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8967311 No.8967311 [Reply] [Original]

- Question -

I have about 120k in crypto right now. The effective tax rate in the US for cashing all of that out at once is 43%.

I consider a late-May bull run very possible. If that happens and my portfolio hits enough to buy a house after tax (about 100k in my area, or $175k pre-tax in crypto), should I cash out and get the house or stick it out?

I'm a NEET and have never had any money so I don't want to fuck up my ticket to success by buying something like a house. On the flip side, I don't want crypto to tank after the bull run (plausible) and to end up back as a penniless NEET. At least if I have a house and a year's worth of living expenses then I'll be set for a while and have a really strong platform from which to improve my life.

Advice appreciated

>> No.8967323

lurking with great interest

>> No.8967415

Rolling for quints

>> No.8967443

get into the other real estate scam thread

>> No.8967461
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>> No.8967492


CHENELLE is taken by >>8967461

>> No.8967645

same here but in Euros. thinking about buying an apartment on either hamburg or Amsterdam.

had over 200k last bullrun, definitely think i'll have more when this bullrun comes.

>> No.8967650


>> No.8967767

>same here but in Euros. thinking about buying an apartment on either hamburg or Amsterdam.
As an American, buying an apartment just seems odd to me. Doesn't that introduce a lot of complex issues when it comes to the concept of ownership? Why not just rent the apartment? Very strange concept. I also notice that you guys have a lot of connected houses as well, whereas that's a very foreign concept to me and is more similar to a condo than a real house

>> No.8967782

>As an American
It might also just be where I'm at in the US—I know buying apartments is more common in large cities here than it is where I am located

>> No.8967808

I just want to have someplace to live to call my own and maybe to earn some passive income and relax.

Where else would I put my crypto money? European bonds are shit. Ain't no chance I'm putting any money on stocks atm, not before the next market crash. Also, I'm HUE BR, just got to Hamburg 2 weeks ago.

>> No.8967836

the fuck

>> No.8967857

Anon, what are you holding.
If it’s a pile of shit owns then sell. If it’s good projects then hold.
Gotdamit we need to know.

>> No.8967883


>> No.8967918

Live a normal life and keep investing. Pretend you have no fucking money. Keep investing. Work a wagecuck job for a few years. Keep investing. Don't pull out any fucking money yet. Keep investing. Don't fall for the housing meme. Keep investing. Don't fall for the college meme. Keep investing.

>> No.8967926

set up a holding company for the assets. Corporate taxes are lower, run the mortgage for the property as a corporate expense for the office, interest payments can be set against your P+L for the company. (to qualify as an office you just need a dedicated office space, just a room with a primary trading computer and desk in the house.)
Then just pay yourself as dividends from the company as its sole owner at a tax efficient rate.
If you can do some creative accounting you will be alright.

Either that or you need an off-shore partner to give you 0 tax liability in the US. Switzerland is fun for that. If you want a swiss banker, I'm your guy.


>> No.8967942


>> No.8967980

Rolling coasting

>> No.8967982


>> No.8967998


>> No.8968038

Buy some land, gold, ammo and gun.Prepare for the worst.

If you have land you can build your house(or shack) to live in, farm in worst case scenerio and not starve.Protect yourself with your gun and ammo, use gold as a bartering tool.

>> No.8968093

>Keep investing
In crypto?

What if I rent the house out? That'd at least give me some income until I need to live there, if I do

>> No.8968134

Completely understandable. My post was just regarding houses vs apartments in general

>> No.8968174

I'm completely ignorant on the subject to be honest. I'm actually looking to educate myself but have no clue where to even start lol

>> No.8968179

What's your portfolio at now?

>> No.8968214
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55k EUR.
I'm of course hoping to get to previous highs, which I honestly am pretty confident I will. But yeah, let's just pretend 250k EUR in the future is guaranteed for the sake of this conversation.

>> No.8968222


>> No.8968238
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fuck this... i got snookie?

>> No.8968272
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>fuck this... i got snookie?
you wish

>> No.8968447

what kind of hut are you all planning to purchase with 100k or 200k?

I live in fucking slavland and anything decent starts at least on 250k

we have 5x less salary than burgers

>> No.8968465

copypasta from the other thread:

>I can get a cheap starter home in a decent area here for about $100 or sometimes less. Will prices really crash that much? I assume that the extremely expensive near-city houses will get hit the worst, right?


>> No.8968487


>> No.8968501

Damn, got the same bitch as last time.

>> No.8968512

Honestly, I'm listing 250k as conservative, but lets say I only have 250k EUR.
>Go buy a house
>oh no it costs 350k to buy a 70sq m apt in amsterdam
>pay 250k upfront
>mortage the rest
>pay 100k in mortgage with comfy programmer job

seems pretty good to me desu famalam

>> No.8968546


>> No.8968559

Rolling for Lauren

>> No.8968578

>I live in fucking slavland and anything decent starts at least on 250k
which country btw

>> No.8968669

This is second thread with that picture today, but I'll still roll

>> No.8968695

$120K puts him in the 28% tax bracket. Where is he getting 43%?

>> No.8968699


>> No.8968778


Russell get

>> No.8968837

If you pay short-term capital gains you pay income tax which includes 15% self-employment tax, putting 120k at an effective tax rate of 43%

>> No.8969063

rolling for dubs

>> No.8969331

roll for tonya

>> No.8970007


>> No.8970056


>> No.8970119

Rippity Roll.

>> No.8970715

James Bond

>> No.8970869

RENEE (52-54)


>> No.8970961

Which one of these broads would suck the balls without being asked?

>> No.8970988


>> No.8971008


>> No.8971026


>> No.8971059

just cash out and be done. Crypto is a bubble

>> No.8971169

how much is your crypto portfolio worth?

>> No.8971237

Does this actually work? I floated the idea by my lawyer and he seemed under the impression that it would be tax evasion if a company is created just for this purpose.

>> No.8971302

>Corporate taxes are lower, run the mortgage for the property as a corporate expense for the office
I was just gonna cash out and pay in cash. How do I magically transfer the assets to a holding company?

>> No.8972152

Look at generational trends with regard to housing. They currently showing a housing shortage that will last until 2030 at least. Ive got a few rental houses and my own house and about 250k in cyrpto. Im definantly not selling until i see how 2018 plays out. Ive stopped trading though. Ive got solid positions in projects i believe in. Anyrhing i sell will be long term gains and it will all go into rental homes after i use first 500k to pay off existing mortgages. Hold op. Cyrpto has another 10x minimum if your in the best projects.

>> No.8972178

You really think I should stay in crypto instead of buying the property? It sounds like buying the house now is a safe bet. I'm in one project which I'm almost certain is a winner from a tech and development standpoint but I'm not sure if crypto as a whole is going anywhere for the foreseeable future. I could see it stagnating or tanking back to 5k BTC.

>> No.8972217

43 - 45, Illegal twerk??
Also, rolling I guess

>> No.8972259

Yeah wtf bro. I noticed that too

>> No.8972292

I see institional money coming in from everywhere. All the new cyrpto hedge funds. Renewed talk about etf funds. Firms buying exchanges. Crypto is about to catch fire again and its gonna be what everyone has been waiting on for the last few years. Im not cashing out for good till i see total marketcap in the range of 5 trillion. I do have a couple of positions that will sell earlier.

Selling now is safe because youll have the cash but i think it will be real easy to see 2-3x this summer. The next wave is gonna be off the charts.

>> No.8972313
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>being this bullish

>> No.8972427

Op, you can't post a roll image and expect genuine replies.

>> No.8972505

My intial investment is small and i see this as a the birth of a new asset class based on a disruptive technology. Right now we are in the low period similar to the tech stocks in the 90s. If it all goes to zero it wont affect my lifestyle at all. But its not. And yeah im bullish as fuck.

>> No.8972565

For me, it's a choice between theoretically significant money now (NEET -> homeowner) and actual life-changing money later.

Really, it'll just allow me to move out of my mom's basement and stop feeling embarrassed when cousins ask what I'm up to on holidays and such. I don't actually need the money.

It's a tough choice

>> No.8972719

I hear you OP. Might wanna give it a couple months sell into the end of the year. Maybe just sell enough to rent your own place for a year. It sounds like rent is low where you live.

>> No.8972781

Doesn’t look interesting; will not read.


>> No.8973023

>housing shortage
thats standard tho. its been like that for the past few decades and still didnt stop the previous housing busts.

>> No.8973040


>> No.8973100

buy a mansion on the beach in thailand for 40k and keep trading. make sure to hire some armed security guards.

>> No.8973181


>> No.8973191

>I hear you OP. Might wanna give it a couple months sell into the end of the year. Maybe just sell enough to rent your own place for a year. It sounds like rent is low where you live.
I frankly don't need the cash either way, like I said. Maybe your approach makes sense—rent's not bad. The main problem is that to rent for a year is about 1/5th the price of just buying a modest starter house, so it's pretty wasteful to do that, unless the upside is massive growth in crypto

>> No.8973225

>buy a mansion on the beach in thailand for 40k and keep trading. make sure to hire some armed security guards.
Is there a Thai Zillow?

>> No.8973252

just checked, houses there are literally more expensive than in my home state, and in at least one listing there's literally a guy riding an elephant next to a guy on one of those third-world scooters

hard pass

>> No.8973256


>> No.8973385

Why not just rent a small place rather than spend a small fortune in a house? I think it's wiser, so you keep investing with your money, perhaps diversify out of crypto.

>> No.8973411

Is a house not an investment? Renting seems like throwing my money away—literally just hemorrhaging rent+living expenses. I live in mom's basement at the moment so I have almost no expenses as well as no rent, so if I move out at all, I may as well buy a house which I view as an actual investment (at least in my own future if not purely financially)

It's basically 1/5th the price of a house for a year of rent+living expenses as I said, so my only logical choices are to either stay home or buy a house. I can always rent the house out later if I so choose for another income stream

tl;dr: NEET

>> No.8973422

rolling for tarran

>> No.8973490

Jillian get

>> No.8973496

I'll roll fuck it

>> No.8973509

>wiretapping / domestic violence
yeah I'd let her hit me a little

>> No.8973519


>> No.8973548

qt plz

>> No.8973581

If a year of rent+living is 1/5th the price of the house you would be investing in then I agree that buying the house is a good idea, here the ratio is an order of magnitude lower at least.

I have a similar financial dilemma, I have a reasonable amount of money and live somewhere not very confortable, a room in a house occupied by students. I intend to keep increasing my stack till I have enough to retire and live on passive income.

>> No.8973598

>unless the upside is massive growth in crypto
Thats what im saying OP. We aint seen nothing compared to what is coming. If you are in solid projects you dont have to do shit. Just hold. Youll be buying your house and have enough left over to buy a few more to rent out then live off the income. Engage alpha mode.

>> No.8973652

Perhaps I’ll just keep living at home for now then
Damn, my situation is much cushier than living with students at least. I sympathize

>> No.8973679

Should just give me it all and die, it's the better option

>> No.8973725


>> No.8973803


>> No.8973821
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>> No.8973852
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But aside from buying a big property use this as an opportunity to put your money in an asset that will provide you an income that way you are taken care of in the long run.

>> No.8974017

rolliing for crazy christy

>> No.8974093


>> No.8974120

Any suggestions other than a house? Seems like a no brainer to me

>> No.8974180


>> No.8974200

need a gf mang

>> No.8974218

Buy a cuck shed

>> No.8974229

wait till the housing market goes down again. Also desu u will make more money on stocks and crypto rn than on renting a place out.

>> No.8974277

79-81 plz