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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8812722 No.8812722 [Reply] [Original]

rockerfeller rothschild families are a way bigger deal than soros.

eos will break $100 - $1,000 *this year*

please screen shot this.

their combined assets exceed all of crypto and war groups are forming to always up the price of bitcoin by +$5.

screen shot this right now now. it is april 8 2018.

i will be back in exactly 1 month and will check in so i am tripfagging.

>> No.8812748

You never need justify tripfagging

>> No.8812760

man i really like to look at fertile young females

>> No.8812792

Fucking retard

Ever do the math on market cap if eos was 100$? Go do it rn then kys for being so dumb

>> No.8812924
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i understand. what you need to understand is that these families will take a piece of the ethereum killer, and they will pump it. probably ada too but specifically eos. brock, a now officially unaffiliated but an early investor has major connections. you’re warned.

the other options are that they will destroy crypto, or that they’re pumping to dump their already existing positions.

however - they won’t go hard into eos until mainnet. that’s in less than 2 months.


>> No.8813052


>> No.8813074

EOS will be big regardless. Worth doing research on anons

>> No.8813112


why eos

>> No.8813131

Unironically all signs point to it being the choice of the Illuminati.

>> No.8813149

i've only seen memes, jokes, and silly conspiracy theories

>> No.8813176

that’s because you aren’t connected to very important people

>> No.8813186


>> No.8813216

>all signs
So you'll have no difficulty to provide many sources to back it up then?
Let's see those sources.

>> No.8813219
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Stay skeptical and poor my nigga

>> No.8813233

i'm only asking for reasons lol i have more eos than you brainlet

>> No.8813252
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The best sources aren’t publicly available. Everyone wonders if that’s the way it is, but trust me, that’s the way it is.

>> No.8813279

how many and proof?

>> No.8813291

I call bullshit that EOS - Everyone's Open Society and Soros' Open Society are related.

>> No.8813292

stay skeptical and poor my nigga

>> No.8813330

most EOS volume is in asia from korea and china. i know for a fact many BTC whales are EOS whales, but the soros thing... not really seeing it

>> No.8813334

The douchebag who does Black Tape Project has both the most punchable face and the most awesome job in the

>> No.8813374

How do u have stars in your username faggot?

>> No.8813380


>> No.8813465
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that’s only a rumor. that is not news. please don’t be ridiculous with unfounded conspiracy theories. something like that would not be reported on the news. please do not spread *dangerous rumors*

>> No.8813511 [DELETED] 

Does make you wonder when you connect all of the pieces though

>> No.8813516
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>trust me

>> No.8813543

Does make you wonder when you connect all of the pieces though..

>> No.8813578

keep digging. osint and weaponized autism are very valuable during times like these. i’m all in for reasons that actually scare me. but i am loyal, on board and will NOT talk about anything i know about EOS. i am a bitcoin whale who has been around awhile. there are a few of us.

>> No.8813587


EOS protocol is more appealling because it lets the rich have more control over the network compared to ethereum. in return the network runs faster.

>> No.8813588

these fedora posts are embarrassing

>> No.8813610

901 inverse proportionate? or jpg?

>> No.8813612

Brock pls

>> No.8813625 [DELETED] 


>> No.8813635

this is retarded. your coin would be tolerable if it didn't have tron-like shills.
>muh blockchain 8.0
fuck you

>> No.8813638

>compared to ethereum.
well they're supposedly changing to PoS which would give rich power too. but what EOS does is something more potentially evil: block producers can change smart contracts post deployment and freeze accounts

>> No.8813642

9 ++ pg

>> No.8813660


>> No.8813693
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>> No.8813699

aa 3 x<<|

>> No.8813756

If it can reach Ripple or Ethereum's peak marketcap (~$130 billion) then $150+ per token is realistic.

>> No.8813949

This thread is being suppressed. Watch it get bumped away.

>> No.8813969

also noticed this. spooky tbqh senpai.

>> No.8813996
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>EOS bagholders

>> No.8814008

Interesting bread or sophisticated shilling? Can’t even tell

>> No.8814024


i have 1k of this. will i make it? need 50k usd

>> No.8814027

This is an interesting one. Maybe a bit of both I think.

>> No.8814071

Whatever man, I will stay stinky with my linkies.

>> No.8814085

Who are the semon demons?

>> No.8814090

holy fuck it is being suppressed by other threads being posted in with cliche bullshit. op is going to die via illuminati itt. i saw nothing

>> No.8814109


But you understand shills also get upset at what other shills from other groups are doing

>> No.8814148
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>> No.8814177


>> No.8814180
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lel. eos marines are another breed.

>> No.8814207

my isp is throttling my connection and i think i saw the fbi van outside

>> No.8814242

I’ve noticed

>> No.8814243

Could anyone give me a guick rundown why EOS will be huge.

>> No.8814261

I am thinking about selling some OMG for EOS.

>> No.8814294


it fucking bothers me how attracted to women i am

>> No.8814295
File: 133 KB, 885x1200, 6690D449-F631-4594-ACE1-2C04EEEC7288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new

1. Dan Larimer is the new king of /biz/
2. EOS will deliver what Ethereum promised and scale to millions of free transactions per second
3. One Billion Dollar capital injection program for new tokens
4. Those tokens are airdropped to EOS holders
5. Not vaporware. Active testnet and dev community
6. Launches June 1st - it's being priced in
7. Google co-founder Eric Schmidt and Mike Novogratz working with $1B EOS VC fund
8. They will pick winning projects to airdrop
9. EOS has no user transaction fees
10. User transaction fees are now obsolete
11. EOS is sustainable through < 5% yearly inflation for block producers
12. It's more decentralized than Ethereum (21 rotating voted in nodes - verified identities)
13. Zil, Hashgraph, Plasma, everything will be dead on arrival
14. Brock left the company even though he was never charged with a crime and is a good man
15. This is like owning NASDAQ and receiving huge amounts of free stock in all of the emerging blue chips.

>Don't forget to register your tokens before June.

>This has been your daily reminder.

>> No.8814297


>> No.8814307

Mate I have been here since 2016 but never looked into EOS.

>> No.8814320

You can't help it. You're programmed that way.

>> No.8814326

Might trade some OMG to EOS then. Cheers

>> No.8814332

I mean, the logo is absolutely a reference to saturnilian worship. If you missed that, I dont know what to say

>> No.8814354


i dont wanna its fucking gay

>> No.8814367

So upgrade to ladyboys.

>> No.8814370
File: 85 KB, 500x500, 7EA5D5B6-1A3B-4EFB-A7B3-59CD09E3849F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS chads love to crush pussy. You blame him?

>> No.8814373

Women going out in public wearing nothing but electrical tape? WTH?

>> No.8814386

memes aside eos is a pretty good buy right now

>> No.8814416

16. Interblockchain communication baked in
17. You can code with any language that can be compiled down to WASM (C++, C, Rust, and others. Google, Microsoft, Amazon are working on WebAssembly to support more languages)
18. Smart contract code can change if there are bugs without hard fork
19. Lost password recovery / friendly account for normie adoption
20. Supports floating point arithmetics
21. Implements IPFS for distributed file storage to BTFO Storj and Siacoin https://github.com/EOSIO/Documentation/raw/master/EOS.IO%20Storage.pdf
22. Has a lot of ETH to dump on ethfags
23. ADA copied Larimer's ideas https://steemit.com/cardamon/@dan/peer-review-of-cardano-s-ouroboros
24. EOS and Bitfinex will create EOSfinex decentralized exchange
25. Many ICOs are already queued up to launch on EOS and dump ETH

>> No.8814429


>> No.8814450

good goy. post a fresh protonmail email and i’ll contact you later with my tripfag password to authenticate.

>> No.8814458 [DELETED] 

>780,562,296 Circulating Supply / 1M Max


>> No.8814461

How does EOS compete with NEO?

>> No.8814530
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screen shot my tripcode and set a reminder in your phone as i have. decide then.

>> No.8814545
File: 33 KB, 299x213, 18D58C64-73B8-4BC6-BC1A-573A26B69FC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 days.

>> No.8814559

>fresh protonmail email

The token is a placeholder for the coin for the blockchain(s) that'll be released in June. It's because they're not brainlets that leave themselves vulnerable to SEC raping

26. Based in Cayman Islands to avoid tax rape when cashing out the ETH from ICO to fund EOS development
27. Hired team of C++ developers to work full time on EOS and deliver ahead of the schedule every milestone

Doesn't really compare. NEO is a failed experiment and China is betting on EOS

>> No.8814583

Scraped every euro i could find to buy 1k EOS

>> No.8814588

help. mummy. milkies mummy.

>> No.8814630
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Nobody can save you when EOS flips those outdated pieces of shit Bitcoin and Ethereum. It will happen. Watch.

>> No.8814653

This. Resistance is unironically futile.

>> No.8814659

Bitcoin will be fine bro. Ethereum will still have its use because of immutable smart contracts. EOS is just the next generation and will be one of the big 3 blockchains

>> No.8814712
File: 24 KB, 480x400, 779775FF-6AA5-403F-83CA-8C84880B8875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, but EOS will most likely beat ripple and then Ethereum. What do you think will happen when Coinbase adds the Ethereum killer when it isn’t an ERC20 placeholder? How will the public react to their chance to join up with the Ethereum killer? How will the global elites react? block.one did so much for EOS to be able to withstand regulatory pressure and not be a security token. EOS will make so many /biz/raelies multi-millionaires. Someone in John Oliver’s writing staff is fucking pissed or their lunchroom accumulated for a follow up report.

>> No.8814719

There is a reason that NEO failed to take off when it has a similar dPoS consensus model to EOS. this circlejerk is hilarious to see. it's basically chainlink 2.0 where a bunch of poorfags on 4chan hype themselves up about some coin that no one else will ever care about.

>> No.8814734

Just bought 100k

>> No.8814780
File: 22 KB, 564x225, 2018-04-08-232434_564x225_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I even sold my BTC and XMR for the June snapshot when they freeze the EOS tokens. I'm swing trading and accumulating till June, because EOS is groundshaking right now. My bottom line is still maximising sats though

28. Li Xiaolai is on EOS

>> No.8814817

wowee those r some hot mamas!

>> No.8814824

Well you convinced me, just bought around 1.6k EOS

>> No.8814832

You'll do well anon

>> No.8815148
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>> No.8815196

top image really cjamged my perspective

>> No.8815199
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>> No.8815236

Damn the middle girl is legit amazing. Who is it?

>> No.8815256
File: 263 KB, 1434x1797, IMG_1609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking shit. About to get few hundred EOS as insurance. Wtf man. Every project promises to kill all other projects I'm fucking over it. I'm already super deep into my port. Fuck. This.

>> No.8815579

Smart goy!