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File: 18 KB, 300x283, vechain-logo-2C020E4B55-seeklogo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8607130 No.8607130 [Reply] [Original]

Vechainers stay with me brethren, we gonna make it hard this year.


>> No.8607155

"The founding partner of leading venture capital firms Draper Associates and DFJ told CNBC in March this "is the most excited I've ever been as an investor, and I was right there at the beginning of the internet."

>> No.8607174

Fuck off Jews no one wants your think scam.

>> No.8607199

What a bullshit. Vechain crashes as hard as the other coins lol

>> No.8607207

Feels good billionares start shilling Vechain so hard

>> No.8607225

>didn't read the first line of the article

>> No.8607262

who cares about those statistics. Fact is that it crashed as hard as the other coins

>> No.8607291

They're gonna partner with Amazon. It's true!!*

*partnership will be with Amazon Pajeet. Something available to anyone.

>> No.8607298

wait until they have so many actual businesses running on their platform. mark my words anon.

>> No.8607310

Thundernode here and cant wait til i am super rich. Jim Breyer, Tim Draper, 52% of the supply is locked in nodes already, BitOcean fully licensed by Japanese government, Circle, Goldman Sachs, Poloniex and if you're not in this you deserve to be poor.
People will look back at these times where the coin is less than $3 and think how they fucked up and didnt buy.

>> No.8607332

Who even pays attention to mainstream media FUD anymore? If you believe a word of this article then you are going to be one sorry pajeet come next bull run

>> No.8607356

Feeling comfy with my strength X node, we're gonna make it anon.

>> No.8607357


Shilling to 3 million followers.

Nice Jim Breyer and Tim Draper.

>> No.8607378
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best portfolio is


dont say I didnt warn you

>> No.8607510

it's actually laughable at this point how obvious it is

>> No.8607511

Not comfy. VeChain community is cancer

>> No.8607542

then leave you fucking pussy

>> No.8607611

It’s full of moonboys and shills. Next to impossible to find a reasonable VET holder

>> No.8607657

Reasonable here AMA

>> No.8607673

what the fuck are you looking for in a VET holder? of course they want the price to moon who doesn't?

all the real discussion has already been had on this and it's blatantly one of the only sure things in this entire market

>> No.8607689

Uncritical sheeps who “believes” and “have faith” in VeChain long term.

>> No.8607698

keep searching anon, if you try really hard and dedicate as much time as you can to it i'm sure you'll find one someday

>> No.8607724

Will I make it with just 1K VEN?

>> No.8607813

You're a retarded cunt. The point of the article is saying that VeChain is the only coin positive from the beginning of this year.

>> No.8607836

THE RUMOR IS TRUE ! hahaha exit scam

>> No.8607875

Draper says this about all the crypto he has invested in.

>> No.8607894

For a coin with such potential there’s an underwhelming amount of analysis on token valuation done by the community. I’ve only seen two people running the numbers so far. Two

>> No.8607911

>I’ve only seen two people running the numbers so far. Two

running what numbers? dude wtc or whatever shitcoin you are in is dead. just stop with this stupid FUD its gotten old anon no one thinks you are clever or funny or original

>> No.8607917

Comment wasn’t specifically on VeChain judging by the article but moonboys will moon.

>> No.8607959

>my token is worth what I feel like it should worth

>> No.8607984

there are no numbers until the network is public and we know the price of VETHO and have an idea for the number of transactions on the network.

but the fact is - two massive global companies are holding the door open for Vechain to work with Fortune 500s (amongst 80k+ other companies), as well as the business they are already conducting on their private chain.

>> No.8608012

what numbers are being run? can you answer the question? why is some random individuals analysis accurate when some other anon's isnt'? Is it because youre a petulant man-child who has some weird grudge against VEN?

>> No.8608094

If the coin was that promising you’d imagine seeing more hypotheticals being done by the smart people in the community. This is legit biggest red flag to me, that the community doesn’t reflect the coin’s supposed high potential

>> No.8608108

ofc its vechain

>> No.8608119

>from $9 to $3
>graphic same as the rest
Seems like some higher up retard from CNBC bought a lot of VEN.

>> No.8608122


>> No.8608133

1) hypotheticals of what
2) this is biz what do you expect

>> No.8608147

lol, have you checked ethereum enterprise alliance partnerships. Multiple fortune 500 companies and many names that normies recognice and even those companies can't figure out what the fuck they should do with blockchain and smart contracts.

Vechain isn't even blockchain, just another centralized pseudoblockchain that is controlled by foundation. Engineers typically call them databases but maybe normies know better, dunno.

Fuck these chinkscams.

>> No.8608234

>Sunny registers for Amazon prime account

>> No.8608238

Well it's lucky that this is broader than just smart contracts then isn't it? Do you have ANY idea how much money is lost in the supply chain? I'd imagine a lot of the F500s have a pretty good understanding of the impacts of transparency in vertically integrated supply chains brought upon by blockchain.

Also in this scenario, nobody cares about normies. What matters is the business that occurs on the network. You'll see in June.

>> No.8608301

>Well it's lucky that this is broader than just smart contracts then isn't it?

You don't even understand your own investment. Yeah... we'll see in June. I don't even care these shitcoin promises anymore, delivery rate has been always zero.

>> No.8608310

Maybe the reason why this coin attracts normies and not devs. If devs don’t show up on mainnet I’m out.

>> No.8608333

People like you make up 99.9% of the VeChain horde

>> No.8608358

how is he wrong? if youre going to be a whiny bitch then back up what youre saying. otherwise go fuck yourself back to whatever shitty basement you live in

>> No.8608374

Of course I do. Smart contracts are executed all over the network, but the scope and impacts are far greater than just the idea of transactions facilitated by smart contracts

>> No.8608389
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>> No.8608404

tell me where i'm wrong

>> No.8608409

Vechain is a copy of ethereums EVM and thus smart contract platform. Need anything else?
>the scope and impacts are far greater than just the idea of transactions facilitated by smart contracts
What a load of buzzword bullshit.

>> No.8608452

Featured on CNBC? Prepare for huge dump lmao

>> No.8608521

Haha I’ve no intention to “debate” with brainlets with zero self awareness like you

>> No.8608526

That’s shit and paneer tier outside of ven and omg

>> No.8608564

you're still here tho

>> No.8608563

Just buy Vechain already you dumbass salty walty you’re clearly not too late

>> No.8608569
File: 57 KB, 680x478, 1516990712287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8608596

If it’s on CNBC it’s too late. Moreover, VEN uses a poor understanding of crytpoeconomics with their staking system. Businesses do NOT want volatile assets like tokens, and they won’t pay a large price for a thundernode when it could be gotten for 50 percent less in a month. REQ is a platform built with a proper understanding of cryptoeconomics, the token itself fuels the network and as the network is used (by businesses who DONT have to EVER interact with the token) the supply of tokens both shrinks and is automatically bought up, so higher network usage = higher demand AND lower supply.

>> No.8608612

i suppose you've seen the private mainnet source code then yeah

>> No.8608673

that's funny. cus that's how VET and VTHO work. also the economic model was worked on by one of the world's 4 largest auditing and accounting companies. but we all know that was bait.

>> No.8608773


You think you are better than 10+ economic PhD's?

Impressive anon.

>> No.8608911

The funny thing about this comment is it fails to realize the implications of the economic system as it's been designed.

It's a well designed model, but it's wasn't designed but it's not going to make you rich like other crypto projects make people rich. It won't moon faster than the actual network grows.

>> No.8608944

eh word salad typos.....
You get the point anyway.
The token economic model wasn't designed with the specific intent to make you rich. It's meant to support an efficient network.