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8647794 No.8647794 [Reply] [Original]

>207M mcap, 57M daily volume.

Why? Is that actually a good project or sg else in the background?

>> No.8648339


Bro, save your breath, I've made literally a dozen threads about IOST here, but all these retards want to do is post gay pepe's and fap to soft core porn. Just load up now and hold. Huge announcement coming on April 9th. privately funded ICO with partners and investors like Sequoia. Nothing in crypto has more juice than IOST right now. BTW, I think the announcement has to do with Apple or Air B&B. Fuck these stupid kids on 4chan, they're helpless.

>> No.8648383

>BTW, I think the announcement has to do with Apple or Air B&B
Heard this thing 100s of times
None of those companies is interested in your erc20 shittoken pajeet

>> No.8648395


Yeah, no one is paying attention on here, but the price is constantly up since the beginning of March. Big bull run incoming, massive hidden orders hitting Binance trying to accumulate without pushing the price up too fast. Just keep accumulating and get ready for the easy 5-10x in a week or two.

>> No.8648514
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Your mom's got fat legs....

>> No.8648548


Yep...the whales are feeding. I just added to my stack. Hold em tight, bro

>> No.8648571
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i'll be in every one of these stupid iost threads just to say that this coin actually does nothing for token holders and that if you can prove me wrong i'll market buy 5 btc

>> No.8648589

just another chink pnd
odyssey had bigger volume daily than its mcap since it came out and dropped from 0.1 to 0.01

>> No.8648658


Zoom out you lying double nigger. If I thought you had 5 BTC, I'd probably help you out. How did 4chan get so infested with lazy, cocky little brats with such chips on their shoulder. It literally take 5 minutes worth of research to answer your question. Do something with yourself besides wasting my time.

>> No.8648838

>Comparing to a token that's not even listed on Binance
>Thinking one random ICO's price correlates with another

>> No.8649004


IOST's ICO was private. Take a look into who their investors/partners are, and save your sad stories for your diary, faggot.

>> No.8649420


believe whatever you want, I've definitely got money to blow on shitcoins, but I really don't understand the point of you shilling this shit multiple times on biz using arguments like "get in now or regret it"

you would think that if you want it to pump, you'd at least provide some convincing shill details, instead you've got these BZC-tier reasons as to why i should gEt In NoW BeFoRe mOoN

DYOR makes sense, but shilling something without any reason and telling people to DYOR just screams scam

>> No.8649582


Dude, you couldn't even qualify for a Kroger card. You're baby balance is smaller than your pencil dick. I've never once said buy now or you'll regret it. I could care less if you buy it. My hopes are to have discussions and rally with people who are already in it. Not help lazy pricks like yourself who cant do 2 minutes of simple research. Now go clean your room, and don't come out until you figure out how you can contribute to the thread. Worm

>> No.8649818
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whatever you say man, if you care less whether or not i buy it why post about it

>> No.8649923


Don't you have some Honey Boo Boo reruns you can go watch. I already explained it you brainlet. Look, If you don't like IOST then why come here and talk shit. Just go watch your make believe 5 BTC lose its value, and we'll watch out IOST gain it. You fucking 4chan nerds are too much sometimes.

>> No.8650213
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idk why you're so mad, sitting in fiat atm, btc value steadily increasing LOL

>> No.8650296


IOST can't have one thread without clueless dipshits like yourself mouthing off. You're not even in BTC right now. Why do you waste so much time bashing threads you know nothing about? Your life must suck.

>> No.8650337


it doesn't take long to buy 5 btc and then dump that into iost, but why do that when sitting in fiat is getting me more btc gains?

>> No.8650528


You'll be in fiat for a long time if you're waiting for a bottom on BTC. Or yolo into IOST now and turn that 5 BTC in 25 with a quickness. DYOR first, pussy