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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 285 KB, 1100x723, B5CED82C-BF52-4CA0-83A8-0293268BC602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8679033 No.8679033 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck's sake you glorious retards. This team (colour) bullshit should elicit exactly one reaction- "huh". And then we go back to discussing crypto on the crypto board. The April Fool shows how fucking stupid we all are of all you can do is bang on about it. I'm not surprised jews run the world if the crypto board can turn into the "whose arbitrarily assigned colour is better" board from one small piece of code. Be better, fuckers
>pic related: it's you

>> No.8679060

Completely agreed, these fucking retarded are bunch of sheeps

>> No.8679101
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1522561335606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical peepfags.

>> No.8679109

i bought at 19.5k

>> No.8679112

what’s to talk about faggot. chainlink 1000 eoy hurrr i’m snorting btc just taught my mom how to do it too durrr steel beam support at 6850

it’s the middle of the night in the part of the world that matters. we can all go back to sucking our own dicks tomorrow bitch

>> No.8679121

The market is doing nothing but going sideways and bleeding The only threads being posted are link threads, pajeet shillcoins, and ahhhh/pinkwojak/bear threads. It's a nice change of tone to get away from how boring this board has been lately. Only pajeets are upset that they can't shill their scamcoins effectively right now.

>> No.8679146
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agreed. The way the board is reacting to this childish stuff is no better than reddit reacting to stale memes and cats.
Bizbros we can do better, also link $1000 eoy.
>inb4 chocolate
hahaha so funny lolz

>> No.8679167
File: 203 KB, 1124x598, MUTT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your part of the world wouldn't matter in about 5 years dummy, the East will rule the world.
korea/japan/taiwan/singapore league of superheroes ultra high iq plus hapa hegemony

>> No.8679169
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>no fun allowed

we get it bruh, you're new, you want to discuss something you know little about yet. let those of us that have been here a while have a little fun for 24 hours

>> No.8679171
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>Butthurt they're on the pink team and being reminded they're faggots

>> No.8679181


>> No.8679185

>chinks will show you! we won’t, but just wait the chinks will!

>> No.8679191

>spoken like a true peeplet

oh wait

>> No.8679199
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>> No.8679201

>retards think this shit is funny

Didn't knew reddit tier people posted on this board

>> No.8679203
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Yeah it's pretty sad that every thing is faggoty team shit still

>> No.8679213

What are we supposed to discuss? Literally nothing is happening in crypto and we're waiting for the market to not be shit. kys peepy

>> No.8679218

I'd agree with you on pretty much any board but biz. This board is all about made up internet race horses, especially when the markets are closed.

>> No.8679232


>> No.8679244

>t. team pajpeep

>> No.8679251

Notice how it's all choconiggers, pajeet butters and team justed that's complaining.

>> No.8679254


I'd be mad too if I was a peep lmao

>> No.8679264

>On the de fact crypto board
>Hurr durr wot 2 dee-scuss
How about anything you fucking want as long as it's related to crypto business or crypto finance.

>> No.8679271
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Creme is the most feminine and they're trying the hardest to win. Approval seeking female behavior. Top fucking kek. Meanwhile I'm a big guy.

>> No.8679302
File: 87 KB, 750x750, DV54ppNWsAU29P3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding on to the remnants of the past and not investing heavily in East Asia, which will literally dominate the 21st Century with a cold iron fist
not gonna make it man, im sorry

>> No.8679303

As expected of peepfags

>> No.8679324

Peeps are cancer

>> No.8679339

how do i invest in chinks? will i get a gf

>> No.8679376

it's a CIA-funded sociological experiment

>> No.8679383
File: 12 KB, 300x300, sharpe-saffron-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short "western civilization" $WEST with 100x leverage
long "east asia" $EAST also 100x

really sick of spoonfeeding bizlets btw have a hapa

>> No.8679445

>B-but it's FUN
Cats enjoy chasing a laser pen dot on the wall. Everyone watching the cat laughs at it. In this scenario, I'll let you work out who is the cat and what is the laser pen dot. Have a good think, you can do it.

>> No.8679453

fuck off undercover cremes

>> No.8679456

>peep confirmed mad as fuck

>> No.8679510

we dont care, go back

>> No.8679527
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