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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8871549 No.8871549 [Reply] [Original]

>market pretty much sideways and dead for a week straight
>all trading activity pretty much just bots
>suddenly millions of dollars come surging into the market right before US traders wake up.
Absolutely nothing suspicious here.

>> No.8871654

Why? What is your theory?

>> No.8871694
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>darkweb pedophile money
>unregulated markets
>operating outside any zone of accountability
>retarded fanatical followers that FOMO in and scream MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON every time it retraces by 0.1%
>most of it is concentrated down into the hands of a small number of people
Do you really need a theory?
Is it possible to unironically be as retarded as you're claiming to be?