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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8667538 No.8667538 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8667555
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You know what happens next

>> No.8667560


>> No.8667583

>China secretly built mecha
>America would get BTFO

>> No.8667591
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This is it. WWIII imminent.

>> No.8667602
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>> No.8667606

Next is Crypto pump and huge dump in stock market get in the ride quick

>> No.8667628

China would kick our ass they have North Korea as an ally and also the rest of BRICS would come in to pick the bones once the dust cleared.

>> No.8667661

We need to assasinate the oil bastards to save ourselves from WWIII

>> No.8667679

USA already disabled that Chinese space station with its "Death Star". Now watch as they destroy China with it.

>> No.8667707

If they try and put boots on the ground they're fucked? Everyone has a deer rifle and would just start sniping. Gorilla warfare was mastered by us. See 'revolutionary war' as proof.

>> No.8667887

Dafak you live,1938? Lololololo

>> No.8667907


It's would never be a ground conflict except for some island in the Pacific

>> No.8667947

I wonder what that "Chinese space station crashing into earth" meme is a cover for?

>> No.8667954

Based Eternal Oriental BTFOing El Creature AND the Rothschilds ... Welcome to the Alpha Timeline

>> No.8667964

Kek people called me a retard last Nov when I told biz this would happen.

>> No.8667968

It's gonna hit the one world trade center. ww3 inc.

>> No.8668002
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>tfw trump tower just got hit

>> No.8668007

>live on west coast
>literally millions of mainland Chinese have moved here over the past two decades

>> No.8668022

hooolyy shhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

do you guys realize the significance in china becoming the petrol superpower

do you guys realize what happens next for the amerifats

>> No.8668029

the collapse of us dollar
gonna be awesome to see

>> No.8668032

>we're getting rid of asian immigrants and that's a good thing!
This is really starting to bite the kikes in the ass

>> No.8668071

Its why im taking putonghua

>> No.8668112
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That's what TTIP was planned for, to basically contain the chinese..and after americans were too retarded to sign it and enslave the EU, they now want to realize it via backdoor.
Expel russia, remove EU from the steel tariff list and keep China on it to divide Eurasia.
America is a meme country now.

>> No.8668121
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>Mfw i've already been learning chinese for the past 5 years
>Mfw i've done an exchange program in china for 2 years
>Mfw all these 绿帽老外cucks won't stop complaining about missing out on adopting btc early when they could be preparing to become filthy rich welcoming our chinese overlords
Really 启动s my 瓜子s

>> No.8668153

Only 28% of Americans own guns. The other 72% better start buying.

>> No.8668154

>tfw when you learned programming instead of gook language, now earning 200k a year.

>> No.8668160
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>> No.8668163
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Exponential Dividends

>> No.8668200

Heil NEO

>> No.8668227

The main reason I started learning mandarin. All economic indicators point to China becoming the leading economy come 2020-2022

>> No.8668270

Always kill a traitor before an enemy. Think about it.

>> No.8668297

>tfw facebook collapses
>tfw amazon collpases shortly after
>tfw the market is going to be flooded with tens of thousands of unemployable code-cucks
>tfw downward pressure on earnings means you now earn $30k/yr

>> No.8668300

this. they feel no kinship with America other than their wallet got fatter when they got here. i asked a Chinese lady (wasn’t an English barrier) to give me a JFK haircut and she had no earthly idea who I was talking about. John F Kennedy, you don’t know him? Nope

>> No.8668334
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>> No.8668367

>I can't refute the message so I'll disparage the messenger

>> No.8668391
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>new york times

>> No.8668402

This is literally all over the news
If you werent such a brainlet you'd have googled it and found the same statements across 20 other news outlets, including reuters
Biz is full of faggots

>> No.8668471
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I just don't get it. I can't hold USD because the USD will collapse + hyper inflation. I can't get into the stock market because it's going to collapse. Bond market is overvalued as well. They can't raise interest rates because the government will have to pay more on their debt and that will pop the bubble. They keep interest rates low and the bubble gets bigger but eventually pops very soon.

What do. Scarce assets? Silver, gold, crypto, land, real estate, gold etfs? How about other fiat currencies as a hedge? What are you doing

>> No.8668526



Do you want CNBC links too?

>> No.8668542

This why zuckcuck has learned mandarin? What does he know since he knows 2 billion people?

>> No.8668591

>Property anywhere but in the US

>> No.8668634
