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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8661751 No.8661751 [Reply] [Original]

we're still gonna make, r-right?

>> No.8661817

i want to fucking believe but its a fucking shit crossfire between the fud and the people trying to explain why its better than before
fuck me this is so frustrating

>> No.8661836


>> No.8661845

Literally join the telegram I'm having an extremely productive chat with an admin and honestly the transition from jCash to jBonds for JNT is actually good for it because the jBonds market has more liquidity so it won't lose money like the pilot program for jCash did.

>> No.8661855

im staring at the chat for an hour now

>> No.8661877
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>> No.8661881

Possibly but maybe not. If you take a step back you have to ask yourself what changed. The value of JNT has gone down drastically as everything will not be backed by JNT. They have opened up questions as to if JNT will even have value beyond gas or other stupid bullshit reasons. The timeline for all the developments is months away for the alphas much less actual finished product which is probably a year away. There are now questions as to how they did not forsee this problem in the first place.

However some things to consider. If you consider Talal to be telling the truth they are still in talks with and running pilots with several central banks. They have the backing on Tapscott and the Seed group which regardless of who runs it is still going to tokenize a given amount but there is no telling how much. They have been very transparent and clear about their goals and about what they are doing and how things are going. They have been bad at deadlines but ultimately they seem to be honestly trying to provide a good product and are easily accessible for questions and have offices in several countries and are constantly at and hosting conferences.

The value proposition is greatly reduced but they still have institutional backing and pilots running with central banks which is really the key part along with whatever they are doing in Korea. We will find out more with the next post they make about how much is being turned into jBonds and on what timeline but more importantly we will actually find out the mechanics. And if they are smart they will give some more information on the other banks they are working with. This could very much be another Ripple in its infancy but it never really became valuable until years after it's inception.

What it boils down to is this. They still allegedly have the connections, the team and drive to make their goals a reality. The only question is what exactly do we stand to gain from it at this point and when.

>> No.8661885
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This post summarizes why the update wasn't as bad as people were making it out to be. jBonds require less regulation so the market has more liquidity, it is essentially the latest iteration of jCash. It's confusing because now theres a separate jCash program which I believe is backed by real assets. The sheer scope of this project is what causes so much FUD to spread and thrive.

>> No.8661906


>> No.8661957
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>JNT is in a stronger position due to jBonds requiring less regulation and thus having a bigger market
Look, I genuinely want this project to succeed and be a moon mission for me and my biz bros, but...what? I thought the whole thing about Jibrel was that they were never about courting the neckbeard "market" and shilling their wares only to established institutions.

>The sheer scope of this project is what causes so much FUD to spread and thrive.
desu this team doesn't seem to be equipped to handle an expanding scope, I just want them to deliver the core proposition which is why we bought into JNT in the first place

>> No.8661988

for the sake of my own fucking ass i hope you are right

>> No.8661989

I need a time machine for this shit jfc.

>> No.8661998

im quite ill at the moment and on medication so im not really able to make sense of all this and im not going to try

>> No.8662013

Tarek is pulling things out of his ass, he's not part of the team. He's clueless. Unironically biz tier knowledge about the project.

>> No.8662014

Basically they forked jCash into asset backed and JNT backed. That's really fucking bad since JNT is only backed by magic.

>> No.8662016
File: 42 KB, 478x255, Some explanation I guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yazan is luckily much better at explaining things than Talal. From what I've gathered they are making a suite of other projects and processes that consume JNT which is sent back to the DAO to give it more solvency in the case of a market downturn without having to liquidate to buy more JNT.

Which is quite smart and it actually addresses a point I would keep bringing up is where does the DAO get the money to buy this JNT. Which apparently was they liquidate assets to buy JNT but they have added a consumptive action to give the DAO more solvency without needing to use the buffer.

>> No.8662036

Yeah that is certainly something that bothers me. jCash is backed by cash which was why it cost double to tokenize something but which also meant it absolutely had value.

I'm still leery on exactly why jBonds are going to be valuable since they aren't backed by anything more than any other coin is.

>> No.8662042
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No ones gonna make it. We've fucking invested in fidget spinners in 2018!

>> No.8662074

Yazan mentioned specifically that the SEED money will be going to jCash (not backed by JNT) and MOSTLY to jBonds (backed by JNT).

>> No.8662081

Fuck them. Obviously banned for being critical. Pls let a fellow anon know

>> No.8662104

There is also the problem that they are trying to put JNT in everything to deal with the solvency issue. Jibrel Search for example will cost JNT for API calls but why would anyone pay for that when they can just use Etherscan quite free. They are trying to charge in JNT for most things but I don't see what value they offer over anything else.

>> No.8662123

Yeah i'll agree that the delays are really bothersome. Honestly I was informed that jBonds will appeal to institutions but I don't quite buy that institutions will touch JNT backed jBonds when actual real asset backed jCash exists but apparently another post will further detail the benefits of jBonds next week.

>> No.8662125

How can it be better? The majority of the SEED funds will be used for jCash and jBonds is another random shit created to satisfy the bagholders.

Jibrel Network will work out, i am pretty sure. But nobody of the JNT investors will get any ROI from it.

>> No.8662126

They need all the useless stuff, so they can pretend that jnt is still worth as gas.

>> No.8662156

It really goes back to are they really working with central banks? They have yet to lie outright but more information is required. If they are piloting with them are they using jCash or jBonds? Probably jCash. We really need more information though. If they tell me that the people they are working with prefer jBonds I will believe them. But if they just outline why jBonds would be beneficial without giving a reason such as it is what the central banks were looking for then there is a problem.

It is still potentially a big project but it is a lot more iffy.

>> No.8662225

Obviously nobody is going to touch jBonds. There is and there cannot be any single adventage over jCash and jCash is the one backed by assets.

I believed in it, but getting scammed out of your investment is like real shit.

Now all the postpones and delays are making sense.

>> No.8662261


yo what the fuck is a jBond? is it an offchain bond represented in the network by a CryDR? who is issuing the bonds? are these bonds issued by seedgroup? do they mature with interest? what's the par value on the fucking bonds? why are they pulling this shit out their ass and not giving any fucking details??


>> No.8662271

The only advantage I've come up with is regulation but yeah. Hopefully the next post will shed some light on what is happening but there is no telling.

I'm having trouble figuring out myself what actually makes jBonds more valuable to institutions than jCash aside from regulations but maybe that is significant enough.

>> No.8662297

You need to be an institutional investor to access jCash (and even then you need to go through lengthy ugly KYC and it will not be listed on exchanges). jBonds will be accessible to the average Joe and can even be issued by the average Joe. Do you guys even read what the devs say before spreading FUD?

>> No.8662304

Besides, jCash will also consume JNT even if they're not backed by it.

>> No.8662327

Sold my 15k, $0.45 DCA. Feels pretty good.
Well, I can only blame myself for trusting arabs.

Sucks to have more than 10k of this because selling is a pain with such volumes.

>> No.8662337

It was always known that jCash is for investors and will be backed by assets. Now they have seen that it doesn't work with the JNT combination. We we're all gambling on insitutional money to step in and tokenize their assets.

Now you can stop gambling because it wont have any significant effect.

Yeah, you are right i am buying more Just for jGas and burning and whatsoever. The JNT as a token is obsolete

>> No.8662353


if jBonds are actual bonds, then it should accumulate in interest and pay dividends. however i don't know if a jBond is a bond, so I can't tell you that it accumulates in interest because i don't know what the fuck it is

>> No.8662389

jBonds are the rebranding of on-chain solvency jCash.

>> No.8662413


..I thought they were going to maintain jCash and issue jBonds as a new asset class for JNT to actually have a fucking use case

>> No.8662446


>> No.8662453

A institutional investor can issue jCash and have it available for a few selected peers or issue jBonds at a discount and make it accessible to anyone on the fucking planet (do you think individual investors are not significant in the debt security market?). I still see a great benefit for institutions to issue jBonds.

>> No.8662463

Plus, they'll also be working with hybrid products that would tokenize with JNT.

Anyone expecting institutions to tokenize billions worth of assets with a token worth a few millions of market cap and with barely any volume was plain stupid.

>> No.8662469

Have you even read the issue why their original plan with jCash and JNT hasn't worked? They take out the random factor, JNT and just make a regulatory compliant asset backed jCash without JNT. That's the point right now.

jBond has nothing that can appeal any institutions because of the volatitly alone. Nobody cares about the slight discount.

>> No.8662516


you seem like you think you understand what jbonds are, so please anon, answer these questions:

>what is a jBond? is it an offchain bond represented in the network by a CryDR? who is issuing the bonds? are these bonds issued by seedgroup/jibrel network? do they mature with interest? what's the par value on the bonds?

>> No.8662523

Ok why would they the SEED be more invested on jBonds than jCash then? Of course you'll say Yazan was straight-up lying.

There's no way on Earth Binance or any other major exchange is gonna list jCash, how do you expect it to take over Tether then? OTC trades? Come on. jBonds are basically a decentralized, democratized USDT and the use case for that is huge, even more so than the original jCash.

>> No.8662534

James Bond

>> No.8662540
File: 44 KB, 497x127, Yes it is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It absolutely is.

>> No.8662553

I don't have any more info than you, the Medium post and Yazan's answers.

I think the Bond term is confusing people. It's basically the "old" JNT-backed jCash, with the addition that (probably not in the beginning, but eventually) everybody will be able to issue it.

>> No.8662567

JNT is dead and anyone who holds is going to lose everything.

>> No.8662578


that is either an over simplification or straight up bullshit. bonds are not cash, they are debt, and they typically pay a fixed interest rate.

i could see there being an advantage to having JNT backed bonds since bonds accumulate interest, and the capital that purchased the bonds wouldn't be sitting around doing nothing, this is assuming of course that a jbond is an actual bond. because apparently a bond is synonymous with cash in the jibrel network.

>> No.8662603
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It is absolutely naming confusion. Every description of it comes up the same. They just chose a very poor name.

>> No.8662742

They realised they cannot have a finished and effective product without the addition of a debt instrument to provide sufficient liquidity during an extreme bear market. Thus they are extending their deadlines. Jcash was an easy money to assets, however they realised the opposite was not efficient enough with their current mechanisms. They are just adapting, but the fudders will relentlessly twist it as the end.

>> No.8662777

as a tron and link holder, shill me this coin

>> No.8662820

Yes sure jBonds are backed by JNT. But jCash is backed by assets and don't have any volatility risk which made this shit so complex.

And if nobody is using jBonds which mit even one of the bagholders suffering from cognitive dissonance come up with and even the co founders only argument for jBond is a random discount then once again...the JNT token is obsolete.

Proof of solvency was the big issue which lead to this shit and jBond will have the same issue.

>> No.8662897

At this point you are basically speaking jibberish and I don't understand you. I don't even know where the fuck you are going what that response.

>> No.8662946

moar liek jibrelish

>> No.8663008

If nothing ever comes on JNT we will at least have Jibrelish and JNT will forever be the /biz/ bait logo.

>> No.8663029

A friendly reminder that a bond does not by definition need to pay interest or dividends. In fact, in the real beat marker investors might be willing to buy bonds that have negative yield in exchange for safety . (for example recent 10-year bundesbunds expire with face value less than the value at the time they were issued)

>> No.8663181

Oh well. Guess I'll just claim capital loses for next tax season. I'll live.

>> No.8663332

Kind sir pls buy the bags, good camel coin, no scam!

>better than before
I have bad news for you anon but they're either straight up liers or deluded idiots with sunk cost fallacy


if they focused on jcash only and didn't even try to go with jbonds all the bagholders would be saying
>it's a great news! jcash is for da institutions! not some tether 2.0 he he

he's an useful idiot. Deluded soldier

worthless JNT will be backing probably even more worthless crypto bonds

yea, I'm sure burning a fraction of a token here and there will increase the liquidity and prevent price manipulation, and of course will make JNT moon as a motherfucker, r-right?

in real world a bond is basicly a loan that someone is legally obligated to pay you back after some time +interest, how the fuck is that supposed to work with their jbonds and how on earth is it regulatory friendly? lmao
the delusion is approaching 9000

try to make him promise you that at least 51% of seeds money will go into jbonds (whatever the fuck they are gonna be actually)
protip: he won't. He will twist and shake like the snake he is just to deceive baghlders even more

smoke and mirrors again, it's like they tried to quickly come up with some BS usecases for the token.

no one knows, but every bagholder will tell you how great they are and that you should stop FFUDDING!

>hybrid products
more smoke and mirrors

>> No.8663402
File: 22 KB, 400x400, photo_2018-03-13_04-27-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I loved this project like /biz/ loves LINK.

>> No.8663425

>everybody lies but me
>everybody is stupid but me
unironically kill yourself

>> No.8663473

pls kind sir, for the mother of god, buy my scamel, for fuck's sake, BUY THE CAMEL TOKEN NOW ARRRRGHHHHH!!!!!!11111111ONEONEONEELEVENELEVEN

>> No.8663567

Hold on what happened?

>> No.8663595

See >>8662603

They split jCash up. There is now jCash aka asset backed tokens and jBonds aka JNT-backed tokens. Anything tokenized as jCash does not reflect in JNTs market cap. Only JNT backed things reflect.

>> No.8663603

jCash is no longer going to be backed by JNT - just by the assets.

jBonds is the new class that are backed by JNT. All i know about jBonds at this stage is that its only onchain backed by JNT and it has less regulations than jCash

at this point the only thing to do is wait for the SEED medium article next week to get a clearer picture of what the JNT token will be used for

>> No.8663621

What? Why the fuck would they do that? What are JNT tokens for then?

>> No.8663628

That is a very good question.

>> No.8663629

For brainlets itt. What this means is that the upside potential of JNT diminished in the short to mid term (think $10 EOY, instead of $100), but the chance of adoption went up significantly, due to lower regulation barriers.

>> No.8663635

The Great Bamboozling of 2018 happened

for bamboozling people out of 30m usd during the ico

>> No.8663641

For jBonds, retard. Read the fucking article and Yazan's posts. Their ultimate goal is complete decentralization, which wouldn't be possible without JNT. If you think the team can't deliver or are lying, then sell. Easy as that.

>> No.8663713

my only problem now is that it seems to prevent the DAO from running out of JNT again like it did for jCash, they are relying on acquring more JNT by selling jnodes and gas fees etc

theres no way thats viable though? a few people buying jnodes isn't going to make them solvent if they are bleeding tens of millions of dollars

>> No.8663747

You are right. More importantly though they are trying to charge for things like their Etherscan copy.

This really is negative news but until something happens to the team or their connections I wouldn't panic. But if something DOES or the update next week is even more of a downer than this FUCKING SELL as quickly as you can.

>> No.8663751

they're making up BS
soon they will announce they're forking fucking Ethereum, just watch

again my question is
>what are the jbonds gonna be backed by offchain?
>who's gonna issue them?
>what kind of KYC will it require?
>how do you hold the issuer accountable?
>are jbonds gonna be still safe during a black swan? (if not, then it's useless)

Smoke and Fucking Mirrors
I'm sure Carlos Matos would be proud of such refined ponzi.

>> No.8663792

Like I understand if you don't think the team is incompetent or that this whole thing is a clusterfuck but nothing we have seen has actually indicated that they aren't doing exactly as they say.

I'm extremely critical of this as at this point I consider 20% of my portfolio lost until we get news but you just seem to be in insane fud mode with zero logic.

>> No.8663836

Look, there are clarifications needed, but I'm not sure you even understood what Yazan wrote or what was in the article. Or maybe I didn't, who knows. If you are not comfortable with that, then investing into a micro-cap is not for you and you should never have bought in the first place. Alternatively, you can wait for the upcoming article that will perhaps clear things up.
If you, however, don't find suspicious how this faggot >>8663751 is fudding in every single JNT thread, then there is no helping you, newfriend.
Protip: people never put such an effort to FUD a coin without having ulterior motives

>> No.8663872

It's suspicious but he's not exactly wrong, just being a dramatic little bitch.

t. I finally feel like a bagholder

Going to wait for this medium post, I have no choice but to hold for a few months my ledger is thousands of miles away...

>> No.8663890

0 logic?

that fucking team has 0 logic
they did the fucking on chain simulations NOW? months after the ico? are you kidding me? everyone knew such ponzi would collapse during a shitstorm, but they pretend like it wasn't obvious before, but now when they have their $30m secured they are no longer hiding that fact

>hehe guys, they fucked us over but it's ok, it's part of the risk, ok? I'm sure they will clear things up ok?

You're a fucking deluded bagholder, people accused me of fudding weeks if not months ago (saying I wan't to accumulate their shitcoin, lmao) guess what, I have no intention of buying that scam ever.

>Protip: people never put such an effort to FUD a coin without having ulterior motives

Protip: people never put such effort to SHILL and obvious scam

now take 2 groups of people, those who listened to lying pieces of shits like you and those who listened to me months/weeks ago, who do you think is in a better position today?

>> No.8663908

Next medium article will either be delayed or be the end of JNT. There is basically no reason to prefer jBond over jCash

>> No.8663929

It was a pure gamble. They have baited everyone with the SEED group partnership and the "we aim to tokenize 250m" to keep holding during the shit market.

At least it is out and over now

>> No.8663988

jBonds are cheaper to issue and require less regulations. Don't shout at me, this is what Yazan said it's up to you if you believe that or not.

>> No.8664039

Yazan said a lot of things and changings his mind from day to day.

>What will back jBonds?
The exact same issue will happen

>> No.8664048

huh? bit touchy eh? im just asking legitimate questions here lmao

>> No.8664074

JNT outperformed my other positions, so I'm free to sell at any time and still would consider this a good trade. Nice try, but I'll wait for the binance listing before I'll consider selling.
>le i'm just pretending to be retarded lmao xD y u so salty haha

>> No.8664091

He is right now. The whole nature of the project changed and concerns about the use case of JNT are all around the project right now.

>> No.8664126

>Guys don't worry, we just decided jbonds are the next cool thing and that will surely be backed by your JNT, no need to worry guys! We love the JNT and we will use it for many things in the future! Like 25 different side projects forking parts of Ethereum to give JNT the purpose of Gas!

yea, basicly a nosedive since the ico, whoever bought this on exchanges is pretty much guaranteed to be in red now.

>> No.8664144

What were your other holdings? BCC, BCH, Confido?

>> No.8664160

literally have no idea what you're talking about. i asked a question and you didn't know the answer, so that makes me the retard? huh

>> No.8664176

>The jCash pilot program hasn't worked with the JNT backing BUT for jBonds it will for sure work.

>> No.8664202

Is that the first time in history a team forks their own token ?

I need to get better in scamology.

>> No.8664218
File: 18 KB, 579x204, DELUDED SCAMEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, guys go to the telegram, it's so fucking hilarious and painful to watch at the same time.
The mental gymnastics bagholders go through
>Guys, it's better than ever!

this pic should be pasted next to the word "delusion" in dictionary books

>> No.8664230

Text book example of cognitive dissonance

>> No.8664267

Stay poor nigga, I bet you fudded antshares like everyone else

>> No.8664277

The pilot with SEED is about jBonds

>> No.8664279
File: 67 KB, 409x522, 0FC86649-79AC-4A1A-912B-C8D70692130E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any1 ITT actually read the latest medium? It’s the most bullish piece of information ever read.
Either no1 here has a basic understanding of finances or it is coordinated FUD, which would explain a lot.

>> No.8664295

What is the next tokenized assets meme I should go for? That has actual promise

>> No.8664297

It's a group of 3-4 anons fudding this non stop for a few weeks now.

>> No.8664309
File: 29 KB, 532x303, DELUDED SCAMEL2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664312

Says yazan? The co founder and guy who worked on the project idea for several months and after the first weeks of pilot program testing it doesn't work out at all? Sure, the SEED group will keep on giving away their funds to get them burned

>> No.8664316

I'm not a crazy fudder and even I know that it was a downgrade on the profitability for JNT holders. It could also be a massive one but we won't know until the next medium article.

>> No.8664329

Lol. Thanks. Just sold 4.4k.
It’s done

>> No.8664335

Binance listing won't happen anytime soon just FYI

>> No.8664355



>> No.8664380
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Smoke and mirrors intensifies.

>> No.8664411

Jesus Christ
He's either straight up lying causing harm to people who believe in it or he reached the peaks of delusion and stockholm syndrome like this guy I posted before.

>> No.8664494

Not saying that you're wrong or right, but what is it in for you? Why even care fudding something you have no interest in? Isn't that just wasted effort you could spend elsewhere?

There are several projects that I think are scummy, but instead of fudding them I just ignore them completely.

>> No.8664563

While I think you are retarded the mental gymnastics going on in telegram is astounding. More exchanges = bad is the current trend.

>> No.8664566

Guys it gets worse as I read that miserable chat, look at those poor bastards, pic rel!

Listen, I'm no Mother Theresa, not everyone can be saved, but those pathetic shills are lower than pond scum, and I've been saying it since day1

>> No.8664578
File: 56 KB, 544x303, DELUDED SCAMEL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot the pic

>> No.8664613

Fair enough, I think I'm gonna pick some jnt still.

Real reason posting this was my ID: Chad - Zog

>> No.8664628

how the fuck does being on less exchanges bring more stability fucking KEK

>> No.8664639

they are not even trying anymore. They can see that 99% of bagholders are just looking for whatever piece of reassurance they can get because even if they wanted they can't dump their bags on kucoin
it's like this
>cant cash out
meme preventing people from selling, kek

>> No.8664726
File: 32 KB, 541x420, DELUDED SCAMEL4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cognitive dissonance?
>stockholm syndrome?
>changing the inconvinient subject?

>> No.8664787

These guys are fucked lol. They are spreading themselves too thing and not focusing. They have so many shit they are developing at the same time.

G fucking G.

>> No.8664808
File: 17 KB, 587x220, DELUDED SCAMEL5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucker didn't even have the balls to try and respond to that L M A O
they know they're running out of time before everyone realizes they've been scameled
"damage control
smoke and mirrors
kicking the can down the road
Provided to you by the Jibrel Network!"

>> No.8664870
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continuation of stockholm syndrome

>> No.8664887
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>> No.8664909



>> No.8665052
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>> No.8665088

I'm actually quite alarmed someone copied a post a made here and put it on the telegram.

>> No.8665107
File: 73 KB, 676x679, 0723C04D-04E6-4E23-B467-D98284C8476F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the absolute state of biz

>> No.8665118

Why would you spend a month (or more?) posting on a project that you dont believe?

>> No.8665123

that was me. we are so fucked

>> No.8665136

Wojak ? Please fuck off the telegram. You're cancer. I personally asked talal to ban you

>> No.8665149
File: 35 KB, 580x302, DELUDED SCAMEL8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A month? I spend a few hours total since the ico, discussing scams is a way to learn about this space believe me or not.

Who is this fucking soyboy?
lmao, motherfucker is just like
>Yazan already answered everything!
>no need to fud, stop asking questions!
>we moon now!
what a punchable soyboy
I hope he actually buys more and holds that shit to 0 but I feel bad for gullible people taking some false confidence from his BS

>> No.8665180
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1511053900075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I burst out laughing you beautiful bastard!
The best ico of 2018, BY FAAR!

>> No.8665188

So if I understood correctly you spend hours upon hours trying to convince people that JNT is shit, while having no position in it yourself.

You either got so triggered by someone who was shilling JNT somewhere back in these 2 months that you are still butthurt about it weeks or months later, or you are just plain fucking retarded beyond belief. Like shit man, what the fuck is wrong with you? I really hope you are lying and you have a position in JNT, because the alternative explanations are painting a very very painful reality about your life.

I mean I am not even saying that JNT will be successful or whatever, but to assume with 100% certainty that it is a scam like you do, is just saying you have literally no cognitive capacity. Don Tapscott is one of their advisors, for fucks sake. The project might not be on the same track that they initially expected, but that is completely normal for a start-up like this.

Mate... I don't know what to tell you. If you have any crypto gains, go and seek help man. Your brain is absolutely fucked beyond belief. Never seen such a sad pathetic display of disgusting stupidity like I have seen from you in these threads.

>> No.8665197

ciggie kek

>> No.8665211
File: 9 KB, 248x189, 1520812800371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend. These are trolls, do not feed the trolls.

Kinda obvious lmao I do this kind of shit all the time to VEN / WTC bag holders.

>> No.8665230
File: 144 KB, 800x1066, JNT-Janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys you might want to sit down for this. I have a friend who works in the SEED fund, nothing too fancy, financial analyst, no lambo yet but doing well for himself. I've been pretty excited about Jibrel, so naturally I told him about it. He gets back to me yesterday, and get this: he's never even heard of jibrel. He asked around a bit and found out the sad truth. It was the info about Jibrel's office being in SEED HQ that finally led him to a supply cabinet in the basement, with the jibrel logo printed on a sheet of paper, glued to the door. Apparently this Talal fella does work at SEED, but as a member of the cleaning staff. He is good natured but very simple. When he heard about bitcoins he got really excited, he had to go lay down so he could calm down. The IT guys took pity on him and made him his very own ERC20 token, so he could pretend to be rich. They threw a website together, filled it with generic mumbojumbo (asset tokenization, lol). Someone even spent 5 minutes in photoshop on the logo. They had some pull with palmex, so he could "trade" his little tokens over there. But it got to Talal's head and with some friends from the cleaning crew (affectionately called the "poo boys"), they have been writing jibberish and spreading misinformation online. This has got to stop, for everybody's sake. There is no big reveal coming, it is all going to turn out to be a sad misunderstanding. Get out while you can.

>> No.8665258

keep projecting you loser/scammer,
>guys look at him, he doesn't stop exposing our scam, he must be mentally ill!!!!11111
It took me a few hours back then to research it now and a few hours to have fun with your mental gymnastics in those threads.

>muh don tapscott
>muh da Hongfei
>muh CZ
show me CZ or DaHongfei endorsing this scam
just because they spoke at the same conference doesn't mean anything
And Don Tapscott may be an asset tokenization enthusiast but he won't give 2 fucks if the team decides to make JNT token useless

>nothing too fancy, financial analyst, no lambo yet but doing well for himself
> filled it with generic mumbojumbo (asset tokenization, lol).
>with the jibrel logo printed on a sheet of paper, glued to the door.

>> No.8665299

Keep coping boyos and don't forget keep holding :)

>19cents already

People realize that JNT was made obsolete from one night to the other, good job.

>> No.8665322

Jesus christ man, so you are actually serious. Seek help.

>> No.8665345

you're the type of a guy who would call people exposing bitconnect as a scam crazy

at this point I just watch this as a comedy movie as the entire thing unfolds and bagholders like you give me good laughs.
And if someone takes a lesson out of this scam for the future that's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone

>> No.8665346

It's not a scam you mouthbreather. Think what you want about the token mechanics now but it's hardly turned into bitconnect. And the people at their conference is clearly an endorsement, it organised by Jibrel you mong. You didn't see CZ on the stage beside Carlos matos do you? In short, I'm triggered. Well done

>> No.8665371

You are right it isn't a direct scam. 32m for a project which wasn't even tested and after 2 weeks a shortfall in liquidity appeared. The solution? Make JNT obsolete.

>The absolute state of an ICO.

>> No.8665380

So the value of this token now depends mostly on how much assets are backed by jBonds instead of jCash. The team say that jbonds will be preferred due to looser regulations surrounding them regarding KYC/AML, but if the focus is on institutional investors surely they are KYC/AML compliant already and would have no reason to use jbonds over the off-chain asset-backed jcash?

>> No.8665396

Should i buy now or are we going lower?

>> No.8665404

I don't see why this guy would have a such a hard on for this project, unless he was trying to FUD. Yes, there are legitimate criticisms brought up by the post and jCash changes are not good for JNT holders.

But why does this guy feel the need to try to give the worst possible picture about the changes, like trying to convince people that JNT will be only gas?

IMO the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, and as long as JNT is used as proof-of-solvency for jBonds and you trust that team are not blatantly lying, there is no reason to panic.

team are liars -> sell
team is telling the truth -> this is still a good investment (after the FUD clears lol)

>> No.8665409

pretty much. + we have no idea why jnt backing would work for jBonds and not for jCash. no explanation there

>> No.8665421

See >>8665371
the entire project may survive in some way but without the JNT token, which in itself (muh proof of onchain solvency meme) was bitconnect-like and the team stopped hiding it now, that's why they ditched the JNT backing for jcash

If you're here to cheer and support those scamels go for it, but if you're hoping some rich arabs will make you rich by pumping your bags as a side effect you're beyond help

You thought those institutions (smart and rich people) wouldn't ask a question about "this JNT thing" ? of course they wouldn't be ok with making someone like you rich with nothing in exchange (or even being exposed to risk when the ponzi doesn't work)

>> No.8665445


So you are saying that you are actually trying to help people by speading misinformation and baseless FUD. I really wonder if you actually believe that. I mean it is understandable, most people believe that they are good people, when in fact they are fucking terrible retards. Your whole demeanor is screaming edgy triggered teenager who has nothing better to do on a saturday afternoon than posting deliberate misinformation on an anonymous imageboard. You have serious issues kid.

Also, about Don Tapscott not giving a fuck about making JNT useless.. It just tells how stupid you really are. You realize that he is WORKING with them right? He received JNT to help them make the project successful. He and the team is much more interested in making JNT moon than anyone else on /biz/, since their own profits depend on it. Have you only worked at McDonalds in your life, or how come you do not know basic business logic? Get fucked you stupid retard.

>Make JNT obsolete.

Absolutely baseless and stupid claim that would go against basic logic. You kids are really low tier retards

>> No.8665450

>I don't see why this guy would have a such a hard on for this project, unless he was trying to FUD.

Because many people are like me disappointed bagholders who put hope and money into thus project. After the extreme shilling the extreme disappointment fudding comes

>> No.8665468

>2) Our founders have a 5 year vesting schedule with a 2 year cliff to prove we aren't in this for the quick cash grab (which a lot of ICOs are guilty of).

3) Our team of advisors are also on 2 year vesting schedule.

4) timing of product release and announcements: Jibrel Network has been running on Ropsten (ethereum test net) since May, and we are releasing our jWallet (best in class) in mid-November and releasing jCash by the ico date. This means that users will be able to utilize the Jibrel network to purchase safe traditional assets on-chain the day we go live.. as opposed to raising capital to develop a product, we self-funded and created our platform, and will use the majority of the ico funding to provide liquidity to the platform.. Having users experience our products first hand will mitigate some of the dumping (especially when it has real use as well)

5) diversity in crypto listing: the LA token dump on etherdelta was mainly due to the fact that the token was tradable on etherdelta and wasn't liquid on other exchanges that were initially claimed to be 'listing'. Jibrel will start with at least 4 crypto different exchanges maintaining a variety of options for our investors.

In startups, a "Cliff" is the period of time in which if you leave, you get nothing.

So, for example, 5 year vesting 2 year cliff, means:

0% Vests after Year 1 25% Vests after Year 2 50% Vests after Year 3 75% Vests after Year 4 100% Vests after Year 5

If you leave before the start of your THIRD year.

You get nothing.

Only hope is that fucking scamlal was not lying that the team has a vesting period.

On the other hand they could also be happy with all the Ether money they received and call it a day.

>> No.8665472

The best reason to sell now is time investment. Which is funny because none of these retards brought that up yet. From the timeline it will take months for everything to be in place and ready and you likely won't see any new exchanges until then.

I still think it's going to be another Ripple though. But I fear it's going to have the same problem that Ripple does. While it offers a valuable and extremely useful financial service XRP is pretty useless and getting people to adopt it is hard.

Though it got a 20B market cap so maybe it will work out.

>> No.8665501

>fundamental nature of the project changed, JNT no longer really required
>rolling out a bunch of new shit, despite not being able to deliver on old shit
>more delays

You guys are fucking deluded. I'm basically all in on this project and I'm shitting bricks now. It feels like this was just a teaser for the next article which is going to make JNT entirely obsolete.

>> No.8665512

ok dude, it's clear to me as day at this point that you're emotionally attached to your investment, everyone's been there and done that at some point in their crypto "careers", no need to get angry.
I'm not even gonna get into your personal attacks

As to their own tokens and all that incentive-deception
Yea, I'm sure they will magically make their tokens expensive by giving it a gas role. I hate to brake it to you but ico teams rearely give a fuck about their own tokens when they get $30m right after the ico that they can change for cold hard cash.
They can lock their tokens for as much as the bagholders want because it's meaningless

>> No.8665518
File: 63 KB, 1200x901, new-understanding-the-stages-of-grief-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most jibtards (am also one) are still at the Denial stage. Funny

>> No.8665532

>Absolutely baseless and stupid claim that would go against basic logic. You kids are really low tier retards

>Just answer ne why would anyone use jBond over jCash?
The only argument which the bagholders could give me was because of the regulatory and KYC shit. This makes basically no sense. Jibrel Network was and still is all about the insitutional money. They are always compliant and are always able to buy into jCash and don't even have to look at jBond. And not even anyone else will look into jBond, because the exact same shortfall which happened in the test phase to jCash will happen to jBond, that's why the ditched it in the first point.

And now guess what. If the money is only going into jCash it wont be reflected into the mcap, which leads to nothing else than an obsolete token.

At least you can buy a jNode sub for 500 USD. There is your use case.

The project will succeed, but right now they don't give a fuck about JNT holders, because they already got their money

>> No.8665547

>without the JNT token

You make that assumption based on a medium post that to be honest does not contain too much good information, I don't know who the fuck is writing those articles but they should give the task to someone who is a native english speaker, because time after time these articles only create more questions than they answer. The truth is right now that noone fucking knows 100% what their plans are, but to assume that they would make their own token useless and that way make their own profits obsolete from doing 16 hours of work every day for who knows how many years is just retarded beyond belief, like who in their right mind would seriously think this? Maybe someone who is braindead but I dunno.

>rich arabs pumping your bags
Jesus... I mean this is just so stupid I don't even want to comment it. It seems like actual real life business is just way too complicated for your cognitive capacity, they do not give a fuck who's bags they are pumping, they have JNT as well and they are trying to make it worth a lot by the best of their ability. Try to think a little kiddo, the world is not only biz and memes.

>making someone like you rich
Beyond fucking laughable thinking, sadness and misery reeks from your posts.

>> No.8665576
File: 1006 KB, 830x830, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 posts by this id
>he is in every thread, every single day

>> No.8665588

I am very emotionally detached actually, I am just triggered by stupid kids acting smart without anyone calling their bullshit out.

>when they got $30m
You do realize they do not own that $30m because it is used as liquidity right? I mean it seems like in your worldview almost everyone is a scammer, and you are trying to prove that through confirmation bias everywhere you see. Who hurt you man? Talk about it, I will listen.

>> No.8665602

>The truth is right now that noone fucking knows 100% what their plans are, but to assume that they would make their own token useless and that way make their own profits obsolete from doing 16 hours of work every day for who knows how many years is just retarded beyond belie

m8. The point of the (useless) tokes was to get the Ether moeny to kick-start the thing. Also they do not care about the token value anymore since they now have started a successful startup backed by the sheiks and presumably other banks. They will be making lots of money but not based on their worthless chuck e cheese tokens but by succesuly managing and running a crpyto-tokenization-bank managing hundred of millions of assets.

>> No.8665604
File: 58 KB, 1485x1101, slep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some way it makes me even comfier, he's a kind of reassuring presence like.my mom who screams at me, and every time I open a JNT thread it makes me feel like I'm home.

>> No.8665648

You are in the worst denial phase i have ever seen. Take a step off the board, have so fun and come back with some rational thoughts and not your fucking cognitive dissoance shit.

>> No.8665652

>they already got their money.
You do realize that most of the angel investors cannot touch their holding for 2 years right?
You do realize that Yazan and Talal cannot access their holdings for years right? I mean I don't remember the specifics, look them up if you want, but this is the truth.

You believe just because they temporarily changed their plans to issue jBonds JNT will be obsolete? You are a retarded shitposter on 4chan, and you believe you have everything figured out from half-informations and assumptions. You do not know how this will work, you have at most 5% of the information that the Jibrel team has about the landscape and the possibilities, but you believe you know everything. I hope you are way more humble irl, or you are in for quite a few surprises.

>> No.8665683

Still hasn't answered anything regarding the question and just trys to switch topics. Has he reached a new phase of denial?

>> No.8665710

>ether money to kick-start the thing

>they do not care about the token value anymore because blah blah
What? So you are saying that they will scam their angel investors, their advisors, and their team all who received JNT, and STILL make it a successful business? I mean what the fuck is this retardation

Yeah allright buddy. And I guess you panic sold and now desperately trying to mentally confirm that you made the right decision, like 90% of the current fudders in the thread? Laughable!

>> No.8665723

It boils down to the fact that it would be financial suicide for them all to make jnt worthless.Their personal lockups they cant touch for 3 years would make them all hundreds of millions each if they can make the token 60 dollars or so.They essentially have bigger bags of jnt than all of us.

>> No.8665749

And how the fuck would I answer those questions you stupid fuck? How the fuck would I have the answers? I am not in the team, I haven't been working with them, I do not have the details, I do not know shit! Like you expect someone from here to give you detailed answers to all the questions that your stupid fearful mind proposes? And not having the answers means that the whole thing is shit and you panic sell? You need to learn to tolerate some uncertainty, if you ever want to make real money, like what the fuck grow a pair.

>> No.8665774

>but to assume that they would make their own token useless and that way make their own profits obsolete from doing 16 hours of work every day for who knows how many years is just retarded beyond belief, like who in their right mind would seriously think this? Maybe someone who is braindead but I dunno.

they have 30m usd from the ico, do you even realize what that means, how much moeny it is? you all have fucked up perception by this entire crypto ico ponzi, nowadays neets think a line of code costs 1m each or what? They have enough money to never worry about finances again, of course if they can make JNT expensive that would be advantageous but it won't happen, it's gonna ba another dead shitcoin with some made up purposes (that they're promising as we speak). They admitted JNT backing won't work for jcash (which either makes them idiots or total liars - you choose what's worse)

>Jesus... I mean this is just so stupid I don't even want to comment it. It seems like actual real life business is just way too complicated for your cognitive capacity, they do not give a fuck who's bags they are pumping, they have JNT as well and they are trying to make it worth a lot by the best of their ability. Try to think a little kiddo, the world is not only biz and memes.

Ok mr smartass, then explain to me how else would you describe the DAO buying tokens from the market if not simply pumping your bags?
Also you were all deluded all along thinking those tokenizing assets wouldn't wonder about "that curious JNT" thing, they could frontrun their own tokenization with no problems, and they would do it because who hates money?
but of course it turned out it's not even gonna work, because ponzis only work until they don't

>>making someone like you rich
>Beyond fucking laughable thinking, sadness and misery reeks from your posts.

yea, I'm super sad I was proven right since the beginning. Sad!

>> No.8665790

> So you are saying that they will scam their angel investors,
yes. Who are those anyways. Not big enough to matter in a multi billion dollar sector. Also VCs are used to make losses on the majority of comps but few do like 50x so it all offsets. This is no exception.
>their advisors,
can be paid in real (ehter) money in addition to the jnt
the team does not care anymore about the token, cause jibrel will become a successful corp earning REAL MONEY and generating REAL PROFITS. From that you can easily pay salaries etc to the team in addition to the tokens

>> No.8665794

Now that this project has been revealed as 99% sure to be a scam, what are we supposed to do? Go back to link?

I should have listened to the camel-posters fuck

>> No.8665839

Wow... This is now just weak and the same shit over and over. Some people just cannot into basic real world logic I guess.

>> No.8665850

Ether price has done a -75% in the last 3 months.


>> No.8665873

You can cope all day long. So far you keep responding to everyone and have zero constructive input. Everything is pointing towards the point that JNT is obsolete. You can keep waiting for another medium article as long as you want. Good luck.

This whole project now is russian roulette.

First you had to gamble on institutions to tokenize money. That's a big one already and now you have to gamble, if the prefer jCash over jBond and jBond clearly makes JNT obsolete. Search the TG and recheck the response from Yazan and Talal. The shortfall will keep excisting and they made the decision to split it up. Good decision for the project, shitty decision for the JNT holders.

They already got 32M in ETH, doesn't matter if it is vested or not. They can make JNT useless and still make the project successful.

>> No.8665882

keep deluding yourself. Hope you loose a shitton of money. You remind me of the deluded LINK holders with emotion>logic

>> No.8665887

>You do realize they do not own that $30m because it is used as liquidity right?
liquidity for some imaginary things that never happened, but hey! keep believing! Trust the team! they never lied about anything!

>Who hurt you man? Talk about it, I will listen.
Nice projection mr Jordan Peterson, we are all impressed by your 2 weeks psychology course but you can stop now

How will they do it if ON CHAIN solvency doesn't work ?
They KNOW there is nothing they can do to pump your bags, that's why they're coming up with JNT-based-wallet-interface-voting system in their panic damage control

>you stupid fuck?
>How the fuck
>I'm emotionally dettached,
pick one, you're getting visibly angry

>> No.8665935

I'm salty as fuck because I could have rode ela or gvt pumps instead of holding this shit
didn't even get a decent FOMO pump out of it, only sat bleed

>> No.8665941

Guess what, every single crypto out there is russian roulete.Even eth, which could easily fail, and id class that as the least likely of everything.This crypto just gets special attention because it has insane backing and funding.The mix of fud is MOSTLY people who cant afford enough, want to accumulate, want to feel that they made the right decision by selling.Very few posts feel like genuine valid points on why it may fail that cant be applied to every crypto out there.

>> No.8665966

This was a surefire moon mission with the initial version. Now it's not better than any other shitty gas token. Way to ruin a great project. Good job.

>> No.8665994

it can survive on speculation and serving as gas fees but thats not why anyone bought this coin

>> No.8666017

it can not survive till the next bull in 3-4 years cause it is already too small. Look how many coins survived from 2014 to 2017. Only the really big and established ones made it.

The great shitcoin purging will continue in the next years

>> No.8666062

Spells lose loose. Kys faggot

>> No.8666119
File: 27 KB, 580x302, DELUDED SCAMEL9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Max said it's time to 'CCUMULATE
I'm sure he's right, have some confidence for Fuck's Sake!

>> No.8666188

I never thought it was surefire but I thought it would generate enough hype to at least make some short term profit even if the whole thing turned out to be a scam or ponzi, just look at bitconnect

>> No.8666236

> Key Issues: Insufficient market liquidity / activity for Proof of Solvency to be completely decentralized.
> Under current market conditions (+70% correction), the system would’ve remained balanced, but would have lost funds in excess of AED 2,000,000 (US$ 544,520) to provide only AED 10,000,000 (US$ 2,722,600) worth of CryDRs (20% deterioration).


I was pointing out what you wrote in the green in the beginning in two reddit threads and the telegram. They said they would respond multiple times and Talal just ghosted me. They have fucking known about this problem for a while. They are fucking brainlets and the idea of using their own JNT token instead of ETH or BTC like MAKER was just an attempt to bring some utility to their token.

check out these two threads. My posts are under XRBaller. Please excuse my use of reddit; only way I had to attempt to contact these cameljockeys.



both of these are over a month old and messaged straight to talal multiple times. I got cucked buying at .65-.7 before I did proper research and back when I actually listened to people on BIZ. I suppose somewhat fortunately I was able to get out at .5

>> No.8666249


What I honestly believe now is that they always knew of this problem but like all the others wanted to have an ICO and raise money.

This project works so much better without JNT at all. Instead of this on chain solvency crap just use some sort of super credible 3rd party auditing system like DigixDAO is doing. Boom problem solved. People can tokenize whatever assets they want without ever having to touch any contrived JNT mechanism. Likely it was their plan to go this route all along at some point but this crash pushed them there sooner than hoped for. They will continue basically as planned just without JNT (which was never truly necessary - on chain solvency was a novel idea but fundamentally flawed as implemented) and anything from here such as jBonds (trash) is just throwing bagholders a bone.

>> No.8666263


So obvious thinking about it looking back. In the white paper the section on the JNT token itself is basically a footnote. And using JNT for on-chain proof of solvency is actually much more volatile than using a token like ETH with a much larger economy/cap. As planned one whale dumping a large amount of JNT was always going to fuck up their on-chain solvency and cost the DAO a ton of money. If they had chosen eth for on-chain solvency at least buying and selling of the collateral to back assets wouldn't have a massive affect beyond however trivially it moved the overall ETH price. It would be more stable for sure and either way a huge market crash costs the DAO $. Their Idea with JNT was a straight up Ponzi that only works if people keep tokenizing shit but never redeem for the underlying asset. If Sheik 1 sends 100 million Jcash to Sheik 2 and Sheik 2 redeems for the underlying fiat he then gets his 100million worth of JNT back (the DAO wouldn't be covering the on chain solvency in cases like this as they wouldn't even have the money to buy that JNT in the first place- which makes you question if sheik 1 would have even tokenized anything in the first place if he had to take the risk of supplying all that JNT to the DAO) That JNT gets sold dropping the price and boom chain reaction knocks down the whole thing as the on chain assets no longer cover CRYdrs. This means either more CRYdrs have to be immediately redeemed for underlying assets to reduce liability (freeing up more JNT to be market sold dumping the price and causing even more "liquidations") or someone has to come up with more JNT (potentially a fucking huge amount) to put on chain to compensate for the drop in value of the existing on chain JNT. Who is gonna step up to do this. The DAO itself only has so much liquidity. The only thing the white paper says about JNT is a literal falsehood. This was doomed to fail.

>> No.8666265

>every single crypto out there is russian roulete
Basically any serious project has a clear vision and a clear road map. JNT had that too and now they change it up and inform their investors with a medium articles which raises more questions and concerns than clearing things up. The clearly changed the fundumentals over night and everyone has to reevluate if it makes sense to keep holding.

>The mix of fud is MOSTLY people who cant afford enough, want to accumulate,
Keep coping all day long. If you think that's whats going on, fine. Nobody can even sell any significant amount since the volume is trash anyway

>> No.8666277


by maliciously "shoehorning" JNT into this, Which they knew was intrinsically flawed, in order to have an ICO and raise money for themselves at the expense of future bagholders that are to be made when the token is revealed to be a useless failure is pretty much scamming by definition.

>> No.8666298

>They are fucking brainlets and the idea of using their own JNT token instead of ETH or BTC
I've been saying it since day 1, btc or eth will not go to 0 during a shitstorm, some purely ponzi-like token sure will
you know what bagholders told me?
>but hurr they need their own token to be independent

you know a token is worthless if the only excuse a team has is the
>independency meme

>> No.8666342

Because institutional investors will only want products that do not allow them any access to the wider crypto market? There are already tools that allow institutional investors to do business with one another. There is no chance that jCash will be the only product they are interested in as it will have very limited use beyond being a fiat on-ramp for crypto.

>> No.8666351

How are people still defending this? Do you really not understand what happened?

You thought you were investing in Jibrel, as JNT was closely tied to the tokenization process. But now you're not anymore. All you have now is a gas token. You have no investment in the project, since the JNT you had has been swapped for something else, that's not even really needed for the tokenization to work. How are you not getting this? They fucked you. They fucked you so hard and you are still denying it.

>> No.8666407

>instead of ETH or BTC like MAKER

Oh! You're that MAKER fag who has been FUDing in every Jibrel thread since day 1 because you are terrified that your bags are going to be made worthless. I did suspect it was you but thanks for confirming.

>> No.8666476
File: 48 KB, 1280x559, 22a585d0-deaf-4abc-be71-5a0b1a5b5aa7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because someone on 4chan says it's just a gas token now doesn't make it true. Yazan explained in the Telegram yesterday that proof-of-solvency is still very much part of the plan with jBonds + hybrid assets. He also said that SEED will have a focus on the jBonds.

So what makes you think it's just a gas token?

>> No.8666512

the problem with this is that jCash IS NO LONGER BACKED BY JNT... so every tokenization made via jCash does fuckall for JNT, correct? other than burning some gas or some shit... this is the main reason for the fud. if we could clear this up there would be no issues.

>> No.8666515

>make it
>sand pajeet shit
pick one

>> No.8666524

>This project works so much better without JNT at all. Instead of this on chain solvency crap just use some sort of super credible 3rd party auditing system like DigixDAO is doing. Boom problem solved. People can tokenize whatever assets they want without ever having to touch any contrived JNT mechanism.

> And using JNT for on-chain proof of solvency is actually much more volatile than using a token like ETH with a much larger economy/cap

>Their Idea with JNT was a straight up Ponzi

>Which they knew was intrinsically flawed, in order to have an ICO and raise money for themselves at the expense of future bagholders

Anyone can go back to the archives and see how much shit I got from deluded fanboys for saying EXACTLY that months/weeks ago

I guess if you point out flaws/scams you're a:
>piece of shit
>want to accumulate their bags

>> No.8666534

someone should make the fish pink wojak-style, that'd be a quality meme

>> No.8666542

Doesn't matter what you buy this next few weeks everything is going up may - june. December all over again.

>> No.8666555

You clown think a Shiekh is running a scam and for what 30 millions? You do realize that’s pocket change for s Shiekh, like litterally pocket change and I am not exaggerating. A lot people are going to be up up when this takes off and I can’t wait, bought few today at this price and hoping I catch the bottom

>> No.8666569

Oh yeah, where is that banking license guys?

>> No.8666580

Because he holds Maker bags and doesn't want a competitor with stellar partnerships and stacked team to make his heavy bags worthless.

>> No.8666588

The sheik is literally 9 years old

>> No.8666601
File: 56 KB, 521x270, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of fud here. The project lead has refuted nearly all of it in the telegram last night.

>> No.8666610
File: 61 KB, 1354x889, 1496703830347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy again..please fud some more though so that my buy orders get filled. Fud as hard as you can bro

>> No.8666612


Fuck off Arab. We don't want your kind around here.

>> No.8666615

This has been proven false already. Going to be nice once this makes me rich.

>> No.8666617
File: 42 KB, 517x190, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8666618

yazan's word is worthless, just wait for the next update "I know we said the SEED group investment would be focused on jbonds, but after discussions with our investment partners during our pilot we've decided to go another route for the good of the network..."
They already assfucked investors with this jbond bullshit, this isn't a stretch at all. Useless dogshit coin will be absolutely worthless this time next week

>> No.8666629

I apologize for being a deluded fanboy. The fudders were right.

>> No.8666634

You’re the fucking pajeet

>> No.8666669

>soon they will announce they're forking fucking Ethereum, just watch

ha, i see where you get this. due to a few errors where they can't get etherscan data they are rolling their own. classic sign of run-amok dev team expanding scope and foolish leadership not reigning them in.
Im sure the offshore russian dev team would just love to fork ethereum.

>> No.8666704

got some telegram admin pajeet babbling to me:

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:09]
Things are really bad man, jibrel is the only one out there who actually has an idea of why they need to cut ties from the crypto market

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:10]
Everything’s illegal man

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:10]
All but 10ish erc 20 tokens are illegal securities

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:10]
Every major exchange is under fire

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:10]
Tether is still a systemic risk

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:11]
Existing business are moving towards private chains instead of open platforms

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:11]
Successful projects are ones that look outside crypto for liquidity

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:12]
You can’t have a token be solvent if people are selling just to get out

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:12]
That’s why you have to build a token that can maintain value, weather the storm

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:12]
Then people pick the option we want

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:13]
Why didn’t the team check proof of solvency? They did, it’s the macro environment that’s done this

>> No.8666708


>> No.8666728

you're missing the point, jcash isn't backed by jnt so even if the seed group keeps putting money in it doesn't matter for anyone holding jnt

the whole point was that no matter what they tokenize jnt would reflect that value but now that's not the case

>> No.8666730

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:09]
Things are really bad man, jibrel is the only one out there who actually has an idea of why they need to cut ties from the crypto market

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:10]
Everything’s illegal man

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:10]
All but 10ish erc 20 tokens are illegal securities

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:10]
Every major exchange is under fire

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:10]
Tether is still a systemic risk

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:11]
Existing business are moving towards private chains instead of open platforms

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:11]
Successful projects are ones that look outside crypto for liquidity

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:12]
That’s why you have to build a token that can maintain value, weather the storm

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:12]
Then people pick the option we want

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:13]
Why didn’t the team check proof of solvency? They did, it’s the macro environment that’s done this

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:15]
Telegram admin, I’ve just been in the project for a year, know the team and they’ve gone through hardships man

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:16]
They planned for this collapse, it’s one of the medium articles, it’s why they’re blockchain agnostic

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:16]
Don’t worry about demand for bonds or cash mate

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:21]
Jibrel is a liquidity engine, jAssets completely free up the market. You have to think, why would a bank put money into an asset which is directly collateralized with one of the most volatile assets in the world. They won’t, until jibrel proves its stable. This is the way to prove stability. Why won’t banks take the chance? Because cryptocurrencies are a mess, with really no hope of any price appreciation.

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:21]
Where would the new money come from?

>> No.8666747

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:21]
There’s no good way to put a large amount in except through wire transfer to unregistered exchanges

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:22]
What would they buy?small amounts of money can cause huge rises and falls.
Bitcoin dropped from 20k to 10k just by selling 2 billion

Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:24]
The technology is great, jibrel is fine, they just need to survive this upcoming storm. Low volume coins are good hedges, they stay still. More exchanges just mean more ways to lower the price, there for lowering retail investor confidence, therefore lowering institutional confidence

>> No.8666763
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>> No.8666774

keep your dirty hands off my jibblies! REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8666796

So it's clear now, you have been fudding this for months. Literally hundreds of hours wasted from your life on a coin that you are not even invested in. Literally retarded.

>> No.8666814

your stupidity is astounding

>> No.8666834

this is the official JNT accumulation thread if you were wondering

>> No.8666842

They said they would tokenize SEED money using both. Now you can believe them or not
I have my doubts

>> No.8666866

Can you get more info on what does he know about erc20 tokens being illegal securities, or exhanges being under fire?

Seems quite big if he actually has insider knowledge, and is not just guessing.

>> No.8666874

They have said a lot of things and delievered nothing so far.

>> No.8666912
File: 88 KB, 636x382, 94E227AE-FE31-4B8D-960A-8CD4218B5779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s your sheikh on the right

>> No.8666918

Done. Thanks.

>> No.8666932
File: 33 KB, 539x362, DELUDED SCAMEL10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally hundreds of hours wasted

Oh! It's mr pschylogist again, and Nope, I jumped in every once in a while because I hoped someone would have some arguments.
You're the one who wasted time because you didn't provide any substance to the discussion. Probably also wasted money on that failed ponzi. Your delusion is showing and it's not only my opinion, not sure what else to tell you.

yet I'm the one who was right and you're stuck with useless bags.
>guys he wants to accumulate our bags!

Also pic rel
An Admin(?) throwing his own project under the bus? Nice

>> No.8666964

after asking where he got the info:

"Nah not jibrel, still an Amalgamation of dev and lawyer opinions"

so eh

>> No.8667067

DigixDAO is still crap though

>> No.8667085

>Lurking the telegram all day for more FUD material.

Truly pathetic

>> No.8667106

It won’t ever be listed you faggot >>8661885
Fucking nignogs

>> No.8667115

no retard would put this amount of effort throwing mindless FUD unless they were interested themselves. please continue with the high effort smearing and exaggeration.

>> No.8667117

>Manfred Hewitt, [01.04.18 02:09]
>Things are really bad man, jibrel is the only one out there who actually has an idea of why they need to cut ties from the crypto market
lol if that doesn't ring a bell I don't know what will

I'm pretty sure all the onchain solvency meme coins would shit the bed in case of of a black swan event.

it's not fud at this point, it's a pure comedy

>> No.8667170

Exposing scams/flaws = retarded effort into mindless fud

The absolute state of bagholders
Dude, I guess you'll be the one going down with the ship, I actually hope you hold till the end.
I was always friendly towards anyone with actual counter arguments but entitled fucks like you deserve to be parted from their money

>> No.8667181


>> No.8667206

G-guys? Why is the admin using the image of that russian embassador as his profile pic?

His picture is fake, his name probably is too. W-what the fuck, bros?

>> No.8667229


wut? I own nothing but BTC and ZIL. Nice strawman, how about refuting anything I said

I lost money on JNT. bought at .65-.7 during the hype back when i listened to people on BIZ. After i finally did my own research I sold for around .5 when it was getting listed on kucoin. This is also after i wrote two long posts asking these questions in the Jibrel subbredit and linking them to Talal in telegram several times over a month ago. He said he or Yazan would put together a response several times but the just ghosted me. I lost several grand on this.

My posts are under XRBaller



I'm not shilling for MAKER isn't that shitcoin dead too? Only stable coin I would touch is maybe DGX.

>> No.8667312

I'm talking about the other Anon. Talal said that all of these answers would be answered with the Medium posts so that's why he probably didn't answer.

>> No.8667337


well it is better than jibrel at least. Does about 1000x Jibrel's daily volume (literally)

and what the fuck are jBonds? are you really falling for this, In a telegram post Yazan literally said they are "Token backed Tokens"

>> No.8667345
File: 27 KB, 640x274, 15A588C1-F915-453F-A732-6DD7EF0E0459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talal is a confirmed retard

>> No.8667375
File: 35 KB, 633x204, IMG_20180331_191505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofc no numbers how much will be jbonds. But somehow they know that bonds will be focus.

>> No.8667396

I love this meme, feels like I'm reading some aviation forum recently

>> No.8667435
File: 567 KB, 1693x525, jntadmin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we really just going to ignore that the Jibrel admin is using a fake identity? B-bros?

>> No.8667464

31 post by that id. Man, you are desperate.

>> No.8667469

Why couldn’t they do this “pilot” with the $30 million they raised?

>> No.8667485

I thought they were currently tokenizing assets guys

>> No.8667498

He's not an admin you fucking loser, anyone can go to the telegram and see that.

>> No.8667500

They did idiot, they used the 30 millions plus the 250 millions from SEED group

>> No.8667506

Why? Because Talal’s fairy ass says so?

>> No.8667524

He is absolutely an admin. However he isn't a team member and he is what Rory is to Link.

>> No.8667531

pretty much 100% of your posts are filled the preassumed ideas i guess is hoping to persuade idiots it's a scam. you don't have arguments to begin with.

>> No.8667553

I can go to the telegram and see there is no admin beside his name?

>> No.8667561

Then show me a tokenized asset or anything verifiable from the pilot. They got $30 million cash months ago.

>> No.8667575

desperate for what? at least I provided good points since the beginning and good laughs from the telegram baholders, what have you done?
>31 replies
>no counter argument
really makes you think

lol ok, go accumulate some more then
>you don't have arguments to begin with
nigga can you even read? There have been countless arguments not only from me, here, try this for example:
explain to my why they decided all of a sudden that on chain solvency won't work for jcash?

>> No.8667587
File: 41 KB, 499x209, Don't know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you are seeing but he is an admin as far as I can tell.

>> No.8667614

Which was never seen. There is no money from the Seed group you kike

>> No.8667673

then you're a clueless asking that question because it was already in the medium post. you just showing how unaware you are to come to a rational conclusion.

>> No.8667686

>no counter argument

Two cowboys, a newcomer and an old-timer, are drinking beer in front of a saloon. Suddenly, there is a clatter of hooves, a great cloud of dust, and something moving extremely fast from one end of town to the other. The newcomer looks at the old-timer, but seeing no reaction, decides to let the matter drop. However, several minutes later, the same cloud of dust, accompanied by the clatter of hooves, rapidly proceeds in the other direction. Not being able to see what's behind the dust, and unable to contain his curiosity any longer, the newcomer asks:
"OK, what the hell was that, Bill?"
"Oh, that's Uncatchable Joe. Nobody has ever managed to catch him, Harry."
"Why? Is he so fast, Bill?"
"Nope, it's just because nobody gives a fuck about him, Harry."

>> No.8667698

ignore typos.

>> No.8667770

you really don't want to see the truth do you?

They fucking KNEW it wouldn't ever work long before they run the ico, let that into your brain finally, they have to pretend like they just realized that now (because how else would they collect 30m usd?) now they're softly exit scamming the jnt usage to jbonds and jgas (which still doesn't make sense why the system would work for bonds but not for cash but whatever) and later it will be jgas only.

but you're all butthurt enough to talk shit instead? makes perfect sense actually

>> No.8667782

It’s not going to last until the end of the year.

>> No.8667798

Sure, Reuters lied too?

>> No.8667823

just dumped 10k

gonna keep an eye out for that article in case they say something definitive but I'm tired of being strung along while this shit bleeds, changing fundamentals was the last straw for me

>> No.8667862

Summary of jibrel bull arguments:
- this whole thing is really complicated and no one can understand it right

- no one could have forseen that jnt would be volatile when no clear info about tokenization or dao was released, and only shit exchange listings were made. so the team is being smart in reacting to this volatility by pivoting

- jnt will be even better now that it has more uses. the amount of tokens burned in wallet voting and api calls will make a difference.

- there's a logical reason for a tokenization project to build new versions of myetherwallet and etherscan

- cryptos are inherently volatile for some reason. the reason isn't uncertainty about their ultimate use case, and that volatility wouldn't be reduced if they were tied to real assets.

- the original plan to list on big exchanges was wrong, staying on small exchanges is good. its not a problem that the team reversed on this.

- the whitepaper never said they would back tokenized assets by jnt, the fact that the team talked about this and now is walking it back is not a problem

- nothing strange about the fact that insiders haven't created buy pressure

- even if the team announced and proved that JNT was being used as proof of solvency for 250M of real assets, the macro environment and bitcoin price movements would still make JNT tank. the so called simulations fully accounted for all of this

- we just discovered that many cryptos are illegal securities. jibrel was never about making tokens that are legal securities

>> No.8667868

Reuters is the standard now? Was salon not available?

>> No.8667891

it's a good sign though. it means they're actually in legit talks with these banks and that the banks are saying ok we want this and this and this.

much worse scenario is that nothing is changed and banks/institutions look at the project in late 2018 and tell them to fuck off and the entire thing goes to 0

>> No.8667904
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>> No.8667916

>the original plan to list on big exchanges was wrong, staying on small exchanges is good. its not a problem that the team reversed on this.
this is legit fud. they definitely said it'd be getting listed on big exchanges. not sure if they should be partially absolved due to the crash or what. crashes fucking happen though and the market was due for a correction.

>> No.8667932

Now this is bad fud

>> No.8667958

man i just asked some really good questions in the telegram and talek didn't answer and just said he has to leave. not a good sign.

nobody can fucking answer why institutions will choose jBonds over jCash.

>> No.8667982

my main concern is how jnt will get its value
I don't care about jcash or anything else if it does nothing for the tokens I'm holding

>> No.8667997


-I pointed out to Talal over a month ago that using JNT for on chain solvency was much more volatile than using a larger cap coin like BTC/ETH. He said he would respond to my posts but continually ghosted me. The Volatility problems with JNT were obvious and exchange listings having absolutely nothing to do with that intrinsic problem.

>JNT will be better now that it has more uses

What? Its primary use and the thing that gives it value is now obsolete. Wallet voting? Are you serious?

>Cryptos are inherently volatile for some reason?

-You think this is a mystery? Hint- the price of low liquidity small cap assets are heavily influenced by buys/sells

>Listing on small exchanges is better than large exchanges

LOL OK. The cope is real

>the whitepaper never said they would back tokenized assets by jnt, the fact that the team talked about this and now is walking it back is not a problem

This is actually the ONLY thing the white paper said about JNT

>we just discovered that many cryptos are illegal securities. jibrel was never about making tokens that are legal securities

again... WHATTT?

You sir are a brainlet.
This is the absolute state of the JNT bagholder ladies and gentleman

>> No.8667999

everything is an exit scam, nothing makes sense, and only the worst case scenario is true.

>> No.8668016

are you a moron? you think i'm defending jnt? lol

>> No.8668020

none of the other fud matters. the single question is whether institutional money will use jBonds backed by JNT over jCash backed by fiat. if not, enjoy your 3.5x gains in 3 years from muh gas for jCash. if so, we're still heading to lambo land. it's clear that they're in talks with institutions otherwise none of this shit happens and they just keep the same token economics. someone is saying "we want both" but WHY do they want jCash if jBonds are "more profitable and require less regulation."

this is endgame-tier shit right here and will make or break this coin.

>> No.8668021


ah I see. This was satitircal. Nice. It slipped by me because I know JNT kids really are this dumb/delusional

>> No.8668026

It’s really not. Reuters is Salon tier garbage

>> No.8668036

the absolute state of desperate fudder accumulators.

>> No.8668037


yea actually I could see a bagholder thinking these are arguments in defense of their shitcoin. The shit I have seen so far is beyond retarded

>> No.8668038

ok. i apologize for name calling. thought the satire was obvious

>> No.8668046

well you have to options, they are either
>total amateurs/brainlets that didn't predict the most basic mechanisms
>they are liars/scammers

I'm just waiting to see the shitstorm either way

>> No.8668056

i guess the idea is that JNT will get its value from jBonds

old way:
jCash backed by fiat and JNT

new way:
jCash backed by fiat
jBonds backed by JNT

>> No.8668062

To bring out a random medium article without even going into the details about the fundumentally change from jCash to jBond shows the how unexperienced they are.

>> No.8668080

i would speculate the following:
Yazan still loves his wonderful DAO and on-chain backing. Banks they are talking to are skeptical but do want tokenized assets. they are willing to move forward now with non-jnt backed assets. jibrel is going to support this so they have a business. jbonds remains a long term future dream but is not in the short / medium term plan.

>> No.8668104

>these are the only options possible because i (unbaised) said so

>> No.8668137

why the fuck are the biz/telegram faggots not banned?

dat boi
ricardo wojak
frank gallagher

get these fuckin idiots banned from the telegram. enough is enough with these chucklefucks.

>> No.8668139

also keep in mind that this jCash-fiat is supposed to be temporary according to Yazan. ultimately if adopted the entire thing will be backed by JNT including jCash. that's my understanding of it. the next medium article better fucking explain some things as this has gotten ridiculously complex + vague.

>> No.8668140

well what other option do you see? try to answer,
PS: I already have all the brainlet wojak memes and sarcastic responses safely stored, so no need for that

>> No.8668197

why do banks even want tokenized assets?

>> No.8668216

well you see, i'd like for you to stay poor, specifically, it's just amusing to answer such a dedicated fudder.

>> No.8668230

>>8668080 seed group tokenizing a majority of the 250M in jBonds will give us returns alone unless they're just straight up lying, which any team could do to its investors. i'm not worried about actually losing money in Jibrel. i am definitely not thinking this will go 1000x in 3 years which seemed like a somewhat legit possibility last week.

dubai wants decentralization, they want to be ahead of the pack. it doesn't help them in the long game to have fiat-backed jCash without JNT right?

>> No.8668266


>> No.8668277

so SEED is going to subject themselves to a 20% loss ($50 million) the event of a market downturn? right.

>> No.8668314
File: 126 KB, 750x709, 1450048350527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, just like I thought, sarcastic damage control and full coginitive dissonance mode

>> No.8668319

it won't. read the medium article. they have plans in place to separate JNT from volatility. that's the whole point of the delay, solving that problem.

>> No.8668336

some of the arguments are outlined here, in a simple way:

>> No.8668346

WHAT THE FUCK? The whole point if JNT is that it's backed by real world assets.

Now it's backed by Jbonds which are backed by JNT? What's the fucking point of a jbond? Everyone buying them can just by the token off the exchange directly--Jbonds are valueless tokens of valueless tokens. This makes absolutely no sense without having real world assets as part of the equation.

>> No.8668354

The solution is to offer them jCash without the shortfall of JNT and the risk of votality. Period.

The solution for JNT is like a smoke bomb. jNode subscription? jGas? Nobody needs that shit

>> No.8668358

plans is a weak word tbqh, they actually have the completed tools

btw i'm not a jnt fanboy i'm here to make money not fall in love with a shitcoin, if this medium post doesn't specifically outline a feasible model and answer all these questions i'm selling most of my stack. i'm not a finance guy at all but these are basic questions that haven't been cleared up on here or the tg. they have no chance if they can't do it easily.

>> No.8668365

>they have plans in place to separate JNT from volatility. that's the whole point of the delay, solving that problem

Voting rights on how the wallet looks like!
Bois, I'm BULLISH as fuck!

>> No.8668378

did they actually exitscammed?

>> No.8668388

huh? JNT is still backed by real world assets. jBonds are backed by JNT, not the other way around

>> No.8668393

200 dollars gets you 1k of these. You all will be begging for these prices by EOY

>> No.8668394

how? that is literally impossible for a tradeable token, unless they somehow allow redemption of JNT for fiat. In which case there is no potential for price appreciation.

This sounds like a fucking ponzi. So JNT will have no volatility but it will somehow moon?

>> No.8668399

good coin kind sir, buy camel coin

>> No.8668411

It gets pretty old having gone through the antshares FUD back in june, i also haven't really done anything except mock/state the fudding tactics of your posts.

>> No.8668416

>38 posts by this ID
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8668442

i mean separate JNT from the volatility of BTC/ETH and the rest of the crypto market. if you tokenize a shitload of assets JNT will skyrocket, likewise it will plummet if you sell a shitload too.

>> No.8668445

you're the one getting mocked as your bags are nosediving

I'm just having legit fun at this point, no sarcasm

and if you want to talk shit start with this argument for example: >>8668394
Protip: you won't, you simply can't counter that

>> No.8668452

Reuters is one of the big three news agencies in the world with AFP and AP. They are among the most respected media organization. Just because their american political division sucks doesn't mean they are garbage tier.

>> No.8668486

so, in other words, it's still volatile?

>> No.8668506

yes, in the right way. not in the wrong way i.e. being tied to the price of ETH or BTC

>> No.8668548
File: 40 KB, 160x160, 1303164137315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was $500 for 1k when I bought in, plus it cost more sats back then so I got doubly fucked

>> No.8668556

are you retarded? There is no "right" volatility if institutions are supposed to buy these jBonds

>> No.8668575

yeah i fomo'd in at 29 cents thinking i was stealing this shit. could have gotten 50K if i'd just waited. probably could have gotten 100K honestly, would not be surprised to see this hit 10c

>> No.8668580

then how is a jbond any different than just buying JNT on an exchange?

>> No.8668608

but they already announced that jcash will not be backed by JNT because it won't work.
Why would anyone tokenize bonds (whatever jbonds are gonna be actually) if it's susceptible to the exact same problem.

>jbonds will be backed by jnt
and JNT will be backed by what?
A fucking perpetum mobile !

>> No.8668639

they buy jBonds backed by JNT, the price of JNT goes up regardless of btc/eth. what the fuck is hard about that you little faggot droplet of piss with 30 JNT? if they succeed that's what happens if they fail it's because it didn't get adopted and you lost your lunch money boohoo, neck yourself

>> No.8668644

Had Jibrel announced the seed partnership today instead of a month ago, and said 250 million would be used to back Jbonds and Jcash.You would all be going crazy with fomo.Back then we thought the seed would back with maybe 5 million dollars max.And the coin was rated by the buying public as a 50 cent coin.Perspective people, think longer that what your emotions tell you feel for this day.

>> No.8668689

yes i'm a bagholder too. with this anouncement the downside risk hasn't really changed, but some of the most optimistic outcomes are now mostly gone. good outcomes still remain possible but not the loftiest ones.

>> No.8668698

I don't care about the 250m, all i care is about the use case of JNT and right now there is non. JNT holders wont profit from a success of the project

>> No.8668699

Super weak points anon.

>> No.8668716

this is true and is a big reason why i don't think this is a straight up dishonest scam. a scam would have managed the comms and PR much better and cashed out in a tron like moon.

>> No.8668729

so why wouldn't they just hold JNT? What do you get if you redeem a jBond? the same JNT you put in?

how do you get interest on these bonds?

>> No.8668745

you can't expect a crypto infested board to have rational discussions about the long term prospects of an unconventional 'crypto'. these people prey on the impatient thinkers who are blinded by the short-term.

>> No.8668748

no one can answer these questions right now, and those who are trying are not the sharpest

>> No.8668809

and they will be regulatory free available to everyone! (that's how bagholders are switching the narrative/damage control now)
Everyone gets to create his own ponzi!
Fucking can't wait

>> No.8668839


being tied to ETH or BTC would make it far less volatile actually. Backed by JNT alone a single big JNT sale could spark a spiraling selloff as under collateralized on-chain assets are forcibly redeemed for the underlying off chain asset, freeing up more JNT to be market sold. This idea was intrinsically flawed from the start.

again; using eth/btc as on chain collateral would have worked far better but then they wouldn't have had a need for JNT or an ICO. Why do you think Maker didn't make their own token but rather used ETH - same thing basically.

Now they will tokenize without on-chain collateral at all (which would have been ideal from the start but again - no ico this way). They just use a credible 3rd party auditor to confirm off-chain assets are really there (if tether had gone through with an official audit and proved they had the 2 billion in bank accounts noone would have a problem with it).

again, JNT was invented as an unnecessary, contrived mechanism in order to justify an ICO

>> No.8668853
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 2018-03-31 20.57.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck are the biz/telegram faggots not banned?
>dat boi
>ricardo wojak
>frank gallagher
>get these fuckin idiots banned from the telegram. enough is enough with these chucklefucks.

Hello :)

>> No.8668923


why buy a token backed by JNT instead of just JNT?

and a bond is a debt instrument that allows the issuer to collect money now in exchange for paying it back with interest over time. Is this jBond even a bond at all? If I buy a jBond from Jibrel where do they get the money to pay out my interest over time? What guarantee is there that Jibrel will remain solvent enough to make good on these bonds? Seems like a lot of risk; doubt anyone will be interested.

Or is it not actually a bond at all and they are just using finance terms to take advantage of brainlets?

>> No.8668926

basically this. ideally tons of institutions adopt jCash and everything is backed by JNT and JNT goes $1000 per token. now it's tiered and FUCKING NOBODY can explain why an institution will choose jBonds over jCash other than "they want both." no clue who They is, no clue why they want jCash if it's harder to comply with regulations. which is as far as i've gotten in all this shit.

what are your thoughts on the idea that it's temporary? the end game apparently is still what we thought it was and somehow this tiered approach is supposed to ease institutions in without taking the 20% loss that was observed in the pilot during the bear market.

>> No.8669013

>42 posts from this ID.

You have been here fudding for almost 8 hours now. What a joke your life is, top kek.

>> No.8669030

they haven't explained any of it anon. that's why all of these threads exist. my argument with you is that they are trying to untie themselves from BTC ETH volatility, and that it's now a tiered approach in which jBonds are backed by JNT. apparently jBond is the exact same thing as jCash but one is backed by fiat and the other is backed by JNT. somehow banks are incentivized to use jBonds because they are "more profitable and require less regulation." beyond that we know nothing and have to wait for the medium post.

>> No.8669043

Eth is purely used as gas.

>> No.8669046

i don't think the jBond is a bond.

>> No.8669059

You've not read the Medium post nor the answers in the Telegram

>> No.8669062

He is probably bagholding some other speculative ICO and getting sweaty hands watching you guys implode.
I know I am.

>> No.8669076

good point but is ETH properly valued right now or was that the result of insane levels of speculation? i'd say the latter.

>> No.8669102

Where do you come from newfriend? Did you ever go on /pol/, /x/ or /b/?
This place has always been full of autists ready to spend a tremendous amount of energy for something they will get nothing out.
Maybe he went to school with one of the team member, maybe he hates arabs, maybe he loves shitting on bagholders, who gives a shit?

>> No.8669107

that's crypto, so I might as well have this thread open for entertainment. You on the other hand are here watching from the corner like a cuck while everyone nails your shitcoin to the floor with no counter arguments in sight

Don't worry, I'll stick to the end, having a good laugh never hurt anyone

> apparently jBond is the exact same thing as jCash but one is backed by fiat and the other is backed by JNT.
lol so jcash backed by real money offchain wouldn't work with backing it onchain with JNT but Jcash with no real cash behind it backed by JNT (which is backed by thin air) will work?

Ho-ly shit

no kind sir, anyone with half a brain stayd away from the icos recently

>> No.8669109

at this point all anyone can do is wait for the article to explain everything

I was counting on this last article to be more definitive but it was literally just scope creep and changing fundamentals. I'm not going to hold while I wait though

>> No.8669122


I posted this one month ago to Talal. He said he would respond repeatedly but never did. The sales in this example function just like the crypto crash that wrecked their pilot. It also clearly refutes Talal's brainlet assertion that on-chain liabilities = market cap.

"I imagine a lot of the JNT trading done by the DAO and institutions will be dark pool. Otherwise there will be an insane amount of slippage. Spending 100k fiat on a coin doesn't increase the market cap by 100k. Market cap doesn't work like that.

For example Ripple moving from 50billion to 100billion market cap. There wasn't actually 50 billion dollars injected into ripple. Probably only a couple billion actually. market cap is just the last sell price x # of coins.

not sure where this assumption that liabilities = market cap comes from. It doesn't make sense to me.

just as a mathematic example. Say there are 100 million JNT tokens in circulation at 1 dollar a piece. Buyer1 wants to tokenize 20 million dollars. He has to buy these tokens on the open market but people are reluctant to sell to him at 1 dollar. maybe the first few sales go through at 1 dollar but by the time he has bough the tokens he needs he has moved the price of JNT up to 2 dollars. So 20 million in cash has moved the market cap of JNT up to 200 million. Buyer1 sends his tokens to the DAO. Now buyer2 comes along and wants to Tokenize 50 million dollars. The DAO is holding 10% of the coins already (at least) so as he goes to buy his tokens the price per token increases rapidly. buy the time he has 10million tokens they are worth 5 dollars a piece and buyer2 sends them to the DAO. Market cap has increased 400 million dollars with only a 70 million dollar capital injection.

>> No.8669132

Read the medium and the telegram answers, this has been explained many times.

>> No.8669142

>that amount of cope when called out multiple times about how pathetic your existance is


>> No.8669143


Buyer1 now has 10 million Jnt in the DAO worth 50 million but only 20 million in liabilities. Does he now get refunded 6 million JNT? Or is this realized profit belong to the DAO? (if it belongs to the DAO then the DAO would also have to cover losses if JNT had gone down instead of up?)

I'm guessing Buyer1 gets the 6 million JNT back (but this doesn't really matter for the sake of this example. It could be anyone starting the ensuing sell off). Buyer 1 is now up quite a bit and wants to realize some profits. He market sells a few million JNT and crashes the price. People panic and start selling behind and there aren't many buyers stepping up. This lets say 5 million JNT tank the price all the way down to 50 cents. Both buyers now have far less JNT on-chain than is necessary to cover liabilities.

Do the buyers now have to buy more JNT to cover or are they returned their JNT deposits and underlying USD deposits? In either case buyer 2 has now lost a lot of money. The 50 million he spent on JNT is now worth a fraction of that so despite getting his underlying capital back having to secure it on chain with JNT was very costly.

this is an extreme example of course but points out some potential problems I would love to hear addressed.

It seems to me that using JNT to cover on chain liabilities may in fact be more volatile than using a currency outside the system for liabilities"

>> No.8669153

why though? they said SEED is going to tokenize the majority of the 250M in jBonds. let's say they use 150M. that's 1 dollar per token. i just made 33K off a 10K investment in a bear market. what's up with the insane fear in this thread? either they are straight up lying (in which case they are piss poor liars as they've been brutally honest about the other delays and the fact that jCash got btfo), or SEED kikes them, or we just have to wait for that tokenization. what's the other option?

>> No.8669172

how do you feel knowing even the most deluded bagholders are waking up but you will be too proud to sell?
I hope you hold till the end, you will sit in this thread with me because your emotions won't allow you to leave.
What a cuck, lmao

>> No.8669195

>b-but guys, I am just here for the entertainment and laughs ha-ha-ha, right guys? it's not that I am a pathetic loser who has nothing to do all day but to FUD a coin I am not even invested in, I just do it for the laughs!! you see how much I am laughing at these desperate bagholders guys?

more than 10% of the posts in this thread are yours. you are writing the same shit over and over again. holy fuck I would kms if I was you

>> No.8669202

I agree but it still has a lot of value. A gas token can definiely x10 or x100 if there is adoption of the network powered by the token.

>> No.8669210

other question to talal:

"I could understand putting up the JNT collateral after sending the asset to the DAO. The only issue i see however is the risk taken by buying the JNT to put up.

Say i put 100k USD into the DAO to create 100kJcash. I Also have to put up 100k in JNT. Say the value of JNT then decreases. The 100jCash still has to be collateralized by 100k in JNT so who is responsible for putting up this extra JNT? Does the DAO cover it? (and if the DAO covers it where does this money/JNT come from) Or do I have to constantly add more JNT myself (or else maybe be "margin called")

I know in the maker system if I want to create DAI i send my ETHER to the DAO. if ether drops in value I have to either send back the DAI or my ETHER is sold off to cover liabilities.

How does the JNT system differ? If JNT drops will my collateralized money just be returned and the jCASH cryDR destroyed? while the JNT i bought is returned?

No matter what it seems like If i want to tokenize my cash I will be subject to risk. If i tokenize 100k and then buy 100k worth of JNT to cover. when I return the cryDR to the DAO to get my 100k USD back the JNT i initially put up may be worth less than it was when I put it in.

I just need this on chain collateralization explained because I honestly don't see a clear picture painted in the white paper or anywhere else.

With DIGIX I can tokenize an asset with essentially no risk. The gold is verified off chain (kinda like tether but supposedly more legit) and i get digix tokens. There is no on chain proof of solvency to complicate things.

My concern is the affect of proof of solvency on the system. Can someone please elaborate clearly how this won't be a problem??"

>> No.8669221

>your emotions wont allow you to leave

fucking lel, wtf

>> No.8669242

Mate if you think the ICOs last year were somehow superior to the recent ones I have bad news

It doesn't matter how well the company does if the JNT token doesn't have some mechanism to give it value.
From reading these threads it seems like it doesn't.

>> No.8669248

Buy some protocol coin like Nimiq anon.

>> No.8669257

i remember reading this at the time and it's a great question and probably the best critical question that the JNT community has come up with. it's well above me desu. i'm sure yazan could answer it for better or worse if you could track him down but i doubt you'll get an answer on biz.

>> No.8669268

Dat boi and Frank are good. Wojack however has to be banned

>> No.8669269


apparently Talal's brainlet response when posed by another redditor

points 1 month ago
Just asked Talal to answer this question, this is his response:


When Jibrel acts as the guarantor this is the service we provide. For others, CryDR contracts are short term hedging tools. So the institute has to provide double the amount but makes a significant return even when considering the double capital down

-think about how dumb and unrelated that answer is and that is who you are trusting.

sure i will collateralize 100k and buy 100k worth of JNT on top which can drop to 0 any moment for the huge benefit of "short term hedging" (hedging what).

all his answers and ideas are shit

>> No.8669274

Your emotions and lack of better things to do are preventing you to leave this thread.

>> No.8669276

your projections are great! you have absolutely no ammo left to even attempt defending you trash bags so you resort to attacking me. Keep going you loser, by your logic everyone who is in this thread from the beginning has no life etc
>bwoooaaaaa he won't leave my shitcoin alone, mommyyyyy!!!!11111

You're like a wounded pray knowing its minutes are numbered but you will still try to desperately defend yourself.

yes, you will stay in this thread whether you like it or not, while watching your portfolio dwindling because your ego is too big to admit you got scameled.

>> No.8669315

if SEED tokenizes $150M via jBonds which are backed by JNT, doesn't that give JNT value prima facie?

aside from all of the other speculation doesn't this one use case guarantee that JNT will necessarily be worth 1 dollar minimum?

>> No.8669320

Kek he'll hang himself after that

>> No.8669324

i am not here to defend anything. if i cared i would be attacking every other fudder as well. i am just here to fucking amuse myself at how much of a human trash you are. lmoa

>> No.8669368

No. That would be a straight fiat backing, like tether.
JNT is not fiat backed. There was supposed to be some other weird mechanism that I never understood and which now seems to be gone.

>> No.8669372

yeah, i'm still bullish in the sense that JNT is likely going to give me a return on my investment. however i am now forced to go back to exploring the asset tokenizing crypto space to see if a competitor is going to do better. this time yesterday i was comfy as fuck in this coin thinking it was way ahead of the others. i now need the forthcoming medium article and a bunch of questions answered to decide whether i should sell some of my stack and diversify into other projects in this niche or even completely bail on JNT

>> No.8669417
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Great, that means we're both having fun!
>at how much of a human trash you are
why all the anger then? You wouldn't let some anynomous person on a vietnamese archery forum anger you I'm sure

>> No.8669440

how is it gone anon? it's my understand that jBonds are the exact same "thing" as jCash, only the former is backed by JNT and the latter is backed by fiat. wouldn't the underlying mechanism still exist?

>> No.8669458

anger? what anger? i am just communicating with you on the level that you deserve based on your posts

>> No.8669471

DGX is obviously in the lead for stablecoins

for asset tokenization besides gold; not sure.

>> No.8669549
File: 105 KB, 666x660, 1520801271193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon! it was all just friendly banter, no need to get offended!
Maybe go on some shopping spree on kucoin or bibox, it usually improves women's mood!

>> No.8669561

I don't understand many details, just reading what different anons have said.
It is not the case that you can say "hey Jibreal, here is 1 JNT please give me 1 dollar (or ... gold or whatever). Which is what "backed" means.
So it's not backed by anything, is my understanding.

>> No.8669617

And now think about the reason why they have created jBond and reread the medium article, then you will come to the conclusion that backing sth with JNT makes no sense and will ALWAYS lead to a shortfall and a risk of your tokenized assets. Therefore they will always prefer jCash which will not be reflected in mcap.

>> No.8669631

i thought the value of the JNT coin formula is the dollar amount of all tokenized assets + speculation divided by number of coins in circulation. that doesn't change with jBonds but does change with jCash. so if there are 150M worth of assets tokenized by jBonds, isn't that a guaranteed $1 per token given the above formula? maybe i'm missing some basic shit here lel

>> No.8669710

Sorry anon I already don't understand your post so I'm going to have to tap out here
>the JNT coin formula is the dollar amount of all tokenized assets + speculation
I don't understand how this would work or even what it really means.

>> No.8669712

isn't that why they're building their own infrastructure in jCore or whatever? to take it totally away from the market volatility so that if the market collapses it's not affected?

i agree with you that there's no explanation as to why an institution chooses jBonds over jCash at this point. i will market sell my entire stack if that's not answered in the medium post or upcoming AMA.... unless the gas component for jCash will make us bank somehow

>> No.8669734

that was only possible since the DAO existed and had enough funds to manipulate the market so the locked up jnt match the value of the assets. I also beleive that that was to prevent speculation and thus volatility. The DAO would have sold jnt if it exceed what it has locked up in value and bought if it was to low.

So total mcap=(value of tokenized assets)/(number of tokens locked up in the dao)*(total number of tokens)

>> No.8669838

i'll try to explain with simplified numbers:

let's say i tokenize $1M in JNT at 10 cents per JNT. the reason why JNT is 10 cents in the first place is from the funds raised in the ico or some stash that they already had in place.

so now according to my understanding, the value of JNT is 10c + $1M, divided by 150M which is the total amount of JNT coins in circulation.

let's say some faggots on biz see this and go "holy shit this looks like a good project i'm going all-in" and a bunch of them combine to buy $1M
worth of JNT.

now JNT is worth the initial 10 cents, plus the $1M from the tokenized assets, PLUS the $1M from the bizbros investing, all divided by 150M which again is the total amount of JNT in circulation.

in this hypo the bizbros are the "speculation" and the other $1M accounts for the "tokenized assets."

>> No.8669950

true but the jbond will only give you half as much JNT at the end which corresponds with the value of it. Meaning if JNT were to double after your jbond purchase you only receive half.

Issue is that if JNT loses value and there is not enough JNT to cover for everyone. Conclusion is that jBonds can only go down but never up. That is why I do not see people using them.