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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8694306 No.8694306 [Reply] [Original]

Any ways to make money online besides camwhoring or crypto?

>> No.8694333


>> No.8694467

This, small gains tho.

>> No.8694479


>> No.8694520
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>> No.8694540

solving captchas for <2 bucks/hour

>> No.8694556

lol there are brokers that offer 2500x leverage on forex trades

>> No.8694566

I'm considering doing twitch or youtube soon. Since I'm a neet and have nothing better to do and am tired of anime and vidya. Small gains at first but might become sustainable in the future. Also fun.

>> No.8694583
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I sell on amazon, it's not for /biz/ though, can't get away with buying high and selling low

>> No.8694613


>> No.8694618

What do you sell?

>> No.8694650

Porn. No really, just get a hooker and fuck her and sell the tapes.

>> No.8694658
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>> No.8694670
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please teach me, I don't want to go outside sir

>> No.8694707

How long ago did you start?
How much of that is profit?

>> No.8694788

Doesnt really matter what I sell, find your niche, have nice photos and you'll get orders

After the cost of the products and fees I walk with about 40%.

I've been doing this for 8 months, pretty stable income. Was really tough the first couple months though, started with $3200 and one of my products took over a month to start selling - wasn't able to pay myself until month 3. But now It's very much passive income. I just have to restock my successful products and not rebuy the shitty ones.

>> No.8694807

For you, find abandoned listings (before 2009) good indicator is if chinese sellers are on the listing. Find the product on BABA and ship it to amazon.

>> No.8694934

How do you take the pictures? Do you take them yourself or do you send the products to professional photographer?

Also, elaborate on "find your niche".

>> No.8695020

Redpill me on this
I live in a 3rd world shithole so this might just net me more than min wage

>> No.8695419

literally google captcha money

>> No.8695452

All this stuff sounds a lot more work than buying an alt coin a week before news event.

>> No.8695479

>what is leverage

Forex requires a brain though. Buying a random currency and squealing "WHENS MUH MOON MISSION" doesn't work there.

>> No.8695491

Crypto can't make money anymore

>> No.8696130

And that's why crypto is crashing.

It was literally all made up value and speculation.

>> No.8696306

manufacturers are generally happy to share if it means selling their garbage

>> No.8696372

I would bet against that south african currency.

Once they throw out all the white farmers then we will have Zimbabwe 2.0