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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8796322 No.8796322 [Reply] [Original]

Be able to choose any girl in the world to fuck per day (always wearing a condom, you can't tell anyone, and you can only cum once per day) or 1k per day for the rest of your life you can't use it pay for escorts.

>> No.8796341

the absolute state of /biz/
kys faggot

>> No.8796343

>how ugly are you

>> No.8796347

Is the $1k adjusted for inflation? Even if it wasn't, it's a great deal. I'd take it in a heartbeat.

>> No.8796354


>> No.8796374


You are literaly the biggest virgin of /biz/

>> No.8796379

There are much more things in life than girls. Sex would become 'meh' after a while.
Financial freedom is where it's at. Pursue whatever project you want, go wherever you want. Inflation will wreck the value of 1k over time though, so you'd still have to invest, plan and watch your money carefully.

>> No.8796390
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good lord anon the 1k per day is such an obvious choice, how deformed are you?

>> No.8796391


>> No.8796422

what are you a fucking idiot?

>> No.8796439

One last thing Biz... whatever you don't spend of the 1k you have to return it at the end of the day.

>> No.8796448

sex with a condom is bullshit I'd rather fap. The money obviously Jesus Christ

>> No.8796461
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>making new rules on the fly


>> No.8796472
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>> No.8796476

Still $1k. I can just buy Ether everyday.

>> No.8796488

god you're such a brainlet. I'd still take the 1k and just put whatever I don't use into crypto

>> No.8796491

You cant invest it in anything, spend it or return it.

>> No.8796496

This is not even difficult. Maybe if you took the rubber out of the equation I might have to think about it.

>> No.8796499

With a condom? No I need to feel

>> No.8796502

what is his name

>> No.8796503

I average $400+ per day wagecucking and still can't get a girl.
But I could stop working and improve myself if I got a free $1000 each day.
Tough choice.

>> No.8796516

You're a virgin bro. Sex is sex. It's really good but its just sex. You're putting it in a bizarre pedestal.
1k everyday

>> No.8796526

Okay to makes things clear once and for all.
1) you get to fuck any girl in the world with a condom, cant tell anyone and you can only cum once per day for the rest of your life
2) you get 1k to SPEND per day (you can't invest it or save it) whatever you don't spend is returned.

I miscalculated the level of degeneracy and greed of biz.


>> No.8796557

If without condom I'd fuck fertile pussy in age ranges of 14-16 without condom over 1k/day.

>> No.8796566

Your fucking condom rule is gay and retarded. Sage.

>> No.8796588


You don't seem to realise you're paying for every fuck you get, no matter if you call the whore your wife or not

>> No.8796593

girls are boring

>> No.8796595

buy shit
flip shit
go fuck yourself

>inb4 no flipping
suck a dick OP

>> No.8796599

Still take the $1k. Anything I don't spend in a day, I'll use the remainder to buy gold. I'll sell the gold later and buy shares of index funds and whatnot.

Even without it, an expense account of $1k/day means I can just take my normal salary and save/invest all of it as I please.

>> No.8796607

but then buying anything would be investing because you could sell it at a later date and have more than 1k in a given day.

>> No.8796616


Money. If you can't pull roasties with 365k a year then there's no hope for you.

>> No.8796619

I choose pussy over money If I get anyone I want.

>> No.8796623

Girls have to be over 25

>> No.8796636

Still going to go with 1K. You can't stop people from "investing", i.e. if i buy a couple graphic cards and resell them the next day I still make money.
But hey, even disregarding that and expanding your rule to say you really cannot make money in any form, i.e. the stuff you intend to resell breaks down through some dark magic... I'd still go with 1k. This takes care of your daily living needs for as long as the dollar doesn't collapse, leaving you freedom to pursue anything you want in life.

>> No.8796645

with 1k/day the girls come automatically

>> No.8796641

You can't have any other income and you cant sell anything you buy with the money

>> No.8796651

25? you didn't MILFS only. what a scam

>> No.8796658

1k/day i don't want to wageslave anymore please make it stop

>> No.8796663

Jessica Ngiri

>> No.8796680


>> No.8796687

How about you make hypothetical question threads forever then try to change the ground rules a dozen times when 99% of replies don't match your opinion. Do this forever and wonder why you're still a virgin Elliott. This is your personal Hell

>> No.8796714

are you a retard?

>> No.8796736
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I think OP is trying to ask us if we'd rather give in to the puss or not work in our life. Op is obviously a dummyface who's unaware of things like inflation so for him 1k a day is living comfortably forever. 1k now is great, in 20 years it might be barely scraping by tier.

Forget about OP, he's retarded.
Here's your options:
1. Magically spawn a semen demon of your choice for 1 fuck every day, can masturbate freely outside of this
2. 1k USD a day not adjusted for inflation, do whatever you want


>> No.8796746

fucking someone you don't have feelings for doesn't do much for you. getting a blowjob would be a different story tho

>> No.8796775

I would need a harem of permanently young 11/10s to justify not taking the $1,000 a day. 365k a year with no work obligation is amazing. I don't know why you put so many restrictions on the women honestly. You'd have to be super desperate to choose that one.

>> No.8796799

I'm testing the limits of biz' degeneracy

>> No.8796810

I laughed

>> No.8796877

Assuming nothing catastrophic happens and a inflation rate of 4% (and that is being pessimistic), your $365k/yr will be worth $166k/yr. And that doesn't include whatever you'll have earned through investments or your normal job.

You have to be a complete fucking retard to go for the "muh sex" option.

>> No.8796904

Is there an option to assrape Op instead? I'm not gay but after fucking all those different women I might be in the mood for some trans or trap variety maybe at least once. I'll say I'm wearing a condom but really I took it off. I have my own money I'm fine

>> No.8796922

Good idea
I'll take 1 good lengthy stretching session of OPs boipussy over 1k/1w(whore) daily

>> No.8796957
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>> No.8797039

OP is confirmed redditor

>> No.8797114

>you are neither able to invest money nor fuck prime teen pussy
So decline the proposition. I'm better off now

>> No.8797213

The money.

Your sex drive falls off after awhile and sex becomes a bore if you do it too often.

With the money I can spend my whole life on vacation, never have to work, own homes in multiple countries, pursue whatever I wanted. Choosing sex over complete freedom is the most brainlet fucking choice you could make.

>> No.8797247

How about fictional semen demons? I didn't say they have to be real.

>> No.8797268

I will take the cash without hesitation.

>> No.8797343

It gonna be a rough trick faggot. You'll be begging to give me $2000/day by the time I'm done.

Also this

>> No.8797458

1k easy

>> No.8797466


>> No.8797493


>> No.8797500

wow your rules keep getting gayer and gayer.

>> No.8797512

Ridiculous question, $1k/day is like 5x my salary, before taxes.

>> No.8797541

Money is aint shit. I'd rather take the girls. How many rich crypto virgins are on this board?Everyday fucking a new celebrity sounds dope.
Or I live somewhere in a metropolitan area, and talk to the cute barista. Then I'll summon her and fuck the shit out of her later.

>> No.8797552
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>You can't have any other income and you cant sell anything you buy with the money

I start a daily fighting series. I take the $1k, buy a camera, and pay 2 dudes $500 each to fight each other and livestream it on the internet and sell ADS, which should not count as selling anything I bought with the 1k, because I didn't buy adspace with the 1k.

I do this every day and laugh my way to lamboland

>> No.8797573

You can't sell ads.

>> No.8797589

Then I change my idea

I go public with the fact that I magically have a $1k/day unstoppable income and license the stories to publishers and newspapers

Still laughing my way to lamboland

>> No.8797760
File: 82 KB, 720x690, 9C5E0509-C158-4510-9ED8-04A1C4682445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you buy is technically an investment. Even these choices are investments

And the first option is so unrealistic and cringy that even /pol/ wouldn’t come up with it. Seriously, a lifelong fuck partner that forces condom use? I stop using condoms before the first date

>> No.8797797

Turn the gold into gold coins & invent a new currency

>> No.8797809

>Inflation will wreck the value of 1k over time though, so you'd still have to invest, plan and watch your money carefully.

Only that you actually probably wouldn't have to as long as you don't go completely retard and start washing your lambo in champagne every day or some other useless shit. 1k every single day, even with inflation, is plenty of money.

I'd still diversify of course and hedge against a chinese financial nuclear attack against the dollar or something.

>> No.8797828

are all of you stupid? the whole point why were are here is to get better pussy isnt it? wouldnt you rather just be able to skip that step and fuck whoever you want? making monkey is the easy part finding premium pussy that isnt going to cry after you rape them or demand payment now that is the real shit

>would 100% rather the pus

>> No.8797836

What's stopping me from not using a condom?
Also, who is actually in charge to make sure I play by the rules.
What if I don't?
Weak thread.

>> No.8798214

welcome to r/wouldyourather
>/biz/ - Business and Finance
reported and saged

>> No.8798381


This nigga knows whats up.

>> No.8798843

Jessica Nigri, Faggot!