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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 338 KB, 1586x1214, Screen Shot 2018-04-08 at 9.34.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8809676 No.8809676 [Reply] [Original]

when will our link ceo or team communicate with community like this? I am feeling sick yaa with lack of team communication.. what the sergay doing all day? he is not even coding like Dan. but he wont show up and wont care. did we throw our money in to dustbin and waiting for that turn in to gold? loosing hope on this link shit. please give some hope Anons.

>> No.8809711

How is Eos' testnet? Is it truly the ethereum killer?

>> No.8809714

Sergey is dying. His weight gain coincides with the progression of his illness. As his illness progresses and his body deteriorates, he has to take more and more time off. He and Steve are trying to get the oracle network up and running before Sergey passes. After Sergey dies, his 300,000,000 LINKs will be locked away forever. If Sergey and Steve succeed- that 300,000,000 LINK will be the greatest untouchable wealth the world has ever seen.

Right now Sergey is in Sri Lanka because he is a virgin and he wants to get laid before he dies. He confided this to me right before SIBOS began. He's on one final vacation, where he plans to lose his virginity and then come back and complete the Chainlink network full steam ahead and a new man.

Sergey knows he'll never live to see Chainlink at it's fullest, but he wants to be remembered. That's why the 300,000,000 will be locked away. He will be the richest man who never lived, and all of humanity will know.

>> No.8809722
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice FUD street shitter. Sergey doesnt owe anything to you. Shut up and hold your link and accumulate as long as you can

>> No.8809723

To Sergey you are literal garbage

>> No.8809737

sell anon, don't risk "looosing" any more money. the team should be updating its bagholders day and night, we're investors!

>> No.8809752

the LINK guys are focusing on making the program
Sergey is just a figurehead who they keep happy by feeding McDonald's and wheeling him out when they need a spokesman

>> No.8809758

LINK isn't about the community. We aren't supposed to have this coin.

LINK was supposed to sit at #500 on CMC until mainnet but a bunch of weirdos realized that a fatty who wears the same shirt every day holds the keys to the crypto labyrinth.

>> No.8809776

>Sergey doesnt owe anything to you. Shut up and hold your link and accumulate as long as you can

fuck off retard, I gave money to sergey, he collected 30 mill . where are the funds going? cant he show up in slack and interact community? if he is such poor communitor ? where the fuck he will get the deals from enterprise. we all in delusion link brohh..loosing hope on link. we need to own other coin as 4chan. looks like all 4chan will end up loosing like retard. we picked wrong horse .

>> No.8809791

Lmao i havent seen this pasta in months, the newfags wont get it

>> No.8809806

I prefer Sergey talking to the big guys than internet plebs.

>> No.8809823

jesus niggers, have a look at this tarot reading on STINKY LINKY, like, shes dead on about the "cult" like energy around this coin.


>> No.8809826

Fud 0.5/10
Try again

>> No.8809856

>I prefer Sergey talking to the big guys than internet plebs.

then why the fuck he collected funds from internet flebs? he should have get it from your so called big guys.

guys listen. looks like ser gay and steve collected funds from us that suffice for his next gen as well. he just keep ignore us , after a year or so we forgot and then he exit scam us.

link brahhhs..lets come out from delusion please. I cant take this justing, Muhh Oracle Muhhh Ser gay ... OH NO NO NO NO

>> No.8809864

He used 3+ million to pay for a quick list on Binance, so guess how Chainlink will make up for that expense?

hint: the retail investor

>> No.8809878

>I gave money to sergey
you didn't 'give' him anything, you bought tokens off him, faggot

>> No.8809891

you can go to gitter and communicate there you pathetic waste of biological matter, kys and feed the remains to pigs.

>> No.8809903

hahaha wtf that video

>> No.8809910

/x/ tier shit, or what you might call nigger science. fun stuff desu

>> No.8809920

kek this is gold

>> No.8809985
File: 313 KB, 1616x608, Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 9.23.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went there. ask few questions about tech, no one competent enough to code oracles, also same person acting diff roles to save money for bigmacs(see pic). most of the discussion in gitter is related to near by restaurants/big macs, and subtle fun on 4chan bag holders. we fuccked up brahhs. lost all moon missions on dec/jan by holding link bags.

>> No.8810025
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>> No.8810105
File: 186 KB, 1582x1069, IMG_1625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAH you want updates?! You weren't even supposed to own link. More I learn about the more I realize how they could have easily took billions from VC's. Instead they stayed true to the decentralized mission but bottom line doesn't care about your average crypto investor LOL I unironically am blown away you think you are owed updates. LITERALLY ITS RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU. there's nothing more to say if can't figure it out after all this time then you're a poor low iq loser.

>> No.8810159

>You weren't even supposed to own link.
>gets listed on the largest exchange right after ICO
Link pajeets don't excel at reasoning, but it should be good enough for the average /biz/ lurker.

>> No.8810276

she also talks about communication and marketing. However, I think she's done a bit of research before releasing this video.

>> No.8810283

Binance did it without approval.

>> No.8810286

Binance was one of the smaller exchanges until it listed LINK. Fucking newfags opening their mouths

>> No.8810306

wow newfag detected even for reddit standards

>> No.8810321

Clearly you've done not enough research m8.

>> No.8810367
File: 3 KB, 115x125, 1867682131495192381313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You weren't supposed to own any link
>Raises ICO

>> No.8810401
File: 146 KB, 933x624, salesforce+mulesoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey idiot. he doesnt cater to you and your lunch money. ever think about that? he has big fish and enterprise players with trillion dollar valuations to deal with.

>> No.8810439

well if you think about it - if biz autists didn't arrange a pool of 300ETH and binance didn't list it without permission, there wouldn't be any holders apart from those who had spare 100eth in mid september.

>> No.8810469

It's impossible that you really believe that?
Don't pull ranks on me, shill. It was a month away from surpassing bittrex.

>> No.8810514

You said it was the largest exchange, faggot

>> No.8810520

when it was first launched on binance, binance was some illiquid chink exchange. nobody knew it was gonna take off months later.

>> No.8810549

I know

>> No.8810610

>$3 EOY

>> No.8810650

They did sell like 90% in the presale and biz had one link, but somehow over a third of the circulating tokens ended up on exchanges so a lot of those presale buyers ended up selling and weren't secret people holding for some amazing secret project. They were people who could meet the minimum who ended up selling a lot for a profit.

Then the fact is binance did list it with permission. binance sent a representative to the slack to ask about it it. There's a screenshot. Also cz has said on multiple occasions they only list after getting permission and have a strict process. AB was lying when he suggested otherwise.

>> No.8810742


>> No.8810942

Classic tarrot hippie crystal worshipping spiritual fraud. These cunts are not to be trusted and incredibly manipulative. Dated a girl who was into all this shit so I know how this scam works. Ignore this bitch she is fuding with $3

>> No.8810979

Oh man, blast from the past.

>> No.8811036

they don't get it nor do they deserve to. let them remain poorly cloaked in the depth of the cave they have made their reality. To the orbs++

>> No.8811039

Prove it

>> No.8811105

please oldfags, explain to a February turbo newfag how the link ICO ran and how biz even got into that, as from what I've read the ICO was meant only for private investors.
Was it never planned to hit an exchange? Is the fact that we're even aware of it a fluke?

>> No.8811123

chainlink only works if it is decentralized. They HAD to open it up to anyone to make it work (be legitimate... in this case the two are the same). But yes, we were never supposed to find it.

>> No.8811136

This is fact.
The biggest LINK fud is the "biz wasn't supposed to know" nonsense.
1.It doesn't make any fucking sense
2.They wouldn't even bother having a subreddit or twitter or list on binance, they would just sell OTC.
It's just a regular small quiet project with some interesting POSSIBLE partnerships and some absolute dogshit ACTUAL partnerships (confido, hashletes etc)

>> No.8811165
File: 186 KB, 756x1118, 1523064762773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not surprised by your observation. im a low IQ individual with "learning disability" on the reals. anything /x/ related for that matters... i trust you my fellow linkers, what happened to digicucks tho? am i the last 100 or so original digimarines left on board?

>> No.8811168

so why did they set such a high minimum investment that biz had to create a pool in order to get in?

>> No.8811194
File: 49 KB, 816x300, Lzm6IfywqmoULKsib0IWLvDzN-rephsQxuMgK0cnrZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh partnerships

>> No.8811573

>he should have get it from your so called big guys.
he did. ICO had a 300 ETH minimum.

>> No.8812206

I don't know if you noticed anon, but that is supposedly a "screencap" from a "private slack".
The only source for it is some random anon.
It carries as much authority as the Sergey walrus photoshop.

>> No.8812269

That wasn't from the private slack, faggot

>> No.8812363

Lmao post a link to it if it's so legit

>> No.8812385

How does the scam work