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8655170 No.8655170 [Reply] [Original]

I am giving a lot of thought about getting into IT / networking field. I dont know what degree level you need to land a descent paying job on average. I dont have a ton of cash to go on so i would try to cash flow it. I also have a current job that i enjoy but it is a dead end. And i have a boat load of kids and a wife to support so full time student isnt an option. Any advice?

>> No.8655269

Don't go to college for IT scrub.
Get some Microsoft certifications. Specifically the two or three that give you the "Microsoft Specialist" or whatever shit. I dunno. Active Directory or some server cert. They're easy, can be done in a few months, and will cost you 300 a try (so fucking learn your shit if you don't want an expensive lesson).
After that, apply everywhere and you'll get a job. You'll make anywhere from 12-15 an hour starting.
Learn stuff as you go so you can command a higher salary. Don't expect your job to provide you with a good environment for learning, you're their to do only what they need and nothing more. If you just do what they need, you're going to be outclassed by people who do take the time to learn new things.

>> No.8655291

Repeat after me: "please be doing the needful"

>> No.8655395


Thanks for the advice anon. Sounds like a great place to start. Im looking up some articles and such on it now.



>> No.8655488

How about job opportunities for SEO? Google has certificates for it for example, which I think would not take that much time to do, but don't know if it's enough for a job.

>> No.8655528



Not a bad idea but in my area may be harder to find a job tied to google (unless of course it was an online gig which wouldnt be a bad thing).

I will also look into this. ty

>> No.8655532
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You got a lot to learn, and experience is the only true way. No respectable business is going to have you fuck with their infrastructure until you rise through the ranks and are tried and true. I'm a CCNP (Cisco networking professional) and I do very well. Even though I specialize in routing, firewalls, VOIP. I am constantly doing back-end server work on MS Server. AD is easy as fuck but thats just the beginning. Your going to need to know IIS, PowerShell and all the various other shit. This isn't even touching SAN's, ISCSI, Hyper V, VMware, SharePoint, etc.... Anybody who says you can get there in a year or two doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about. It's not some get rich quick field. Your going to need to be dedicated and have a passion for it. You will see this when you start reading Cisco Press books and have to really know the dry ass material (if you even get that far). Or you can just be a help desk pleb like a lot of people I know. You can make 50k doing that the rest of your life, and honestly that's better than most professions. Even still those people have years of experience. I suggest doing Geeksquad as your first IT job. You will learn the basics more or less. And see if you have the temperament to deal with end users. Remember this you will always need to deal with end users.

Or buy ETH and be set for life...idk fag

>> No.8655585

IT security anon here. IT pays well, but the work is often tedious or overwhelming. In general I, and most people in IT, actually hate it and are just here to collect a check. Plus you have to worry about your job being outsourced to idiotic pajeets.

>> No.8655618
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>> No.8655728


That is a lot to think about. I have done the customer facing roles and desu, i was once great at it but dont really have the patience for it any more. Moving that into a tech field doesnt change people. The help desk sounds like a good place to get my feet wet and see if it is something I want to plow further into. I dont have a geeksquad local (midwest middle of corn field IT firms are rare). I will ahve to do some looking in the local papers and see what is out here locally. Ty for rock solid advice.


(pajeet intensifies in the street)

>> No.8655769
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>boat load of kids and a wife
fucking normies

>> No.8655816


not normie. Traditional.

>> No.8655875
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do codeacademy python course

apply for python developer

>> No.8655898
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Np. To be real with you dude im 30 and have two stepchildren. You want the best for them and you can provide and more if you can make it in the field. Don't listen to the kissless NEETS hating. Do you bro.

Also buy ETH

>> No.8656007

Yeah bro, get that check
For your wifes sons

>> No.8656130


calm down agent double 0 7.


im coming up on 40 (old) and have 4 kiddos. i studied to be a preacher and i am a preacher. i work an off job to help cover my preaching habit. i just wish i could go back and tell myself, preacher dont make much money and some day it will be helpful for your family. (i dont feel dumb of the choice i did, i just wish i would of learned more)