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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 1150x800, Ambrosus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8838272 No.8838272 [Reply] [Original]


>mfw CEO acting childish and bashing other projects
>mfw AMB pump and dumped every few days
>mfw CEO defend David Drake a known scammer
>mfw Ambrosus paid McAfee to shill AMB
>mfw even the community manager aneesh zutshi is a scammer!

Beware biz what'll happen next is they'll exit scam you.

>> No.8838304

Obvious scam is obvious

>> No.8838357

Honestly I just kinda feel bad for the R&D staff at Ambrosus

>> No.8838486

The reddit mod is a scammer? Lol. Okay.

>> No.8838547

>mfw AMB pump and dumped every few days
>mfw BTC pump and dumped every few days
Fixed that for you

>> No.8838552

>Posts on reddit that Aneesh is a scammer
>Refers to reddit post he made as evidence
I know this gets said a lot but the absolute state of biz is fucking atrocious. Are you even trying?

>> No.8838588

The absolute fucking state. Biz is full of salty bag holders fudding other projects. This is what happens to new fags who buy high and have nothing better to do.
He linked to a reddit post lmaoo what a cuck.

>> No.8838641

Is this an ironic joke like Sunny Lu scammer jokes? Because that Reddit post is bullshit lol wtf

>> No.8838959


The absolute fucking state of AMBlets. If you can't handle the truth go back to your TG group and cry to your swiss hedge fund manager LARP and that al jones autist

>> No.8839111
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>mfw biztards fell for the swissfaggot, pharmpajeet, and kimchiwhore LARPs
>mfw Mcafee brought on board for bigger P&Ds
>mfw Aneesh Zutshit AMB content manager is a pajeet scammer (surprise surprise)
>mfw years will go by before sensor R&D produces working prototype
>mfw uptrend inevitable for VEN, WTC, and WABI (all chink coins) but no price action for AMB
>bonus tip for legion members: >>/biz/thread/S8552640#p8555832
This is my example of how easy it is to play AMBlets emotions and take their money during P&Ds

>> No.8839256

BearWolf replying on his own thread lmao

>> No.8839296
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>> No.8839299


You can't even read that my ID is different than bearwolf kek

Absolute idiotic state of AMBlets

>> No.8839343

>Absolute idiotic state of AMBlets

I have seen enough posts from this autist to confirm its BearWolf

>> No.8839368
File: 38 KB, 200x202, 1521251760086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have seen enough posts from this autist to confirm its BearWolf
>I-I see proper English. M-must be chad MrBearWolf
ultra mega fucking KEK. MY SIDES

>> No.8839379

mfw when bearfag is actually swissfag who wanks to the tears of his bagholderminions

>> No.8839574

>switches pc quick

>I have seen enough posts from this autist to confirm its BearWolf
>I-I see proper English. M-must be chad MrBearWolf
>ultra mega fucking KEK. MY SIDES

>> No.8839613
File: 54 KB, 361x365, VtBnibT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling nervous of my legion friendo?

>> No.8839699
File: 20 KB, 200x202, BEARWOLF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling nervous of my legion friendo?

>> No.8839737
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Nice image. welcome to the legion. You are hereby ranked recruit legionary

>> No.8839767

what did you expect from a fucking pajeet?

>> No.8839780

>he thought it wasnt a fucking gypsy scam

>> No.8839916

He knows more about the telegrams fags than me. False flag event boys pack it up its just a mod fud fag

>> No.8840384

It's obvious this is a pnd scam. For as much as this is shilled and pnd that's a clear signal to stay away.

>> No.8840831

Fudding this hard means only one thing...

>> No.8840855
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>> No.8841110


That means he want to save biz from falling to such obvious scam of ambrosus

>> No.8841166

Yes, here's here to help everyone.
He's dedicated his HOURLY REMINDERS to help everyone with copypasta and baseless arguments
> the absolute fucking state

>> No.8841263


See you when AMB exitscam you buddy

>> No.8841441
File: 17 KB, 249x211, beartear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God's words in the Bible are not rewritten. They stand as absolute truth. Why should I rewrite my truths?
>baseless arguments
Yet the only rebuttals I ever see to my objective facts are
>m-muh MOD
>m-muh accumulation
>m-muh meme bear images
extra fucking KEK

>> No.8841859

- Mar 28, AMB released a Medium post about extended lockup and info on upcoming masternodes.
- Price and volume begin to increase slightly
- Within an hour, MrBearFag posts his LARP reveal: >>/biz/thread/S8552640#p8555832 thinking that his fudding days were done
- Price tops out at +10% for the day
- Price is now where it was before Masternode post

So this was your master plan? Fud on the project for weeks to accumulate at a loss and then "dump" you OWN heavy bags for a measly 10%?

You're a fucking idiot if you're telling the truth, but I know that you're not.

Your reverse-shilling is really fucking bad.

>> No.8842125
File: 12 KB, 225x225, index1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fud on the project for weeks to accumulate at a loss
Fucking KEK. That is what AMBlets actually do. Accumulate shit then start projecting.
Let me teach you something. You just have to make sure to be one of the first buyers on "major" news of any shitcoin. This is not hard at all with alerts set.
Let's see... 10% after -80% bagholding loss for you. Or 10% in one hour after grabbing some bags, shilling and "reveal" for me. KEK
Look kid. Here's some advice.
Stop posting. Lurk more. Learn more. Return in one year. Then thank me.
Why all this attention on AMB? Because it's funny as hell to watch newfag cultists on biz getting their money stolen by ico whales (swiss, pharm, kimchi) shilling their bags.
>mfw swissfaggot acts shocked biz autists figured out his fav coin was AMB
>I-I didn't expect that. G-guys my hedge fund not fully in it yet. You guys are so smart :)
>O-oh that pump and dump group coordinating with Versetti? I-I haven't heard anything about it but... don't worry, it won't matter long term :).
KEK. If you are going to keep listening to other peoples moon mission shilling and attack those that tell you what you hate to hear... you won't make it.

>> No.8842310

> more unsubstantiated claims
muh opinion = facts!
The day you post ANY evidence for your claims is the day that I will listen to you.
I refuse to believe that someone is so pathetic they would post DAILY, NO, HOURLY FUCKING REMINDERS just to get enjoyment from people's misery.
Sociopath, accumulator or paid fudder. Pick one.

>> No.8842362

>The day you post ANY evidence for your claims is the day that I will listen to you.
Just look at binance chart. Never been wrong. Stay BTFO HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.8842368

Why did you flip AMB for only 10% when you could have flipped literally anything else.
You're such a fucking liar.
> I-I did! I flipped BNB for 40% on that day a-as well... really I did!

>> No.8842396


It's to make biz avoid misery from being scammed by ambrosus

Just accept it that ambrosus is a scam. Their only salvage is vlad trifa on the team but that'll change soon too with a joke of chadsetti as CEO

Absolute state of AMBlets cannot accept the truth. You should go back to your shithole of TG and cry to that swissbrofag and al jones autist. Maybe kimchiwhore will give some of his AMB to you.

>> No.8842413

>why would you take opportunity to dump on braindead cultists who are easy to manipulate?
I flip shitcoins. I accumulate goodcoins.
You really need to take my advice.

>> No.8842437
File: 125 KB, 1142x1280, Fatsetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh and I'm actually wrong, it's not chadsetti, more like FATSETTI

>> No.8842439

Thanks, just bought 100k.

>> No.8842695


>saying he bought 100K
>binance orderbooks don't even flinch

Absolute fucking state of AMBlets, kek

>> No.8843271

All that effort for 10%.
And you actually think your larp reveal made price go up, not the masternode announcement. deluded
You have nothing to teach anyone.
You will not be leaving you parents basement until they can no longer afford your diet of tendies and Mountain Dew on their pension.

>> No.8843966

You've invested in a full on pajeet with a history of fraud and you're larping this hard. Holy fuck I dread to think what you bought in at, what are you down by 20-30%? Nightmare lad.

>> No.8844165

>see AMB threads start popping up on biz
>ignore them because 99% of what's shilled here is a pajeet scam
>see Bearfag threads start to pop up
>actually look into it and do my own research
>realize it's at the very least a guaranteed 5x

Thanks Bearfag, maybe one day I'll buy you a beer.

>> No.8844242

You're supposed to sell low or move along and not buy.
Can't you tell my BearFag's childish ramblings that he's an insider and he's here to help you??
5 simultaneous AMB FUD threads on biz is purely a coincidence and just an indication of how much of a scam it is.

>> No.8844287
File: 72 KB, 904x800, Neckbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8844319
File: 27 KB, 249x211, 1521149466245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that effort for 10%.
what effort? KEK! Is typing hard for you?
>And you actually think your larp reveal made price go up
But it did. I watched it spike and sold :)
>You have nothing to teach anyone.
I'll just wait til you finish your first crypto cycle then accept your gratitude later
>You will not be leaving you parents basement until they can no longer afford your diet of tendies and Mountain Dew on their pension
I'm actually in the attic. KEK
Sure you did, TGcuck.

>> No.8844337

>says the increasingly nervous AMB bagholder

>> No.8844434

get this newfag out of here

>> No.8844482

>I'm actually in the attic. KEK
Confirmed NEET and/or autist
>what effort? KEK! Is typing hard for you?
Months of DAILY, NO, HOURLY FUCKING REMINDERS is literally the only work he does all day. Literally has nothing better to do because he's a NEET and/or unemployed autist
>But it did. I watched it spike and sold :)
Superiority complex. Makes sense since he still lives with his parents. You'll never leave.
> I'll just wait till you finish your first crypto cycle
Has amazing psychic abilities. Thinks ("knows") I'm new at this

>> No.8844629
File: 100 KB, 998x621, MrBearWolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8845005
File: 54 KB, 453x500, 1518551888893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being "THIS" assblasted
No. you are not allowed into my attic newfriendo