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8803593 No.8803593 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8803606



What did he mean by this

>> No.8803608

>spend money and time helping in the early days of a new technology
>get bashed for it
>release an altcoin giving every bitcoin holder a free $500
>get bashed for it

>> No.8803617


>> No.8803627

What isn't wrong with Roger is the question

>> No.8803652
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i dunno, was he raped and beaten into retardation in prison?

>> No.8804196
File: 100 KB, 490x363, bcash-shitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually believe this happened.

>> No.8804221

>tries to fuck over entire crytocurrency market to shill his coin

He means well.

>> No.8804223

he called bcash a "derogatory term" at deconomy the other day. sorry people are ruining your co-op of the bitcoin brand dude but jesus christ

>> No.8804260

Bcore cucks are absolutely obsessed with him and Craig.

>> No.8804261

Not into retardation but he definitely had a lot of traumatic experiences which left him mentally unstable. The guy should be put on medication for his own good and if he is on medication they should think about locking him up in an institution at some point.

>> No.8804303

The attacks on roger and bch are so aggressive because the other camp is scared plain and simple. Do you think they would be this loud if it was some piece of shit like btcp or btcd? No, they know roger is doing a lot and it scares them. Kinda like how dogs bark when they get scared

>> No.8804320

Malignant narcissism.

>> No.8804342

>they know roger is doing a lot and it scares them

He makes me cringe is with the shit he says..... fucking babies are dying with out bcash. Lol??????? He is like Joe Biden of bitcoin only more off the wall retarded.

>> No.8804358
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And Lord Jihan

>> No.8804361

Im glad he triggers you but he doesnt care and the influence he has worries core fans its evident everywhere

>> No.8804368

lot of people dont realise roger is completely right about the babies, if you think its a cringey overstatement it means you dont understand how central banks financially repress people

All war, poverty and degeneration of society is caused by currency debasement. Besides gold Bitcoin before blockstream destroted it was the first invention that could make people immune to keynesian money printing

If you are a paid shill you are selling out your family and future generations for trivial short term gain. Whatever you receive to shill against decentralised peer to peer cash is nothing compared to the wealth you would have if we had worldwide adoption. Its subhuman to do anything to stop the adoption of crypto

>> No.8804369

Yeah right, it's Ver and teh cashies who are the aggressors. THAT'S WHY you are universally hated, cause you're such douchebags. It ain't because of any conspiracy, or cause anyone's scared... especially not now.

>> No.8804388
File: 311 KB, 598x361, Satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going what he must. Bitcoin would not be where it is today without him. He spent years spreading the word on Bitcoin. He also supports the man who created Bitcoin.

>Chancellor on brink of 2nd bailout for banks
>Bitcoin genesis block message relative to article
>Satoshi's emails were written in flawless British English
>Australians use British English
>Satoshi was in the UK pursuing a masters degree at the time of this article
>This article is from The Times in London

Get a fucking clue. BTC is dead and another will rise from the ashes.

>> No.8804398

small dick

>> No.8804409

Roger did nothing wrong

>> No.8804412

>literally 5 threads daily about cashies, roger and babies, chink jihan

>> No.8804429

Core fags attack chinese miners, vers character, csw's character, labels everyone a scammer while ver and co just go about promoting why they think bch is good. Whos the aggressor?

>> No.8804451

Roger is right. But Stallman was right too and he still just floats around universities eating his toejam

>> No.8804457

Even people on 4chan are not stupid enough to believe in Roger's bullshit. Must be so many paid shills on here constantly.

>> No.8804465

Well in the past you were extremely obnoxious and irritating. Remember all that spastic gibbering when that cashing shit was going on? So now that you're down, we're gonna kick you a bit. Don't take it personal AIGHT?

>> No.8804470

Yeah 8mb blocks are so delusional and crazy amirite tho?

>> No.8804472

And somehow bch ended up on coinbase and bitpay. Must be a scam

>> No.8804482

you bought into fucking lightning, enjoy getting nickel and dimed forever.

>> No.8804494

Thanks for proving my point, paid shills everywhere. It's obvious bcash is an alt coin.
It is not a terrible coin. It's slower and more expensive than most alts. It's also slower and more expensive than bitcoin now with lightning.
It is also centralized as Roger and jihan have more than 50% mining power.
It's probably a little worse than ripple but better than Bitconnect.

>> No.8804495
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>he triggers you

He does not trigger me it makes me laugh just like that guy he was sitting next too on stage. Most people would laugh at how stupid the statements he makes are.

Babies are dying without bcash

come on man.

This guys a joke... Saying that this triggered me would be like me getting pissed at Carlos matos memes

>> No.8804507

0 conf

>> No.8804520

How much of a newfag are u that you dont even know who the person ver was debating?

>> No.8804523
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>lot of people dont realise roger is completely right about the babies


>> No.8804536

Why is it important to know anything other then scam artist trying to pass off fake bitcoin on stage says stupid shit.

I wish I never knew anything about Roger and would be better of perhaps.

>> No.8804543

>Doesn't understand how 0 conf works

>> No.8804544
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Haha ok newfag

>> No.8804554

Vcash is another project pajeet
BCH is Bitcoin Cash

>> No.8804566
File: 331 KB, 939x763, bcash-scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH is Bcash.

>> No.8804571
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All I saw on stage was ching chong and crazy outburst Tourette bomb seller scam guy

Other then that what more is there to know and why would I care or it benefit me.

>> No.8804577

Basically this. In any case, the more fud the better. When you got something that can't be stopped, any exposure is good exposure.

>> No.8804581

I don't think you understand. Once you broadcast a transaction the miners pick it up in like 50ms and even if you try to double spend all the miners will see the first transaction and throw out the double spend. Replace by fee and full mempools are the biggest mistake.

>> No.8804613

>is libertarian and is for full freedom of speech
>suppresses use of phrase "bcash"

>> No.8804630

Yeah he goes to your house and slaps you if you use that insult.

>> No.8804646

yeah and this leads to 90% empty blocks and miners getting paid anyway

>> No.8804649
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Why? Why does that make him so mad?

That does not make sense was he getting high on some of the bomb making material. I am serious not even caring about crytpos in general just why get so fucking mad over nothing?

>> No.8804653

he literally ends interviews if you use the term to his face.

>> No.8804658


ignorant fag

>> No.8804661

because he's trying to confuse people into thinking they are buying bitcoin and when people call it bcash, it's less likely that theyll think they are buying bitcoin

>> No.8804665

Freedom of association is also a right.

>> No.8804691

that's fine, he doesn't have to do every interview. it's just hypocritical that he mentions the censorship on reddit every chance he gets and then at the same time wont speak to anyone who calls bch bcash. especially as a libertarian. its so obvious he's just trying to co-op the bitcoin brand and confuse people into thinking they are buying bitcoin

>> No.8804705

I get the agenda. But he actually brings more attention to it this way. All he would have to do is not chimp out like a retarded nigger over a couple symbols. Just say it is bitcoin cash and move on.. Not act like a retarded immature child. Something professional like Charlie Lee when he just says his coin is like silver to bitcoins gold and does not piss all over his pants like a baby.

>> No.8804707

The argument is that Bitcoin has already been hijacked by the banks to prevent scaling. BCH is the original idea, unlimited onchain scaling.

>> No.8804708

Still doesn't understand 0 conf. Keep trying.

>> No.8804732

I know you guys have no arguments anymore :)

>> No.8804734
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>ignorant fag

Look you just labeled me? Right? Because it is simple and easy to go about your life like marking off a check box. Everyone does it.

Like I label 6IX9INE the icky sticky guy because I don't know how to say is fucking name.

>> No.8804764

yeah, I get it, and the coin works decent enough. it's just that he's so obviously trying to steal the brand and confuse people that pisses people off. especially since he controls bitcoin.com

>> No.8804774


>> No.8804780

>promote bitcoin since 2011
>for years try to get people to make blocks bigger than 1MB once network starts getting congested
>finally out of frustration decide to fork off and do it with other like minded people
>bunch of people who've been in bitcoin less time than you mock you
>all of them talking about how bitcoin shouldn't be used to buy things, just hold it and sell it later for profit
>watch with frustration as bitcoin transaction prices soar past $30, when they used to be free
>watch as it plummets while knowing that the majority of people in the world who decided to try out bitcoin's only experience with it is as something more costly than traditional finance
>know that they only had to listen but refused
Core devs not putting in larger block size two years ago is part of why it collapsed as hard as it did.

>> No.8804791

I would rather have banks buying into bitcoin and having a big supply of it then having coins that are more than 50% mined by Roger and Jihan.

You have a mentally unstable guy and a very untrustworthy chink having direct control over your money.
At any time they can 51% attack the chain and move any Bcash to any wallet. You can not say the same about Bitcoin.

>> No.8804806

BTC is the altcoin.

>> No.8804810

all you core fags read this ENTIRE thread. https://bitcointalk.to/index.php?topic=181168.180

>> No.8804812

you know there's a reason why the community didn't go for larger block size right? it wasnt just to spite poor roger?

>> No.8804819

bitcoins not a brand u fucking retard

>> No.8804821


what. a. victim. Just trying to help everyone out man, geez.

>> No.8804822

Delusional cashies still clinging on their worthless bags

Your pipedream of btctrash reaching btc core levels will never ever happen faggots.

>> No.8804826

>At any time they can 51% attack the chain and move any Bcash to any wallet.

51% attack doesn't let you move coins. It lets you undo blocks. If Jihan 51% attack BCH his entire holdings are going to lose 99% of its value, no one would want it.

>> No.8804827



Most miners prefer bitcoin cash.

>> No.8804840

He thinks Bitcoin is suppose to be a democracy.

>> No.8804854

The reason was pure retardation.
>If we increase block size maybe there will be more miner centralization
No you fucking idiots there wouldn't be any more miner centralization if you go from 1MB to 8MB because all small miners already been shut out and that small size increase wouldn't even phase the actual mining companies still in it.

>> No.8804871

a 51% attack allows you to put whatever you want as the top layer of the blockchain. This could be creating a bunch of phony transactions which move coins from one wallet to the other without private keys involved.

This could actually be a good way to recover lost bitcoins. The problem is that it would go against everything bitcoin stands for with decentralization and it would be impossible to get all bitcoin miners to agree to this. Showing again why Bcash is a scam.

>> No.8804887

It litterally is. Ask your average person on the street if they know bitcoin of bcash, see what they say.

Or go to a shop that accepts Bitcoin and try give them Bcash see what they say.

Not even the piratebay wants your shitcoin as donations.

>> No.8804893

>Or go to a shop that accepts Bitcoin

Most shops are accepting bitcoin cash now. Time to catch up boyo

>> No.8804898

>noone takes bitcoin cash
You obviously never actually buy anything with bitcoin.

>> No.8804903

>a 51% attack allows you to put whatever you want as the top layer of the blockchain. This could be creating a bunch of phony transactions which move coins from one wallet to the other without private keys involved.

It literally is not that at all.
>The attackers would be able to prevent new transactions from gaining confirmations, allowing them to halt payments between some or all users. They would also be able to reverse transactions that were completed while they were in control of the network, meaning they could double-spend coins.

They would almost certainly not be able to create a create new coins or alter old blocks, so a 51% attack would probably not destroy bitcoin or another blockchain-based currency outright, even if it proved highly damaging.

>> No.8804914

a brand implies its owned by a company. what does it matter what an average person thinks?
>oooo piratebay doesnt accept bch wow how will i ever cope?

>> No.8804927

Do you even live in the real world? These Bcash shills are getting ridiculous.
They used to just twist the truth, now they just straight out lie.

>> No.8804928

you understand to get on the level of transactions per day that visa handles that blocksizes would have to increase to around 1TB right? itd be fucking impossible for anyone to run a full node. and dont give me rogers bullshit about moore's law...

>> No.8804945

Considering that Moore's law doesn't take in account of actual adoption, only for development. 1TB for BCash is a wasted argument.

>> No.8804948


Bitpay supports bcash now. Can't say i feel bad for you corecucks

>> No.8804953

>Not even the piratebay
Literally a stole brand right there.

>> No.8804964

>worrying about a problem decades down the line instead of solving the problem that you already have.
You small block fags are such arrogant retards that you STILL can't admit how wrong you were even after the shitshow that was December with fees over $40. You could have increased block size two years ago and still had your stupid little LN but nooooo, you knew full damned well that if you did that noone would use LN. You faggots intentionally crippled the network just so you could push your bullshit.

>> No.8804993

so...your solution is to hardfork the entire network and then create the 2nd layer solution?

>> No.8805021

Explain precisely what's wrong with that while simultaneously explaining why it was fine to hardfork multiple times before to increase block size like was done to increase it to 1MB in the first place. Personally I despise LN which is why I no longer use BTC at all to buy anything and do not think that will ever change, but you could have still had that while letting all those of us who wanted on chain scaling have it just as we had it for years before blockstream decided to cripple bitcoin.

>> No.8805099

>23 minutes of some e-celeb faggots channel

Mods, please BAN this shit. OP. We're not watching your shit channel.