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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8558460 No.8558460 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate rich people. My close friend was born into a rich family, they own a ton of real estate in popular US cities and neither him nor any of his siblings have "real jobs". They mostly do creative shit or start little businesses, but they each get like fucking 10k a month from rent so there is no pressure on them.

We went to school together all our lives, including college. His parents just paid for his tuition while I came out 180k in debt. Last year, he told me to buy bitcoin. We both bought around 1k, and I sold when it hit 2k because hey why not, doubled my money. He had no pressure to sell, have no bills or debt, and steady income from rentals, and fucking bought a shitload and made close to 2 million dollars last year. I fucking hate him so much.

I was going to buy back in when it hit 6k, but then I waited hoping it'd go lower, which it did not, and FOMO'd in back at 10k, and now I'm really fucking worried.

Whenever I talk to him about he just says "hold dude, it'll go up I think lol". What a fucking faggot.

Rich people should be killed, he has had NO stress in life, his parents paid for everything and set him up with this kush life. He's healthy, works out, doesn't do any drugs, and actually just lives well and works on his own projects... while I fucking slave away at a shitty 9-5 making 65k a year (this is 5 years out of college, mind you) and work overtime with no compensation quite often.

How can the world be so fucking unfair? The media likes to portray rich kids as pieces of shit who have drug problems, but all the ones I know just live amazing lives. Seriously, how does our economic system allow for such unfairness? It's fucking bullshit, I get pissed everytime I think about him.

>> No.8558482

u sound jelly bro

>> No.8558486
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>> No.8558505

>I hate my closest friend
Sounds like you're a horrible friend.

>> No.8558507

every economic system ever has been like this. fairness is not a core value of the universe

>> No.8558510

Chill dude, even if it goes to 6k tomorrow it'll be 50k EoY. Forget it and come back later

>> No.8558516

so buy real estate
get 5k a month in rent
work on your own little creative businesses
and stop being a whiny little shit?

>> No.8558526

>he has more stuff than me so he should be killed
the mind of a /pol/tard

>> No.8558528

How about instead of projecting your insecurities about how easy you think your friend's lives are, you instead use it as a catalyst to work on your yourself?

You need to develop your own worth ethic, push your ambitions and work hard. Instead of being someone who has money handed to them, go out there and work your ass for it. You will have a lot more pride and sense of accomplishment.

>> No.8558536

wow you are a shitty friend/person.

>> No.8558540

Yeah, I am, because it's fucking bullshit.

I'm getting grey hairs already, and he looks like he barely aged since college. Everyone's always comments on how good his skin looks and shit, and just goes "lol I get a lot of sleep"

Yeah, fuck you. Some of us are stressed out and drowning in debt and don't have the luxury of sleeping 10 hours a fucking day.

>> No.8558551

jealous poorfag that will never achieve anything because he's concerned with hating his"close friend"

>> No.8558560

This. Life without struggle leads to depression at the very best

>> No.8558574

You deserve to be poor and wagecuck for the rest of your miserable life.

>> No.8558577

What's the point of money if you can't make your children's lives easier than yours?

>> No.8558593

It didn't matter much when we were kids, I would go over to his house and it was SO NICE. There was always good tasting healthy food, plenty to eat and drink, and he always had new toys and video games. His family was very generous and it was nice. But yeah, as I get older and drown in debt, I am getting jealous. I don't want to fucking work so hard anymore, he barley works and made TWO FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS? Are you shitting me? Trading shit coins? You'd be pissed too if you knew someone like him.

I don't mind that he came from a rich family, but his crypto gains really threw my sanity overboard. It made me realize just how fucking unfair the world is.

>> No.8558607

You just got regular difficulty in life. He's on easy mode. Luck of the draw anon... At least you're not a pajeet. That's gotta be hard mode.

>> No.8558626

this is a glimpse into the mind of a poorfag

>> No.8558627

>You'd be pissed too if you knew someone like him.
I know lots of people like him and I'm not pissed.

Stop projecting.

>> No.8558641

You sound exactly like a bitter commie faggot.

>> No.8558647

Ur an assistant op

Get better

>> No.8558678



>> No.8558689

You ever heard of communism bro? I think you would like it

>> No.8558697

There is always going to be someone better off and worse off than you. Be happy you were't born in the middle east or africa. You'd be poor and have drone strikes hiting the ground next to you as you walk to school on top of that.

Also if you "make it" you will get more props than you friend. No1 will question whether you deserve what you achieved.

>> No.8558708
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It's your fault for selling early, FOMOing at the top, and not taking advantage of the insane alt bull run in early January.

>Seriously, how does our economic system allow for such unfairness?
It drives people to innovate to get more money. The faster we get to VR, the faster everyone can have a 10/10 gf and live an amazing life.

sounds more like /r/latestagecapitalism or /r9k/
he's basically advocating for communism

Life isn't fair. I became a millionaire from trading random shitcoins on Kucoin in early January and was lucky enough to exit before the big crash. However, whoever bought my coins sustained massive losses.

>> No.8558757

Where'd you cash out your coins

>> No.8558781

I started buying after gox and 'sustained' losses for a long time until I exited before the big crash

>> No.8558823


Random shitcoins can't really be compared to BTC

>> No.8558857

Aren't you worried about the IRS?

>> No.8558860

I know what you mean. I've been envious of other people. I still am. The world is definitely unfair and fucked. Truthfully though, you have something deep down wrong inside of you that you are so jealous of him. Yes he has it perfect. But some people go "meh, good for him" and move on. Others let it built inside of them. You're clearly the latter, so why can't you be the first guy?

And as cliche as it sounds, you don't really know if his life is as peachy as it seems. At the end of the day, it's just OUR own brains and the dopamine being released. So, you are jelly his is releasing more, but maybe it is just as much as yours?

>> No.8558866

True, some will never revive

>> No.8558897

>We both bought around 1k, and I sold when it hit 2k because hey why not, doubled my money.
You think he held cause he had money? I have been living below the poverty line for years but I made sure to have bitcoin as part of my LIFE SAVINGS. You are never going to make it.

>> No.8558920

Don't be jealous. Most rich kids have parents that have money but it's not "their" money. Like they can't spend it. That's how it was for me. You get tired of the petty bullshit and it motivates you to go out and make it on your own. Only advantage I had was not having any student debt. But aside from that, It still isn't easy.

>> No.8558930

>neither him nor any of his siblings have "real jobs". They mostly do creative shit or start little businesses
This is how the free market is supposed to be creative. There should be no copyright or patent laws artificially incentivizing this stuff.

>> No.8558935

And besides, you could've started a business with that 180k you spent on college dumb fuck. If you have to take out loans to go to college, don't go.

>> No.8558952
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wagecuck butthurt af lmao

>> No.8558962

I technically lost money in 2017, so no. I'll gladly pay taxes for 2018.

>> No.8559154
File: 312 KB, 960x771, 1507330246249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ead the ridge!

>> No.8559274

That's something "deep down wrong" inside of me? No, it's just I spend 90% of my life, my youth, either working, or sleeping so I can work. He gets jobs FOR FUN, literally. He became a bartender at a swanky restaurant because he was bored, and then just quit a few months later.

Yes, some people should get more for working more, and their kids should benefit, BUT GOD DAMN. I'm a fucking wage cuck and he NEVER has to work ever, neither will his kids or kids kids.

>> No.8559290

Oh no, he can spend it. He has been given millions in properties because their family's accountant is preparing asset transferring when the parents die, so the kids will be able to get around the estate tax laws SO THEY WONT EVEN HAVE TO PAY TAXES ON THE MILLIONS THEY INHERIT.

>> No.8559311

>He became a bartender at a swanky restaurant because he was bored

Dude...your friend is cool did you at least go see him and get a free drink u lamefag?

>> No.8559350

kill yourself OP

>> No.8559399

> says nothing is wrong with him
> proceeds to bitch and moan about something completely out of his control that is emotionally overwhelming him and is not able to let go

Ok den. good luck fren.

>> No.8559486

You sound like a piece of shit OP

>> No.8559528

what do you get out of kicking someone who is already on the ground?
OP is right, it is unfair

>> No.8559570

Yep, know several people like this

One of my best friends is a turbo chad, 6'3, high iq, blue hair blonde eyes, great frame, 10/10 srs

He has a 10 million dollar trust fund and just fucks around all the time traveling the world, partying, and fucking beautiful girls

Yet somehow he always complains about how he is "depressed" and how he is taking medications

One one hand I want to punch him for being such a fucking retard but on the other hand its made me think we need to be able to find meaning in life other than just mindless pleasure seeking,

he has everything anyone could ever want and still is depressed, I guess his depression is actually real because why else would he get on prozac but idk...

>> No.8559621

Dude be there for him rich or not

He's probably just realizing how fake people will act for his wealth

Fr don't be a douche like OP he only thinks about the money someone has

>> No.8559625

>why else would he get on prozac but idk...
all the cool kids do it
maybe he discovered girls like his "I'm so depressed" story
or he is making fun of you by telling you lies

>> No.8559638

>envy incarnate
>world unfair
What a fucking faggot you are.

>> No.8559646

I'm new here, how does 4chan work?

>> No.8559650

My mothers family is loaded but they would never give us a fucking dime. They're petty and shitty. They were born into money and inherited a business from my grandfather. They were too stupid to go out and do their own thing in life so they slave working in a business they hate. And they take it out on everyone else. I stay the fuck away. They know every nickel and dime that my grandparents had so they're probably going to screw my mom over because she's the only one that actually went out and pursued her passions. Rich people are shit. Do not even concern yourself with them.

>> No.8559698

Get fucked OP. Rich people are generally rich because they provided something of value to others. There are probably 4-5 billion people in the world who would look at your life and say "he's rich, this is so unfair". If everything is relative, you'll always feel like a piece of shit for not being richer. Do you have any idea how many people don't have $1,000 to risk on Bitcoin? You doubled your money and now you're worried because you're down 15% on your re-buy? You sound like I real PoS, bitching about making $65k. Is it your friend's fault that your dumb ass took out loans for school? I think maybe you made a poor investment. Your brain can't handle $180k worth of knowledge.

>> No.8559699

Okay OP its unfair, you got a top 1% life in human history instead of a top .001% ... Now what? What are you going to do?

>> No.8559714

No, it isn’t unfair he didn’t choose his circumstances either. The only thing that is unfair is how OP is choosing to act toward his “friend” who in all sounds like a nice guy.

>> No.8559715

>Now what? What are you going to do?
that's what he is asking this board

>> No.8559716

Man you just really are a whiner. If you hate your life so bad then kill your friend and yourself. Otherwise maybe just stop giving a damn. Oh he has nice skin. Dude he is going to die just like you some day.

>> No.8559736

You are incredibly wealthy and secure compared to a slum dwelling child. Should you be killed because of that inequality?

>> No.8559739

Try and start something with him, if he's your best friend and is as rich as you say he'll work with you granted the idea isn't retarded
A rich friend is not something to be mad about, make an advantage out of it

>> No.8559744

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OP you are such an eternal poorfag retard

>> No.8559745

He is not your friend if u hate him or you are not his real friend if u hate him

>> No.8559751

>these are the types of people who shill communism.

They are so salty that they'd rather ruin it for everybody out of pure jealousy. Fuck you OP, that's life

>> No.8559768

Let's assume both of us are born the same day in the same place. We go to school and become 20 years old. Neither of us did anything special. Now I get 10 million USD, don't have a day in life left that I need to do anything I don't want to do. Just because.
You on the other hand receive nothing from anybody ever. You will spend your whole life working for others and having a generally miserable life.
When you are 40 and lived a shitty office cuck life I drop by and tell you about my adventures in exotic locations and still look like 20. Isn't it unfair?

>> No.8559769

Where did you read that faggot? He's whining those are what we call rhetorical questions

>> No.8559774

>My ''''''close friend''''''
>I fucking hate him so much
>What a fucking faggot
>he made money off Bitcoin I hate him
>he got me into it because he wanted to help me, I hate him for getting me some money off Bitcoin

Not sure if troll or just very rare distilled and concentrated butthurt.

>> No.8559779

check m8

>> No.8559780

lmao I bet you have a 65k job in a first world country because you're such a great person that deserves it.

>> No.8559799

>the luxury of sleeping 10 hours a fucking day.
bro you work a 9-5. stop bitching. you could easily be investing over 20k a year with your salary, and doing shit you want on the side.

>> No.8559804

>Where did you read that
I have some empathy. He's jealous and came here because he wants to know how to cope.

>> No.8559818

>investing 20k a year
>when someone else gets 120k for free without even investing
What does a 20k investment per year get you? Definitely not a rockstar life during your 20s

>> No.8559824

I don’t need to have a shitty attitude because my friend has been given something, I would be happy for him. I also do not need to roll over and accept the circumstance of me never recieving anything. Your outward situation is a reflection of your inner situation. If you have no ambition, damn sure you won’t go anywhere.

>> No.8559828

>hates rich people
Ya you’re never going to make it. Those are the people you can learn very valuable things from.

>> No.8559838

>tell me more
dude literally told you to buy bitcoin and now youre complaining that you sold too soon.

>> No.8559895

boo hoo you faggot

>> No.8559915

ur friend is pissed off - his richer friends have 4 lambos while he has none...

>> No.8559944

>If you have no ambition, damn sure you won’t go anywhere.
In my story both of us had no ambition, however i went somewhere while you didn't. What you say simply isn't true.

>> No.8559963

Your story is not reality. Nobody is damned to live an ambitionless life, that is chosen

>> No.8559964

I don't think he's going to learn much from a spoiled brat. Rich people aren't rich because they are particularly intelligent, I've known plenty of intelligent middle-class fags, some even make it into upper middle class. The rich were just in the right place at the right time. Just the way the world is.

>> No.8559976

If he's actually your close friend you could ask him to invest in you?

>> No.8559980

So if I was a poorfag, how would I go about living like OP's friend if that's my ambition?

>> No.8559987

>Just the way the world is.
Why do you people submit? Where does this defeatism come from?

>> No.8559989


is he paying taxes on his 2 million? report him to the irs and get the percentage that comes when they audit him.

>> No.8560017
File: 45 KB, 643x537, DEh5Ij6XoAAFGO-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to the darkside OP

E A T -- T H E -- R I C H

We don't believe in handouts, everyone should work, your friend included.

If everyone's worked actually benefited society and we all pulled our weight, in a mostly automated world like ours work weeks would be sub 10 hours. Most jobs would probably become voluntary in fact.

Think about all the useless fucking labour out there. Sign holders don't benifit society, neither do advertisers or salesmen. Farmers, researches, nurses and so on are vital, without them we crumble. Without mcdonalds people have to cook for themselves--god fucking forbid. Without the fire department we burn to death.

Workers can administrate themselves if taught how, the education system indoctrinates you into a mindless drone. Workplace democracy is real and has worked for centuries when applied and your boss/rixh friend is a fucking leech on society.

All the fun stuff like luxury cars, art, comfy houses and so on come from having so much free time--due to increasingly shorter work weeks--and equal access to resources based on labour. We are entering a post scarcity world, capitalism will actually create a fuedalist society where we are either slaves or peasents if those resources are not distributed. And no I don't mean distributed in a planned way, the market can handle it but the profit motive has to fucking die. Replace the profit motive with a desire to increase quality of life for humans for the sake of it. See mutualism for information on how non capitalist market economics might work.

As for all the fucks that don't want to so their own dishes or contribute to society. I'm not saying we should kill them, but they're not getting access to my communities resources, they can scrounge in the mud for worms as far as I care.

>> No.8560022

Acceptance isn't the same as submission. Do you expect OP to kill his friend or rich people? Where would that land him?

He should use his connections to the rich kid to land him self a sweeter gig. Life's all about connections.

>> No.8560057

fuck off commie trash

>> No.8560066

>Sign holders don't benifit society, neither do advertisers or salesmen
They do though. My quality of life increases when I get to know about products and services that are useful to me. How do I get to know about them when I previously didn't even know I would ahve an interest in them? These people also create value.

>> No.8560081

Jealous? Shut the fuck up!

>> No.8560088

Rich man, poor man, all the same when they die

>> No.8560089

Subhuman race confirmed.

>> No.8560091

>I fucking hate rich people. My close friend was born into a rich family
You hate your close friend?

>> No.8560100

Jealousy is a normal human feeling, but of course all 8 Tibetan monks on earth who transcended it are browsing /biz/ at this very moment to tell OP his feelings are wrong

>> No.8560104

yeah just buy real estate with 180k in debt and no capital... lol

>> No.8560112

Where the hell did you go to school that cost 180k in debt? With a school that expensive you should have had connections to get you into a hedge fund or something.

>> No.8560126

you gotta start with the basics like driving a ferrari and making 5k a month after rent and taxes if you want to make it big

>> No.8560146

whats your job anon

>> No.8560152

jealously is an erroneous perception of reality (ego) and unfortunately we live in a time where no one studies themselves to dissolve these incorrect concepts but rather worship them. There's a reason why so many successful individuals in all areas of life encourage self knowledge and development because until you learn to act consciously you are little more than a machine stuck in the same habits, forever. While ops post is a troll there are people who think this way and will forever remain in the scarcity/victim mentality.

>> No.8560160

This guys larping its pure b8

>> No.8560165

>doesn't do any drugs
>works on projects
>healthy, works out
So i know you are larping OP, but you are a jealous cunt
Know how many rich people i know who are scumbags, and spend all their parents money on drugs and their suped up BMW

Sounds like he is pretty stable minded and still being busy and productive. Not rotting away like you and most would. You would want to be born into that too if you could be faggot.

>> No.8560202


If you don't know they exist and you're not seeking them out you probably don't actually need them.

We seek food, medical care and shelter because our bodies force us to, in a similar vain we work to provide these things. Our want--true wants--come from our internal dispositions. Commercials convincing you of a need to wear Rolex watches or drive Porches are not informing you of services you need, they are creating false needs

The watch appeals to your insecurity by making you feel small for not having one when other people do. The car flashes scantily clad women across the screen to make you think you need to drive it or else you'll be a useless virgin forever. The advertisement industry uses unethical psychological manipulation to siphon your wealth from you, people literally spend their entire lives getting PHDs just to learn how to fuck you for as much money as they can.

Imagine this, what if instead of having all your desires dictated to you, you decided what you wanted out of your life. What sounds more fulfilling to your life, buying something because you feel insecure or creating something and being proud of it? And if you don't think you're creative enough to be a scientist, artist or innovator of some sort, please for Christ's sake ask why that is and how you got here. Ask how many times authority figures told you that your work was inferior or you were doing things wrong before you let your spirit be broken.

Next time you walk look down at your own two feet and try describing how complex the movements of your legs are. You won't be able to chart every single movement and how great your unconscious proficiency in walking is. You fell down thousands of times, and failed every single day for months before you could walk. The amount of trial and error it took to learn that is on the level physics dissertation and yet you did that, on your own before you could even use the bathroom.

>> No.8560285

Did you know there is a type of wristband that will make every female want to have sex with you, flying cars became a reality and all your medical conditions and genetic shortcomings can now be cured for 1 USD?
Don't tell me you don't search for all of this on a daily basis!

>> No.8560472
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Because 70 years ago faggots like you thought Hitler and the Reich was evil and needed to be destroyed.

It's because of faggots like you had the same style of thinking 70 years ago, when we could have built utopia.

Be a man and do something about it if you aren't satisfied. Otherwise, keep your bitching to y ourself.

>> No.8560637

Some people have shit lives. It's not your fault. It is the Gods fault. You weren't chosen so you get shit on. I work to killing a God to become one and you should too.

>> No.8560660

He's not just feeling jealous, he's feeling extreme hatred to the point of wanting to kill all rich people indiscriminately. How's that okay? OP's problem isn't just about the wealth disparity. He feels entitled to being as wealthy as his friend. He hates the fact that there are people who are better off than him. If you replace wealth with something else like a chad face and body, OP would express the same feelings of jealousy and hatred.

>If you don't know they exist and you're not seeking them out you probably don't actually need them.

Are you omniscient? If you don't know that they exist doesn't mean that other people don't know they exist or don't need those services.

>We seek food, medical care and shelter because our bodies force us to, in a similar vain we work to provide these things.

What you're describing is prison-like lifestyle. We are intelligent beings, not bugs. We have our own individual needs and wants.

>> No.8560707

Hey, idiot. That sign holder actually DOES benefit society. He is paid a wage which, in turn, he uses to stimulate local buisnesses and companies which BENEFITS SOCIETY. You know who doesn’t benefit society? Welfare leeches, which unsurprisingly makes up a large number of your commie brethren.

>> No.8561005

>Get a sweet 2x on friends advice
>treated generously by his family
>wish death upon him
>180k student debt

You're not gonna make it Opie

>> No.8561067
File: 25 KB, 680x495, 1517789081797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a Jesus quote in the Gospel of Matthew that's like "to the rich everything, and the poor nothing". Basically like the 80:20 rule, and real af.

Stop being so resentful faggot. I work much more than 9-5 as an auditor, you have it better probably. Better than most definitely. Kys and sage

>> No.8561158
File: 567 KB, 1920x1080, 224A3AA4-74D1-4CD7-A8D9-AE6A1DEFC14E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairness isn’t a right.

>> No.8561198

jordan peterson disciple spotted

>> No.8561238

You actually wrote out all that?

Jesus christ you are truly fucked.I feel bad for your rich "friend" because your just a piece of shit to him.

>> No.8561257

powh.me is the best passive income you can get.

>> No.8561289 [DELETED] 

That's called "envy" and "jealousy" OP.

First thing, everyone including you need to understand is that its their fucking money so they have the right to do whatever the hell they want to do with it.

Second thing, to anyone saying "life is not fair", please fucking kill yourselves as life don't owe you anything.

Communism and Fascism are a cancer that should be eradicated. You appeal to baseless notions because deep down you know that you're a worthless nobody, a pathetic life form that dwells at the bottom of the social and evolutionary ladder. You're a slave mentality, just like religion.

>> No.8561317

>workers can administrate themselves
No they fucking can't "the worker" are sub 100 IQ brainlets that couldn't run a company to literally save their lives. "The workers" all blow their paychecks at the bar, our are triple single moms. Fuck em

>> No.8561340

Dont hate the player..

>> No.8561371

That's called "envy" and "jealousy" OP.

First thing, everyone including you need to understand is that its their fucking money so they have the right to do whatever the hell they want to do with it.

Second thing, to anyone saying "life is not fair", please fucking kill yourselves as life don't owe you anything.

Communism and Fascism are a cancer that should be eradicated. You appeal to baseless notions because deep down you know that you're a worthless nobody, a pathetic life form that dwells at the bottom of the social and evolutionary ladder. You're a slave mentality, just like religion.

>> No.8561373

even if this is a larp you're a faggot and should kys

>> No.8561378

Dude buy ether

>> No.8561381

You can do a round the world trip with 20k you fucking faggot! I MAKE 20k a year and work more than you do. Just dont have that stupid college debt

>> No.8561383

>thinks communism is /pol/
confirmed for never lurking /pol/ or knowing a thing about economics

>> No.8561479

You're born in a first world country

You're super over privileged OP

>> No.8561509


>quotes the bible
>tells him to kys


>> No.8561525

it gets you retirement 20 years early, retard.

>> No.8561531

Obviously not, retard.

That's OP's whole point.

POVERTY makes people depressed.

Being rich makes you go "oh my puppy got murdered? I'm so so sad, but Daddy will buy me 10 more Puppies once I go crying about it. Sooooo idgaf yolo"

I'm born and raised a proletarian.
My grandmother was an accountant and hardware manager.
My grandfather was a mason, then a soldier, then a truck driver.
I was born an only-child of a single mom, I know, I know, shame on me, cuck, yadda yadda. Let's skip that shit because that's exactly my point:
I was born into poverty and debt. Could you have blamed 8 year old me for being poor? You could blame my mother, yeah. But shouting insults on her won't help the fact that depression and the pressure led her to an apoplexy, doc' said it's a miracle she's alive, she was prognosed dead as soon as the ambo entered the hospital.
But do you think I FELT free of guilt?
We lived, and still live, scraping the bottom of the barrel. And 8 year old me was very aware of the boatloads of statistics saying "a child from 0 to 18 years cost 150k on average", I felt the guilt. I felt the dread of being a burden to my family before I even knew shit about life, before I even knew what a "rent" was or what "economy" is. I raised myself constantly being reminded of the impossibilities in my life, and that I was born into dirt, that my family would be easier off if I didn't even exist.

And you know what? I've been diagnosed as severely depressive, emotionally unstable and suicidal, I was in the nuthouse several times.

Do you think I never spouted this "because my life is difficult, I'm a REAL man. I know the hardships of life. The cruelty caused by the human condition. I see the world how it is."
You think that crap cures the depression?
No, it does the fucking opposite, you mongrel.
It reminds you how much life loves to fuck you.
And that guys like OP's friends are the ones doing the fucking.

>> No.8561532

Half of the /pol/ are closet commies you faggot. Go back.

>> No.8561589
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Damn OP I really thought this was copypasta lmao. Aside from sounding like a commie faggot I don't blame you for being pissed at all to be honest.
I know somebody very similar that just made over 1 mil in crypto, didn't come from as much money as your friend but he has it now. Worst part is his dad did all the trading & he didn't have to lift a finger. Meanwhile, I'm losing my goddamn mind trying to make even 100 in a day via trading lmao

>> No.8561623
File: 94 KB, 750x758, 2HysqrPykXpAAqQgkjrYMN06Jj2VLUeArXy_ITYg5Ko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this though

>> No.8561625

>Meanwhile, I'm losing my goddamn mind trying to make even 100 in a day via trading lmao
Because you're a brainlet.

>> No.8561627

>rich people are rich because they make a benefit to society
The world's richest taxi company has no taxi drivers.
The world's richest shipping company has no salesmen, stores or transport staff.
The world's richest hotel center owns no hotels.
The world's richest IT company puts 1% in quality and 99% in internet sheriffing, advertisement and amorale, underground lawsuits.
The world's most successful social center makes money by treating your personal data, the sum of what you call your "personality" as a currency, selling it to companies who see YOU, not just your Personality, but your whole existance, as a currency and profit-machine.

Tell me more about how it's hard work that gets you rich.
This is wrong.

You make the greatest profit by following example:
>person pays you 200k to build his house
>you offer a building company a contract: 100k for the work, and the 20k material expense will be paid by you, the contractor
>you just made 80k by doing 2 calls
And that's not called being brilliant, that's called being a cheater, trickster, and liar.
You ACT in front of your contractor like YOU did the job.
You ACT in front of the company like it is YOU who wants the job done.
And then you excuse this fraud by saying "they're stupid. They didn't realize that they needed me, so I made profit from their stupidity."
Which is the same as "the dumbass says 'what'?" "Er... what? Sorry, didn't listen." "AAAA-HA! THIS MAKES IT OFFICIAL: YOU'RE DUMB."
You just made an excuse to legitimize your greed and dishonesty, labelling it as "cleverness" because "ripping off" is such a harsh term.

It is not success that makes you rich. It is egoism, deception and trickery.

The only difference between a thief and a businessman is the amount of lawyers.

>> No.8561644

if you set your mind to it and work for it you can become rich too OP.

it’s not that getting rich happens ‘randomly’ like a lottery.
Everyone putting in the Energy can become rich and successfull. It starts with you. Go get a book that teaches you how and work for it. It’s just putting in the work and walking in that direction, not a big secret.

>> No.8561645

I'm not rich but i'd happily put you to rest you spoiled little bitch

>> No.8561661

>he thinks ambition isn't circumstantial

>> No.8561663
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This year, absolutely.
Last year I made nearly 75k trading. Fucked up pretty bad, but I have a good amount of gold & silver at least. margin is a helluva drug

>> No.8561676

>I don't mind that he came from a rich family, but his crypto gains really threw my sanity overboard. It made me realize just how fucking unfair the world is.
It makes me realize how unfair the world is too. Had I been you and god a great investment advice like that I'd be filthy rich by now, because unlike you I'm not a brainlette that sells after 100 %. But in the end you don't see it this way because you want money to come free without any skills at all. Like a little bitch. The only solution is that you kill yourself you dumb little fag. Nobody deserves to get rich, especially not a little cunt like you.

>> No.8561692

Some of you try way too hard lmao 1/10

>> No.8561702

At what age did you realise that the only way to transcend humanity from being mere animals was to change our goal from lowering your own local entropy to finding a way to stop global maximum entropy?
Once you make this realisation, all your other issues will seem trivial and the only thing that matters is showing others the path.

>> No.8561706

Yeah, people from 3rd world countries hate you too.

>> No.8561728
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>"Hard Work"

You know that there is a difference between "hard work" and "smart work".

Every piece of shit on the streets does hard work but only a few genius/visionary does "smart work".

And YES rich people bring something to society, "That's what you call demand and supply; basics of capitalism"

Uber provided an alternative to customers around the world instead of being cucked/scammed by the monopoly of dishonest taxi drivers.

Facebook revolutionised the media/advertising industry and has surpassed every other social media by connecting people around the world.

>> No.8561729

honestly you sound like a terrible person op
and just like every terrible person, you cling to rationalisations of an unfair world as the reason you get shafted
red pills are for babies, the true black pill is that we all get exactly what we deserve. we're not individuals in a vacuum but the collection of genes from our ancestry, and the world is not some arbitrary human-defined playground but an indifferent system with predictable rules
while you're being a bitch about being born in the richest country and earning more money than most of the world, my second-world ass who couldn't afford to stay in highschool managed to get from $0 to 6 figures in one year of crypto
stay bitter

>> No.8561744

Then there is not enough competition in the 2 phone call industry anon, but because there is your example is bullshit

>> No.8561765
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>from $0 to 6 figures in one year of crypto

>> No.8561784

I'm with you OP. I don't hate them but holy shit, the difference.

>> No.8561804

look at all these stockholm syndrom retards who are literally defending other people having more money, privileges and an easier life purely based on their birth/family

these kind of cockroaches would be the first to suck a king's/baron's/whatever's dick as they fuck their daughter and take all their money back in the day

>> No.8561856

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.8561905
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Anyone with a rational, practical and logical mind will argue that capitalism is the only practical system that actually works. It is the only way to create wealth and prosperity. Thinking otherwise is pure insanity as the other alternatives always end in Gulags, death camps and starvation.

Even Communist China has abandoned communism in order to develop itself.

Communism simply does not work with humans.

Capitalist dictatorships(Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Macau) have extravagant standard of living compared to communist hellholes/shitholes.

>> No.8561941

We're gonna find out if communism works with humans pretty soon. It's called Ethereum.

>> No.8561960

Agreed, but I don't think he was necessarily bashing capitalism itself, just the faggots running to OP's rich friend's defense

>> No.8561968

life isn't fair.

>> No.8561973

Jealousy will get you nowhere. Your friend should just drop you, fucking piece of shit.

>> No.8561991


>earns 65k a year by working
>it's unfair that somebody else worked their entire life too and lived long enough to spend that money on their kids

OP you stupid fucking hypocrite. If the wealthy don't deserve their money then why do you get to keep the money you worked for? Why aren't you donating it to some poor nigger in Africa?

Fuck you.

>> No.8562020

No matter how privileged you are, there will always be someone who is better than you in every way so stop constantly comparing yourself to others. Just accept the fact that some people will always be better off than you and be positive about your situation because some will always have it worse than you.

>> No.8562051

OP should be more focused on his own fucking life. He could have used his "envy" in a more positive way, by striving to work more smartly instead of whining about his condition so as to arouse pity. That's a slave mentality.

If OP defined himself as what you call a "friend" then he should just be happy for the success of his friends. That's all.

>> No.8562079

So, because the people on the streets sweeping the city didn't have the gall to rip others off by saying "I'm not gonna move a finger but I can find you someone to do it, if you pay me", they're inherently non-smart and deserve to eat shit?
Or because extremely immature and prejudiced teachers decided to give him shit grades because he didn't eat up their world-view like a good little labor-slave, he deserves to have no chance at ever finding his true potential?

So you connect honesty to stupidity?

And like I just said, again, you are labelling fraud as cleverness.

Who has the higher income?
The guy who never finished IT-studies, decided to rip off one of his best friends, go full "I made this" and from then on let educated people serve as his idea-machinery while he makes the big bucks just by being dishonest, or the aforementioned geniuses who he turned into his gold-shitting donkey?

According to your propaganda, the only thing required to make big bux is intelligence and education. "Smart work".
I DID finish my Major in IT and yet Bill Gates is STILL (one of) the richest guy(s) in the world, DESPITE not knowing shit about anything.

And you pretend like facebook was an innovation.
Let me guess, Apple was the inventor of smartphones because they made big bux with it, right?
There's enough documentaries about Zuckerberg's success:
To sum it up: the people who registered in facebook, he used their private data to sabotage his competition, not just to amorale, but straight-up illegal degrees.
Gates did precisely the same thing.
He lets others do the job and cashes out.

Tesla and Edison.

It is agreed among your "smart workers" that Tesla was a genius who possibly surpassed Einstein, and Edison just a reckless business man.

And now you've got Edison as the inventor of electricity and literally WHO???
Successors are not smart. Successors are reckless. There cannot be winners without losers, and successors simply don't give a fuck about this.

>> No.8562083

Valid points for sure.
I'm not saying OP isn't a whiny bitch, but based off what I've read I don't like his friend either lmao. Sounds like they're both liberal califags

>> No.8562115

>How can the world be so fucking unfair?
because the masses of normal people like you and me we are simply too stupid to stand up.
the rich manipulated the system in their favor and nobody actually cares.
todays society is maximum insane.

but people like you and me - we are not willing to change anything and therefore deserve having a shitty life slaving for the kids that simply inherited everything from their boomer dads that got lucky after the war.

fuck it lifes shit.

>> No.8562140

This guy gets it

>> No.8562158

>The world's richest taxi company has no taxi drivers.
Yes, and?
They provide a service that is a boon to the people using it

>> No.8562162

hey OP im just like you, I am right now writing using my cellphone in the toilets, please listen to me.
i grew up in a vvery modest family, my father wagecucked all his life and he is still wagecucking today at 62. my parents always provided for me but had to pay for my school make a loan and finally gor my IT engineer diploma and been working as an it engineer for the last 7 years.
i wagzcucked for 7 years, today I make about 56k€/year, im married got a wife but she kinda relies on me wagecucking.
I hace a friend a pajeet friend that was a millionaire because his parents owwned multiple companies. and I met him at college. after we both finished he got the golden life of working out traveling, meanwhile im wagecucking.

something changed in me in the last 5 months, I decided to heavily invest in crypto, and also to leave my wagecucking life to build my own business.
I am taking this as a challenge in my life , and you OP nothing is there to stop you from doing thz same, what? you will eat spagetthi gor a year? who cares at least you have an objective in yourr life, your rich friend doesnt know what to do, he is probably bored to hell.

either my crypto investments workout or my company works.

Btw i wwent all in a LINK, I am convinced this coin will make me rich.

if you have some cash on thz side, I highly suggest you tale it out and go all in in chainlink.
thats what I did, and now tommorrow i am leaving my company to build mine, wish me luck fellow marines!

>> No.8562183
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I can tell you 1 thing only op from experience. old money goes down the family tree yes...BUT it only takes 1 fool to fuck up the family wealth. maybe your friend will have only 1 child and is a stupid instagram model female

>> No.8562200
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Wealth is not a zero sum game.

>The rags-to-riches story of WhatsApp cofounder Jan Koum, who grew up without running water and is now worth over $9 billion



>> No.8562206
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>> No.8562207

>Btw i wwent all in a LINK, I am convinced this coin will make me rich.
>if you have some cash on thz side, I highly suggest you tale it out and go all in in chainlink.

i am this guy

the past couple days LINK was proven to be garbage by different tech experts. also that 1billion number will make sure to keep its price low. you will cuck till 62 like your dad

>> No.8562210

Caring about what people needs is retarded. Prisoners at gitmo have all their needs met and even some luxuries. I sure as fuck don't want to live my life based on need. The commercials you mention are informing me of physical goods that I want, creating real wants.

The watch appeals to my love of machines, precision, tiny things, and has the added bonus of measuring the passage of time. There is always that fat faggot who says my phone tells me the time or I can travel to london and look at big ben every time I need to check the time. The problem is it's never practical to check my phone or big ben when I need to know the time, and even less practical when I need to measure something over seconds or minutes. This is easy for them because they are such total wastes of humanity that they can't even perceive a need for time. Same shit with cars. I had a lot more fun in my miata and boxster than I did in my accent or rav4. They all served to get me from one location to another, but some were more enjoyable in that regard.

Imagine this, instead of just sitting around thinking about your needs, being satisfied they are met and just laying on the dirt to stare at the sky, instead you went out and discovered new activities. What sounds more fulfilling? Doing nothing but lay around the hut, or going out and learning about the world, playing with cool toys, and engaging with others who share similar interests?

You keep being amazed at how you can walk, and one leg moves and then the other, and your position relative to a previous position has changed. If you like communism then good for you. I will stick with the capitalist life. Wednesday me and the bros are getting together to brew some beer. Whereas the communist is amazed that his water is just a little brown and might not kill him if his immune system is strong, that capitalist designs and builds an electric brewing system with automation built in to streamline the process and minimize oxygen ingress.

>> No.8562211

> you will eat spagetthi gor a year?

no, he won't. That's his problem. He will eat surf and turf, put it on the credit card, and then go back to bitter wage cucking the next day crying "muh it's not fair".

>> No.8562222

having a messenger client go viral among hundreds of other messenger apps is just pure luck

>> No.8562231

>pure luck

>> No.8562236



>> No.8562249

that video got IMMEDIATLY invalidated when a fat neckbeard showed up. i immediatly closed it

>> No.8562251


>> No.8562254

Sounds to me like you should just kill yourself man, you should put your friends name in your suicide as the main reason for you ending it. That'll show him! hahahaha. Honestly though you should just focus on making it yourself, you'll be a better man for it having struggled to make it there. He'll probably be depressed later in life as a lot of rich kids are, with no sense of meaning in their lives or purpose. But also just stop being a whiny bitch and don't concern yourself with how others are doing, it's a distraction.

>> No.8562261
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>> No.8562276


>> No.8562280

Wow stop crying like a fag. A lot of people have it way worse than you. And if he is your 'friend' stop being a jealous bitch before he doesn't hang out with you anymore. You are the leach that he has to cut of to be happy. So work on not being a jelly bitch.

>> No.8562285

How the fuck do you get 180k in college debt???? You must be stupid as fuck financially. I'm about to graduate with only 15k in debt. No scholarships, nothing. 2 years community college, 2 at a university. Fucking idiot....invest some money dude. I made 80k off a 4k investment. Already at 20k for this year. It's not fucking hard.

>> No.8562286

If you werent retarded you would.be filthy rich too. There's selfmade millionaires that started from nothing and made it in less than 10 years starting their own businesses

>> No.8562329

lol, retarded burger spotted
what is survivor bias?
but keep dreaming you potential millionaire and vote against the bad commies who want to secure your insurance
good goy

>> No.8562362

WTf are you talkin about? it was an incomplete code review, wich was asked by the team itself, they will probably answer it and wreck that 1 guy.
dude buy chainlink before it's too late, moon mission incoming soon

>> No.8562370

So fucking what dude?

You need to build up family wealth like him.

Just make sure that you give your kids more than your parents gave you, and the same with their children.

That way your grandchildren can be equal with his.

Not his fault your parents were shit and didn't plan for the future.

>> No.8562426
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>how does our economic system allow for such unfairness?

Because there is no another way. Whether you let people to reap their investments and pass them to their children... or suck cuck in GOLAG.

Also, remember about tons of people poorer than you, who would like to have a share of your 65k/y

>> No.8562433


There is no luck.

Believing in luck is akin to believing in "God and fairytails". People who uses "luck" as an argument for their failure in life deserve no sympathy.

Are you so worthless, miserable and pathetic that you cannot struggle in life and have to resort to pity.

>> No.8562491

...and how does him being rich affect you?

>> No.8562525

Europoor detected. Enjoy being another crab in the bucket

>> No.8562530

>sees scientific evidence for the role of luck
>hurdur there is no such thing as luck stupid commie
good goy, little redneck

>> No.8562536

euro yes, poor no
enjoy being cattle

>> No.8562578


"Luck" is a state of mind, nothing else, nothing more.


>> No.8562591

It’s already taxed money. If you paid your taxes and wanted to leave something for your children, would you want a piece of it going to the government. I don’t think so.

>> No.8562592

sounds like you're an entitled piece of shit, grow the fuck up, at least you're not living in Africa and starving you fucking cunt

>> No.8562609

luck is being at the right place at the right time with the right people
are you really this stupid burgergoy?
i live a really good life, but i don't entirely attribute it to my own skills
my hard work layed the groundfloor for the right outcome, nothing more

>> No.8562697
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This quote, attributed to Roman philosopher Seneca, reminds us that we make our own luck. The difference between lucky and unlucky people, is all in our perspective.

Luck isn't just about being at the right place at the right time, but also aboutbeing open and ready for new opportunities.


>> No.8562723

What about cancer? Science is pretty sure its random and bad luck getting cancer early* - aside from some bad influences like lifelong smoking etc

*early because at some point in life every single human will get cancer if he only gets old enough.

>> No.8562729

How the fuck does that thing not get blow by wind?

>> No.8562762
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top kek

>> No.8562770

I feel you bro, I have a rich friend too and he is exactly the same as what you describe, do nothing all day and throw insults to poor people once or twice, and I am so ready to slit his throat when the uprising begin.

>> No.8562796

>>8558460 (OP)

Bro do you noticed how these rich fuckers are so out of touch with reality? And do you notice they always choose to be partly blind of their own action? My rich friend always talk about morals and shit when around other people and yet when he's with his closest friend (mostly consisted of yes-man, including myself) he always talk so lightly about some seriously immoral stuff that he's done.

>> No.8562859

Does life owe you anything, I am afraid not.

The ones who battle destiny everyday and succeed have every rights to despise those whose only existence is to seek sympathy and pity.

>> No.8562889

Richfag here my dad is a ceo and chairman of a huge company worth 14bb and i have several million in my account that I can’t access till 35. When I hear stories like this I want to just murder you fucking plebs. Poor people will seize to exist once we richfags automate everything. Either you become our slaves, kys or just starve to death once no more jobs are left lmao

>> No.8562898

growing up as a spoiled rich kid is pretty much a guarantee for developing at least one personality disorder.

>> No.8562942

Good for him

>> No.8563033
File: 49 KB, 513x396, IMG_2243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have little to no self awareness, reflect on the thoughts that permeate your mind... 100% toxic and wasteful of energy. You will NEVER, let me repeat that NEVER have a better life if you continue to let the same cycle of negative thoughts repeat in your head. You are exactly the type of person I try to avoid, completely toxic with a garbage of a mind. Hear yourself... "poor me, life is so unfair, other people suck, i want more" translation--> greed, self pity, envy, hate. You are literally a walking garbagecan and if you dont become a little more self aware and start taking control of your thoughts you will die alone, weak, poor and with a shitty life.

>> No.8563302

>w-well there is 1 (one) guy who spent a week copying something that was already invented HUNDREDS OF TIMES and got successfull! Argument debunked!
Well, what about the other HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE?
That's right, to you, they're just "dirt-eating, money-wasting, consumerist scum", because apparently, you deserve bad luck as soon as a rich person points his finger at you and calls you a loser.

Those workers in Atlantic City DESERVED to not get paid by Trump. It's all their fault for not expecting Trump to be an asshole!
They should've demanded money first!

Africans DESERVED the slave-trading because they weren't sucking their continent empty like a parasite!

The Middle East DESERVED to be destabilized by Agencies and then raided by America for not destroying America preventively, or just giving them the oil for free!

The Jews DESERVED to be in a genocide for not having a powerful military to stop it!

That isn't being smart. That is tapping into your inner asshole to predict what other assholes will do, as I said: recklessness.

You can MAKE A LIVING by smarts or effort.
But you make PROFIT by fucking others over.

>wealth is not a zero sum game
False. Physically, it is.
First rule of Thermodynamics: nothing simply disappears or appears, everything is converted.
But profiteers do not care about the fact that ressources are finite, because acknowledging this would mean to live reasonably and to quit the scams, because the gain of one is equal to the suffering of the other.

And successful people are fully aware of this. But if workers would realize they work for their own suffering to make their bosses' happiness possible, they would become independent, or cease to work so intensely.

>either you work hard, or you are smart, that is the way to success!
No, that is the way to being a useful asset for whales.
The smarts will be ideas to steal.
The hard work will be productivity of which profits are to be reaped.

Profits are made from destructive outsmarting.

>> No.8563355

If everything's automated everyone will live comfy lives... Their would be no reason for anyone to get less as it requires no extra effort. Looks like daddy raised a brainlet

>> No.8563356

On a scale of "potato" to "retarded wojak", how stupid are you?
You just doubted that it's luck while posting a picture that shows success isn't about working hard to get it, it's about doing what hundreds have tried already, and not letting your morality get in the way of milking and glorifying it until it's even more than dead, but zombified.

>> No.8563388

>But you make PROFIT by fucking others over.
So much hate.

People DO create wealth. A computer is more valuable than the silicon and plastic is was made of, because it can be used as a tool to create something even more valuable.

So what gives new value? IDEAS, which are not limited like matter or energy.

Money is not a physical energy or matter. It is perceived value. It is malleable and relative to each individual.

For example, a boat is not worth anything for me because I do not feel the desire to own one. Other do, and pay millions for them.

You will never be happy because life is not fair and humans will never have all equal. And if they do, we have physical traits, skills and talents that no equal amount of money can equalize.

>> No.8563419
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>im 19
christ the weakness in this post

>> No.8563455

By your logic, everyone who wants to be successful suddenly is.

Now look at Kanye West. He has your attitude. "I make my own luck".
He's 53 Mill in debt, his father-in-law is a murderer and tranny, his wife turns out to be the dumbest bitch of the west coast, his brother-in-law has severe crack-addiction problems.
He was successfull when he was single. He married a woman who was called a beauty-standard and acknowledged as part of one of the wealthiest families.

How did it happen? Did he just one day wake up and feel like "ya know what? I should JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP. How practical that fate lies within my very palms!"

The very concept of luck is anti-determinism. It is the twin brother of coincidence and randomness.

What you mean is attitude and perspective. Attitude and perspective sets the path you walk, but regardless of the path, the weather will be independent. You can walk the golden road of success and WHOOP! hurricane's got you killed.

We can push our destiny in a certain direction, but it will never obey you, it might merely feel benevolent with you.



Don't get philosophical if all you can do is spout half-finished thoughts about half-truths backed up by motivational posters.

I would go to my local priest or rabbi if I wanted any of that.

>> No.8563524

nice dubs. I bet your poophole is like 7cm wide while resting normally

>> No.8563532

OP was in the right place at the right time. He got valuable financial advice and example from someone who knows a lot about money: to buy btc at 1000. Now he’s blaming the smarter guy who wanted to help him because he sold like an idiot, even though having a job to support himself, because “why not”. OP doesn’t understand why this makes him stupid.
Also, imagine this poor rich guy’s enemies, if these are his “friends”.

>> No.8563635

Why are you still responding here as opposed to killing yourself you scumbag jealous salty faggot. You are hereby doomed to wageslaving for the rest of your salty pathetic life. You will be ignored by any woman worth mating with. You will be exploited and undervalued by your bosses and superiors. And that's that.

Begone faggot.

>> No.8563678
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>> No.8563706
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Nah OP don't listen to this guy just embrace accelerationism instead

>> No.8563708

>t. Another jealous white boy

You faggots disgust me with your unadulterated hate
YOU sold for 2k like that's any money stupid bitch nobody made you and since you hate him so much stop talking to him or man up and tell him you insufferable sissy cuck bitch boy

>> No.8563729

That isn't actually true you retarded mouthbreather, you ever see that quote from one of the founders of the MENSA society? He was sad that it ended up not being aristoratic because of his assumption that intelligence and wealth were so tightly correlated but when it turned out there a shitton of poor and middle class geniuses he got fucking btfo

>> No.8563752

Dude don't even bother these people are hopeless. I don't even think they care about what is moral and just, only about what ideology justifies getting them closer to realizing their fantasy of being rich that will never actually come into fruition

>> No.8563806
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>> No.8563955

Wow what a loser.

Is your life so pathetic and miserable that you have to appeal to "survivor bias"

Do you really think that anyone here care about your fucking sad and pathetic existence. You can put your self-pity in your ass.

Please go cry me a river.

>> No.8563962


Envy and jealously are sins for a reason, you are in the wrong him for hating your ''friend'' having it good, you are pure evil OP, if you think your life is unfair I hope you like hell.

>> No.8564158

whats the point in having so much money that your entire family couldnt possibly spend it all in 100 lifetimes while you keep spending the rest of your life trying to accumulate even more when you could be making living as a whole for everyone better with that money?

>> No.8564189
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>I hate some other guy's parents for wanting to give his kids a good life, while I made a bunch of shitty financial decisions and became a wage cuck, it's him who deserves to die
Nice sjw logic there

>> No.8564236

It's their fucking money they can do whatever they want with it.

Anyone can have any amount of wealth/money he/she desires, that's capitalism. Stop envying other people's wealth.

>> No.8564328

Its ok OP, at least you're spiderman

>> No.8564586

What I hate about rich people is that because they have no real stress, they are of better health and live longer. It's one thing to be poor, but I also have to be less healthy and live shorter too?!

Stress aging you and fucking up your health is not a meme.

>> No.8564794


Work hard and destroy them. If you had to come from lower class to build yourself up, that means there's a lot of struggle that you had to endure, maybe months, years, tens of years. Eventually, you'll gonna be where you wanted to be. You'll become the animal that had to sruvive against the odds and that animal is a lot stronger than the animals that never struggled.

You might not be the smartest, the funniest or the prettiest at the moment, but when the days comes and you'll be prepared after years of hard work, you will kill them all in every aspect of life. They will fear and respect you.

>> No.8564822

kek what a pathetic commie faggot

>> No.8564891

>commies are /pol/ now
The absolute state of reddit tourists lmao

>> No.8564939

you can't argue with these people, they won't listen to anything besides their own emotions

>> No.8564947


Rich people aren't always exceptional, they are usually pretty normal. They just learn the value of money very young while the poor masses say "money isn't everything, do what you love. Debt is okay as long as you try to pay it back. Lack of knowledge/experience hinders the poor. Also lack of opportunities and having smaller amounts of money means growing that first million is harder than a rich person sitting on a million to gain their next million.

>> No.8564969

calm down. Taxation is theft anyways.

>> No.8565034

You're mad at him because his parents are better than yours. That's not his fault your parents were stupid enough to have a child while being poor. That's a consequence that gets transferred to you as well; you're not able to be taken care of properly in your upbringing. The world is unfair. That's how it is. Stop getting angry and get over it.
Also, what the fuck were you thinking going to college? You just fucked yourself 5x. Leave that for the rich people; you don't have time to sit around for 4 years NOT making money. And now you're in debt. Should have not gone to college.

>> No.8565115


Well the thing is people from lower class never had guidance, let alone financial managment and a broad spectre of life. Their parents are a wagecuck that probably fucked up or settled down for some low income paying job, just enough that they can eat/drink and pay the rent, while driving some cheap car and having no other life ambitions, other than TV shows.

So, most of the lower class people end up being 22-25 year olds, that either have a revelation that their parents fucked them up or that they fucked up, because nobody showed them how to plan things out in life, etc..

It's not really that these people are suffering, because they aren't trying, but they will do a lot more mistakes, because they will have to learn from mistakes and these mistakes are emotionally tough, because they are already struggling with existential crisis, depression and the fact that they have to carry the burden of their parents also, for which they aren't responsible.

It's a shitty situation and a lot of lower class people are acutally smart, have an outlook etc.. but they just can't fucking dig out of hell. It's mess and sad, but they eventually figure it out. However, now imagine a 25 year old that was blinded by parents stupidity his whole life, having this revelation and starting to work on his life, while knowing there are 16-18 year old with same knowledge, because their parents are smart.

It's not their fault really, some do it younger or get lucky somehow.. but most don't.. and there's really no other answer than to work hard for next few years and live like a monk.

>> No.8565176
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We arent commies. Try harder newfriend

>> No.8565254


True capitalism has never been tried. Our current system is NOT capitalism. Otherwise we'd see more average Joes making 6 figures from good ideas and being able to buy anything at the ground floor just like the rich, without needing to be an "accredited investor".

>> No.8565696

The rest of your point aside, i've been to all those places you've mentioned except the arab emirates, and i have to say that you're deluded if you believe their "extravagant standards of living" are at all democratic.

Macau, hong kong and singapore are city-states with loose financial and fiscal regulations. These cities' business models basically consist of helping companies and banks that operate in the rest of SEA establish HQs and financial centers there and bypass a fuckton of taxes they'd have to pay to be stationed in china or thailand for example (where, ironically, the countries care more about the poor and have higher taxes on the rich and their over-the-top money making shenanigans), in exchange for some taxing of their own. They're millionaire amusement parks with the hugest inequality numbers in the world. Things have gotten so bad that the average wagecuck in Singapore or hong kong can't even afford a cubicle of his own anymore. Some of them literally live bundled up in hostels, their personal space reduced to a bed below another wagie's, while some cross the border to china/malaysia twice every day from home to work and vice-versa.

I'm not a commie that wants shit for free and hates rich people, i work hard every day and have greatly increased my wealth by providing something of value to the people who own the resources, but you're absolutely blind if you can't see how virtually every job is going to be automated and the slow culling that is happening to middle class (aka the ones with brains but no resources). Birth rates are at an all time low because it takes 20+ years of education, and a lot of effort and luck to raise a kid that will make 50k/year through salary alone. Very soon the rich won't have any need for the poor anymore, and i don't believe universal income will become a thing because why would it? First world population is a bubble and it'll either pop or continue deflating.

>> No.8565808

Fucking cope. Being rich has zero cons (except maybe when you're rich and famous).


>> No.8565845

>the rich should have the same money taxed twice


>> No.8565883

Once you have everything you realize that material goods, status, etc mean nothing. There’s a reason why so many very rich people go completely off their rocker after a few years. It takes a resoundingly well grounded individual to find purpose when they can already do everything they want and the struggle is removed. Many will go out and find a new struggle by creating a business or dedicating themselves to a difficult hobby.

There’s a lot more to life than being good looking and wealthy. Passion is much more important.

>> No.8565894

Yes this is how the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. How do you not understand this cycle yet?

>> No.8565951

Boy did you fuck up. Going to a school that expensive and not being able to leverage it into a $100k/year job falls on you. But by all means, keep being angry at your friend for your own stupid decisions.

>> No.8566022

OP is a faggot

>> No.8566071
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lurk moar, cretin.

>> No.8566329

>Rich people should be killed, he has had NO stress in life, his parents paid for everything and set him up with this kush life. Seriously, how does our economic system allow for such unfairness?

It’s “unfair” to be productive and people should be killed for working hard and creating a good life for their kids? Wtf you fucking commie degenerate, with a mindset like that you deserve to be poor.

>> No.8566509
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You would be ok if you didn't have such weak hands. Your friend is a chad with strong hands and he doesn't want to just double his investment because he knows he deserves way better.

>> No.8566569

>salty poor fag wants socialism

>> No.8566721
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your primitive body needs comfort, your primitive mind needs struggle, the only way to happiness is not through fulfilling these needs, but through reducing or abandoning them.

>> No.8566825

Hes not even poor, hes middle class. Greedy bastard

>> No.8566983
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>/biz/ defending rich people who don't work
No surprise there.

>> No.8567044

Wew I did my taxes and I lost in ‘17, good to hear others have the same sitch

>> No.8567067

Enjoy being a poor fag

>> No.8567146

yeah, and this comes when you're like 45 and fucked the fuck up and can't enjoy it. yeah lets do it! faggot.

>> No.8567158

>muh we are entering a post scarcity world
boy do i have bad news for you

>> No.8567196
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Wow this thread is still going. As I stated before, I came from a really psychotic family with mon3y but they made me work for everything. My education was all paid for but that's it. They'd never give me money to start a business etc they're way too petty and selfish. And they're jealous of me because i have way less than they do but I'm way happier and that pisses them off. Kek

>> No.8567231
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>> No.8567239


why would you be fucked up at 45, if you made it in your 30s?

you could still be 45 and a NEET faggot looking back at life, wishing you would of worked harder and tried you fucking retard.

yes, let's fucking do it you NEET.