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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 1083x770, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8599714 No.8599714 [Reply] [Original]

miniwhale here from this thread: >>8598973

So I currently have about 400k in crypto, having already cashed out 200k into fiat. At the height of my powers I had 1.3MM in crypto, but the crash set me back. Initial investment was 20k back in May of last year.

Let's have a serious discussion about crypto's future. I'm sipping on some goose mixed with kombucha and feeling generous. So let me give you my analysis of crypto in the coming months.

I have friends who own millions in bitcoin. Nerdy guys that I started a company with who are the ones who told me to get into it last year. The one I know with the most has over 8MM worth of bitcoin, and that's not factoring in the BCH he got during the forks. They were all original investors and are all in their 40s-50s. I'm 29. The guy with 8MM doesn't trade, but all the other ones do and are part of secret groups that gave me the tips to get me to my current worth. I would have A LOT more money but I trade like a retard and made some seriously stupid gambles with assloads of money. I don't really care because I come from a pretty rich family and crypto is just like play money to me.

The next rush is going to be with actual adoption. This past year has been about hype- generating enough interest and investors so that crypto companies could establish themselves with a physical presence, and now we're going to see the biggest boom yet to come. These people I'm trading with anticipate they'll make another 20-50x profit within the next two years.

The problem is it won't be random shitcoins going 20x due to hype anymore, it will be from partnerships and use cases in the real world. What this means is that you might actually have to do some fucking research and not just trade between jacking off (as I did).

If you invested at the very top like a complete tard fret not, you should be ok PENDING your investments were in real coins with real teams behind them. Choose your coins wisely.

>> No.8599728

Lightning apps gonna pay for my black child new shoes brother

>> No.8599734

>mini whale.

>> No.8599741

>muh fundamentals based market

>> No.8599763

You have to give us dates or something if you want to trip with the big boys

>> No.8599779

shill a fucking coin mayne, this board consists of 5 people anyway.

>> No.8599782

That's a lot of money, but not when you're going to inherit 35MM worth of US property that gets stepped up to market value cost basis because of 1031 exchanges.

>> No.8599798

if someone gets trips and I'll shill my top choice.

>> No.8599811

You dont seem to know anything why would we want your pick? All youve done is lose money

>> No.8599814

what kinda secrets?

>> No.8599820

Sounds cool, you’ll be rIch one day mate

>> No.8599822

could you be any more of a larp

>> No.8599828

yep, 20k to 400k with 200k cashed out on top of that in 10 months. Peanuts right?

>> No.8599836

if ur gonna larp as a rich person at least shill my bags instead of giving people legit good advice

>> No.8599841

yeah ok. is biz incapable of having a discussion about crypto? Wheres that "we lambo now" faggot? That guy is such a dumb asshole.

>> No.8599844

>I trade like a retard and made some seriously stupid gambles with assloads of money.

>> No.8599845

So when does the bear market end? I don’t invest in bitcoin but until there are altcoin fiat exchanges the state of the market rests entirely on bitcoin’s shoulders. Since bitcoin is heavily manipulated by whales, do you know when they’ll stop dumping it?

>> No.8599846

>I'm sipping on some goose mixed with kombucha

the alcohol kills all the fermented bacteria...

>> No.8599853


>> No.8599889

It ends when the first major partnerships are announced in a month or two.

It feels bad now, but as soon as we get "coin x partners with established company y" crypto will rise to unimaginable levels. You can't imagine it now, probably because the pain from the crash is causing short sightedness, but it will happen and you won't expect it. Be ready.

Just watch at the bitcoin mining facilities being set up, even post crash, and you may get an idea of what's to come.

>> No.8599894

Kambucha is a meme. The organisms aren't any more beneficial than beer.

>> No.8599904

Not all of it, I drink out of big mugs. Put A LOT of ice, then kombucha, then vodka. It really reduces the hangover you get in the morning.

I don't work a regular job, obviously, so sometimes I'll start sipping on random weekdays.

>> No.8599905

roll. what's your top choice?

>> No.8599912

Kombucha changed my life. I make it now as well as buying it.

Gut health is one of the most underrated and unknown areas of health in America. Bone broth and Kombucha will heal you.

>> No.8599914

that actually sounds refreshing. i'll try that some time.

>> No.8599928

Teach me obi-wan. I started with 5k now im down to 2k. Started same time as you did. I think I'm a brainlet.

>> No.8599932

yeah, its very good.

Remember if you're going to drink, which is harmful to you, then you need to drink a lot of water as well as not put other crap in your body like soda or super sugary drinks (like OJ).

>> No.8599938

what about the few that already said they are going to partner with BMW and some other companies? can't remember the name

>> No.8599940

when did you start? tricks that worked before won't work now. People have sharpened up, but that doesn't mean you can't make a shit load of money going forward.

>> No.8599941

Is your top choice within the top 25?

>> No.8599946
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is it Skycoin?

>> No.8599949

the most generic advice ever....

>> No.8599956

I have 70 ETH ($80k invested) and some other shitcoins like ENG, DBC, ICX, REQ.
will I make it? total investment $140k

>> No.8599970


Rolling out of curiosity.

>> No.8599974
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>> No.8599975


this just in! fucking moron says what we already all know.

waste of fucking text you piece of shit

>> No.8599976

DBC will actually be a good long-term coin as soon as the market pulls out of free fall. Aren't they doing masternodes?

>> No.8599986

I made 8M from crypto last year

OP shut the fuck up ur dumb as fuck

sound like an idiot. I’m 29 too

>> No.8599989

hey pasta

>> No.8599990

rolling again. what's your top choice?

>> No.8599992
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>> No.8599993

dead board, roll.

>> No.8599994

I don't fuck with Vechain, ony because I almost put in 15k when it was 20 cents... lol. It hurts too bad to consider.

Yes, and it isn't Vechain.


REQ and ENG are terrible investments. I don't really feel like writing up why since it'd take a long time and I'm a bit tipsy.

>> No.8600007
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one last try

>> No.8600011

Good for you, if you cashed out now you'd only have 4MM after taxes, which is 8x less than I have in real estate, which is the most stable investment you can own.

how is that pasta?

>> No.8600014

I know its not vechain and I have a feeling I know which coin.

>> No.8600015
File: 22 KB, 480x360, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys wake the fuck up to what's going on. Mass recognition in media HAPPENED

70% of this board bought in December, at the peak of a bubble, and at the peak of the most overrated, overbought asset in history. You buy it early in a ponzi, not late dumb fucks. I've been in this market for more than 6 years and I can tell you with certainty that anything above even the price of $50 is overvalued given that there is no adoption and zero fundamentals backing it.

>> No.8600017

i've seen it last summer

>> No.8600023


So it's Monero. Nice.

>> No.8600037

lol. If you've been in this market for 6 years you should be worth at least 5-10 million.

Are you?

>> No.8600041

lol, you guys - you're spending energy to make fucking proof of transactions.

It's a fucking joke m8, it's a bubble.

>> No.8600042

bitcoin is the best form of currency ever invented; combining utility of digital currency with decentralization of gold
exponential growth around 300% pa but with huge bubbles
blockstream take control of bitcoins github
make people believe there is a reason for 1mb cap through censorship and sophistry
arbitrary limit creates market for alt coins
btc market dominance continues to decrease
hardfork of bch on august 1st 2017

2018 is the year bch takes back market dominance

>> No.8600045

Nope all long term 20% you stupid fuck

I’m self made too lol

You got real estate from mommy and daddy like a stupid soy boy bitch u are.

I think I remember u the stupid faggot that just fucked hookers cuz can’t get laid and was bragging about peanuts. Yes 1.3m or 200k whatever it is.

>> No.8600068


>> No.8600084

> "I trade like a retard and made some seriously stupid gambles"
> didn't get out when it started crashing
> friends are all original investors and they anticipate another 20-50x within 2 years even though the last bear market lasted 2 years.
> newfag

But let me give you my analysis of crypto in the coming months which is just
A generic commentary on all emerging markets which should be obvious to everybody in this space.

LARP btw

>> No.8600088

No you didn't.

No, privacy coins will never go mainstream. They are too easy to attack from a political stand point. Yes they are awesome, but they won't go intersteller. Crypto needs to merge with the mainstream, not usurp it. That'll never happen.

Also, you don't want a world with complete privacy when it comes to money. I don't feel like explaining why but it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain or someone who has even a small amount of wealth.

cool, I'm 6'2". Are you even 6 foot bro?

>> No.8600104

Yes i did. All you added was
>So I currently have about 400k in crypto, having already cashed out 200k into fiat. At the height of my powers I had 1.3MM in crypto, but the crash set me back. Initial investment was 20k back in May of last year.
This MUH REALWORLD USECASE CRYPTO IS DEAD shit comes every time btc is doing bad.

>> No.8600114


larp confirmed

>> No.8600116

I have 2k usd in both Ripple and XML how fucked am I out of 10?

>> No.8600117

Sorry, don't know what to tell you. Parallel thinking?

>> No.8600119

Roll op is eos going to be big this year?

>> No.8600125

Not the greatest duo.

>> No.8600126

Yep 6 feet.

hahahah. u r that stupid faggot

>> No.8600127

parallel copypasting

>> No.8600134

I rolled trips once and quads once. What's the top 25 coin you're shilling? NEO?

>> No.8600147

I don't know what stupid faggot you're referring to. Stop projecting your autistically small inner world onto me.

>i-i'm 6 foot!

good for you buddy.

>> No.8600156

you need to go back

>> No.8600158

im not that drunk lol just a mild buzz going.

>> No.8600167

Sigh op shitting up the board sage in all fields you lying kike.

>> No.8600168


>> No.8600199

hahaha you’re such a faggot

ur broke bitch too shouldn’t be giving any advice

u are stupid

>> No.8600200

Rolling. Is it ICX??

>> No.8600203

gibs trips plix

>> No.8600216

trips ez right here

>> No.8600232
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trips and you dont give it out. i shit on you

>> No.8600235

I have an MBA from Stern. You live in a mildew infested basement.

>> No.8600238

I sold btc and alts at~ 16k
I fell for the meme too, but at least caught it before it was too late

>> No.8600260
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>richkid who got lucky
>thinks hes some kind of authority

I never said that before, but kys

>> No.8600281
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This is exactly why I went balls deep into tfd and wtc. Mining wtc will be the most profitable thing you can do with your hardware once the mainnet launches in a few days.

>> No.8600284

Inheriting wealth doesn't automatically make you a feckless person.

Most successful people came from some sort of wealth. It's very VERY difficult to make it from nothing, despite what the media portrays. Even the people you think came from nothing did not.

>> No.8600292
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so how fucked am I?

>> No.8600296

I got one from Columbia

NYC fags always were gay hahaha

>> No.8600298

>The one I know with the most has over 8MM worth of bitcoin, and that's not factoring in the BCH he got during the forks.
This part intrigued me. How do you and the other whales you know feel about BCH and BTC development/adoption respectively?

>> No.8600309

Thanks just bought 100k Chainlink.

>> No.8600310

Since you're big on actual adoption...is it Nano?

>> No.8600313

Aite OP since we didn't get trips give us your 2nd pick

>> No.8600320

65% shitcoins, but you have some good ones in there.

You must be hurting very badly inside, you ok man?

BCH is a shitcoin gone astray. BTC will be king for the very long foreseeable future.

>> No.8600323

What's the coin shitcock

>> No.8600324

What do you think about link?

>> No.8600325

i like this guy

>> No.8600326


>> No.8600335

yeah, no shit. have fun living life in easy mode. Also, one thing: You laugh at people who bought the december peak, but are at only 46% of your ath. You basically bought the top, too, with all of your 1.3mm, and lost 54% of your investment. You are just as terrible as somebody that bought the top.

>> No.8600338

No I’m a self made millionaire.

Couldn’t be farther from the truth

why u such a faggot i don’t get it ? soy?

>> No.8600343

> falling for his larp

>> No.8600345

you’re fucked lol

>> No.8600351

i don’t think it’s a larp it’s not even impressive

only broke faggots use the word larp

>> No.8600354

>BCH is a shitcoin gone astray.
Could you elaborate on “gone astray”. Just curious as to how you and your partners came to this conclusion.

>> No.8600360

No, my portfolio rose to that level then crashed to the current level, that's not the same as buying in at the top and losing.

I don't laugh at people who bought at the top, I feel bad for them, and worse for those who sold back into fiat after they lost.

Also there is no "easy mode". When you have more your goals change, it never gets easier. Humans are beasts of burden, there is no scenario of sipping on martinis on a beach for the rest of your life.

>> No.8600363

It's either NANO or OMG I think. Since those are coins with actual teams in the top 25, not counting BTC or ETH, and OP has mentioned investing in "real teams." Both have also been getting a lot of attention and hype. Like so many people are excited for OMG but NANO has been FUD'd a lot and there is actual discussion in NANO threads.

>> No.8600366

the guy who owns the most hasn't touched his BCH, because he doesn't care or check or touch crypto besides monitoring BTC, everyone else has sold theirs.

he's not that bad.

>> No.8600373

what's your opinion on chainlink?
/biz/ meme? actual potential? both?

>> No.8600376

No one's gotten trips yet? ok.

It's neither of those.

>> No.8600383

dude you don’t know shit

he’s got 50k spread across 30 shitcoins

he’ll never make it

shut the fuck up u gay faggot

>> No.8600393

hard to say, it's future is very hard to predict. BUT I'm assuming it'll fail just because if it succeeds then too many biztards will be wealthy, which would make for a momentous shift in the destiny of the universe.

>> No.8600426

Interesting. Aggressive, lying, mean spirited, yearning for attention from a high social ranking individual male. You're probably a homosexual in denial due to social/family pressure. Don't kill yourself, just live into it man.

>> No.8600434

lol you’re not high social ranking

i’m just calling u out for the faggot u r cuz everyone either too dumb or too much of a pussy

u r nothing 400k lol

>> No.8600445
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Alright now I'm for sure expecting a meme pick from the top 25. You've dragged the thread on for a while now faggot.

>> No.8600458
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one fucking job

>> No.8600470

You can fool others, but can you really fool yourself?

I'm just sipping on grey goose and kombucha, waiting for trips.

>> No.8600481

tripps plixxxx

>> No.8600487


>> No.8600514


>> No.8600522

>he's not that bad.
I think the only very bad purchase there was bitboost.
what do you think I should trade for ETH/OMG/BTC? thinking about getting OMG

>> No.8600527


>> No.8600535

if trips OP has to donate 1eth to an anon in this thread

>> No.8600537
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what do you think of this port op

>> No.8600542

One more time

>> No.8600544


>> No.8600550


>> No.8600551

Last roll

>> No.8600554


>> No.8600559

thanks for buying my bitboost bags at the top. kek.

>> No.8600565

The coin has to be BTC, thanks for the kombucha tip I need all the help I can get with my gut/digestion

>> No.8600569

Trips here

>> No.8600572


>> No.8600576

lol ur so sad

shitposting on biz shit everyone knows

try adding some value to life for once

>> No.8600577

Thanks for the response. You didn’t explain what you meant by “gone astray”. I only focus on this since your thesis regarding the next bill run centered on adoption. I don’t see congested blocks with high fees and delayed progress of the lightning network a viable roadmap for such an event.
I have my qualms concerning Roger, Jihad, and others involved in BCH, but it’s adoption from Bitpay, Coinbase, and multiple bitcoin wallets, along with projects like CoinText, are very convincing in terms of BCH’s potential in this kind of market.

>> No.8600580

I'd go all into BTC then re-diversify, maybe except for Wan.

if you look at my previous thread, someone gave me 26 NEO on binance, I'll give that to someone.

I really doubt OMG will go anywhere.

>> No.8600582
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>> No.8600590
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rolling them digits for NEO

>> No.8600604

it's a coin other than BTC. BTC is obviously a very good choice too though.

I'm listening to east bound and down by the supersuckers if anyone wants to tune into some good music

>> No.8600610

yeah definitely agree a port rebalance is what the doctor ordered

that being said im still in my "wealth generation" phase so things look a little messy

ideally i get to 100 BTC or so and then just sit on btc/eth/dash and wait for the market to get me to 10m, no trading needed beyond that

imo this will happen this year

i started last year with 6k or so, so we have similar performance - my top was 600k, but i have cashed out less than you

>> No.8600622


>> No.8600627

BTC is responsible for all of this, it won't die to BCH. If it did, then BCH would die to Nano or ripple. There are more forces at work than just lower TX fees.

Sorry if that's not the answer you're looking for, I'm too lazy to type out an actual analysis. There is more too it, just don't fall for the BCH trap.

>> No.8600632


>> No.8600643

trips dont make u special

>> No.8600650


>> No.8600651
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666 get
neo: AT11EqnnyCDxt3tf4rbb9aQMKD8ForySyD

>> No.8600656
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>> No.8600658
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board is too slow

all the chainlink spam is gone lol

>> No.8600659

op is a fag

>> No.8600663


>> No.8600664
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ez +26 neo

>> No.8600666

Satan trips gib neo pls

>> No.8600668

Roll rill

>> No.8600669
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here it is.

>> No.8600672

>BTC is responsible for all of this.
What do you mean by this?

>> No.8600673
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>> No.8600676
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There it is.

>> No.8600678

if someone posts a song that's really good I'll renege the trips req. Wanna listen to some good tunes.

>> No.8600679

i dont need to roll when i know chainlink will make me rich.

>> No.8600683

Okay op he got trips tell us

>> No.8600685


>> No.8600688


>> No.8600689

can i has NEO ?=?

>> No.8600692


If you are serious op...

>> No.8600695


>> No.8600704

Wew another episode of my whale friends larp total shitcoin tron kek

>> No.8600706

Wew if your gona shill that here, atleast give it a bit of effort

>> No.8600708
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>REQ and ENG are terrible investments

>> No.8600711

thanks, bought 100k

>> No.8600712

Nice larp but you blew it. Now fuck off pajeet.

>> No.8600714

pajeeted yet again boys.

>> No.8600718

what kinda music you after?

>> No.8600719

You’re a fucking faggot OP

>> No.8600721
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>> No.8600734

expected dgb

well done op

>> No.8600736

lmao. just watch.

>> No.8600749

>just watch.
We’ll see.

>> No.8600752

prove u are whale send me trx:

>> No.8600761


>> No.8600788

It'll be a mobile gaming currency in China. Expect a surge to 80 cents.

>> No.8600828

Hahahaha god dammit holy fuck these pajeets larping are the actual worst. Fucking Tron? Jesus fuck it’s all hype literally nothing there. Also you’re kind of a sensitive faggot, whining about everyone calling you names and shit. Please kill yourself now you stupid dot nigger.

>> No.8600841


>> No.8600852

this is the man who buys bags from the /biz/ discord coordinated shills

>> No.8600866

oh please it's not like i bought TRX or ripple

>> No.8600888

lol, wow.

If you're discerning, you'll look into tron.

>> No.8600909

it's not like I bought at ATH

>> No.8600939

Holy kek. Tron? Fuck u op

>> No.8601017

i cant believe this elaborate larper did all that shit to dump his tron bags.

>> No.8601065

consolidate that shit into a couple of coins
eth/enigma/req/link/fun/stellar, good or bad, this ones aren't scams.

>> No.8601085

Yeah it's pretty obvious he's just posting to get his dick sucked by poorfag anons who don't realize that he doesn't have anything to say.

Listen buddy, congrats on all your money, good for you, but nobody actually gives a fuck about any of your opinions.

I know plenty of idiots who are rich from getting started early in crypto just like you, doesn't mean I care about what they have to say.

>> No.8601086

the fluctuations you see are from people "day trading" tron. Tron will be the first coin with a real major partnership announcement.

>> No.8601087

I'll bite. When can we see .80? How high you think trx will be with testnet launch? Will there be a sell the news?

>> No.8601093

The amount of money you put into crypto is laughable, considering how much money you came from. My family was dirt poor and I threw in 5x as much money as you.

What good is being born into a rich family when you are doing worse than a guy from a dirt poor family? Seriously, step up your game.

>> No.8601104

The testnet launch should keep tron above 6-7 cents indefinitely. It will be the integration into chinese mobile gaming that will launch it into the 50 cent range.

>> No.8601108

brainlet spotted

>> No.8601119

You threw in 100k into crypto? I find that hard to believe. Very few people have 100k ready to throw around... most people aren't that liquid, frankly. Even now I only have about 60k in my checking account.

>> No.8601131

Nigga you're still holding CAPP?
The PnD was a month ago. I'm sorry I shilled them here anon, truly. Let them go, they have nowhere to go but down.

>> No.8601158

Honestly kill yourself OP, you should be doing way better than having just 30x returns given that you started all the way back in fucking may. You had OMG, ANT/NEO, the huge ethereum bullrun, ZRX, GNT, Kyber and this is all you have to show for it.

For reference even in this shit market I'm up 80x from starting at the peak of the bullrun in late august.

Nobody should listen to this faggot, he should easily be at 8 figures right now having started with as much as he did in fucking may, jesus christ what a goddan waste.

>> No.8601170

80x? sure you are.

>> No.8601192

august wasnt the peak of the bullrun u moron lol it was barely at the start

>> No.8601194

just say what is going to be the major partnership instead of spinning around the subject.

>> No.8601236
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I would rather say "a dolphin"

Mackerel reporting in

>> No.8601298


>> No.8601312

You're right, but since I've been pretty much 100% invested in alts since the start that's mostly what I concern myself with when discussing the state of the market- after early september most of the hyped summer alts (OMG, ZRX, DNT, etc..) got shit on. By which I mean I lost 40% of my portfolio value within two weeks of starting out.

Could supply Cockfolio/Delta screenshots but don't think anyone really cares.

The point is, your returns are objectively trash given the number of absolutely golden opportunities you could have and should have taken advantage of to earn life-changing amounts of money. The summer alt bullrun was literally the easiest time to multiply your money in the history of crypto, as long as you got into any of the hyped ICOs (barring possibly bancor).

>> No.8601419

you ever try kefir? another decent health drink, basically fermented milk and is full of probiotics. great for gut health.

so, chainlink. good team, good project. memed to oblivion here, of course. good investment?

>> No.8601444

Ok, that is your opinion to have. To quote Matthew 13:12-

"For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away."

>> No.8601456

I do add some coconut Kefir to my drinks, ChainLink is a 50/50, but the upside is huge.

>> No.8601534

Any fucking person with over 98 IQ know crypto will 50x at least by eoy 2019
Because of infancy stage

>> No.8601544

read this "old" report from 2016.

one of the biggest technology consulting firms of the world.
read about how bullish they are about smartcontracts. then notice they talk about oracles. then keep reading and you start noticing they mention this nazarov dude...
do they post on biz?4chan?

>> No.8601551

not if they are scared.

>> No.8601628

similar situation as OP here but sightly higher folio, the level of retardness in this thread is incredible...
I give you 5 and no need for trips: EOS, ZIL, WAN, BLZ, AION.

bonus, if they can really manage to do what they promised: LINK, BAT, ZRX, WAX, RHOC

>> No.8601643

Fucking kek.... All shit.
Anon how...

>> No.8601655

> miniwhale
stopped reading there

>> No.8601659

EOS kills any credibility you (didn't) have. EOS is a complete scam.

Zil BLZ AION are train wrecks.

>> No.8601686

noone has credibility here, EOS went from over top10 to top6, so you are not watching whats being cooked

>> No.8601705


Will I make it?

>> No.8601852

Nice try Larper.

You ALMOST got away with it but you made on fatal mistake...

You weren’t content to pretend to have insider knowledge, no, you had to pretend to be popular too. You just had to make your friends the geeks in the situation so you could pretend to be cool for once in your life.

And yet, here you are “Mr Cool” on 4chan. 4CHAN!

We are all geeky virgins here but you weren’t content.

Back to shilling REQ with you!

>> No.8601870

Why req not good sir?

>> No.8601951

k thanks man.

It won't be adopted.

>> No.8602070

Why wont it get adopted? What coins do you hold?

>> No.8602174

>1.3MM down to 400k
>actually thinks he can give advice
>thinks 400k is a miniwhale
Fuck me you are deluded.

>> No.8602193
File: 130 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-28-14-01-22-213_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think whalebro?
will i make it?

>> No.8602259

I made 313k from 14k in 5 months with an all time high of 909k. You think you're some crypto guru but you were lucky with the market and gambled on lowcap shitcoins that mooned. Don't get cocky and think you can predict this market just cause you got lucky.

>> No.8602286

If it is not a larp then why the fuck do you have to be such an asshole if you made a lot of money thanks to all the other people who were below you in the ponzi

>> No.8602312

The Supersuckers are indeed god-tier, I've seen them like 4 or 5 times.

>> No.8602418

good taste in music, what venues?

>> No.8602442

All this effort to shill the shittiest of shitcoins...
TRX kek

>> No.8602456



Fuck nigger, you aren't even whale sperm. The average small business owner is worth more than that.

>> No.8602484

Keks have no power here.


>> No.8602505


Dbc is shit. Decentralized ai processing doesnt really work because complex algorithms have to run efficiently on a single supercomputer and not scraped together from a thousand different normie pc's

T. Massive ark holder. Who here ark?

>> No.8602513

>terrible investment
Kek, larp confirmed.

>> No.8602565

Why the fuck is this larp getting 200 replies? Are you people really such sheep? Just invest in coins with promising devs and good fundamentals and wait a year or two. Jesus fucking christ

>> No.8602619

Hello deer sir, i'm a big big whale. I has 200 million dollar in cryptocurryncies, sir. Buy Mobius, very bright future. Promise!

>> No.8602676

it's not larp. wish the best for you bud.

>> No.8602719

>REQ will never be adopted

It's already partnered with PwC, I don't know how that's not one of the biggest partnerships in crypto. If PwC bails, I will too, but until then they look solid.

>> No.8602742

poorfag here, not asking for money;asking for opinion on link

>> No.8602768
File: 69 KB, 512x453, 1513086482040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm intrigued on why you think REQ is a terrible investment.

>> No.8602920

He's been called out several times itt. He won't say, because he's a brainlet-tier larper.

>> No.8603029

great answer

link all in

>> No.8603123


ROLF larp

>> No.8603153


>> No.8603169

look past the shilling, is there anything there for REQ?

>> No.8603187

I can't believe anyone is paying attention to this bluffer he doesn't have a fucking clue. You'd be as well asking your grandmother for advice.

>> No.8603223
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1511951279106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8603281

Listen man you are really sounding like a LARP, you made the claim it's a shit coin, yes i do see a multi faceted real use case with request besides the pay with request use, so now can you please back up your contentions with reasons? Or else you are going to be dismissed as a larp.