971982

What is that creature on the pic, how much dollaroos on the table doesnt look like much

>> No.8971991

yes i get hes a (you)tuber but there are many philosophers who predicted this exact same scenario many years ago. i cant cite them but its out there just google it. It sounds farfetched but its also very possible. i mean who fucking thought self driving cars would ever be possible?

>> No.8971992

Probably fake bills.

>> No.8971995
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Any basic income plan without population control measures is doomed to fail

>> No.8972007

>i mean who fucking thought self driving cars would ever be possible?
Everyone with a iq above 80.

>> No.8972024
File: 61 KB, 640x621, holyghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo yo nigga

>> No.8972072


>> No.8972179

You guys dont get it full UBI is minimum 20years away
By that time space based capitalist ventures will be so massive that exponetial growth is a given no more dips, just one big bubble until we all all end up in some sort of semi hivemind world

>> No.8972614

hopefully eugenics comes along also or we have habitats on mars cuz we gona hab way too many people

>> No.8972652

Ah shit, I wonder how much money I'll get deducted from my paycheck each month to pay for Sharkeisha's abortion and Tyrone's welfare check

>> No.8972693

Not gonna happen you fucking idiot.

>> No.8972704


>> No.8972777

That sounds like something a Russian might say...

>> No.8972798

The idea behind ubi is that you take the money you would put on welfare, food stamps, etc. And turn it into ubi instead.

>> No.8972833

you would also have to get rid of min wage.

But again, UBI is better known as feudalism.

>> No.8972857

The very real possibility of Nigel Farage being tried for treason gives me a warm happy feeling.

>> No.8972952
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lol you hate freedom and independence

>> No.8972984

>Doesn't understand States Rights
>Doesn't understand Federal Funding
Hows the weather in Russia?

>> No.8973047
File: 5 KB, 250x216, 1517623052642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still amazes me that all of the horrible problems that western countries have inflicted upon themselves, the answer is doubling down on all of the shitty "solutions" and doing mental gymnastics to justify poor decision-making and laziness.

Why don't we just print more money and give it away, that way nobody needs to have a job and we can all be rich?

The most disgusting thing about this shit is that our politicians know better but they just don't care.

>> No.8973050

>The idea behind ubi is that you take the money you would put on welfare, food stamps, etc. And turn it into ubi instead.

This won't happen. Welfare programs never go away or get reallocated.

>> No.8973102


Besides that, all you would be doing is taking away welfare from the few people who actually do need it and spreading it across a greater number of people who don't need it.

>> No.8973113

california is experimenting with this so they can get away from the federal government. should this happen, the federal government wouldnt spend their tax dollars on california...

>> No.8973137

It doesn't matter, UBI is a horrible idea anywhere it will be tried.

>> No.8973203


Hasn't the state already been on the verge of total financial collapse for years anyway?

>> No.8973224

actually they have the 11th highest GDP in the world

>> No.8973272

And yet those programs well never go away, because people use money retardly, so more spending.

>> No.8973287


I know but they also spend all their money and then some, granted its been a while since I've read about it. I doubt they've pulled themselves back from the brink any substantial capacity though.

>> No.8973365

yea i think youre right they are in pretty bad debt

>> No.8973512


California's actually running a surplus. Let me look into their debt load, but I think they've got the "tax" portion of "tax and spend" down.

...At least until this year's federal taxes kick in.

>> No.8973528

NEETs will rejoice

Great job, Amerifats

>> No.8973554

To followup, https://ballotpedia.org/State_debt

Their debt's a little high, but not so bad relative to their GSP. It's states on the economic downswing like Connecticut and Illinois that are truly fucked.

>> No.8973561

imagine the mass migration of NEETs to california. will be epic
fucking taxes, killing the middle class. pretty soon its poor or elite, thats it

>> No.8973587

Cali will soon resemble all third world shitholes with 5% rich and 95% poor

>> No.8973610

Yes. And states like IL and NJ are fucked because their 5% rich are leaving.

California's got nice enough weather that it's worth making walled compounds.

>> No.8973616

Trips confirm Russian trolls have spread to biz.

>> No.8973721
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God bless the USA.

>> No.8973747
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>> No.8973750

moving to cali now, thx