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8952859 No.8952859 [Reply] [Original]

If you had $200 would you buy BTC or an 8ball of coke?

>> No.8953007

Coke. Definitely, the coke.

>> No.8953022

You have a problem. This is all you post about.

>> No.8953023
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A gun so I can solve my problems

>> No.8953040

Lmao cokeheads so pathetic

Always end up broke doing disgusting shit for a high

>> No.8953050

coke is a horrible drugs in terms of bang for your buck.

>> No.8953053

cocaine anon. srs

>> No.8953058

Unless you're still in college, visiting college a year after graduating, or work on Wall Street, you have no business doing cocaine.

Grow up, anons. Build a family. Reject third-wave feminism. Reject identity politics. Reject liberalism. Save Western Civilization.

>> No.8953085

BTC, longterm thinking is what will put you in the right path anon.

Coke is short term pleasure and degeneracy, we are all gonna make it....but dont fuck up again...

>> No.8953103

t. meth junky who looks like shit

meanwhile i have a clean high with face and eyes looking sharp and not like a clown. enjoy a good time with eastern europe prostitutes. feel like literal god and 3 hours later can fall asleep like a baby cause my shit is clean and not cut with meme amphetamines you junkys take

>> No.8953541

You're an addict anon, get help.

>> No.8953570

lol did i hit a nerve buddy?

>> No.8953602

You sound like a faggot

>> No.8953604

>feel like a god

You fell for the meme

>> No.8953630

t. virgin who gets sold junk by tyrone

>> No.8953659

Imagine being this obsessed with a chemical you put in your body.

>> No.8953666

Pure canadian meth my friend. Load a rig, slam, look at ass for ten hours

>> No.8953674

For $200 I get $200 worth of Coke. For $200 I get $180 worth of BTC becuase of coinase and withdrawing to wallet fees.

>> No.8953677

For about a year coke was awesome, used it about 3-4 times a week. Until it wasn't awesome, left me very depressed and fucked up my cognitive reasoning.

I partied like hell though. It was a cool year, too bad it can't be mantained long term.

>> No.8953678

everyone is laughing at you, fiend. hahaha

>> No.8953688


>> No.8953698

Cocaine is literally 20 minutes of feeling social and chatty, followed by a 3 hour crash. It's literally the shittiest and most hyped drug ever synthesized

Opioids are far more euphoric and aren't cardiotoxic/neurotoxic as coke you brainlet

>> No.8953715
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>> No.8953726

what you just described E

>> No.8953731

>and 3 hours later can fall asleep.

Obviously that's not coke you are using. Coke is an upper, so no matter how you spin it.. it will keep you away for prolonged periods of time.

Even the ancient maya's chew coca leaves to stay awake longer (during harvest time for examplee.)

Also with 9 out of 10 people I met coke (especially the good one) caused limp dicks... so dunno..

>> No.8953732

Agreed, but opioids are too addictive.

>> No.8953739

>20 minute high


>> No.8953747
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True patricians take the MDMA pill

>> No.8953752

>not taking a line every 30 minutes the whole night
>being this poor
>recommends meme opiods which unironically are physically addicting forreal
>enjoy death stomach pain when coming down of that shit
are u even trying m8

>> No.8953758

I believe that. Close to a year clean and just now I think Im getting my bearings back again.

>> No.8953760

Coke isn't that phenomenal and you're stuck chasing a high when the next day you realize you blew through all your money. I'd buy BTC instead.

>> No.8953775

sadly I have a friend who got into that shit and picks up coke and just does lines at home allday. spends all his $$$ on it and worst part is i'm pretty sure that shit is cut because ive tried it and it was shit and too solid feeling

>> No.8953781

True, although I've never "fiended" for opioids, if the magic fades away then they become super dull and boring. I limit my usage to once every 2 months to keep my tolerance to a minimum although I take usually light opioids like Codeine, Dihydrocodeine and Tramadol.

I wouldn't try to dabble with stronger opioids

>> No.8953782

Is that the transformers pill? I only had the blue one.

>> No.8953801

nothing i like waking up to better than an empty wallet and a headache.
around here we call it "gods own breakfast"

>> No.8953804

I've just been using Kratom. Not illegal, not expensive, not even an opioid. Still slightly addictive, but not on the same level of actual opiods and the effects are basically the same as the weaker ones you listed.

>> No.8953807

Some people have very high resistance, I had a friend that used a lot and was mostly fine, went to work and slept normally, no crash or depressing the next day. I think he got a bit more dumb, but nothing too extreme.

>> No.8953814

can I take hydrocone acetaminophin recreationally? my dentist gave me some a while ago and I still have a bunch

>> No.8953815
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better off buying some nootropic and dosing those for a few weeks to get on that level naturally without fucking up your nose/brain/money and funding niggers.

invest in some stocks, or some crypto, or make your own pillow later on after your strung out.

future you, will be in a better place if you lay off the booger sugar for some years.

>> No.8953825

all coke is cut...

the only place you can find uncut coke in the world is Colombia or Peru...

And it's not fun to use that. I have Colombian friends who have been there done that.. It makes you hallucinate wildly and shit like that..

>> No.8953846
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op op op opopo optimum shilling anon

>> No.8953848

Break it into a fine powder and put it in freezer cold water. Let it settle for a half an hour or so. Filter the water through a paper filter and drink the water. Acetaminophen is death for your liver.

>> No.8953853

Why do people always do this if they know every line after the first will suck?

>> No.8953856

You can, just be sure to not take more than 2 grams of paracetamol in 24hours or you'll end up fucking your liver. The majority of overdose cases are because of hepatic failure caused by paracetamol in opioids


>> No.8953903
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>> No.8953912

because it's addictive ?

>> No.8953919

Replying to this anon about hydrocodone, not cocaine. What a waste of coke if you filtered it like that. You almost have to filter out acetaminophen. That's the same as taking the wrong type of Coricidin cough medicine that has gualfenisin.

>> No.8953921

>I have Colombian friends
your friends were taking Basuco.
Had an old friend that grew up in Bogota 40 years ago, went to school with a bunch of the Cali Cartel.

>> No.8953975
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ok longer than 20 minutes but still the other part applies.. also depends on the dose hurr durr

>> No.8954000

all coke heads are the same. fake confident frauds. once you bark back once they show their true colors.

>> No.8954018

BTC but if I was doing better the coke.

>> No.8954025


i love doing coke. i'm actually doing some bumps right now as I type this, but in terms of how much it costs and what you are getting out of it, it's really not worth it.

the high from coke typically lasts under 30 mins and then just leaves you craving more, and it's way too expensive. You're literally snorting something that costs more than its weight in gold up your nose.

When i take amphetamines like Adderall, i'm getting a few hours of productivity, which leads to making more money, it's just not as enjoyable as doing coke.

After doing alot of coke, i'm always left feeling like shit and thinking "damn, i just wasted alot of money". After doing amphetamines, i'm left thinking "damn, i can't believe how much work I got done"

>> No.8954046
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also cocaine is for immature manchildren..

>> No.8954049

lol settle down bud. I didn't try coke until after doing mushrooms, acid, MDMA, xtc and I was underwhelmed by it. I appreciate it more now as I've gotten older, but it's definitely not the best bang for your buck.

>> No.8954053

type more...
prove it faggot

>> No.8954510

You sound like a cucked leaf

>> No.8954569

>it's always 50% off why?
Also does it work I'm thing I'll order some to see if it's a meme

>> No.8954824


I'm 40, and if I could do my life over I would never do drugs/alcohol, even though I had so many amazing times, the long term effects on the brain are not worth it.

The only "drugs" I would consider are steroids/growth hormone/peptides. At least they make you look and feel better while staying sober and not fucking with your brain chemistry. And they can increase your attractiveness out of 10 by like 2 or more points.

>> No.8955947

coke is as vapid as the people who always want to do it.

give me a bowl of weed and a couple beers and i'm good.

>> No.8956191

PLZ don't do coke anon. If you must get high on stimulants just roll on mdma every few months. Way better on your brain, and addictive. The mind is a delicate thing anon and coke makes your brain cells cannibalize each other

>> No.8956290

wtf is gualfenisin and why would they put it in triple c's i thought that stuff was just dxm

>> No.8956353
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>If you had $200

>> No.8956399

>taking amphetamines AND doing coke
enjoy your heart attack

>> No.8956489

>feel like literal god
>can't even get an erection due to coke to fuck the prozzies

sure m8

>> No.8956535


>> No.8956545

A hand gun u junkie

>> No.8956554

i'll do all that except the first 2. the first 2 are for cuck faggotas

>> No.8956718


>> No.8957025
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>> No.8957376

Anon stop, get help

>> No.8958522

Idk are you fucking blind anon? Jesus christ

>> No.8958610

you are the lowest denominator

>> No.8958663

And 8 ball cost way more than 200. More like 1.2k where I am so that's 6x return instantly.

>> No.8958710

>gives a shit about what people do with their free time
hello faggot

>> No.8958792

>coke is as vapid as the people who always want to do it

>> No.8958940

He is right tho weed is better than coke. Dirt cheap and lasts a good 2-3 hours and pretty psychedelic when eaten. Psychedelics are the only non degenerate drugs.

>> No.8958962

Those are the healthiest drugs you could do

>> No.8958981

>See anon who never passes up a chance to belitte another anon for X reason
>Proceeds to belitte said anon
>Gets called out by 3rd anon (thus, belittled)

Will probably get belittled too.
How long cant his go on?

>> No.8958998

i went through a coke phase and i agree its pretty shit, but weed is pretty garbage tier. combined with beer makes me think of the typical wagecuck using it to cope with their soulcrushing life on a nightly basis.

psychedelics are a godsend

>> No.8959008

Is it safe to do coke once or twice a year? Or does the brain damage start right away

>> No.8959011

that was the same dude calling me out, thats the funny part

>> No.8959096


iv cocaine is the most intense pleasurable thing a human can feel (most addictive too though. I've known heroin addicts who would go dope sick because they spent their last money on white instead of the h that would get them well. all for that rush). the coke rush makes shooting heroin feel like as fuck (although doing them together is optimal). It is a completely different drug when you shoot it vs snorting it. smoking crack is somewhere between the 2 but you have to bang it for a real bellringer. Been clean a couple years but if the shit hadn't started giving me massive panic attacks every time I did it, id likely be dead.

>> No.8959106

the coke rush makes shooting heroin seem mild as fuck*

>> No.8959116

Coke, then sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy more coke to sell it for more to buy Bitcoin.

>> No.8959122

>iv cocaine

when it comes to drugs, i draw the line at injecting anything

>> No.8959190


yea I said that too until I got addicted to opiates, developed a large habit, the 40mg snortable opana (oxymorphone) were reformulated to be unabusable, no other way to get that much opiate per dollar (snorting oxy would cost 6-7 times as much), reluctantly picked up the needle for the 100% bioavailability.

standard story really

>> No.8959201

40 days clean for me

First 20 days were the worst I was an insufferable aggro fag with hella migraines

>> No.8959219

Haahah same here. I was doing tons of weed and vodka. But after smoking one time i had kernel panic attack. Went into bad trip thinking i had cancer. Worst day of my live. Since that time i quit doing bowe as after weed i had panic attack and on hangover i felt like human trash. Pain in the core, unable to move. Neurosis. Clean since 5 yaers.

>> No.8959233


I think this is what someone who has never done coke before thinks it is like, acting all hyper and shit like you just drank a bunch of energy drinks

in reality, good coke is actually relaxing, it makes you just want to sit and think, or talk.

>> No.8959264

>be 33
>never interested in any of that stuff

Guess vidya has its advantages

>> No.8959356

I ve been doing coke for a decade but never tried freebase coz friends talked me out of it. is it really that addictive ?