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8873433 No.8873433 [Reply] [Original]

>Communist; "Private Property? Who are you to own something!!!"


>Communist; "I don't want anyone to be rich!!!"


>> No.8873538

Is there any serious socialist economist today? Seems like the Austrians are getting more traction nowadays, thankfully.

>> No.8873813


Schools of thought dont exist in economics anymore unfortunately

>> No.8874992


>> No.8875039

Even in Brasil that is a dumpster fire ideologically is discussing more and more actual economy.

>> No.8875144

So is capitalism and everything else. I don't care which system were at as long as I can guarantee myself a place at or near the top

>> No.8875201
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Richard wolf is a good contemporary Marxian economist.


OP is autistic.

Communist here, ask me anything.

>> No.8875243

Only weak people hate capitalism.

>> No.8875312

>Richard "your boss does no work what so ever" wolf

he's an imbecile

>> No.8875320
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No one hates capitalism; per say.
(except maybe of the non westerns who starve and die every day; externalities) but it has flaws with in it at its core that mean the state cannot perpetuate itself indefinitely.

Buttcoin is a pretty good example of what's wrong wuthering capitalism; people value it because it's worth something and it's worth something because people value it.

It's the peak of speculation and everything wrong with capitalist economics.

>> No.8875337
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The boss doesn't do much work other than the work needed to basically serve the function of a fudeal lord.

I answered your question. Sorry you don't like the answer.

>> No.8875387

is this bait or are you retarded? your boss has to manage the company / your department. that's a lot of work you moron.

>> No.8875425
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His job could easily be democratized and headed by the people who work there.
It's unnecessary.

The only real point of his job is to act as the enforcement of foreign masters; to squeeze as much value out of the laborer for as little investment as possible.

>> No.8875466


>> No.8875472


Capitalism is unironically better for NEETs, it allows them to sponge off of the workers and do no work. Communism is best for people who actually hate NEETs and lazy niggers, yet capitalists don't see this. Why? Do they actually think welfare = communism?

>> No.8875496

if this was true it would already be done on a large scale since it'd be more profitable to replace a skilled employee with a council of boneheads.

>> No.8875498

Who the fuck took the risk, to set up a company?

You commies, hate successful persons. You're filth that needs to be eradicated, you're a cancer to this world. Your ideology's sole foundations are "envy" and "jealousy".

>> No.8875546


I bought BTC and I've been a NEET for several years in this amazing capitalist system. It allows people like me to get rich doing nothing but speculate on shitcoins. If you actually wanted people to work you'd be a communist.

>> No.8875564

yeah, you found a niche and took the risk and now you're being rewarded. what's exactly bad about that?

>> No.8875609

>democratized voting on what to address, what to do, how to do things
nothing ever gets done: the company
bitter employees in constant disagreement: the company
manipulative, politically correct psychopaths rising to the top: the company

>> No.8875619

Capitalism promotes a system that creates prosperity for those that can innovate or create something that society/the market needs whereas communism creates a nomenklatura for the party's elite while the majority of the population suffers from mass starvation and poverty.

Even the workers hate communism.


>> No.8875634

No, that's not how shit works and you know it. Capital investments far out weigh cooperative investments (obviously) in both scope and power.

Just because things are this way now doesn't mean things will always be this way or that things cannot be organized differently than they are now.

This is the same no logic echoed during the fudeal aristocracy and you should probably self crit on that.

>> No.8875668


There's nothing bad. That's the point. I don't understand why people equate laziness with communism, capitalism is actually the best for laziness if you are intelligent. Communism would force everyone to be miserable in the same way, forced to work. It's what the boomer fags actually want, and what the snowflakes should be avoiding. Yet they are communist and not capitalist. Hmm.

>> No.8875684
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Why does taking risk give some one the right to lord over property? He wouldn't have had to take the risk I the first place if the capital was owned collectively by everyone who worked it in the first place.

Besides the "risks" he takes are immaterial and hardly at all comparable to the risks the, actual, workers take everyday if we don't conform to this ideaology.

Tbh you just sound like a petulant child who can't handle the truth.

>> No.8875692

>No, that's not how shit works and you know it

says the guy who believes managers to be useless and profit oriented companies to spend money on them for no reason whatsoever. dude, companies want money and when they see a way to save on costs they do it or go broke in the long term. you're completely and utterly wrong.

>> No.8875703


Which doesn't always require hard work. Intelligence and time can be used in its place. Capitalism was never about hard work in the first place, which makes it better for humanity in the long run as creative and smart people will get ahead no matter what.

>> No.8875707

sorry, I must have misunderstood you.

>> No.8875712

You're lying.

There's plenty of examples of cooperatives and collectives through out history that prove this statement invalid.

Look at mondragon; they litteraly produce and manufacture the goods used by major tech institutions like Microsoft.

>> No.8875723
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>Cherry picking makes me right.

>> No.8875739

Lol, actually, if barriers to entry where dissolved people would work less because there's more people to fill up time oriented around labor.

We don't need 1 person doing the same menial task 12 hours day.

>> No.8875741
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>Just because things are this way now doesn't mean things will always be this way or that things cannot be organized differently than they are now.

So you admit that gummunism does not have any practical, rational and logical purpose. It is only a dream, a wishful thinking and a fantasy that is based on pure delusions.

>> No.8875762

>taking risk

taking risk means 'building something that might as well just fail'. when you build a sand castle it's yours.

workers are btw. not risk takers in modern society because of protective legislature and a steady, reliable income, whereas the entrepreneur has to face the fact that next month he might just not make any money but still have to pay his workers.

for fucks sake get a job you useless twat.

>> No.8875781

In the same way that fudeal lords made the argument you're making now about liberalism, sure I guess.

>> No.8875804
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I have two jobs, lol.

Biz is such a pathetic sack of jizz.

Let me play the Porky a song on the world's smallest violin.

>> No.8875850

sure you do

>> No.8875903

Capitalism actually is the only system that is most compatible to human nature.

Communism does not work with humans. Thinking otherwise is pure lunacy. The chinese communists understood this. China is now the country with the most billionaires. Capitalism is the only system that creates prosperity.

Alll communist shitholes(Cuba, Venezuela, Best Korea) suffer from mass starvation and poverty.

>> No.8875977
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>The chinese communists understood this. China is now the country with the most billionaires.
Sure, try and pretend right wing accelerationism isn't the most radical version of communist thought today.

>> No.8876033

>>you just sound like a petulant child who can't handle the truth.
>> I have two jobs, lol.
>>Let me play the Porky a song on the world's smallest violin.
>>being this autistic and projecting this hard

Bravo anon I never knew someone Dunning and Krugering could self mirror their autism by drooling so hard. May god have mercy on your soul. And hope the free market doesn't create a solution (Like and industrial tree mulcher) to throw you into.

>> No.8876090

Cuba is probably one of the most well off third world countries on the planet; Venezuela is more a social democracy headed by aspiring socialist leaders. Venezuela has also faced a lot of tampering in their oil market by the United States and Saudi Arabi manipulating oil prices. Further more the actual owners of capital are sabotaging much of the economy hoarding food and selling it at extremely high prices.

North Korean GDP has actually been on the up and China, capitalist, is really laughable.

At any rate these aren't the only examples of socialiat economic systems these are just the ones basement dwelling cucks like to point too.

Spain in 1936 was extremely successful, for example. Again. Also there plenty of cooperative enterprises that show exactly how's obsolete the capitalist mode of production really is.

>> No.8876194

We live in a world where half the population wouldn't be able to find a work even if they tried their hardest and communists want to tell me that employed workers with cushy benefits and their politically connected unions are the oppressed class. What are the billions of unemployed then? Untouchables?

>> No.8876200
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>Venezuela is more a social democracy headed by aspiring socialist leaders
Chavez, maybe, but Maduro is a cunt. North Korea is a failed experiment propped up by the wealth of Chinese interests. Don't play the tankie game it makes the rest of us look like backwards savages.

>> No.8876302
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>cushy benefits and unions
Found the boomer

>> No.8876380

the irony

a workplace doesn't have to be democratic
if you don't like the way that a workplace operates, find another place to work at
the person who started the business has a vision; they don't need it brought to compromises by way of popular vote

or, it's really my opinion

only a communist would save such a disgusting wojak

>> No.8876479

Pure delusion. There is no actual communist country that you can define as successful. So your system is based on irrationality. A fantasy, a fairy tail that does not work in reality.

China practices state capitalism and corporatism. That's fascism. China also practices a predatory form of capitalism. China also has Hong Kong and Macau, two regions loved by Milton Friedman as capitalist paradises.

China is the anti thesis of what communism ideology is all about. (A classless society)

>> No.8876858

A Chinese communist would probably say something like:
>You misunderstood what Marx meant by communism, which is the end-state of history. We practice whatever mode of production will advance history the quickest in order to bring communism into existence, and in this current era that mode of production is state capitalism and corporatism.

>> No.8877003

>The system that allows weak people to survive is hated by weak people

Hello, Reddit!

>> No.8877155

>A Chinese communist would probably say something like:
>>You misunderstood what Marx meant by communism, which is the end-state of history. We practice whatever mode of production will advance history the quickest in order to bring communism into existence, and in this current era that mode of production is state capitalism and corporatism.

You're projecting your delusion and fantasy. There is no ending to state capitalism and corporatism in sight and in the future. You cannot bring something that is irrational and impractical in existence. Any system that is not based on these principles is doomed to failure. Believing in utopia and wishful thinking such as communism is laughable and pathetic.

>Deng Xiaoping; " I don't care if the cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice."

Chinese values pragmatism over foolish ideology. Something that shitheads like Karl Marx and Lenin could never do in their pathetic existence.

