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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8523206 No.8523206 [Reply] [Original]

How can you people sit here and make millions of dollars and not have sympathy for the poor?

I I'm from Saskatchewan Canada In a small rural town that recently about 3 years ago got hit by the major economic crisis once all the oil jobs went away. I had a stable job for about 4-5 years working as a boiler technician during the oil boom.

Well now there's hundreds of thousands of people out of work in my province who are starving daily just like me. I live in a trailer park like pic related. I usually browse /Pol/ its the only good board left on this shithole of a site. Heard about you crypto fags from over there.

Upon coming here I see people making tons of money in this virtual fucking garbage! How can you filthy people sit here all day throwing pretend money around at literally nothing of substance! There are poor people out in the streets dying in Canada and America! These people provided everything to your economy you fuckers take for granted! And you just sit here all day not caring about these poor people? You're all scum, filthy degenerate scum that need to be taxed into oblivion.

I propose that we raise taxes for people who make over $1,000,000 per year from 25% capital gains tax to 50% that way you guys can start giving back to the people who made you who you are.

Everyone who is envolved in this huge ponzi scheme needs to wake up to reality and realize if it wasn't for hard working people like me you would be no where that you are today. You people make me sick.

It's time to redistribute the wealth. Enough is Enough

>> No.8523289

Rofl op you could just get a job. Fuck off commy

>> No.8523332

>out of work
>refuse to move
>refuse to develop a new skillset
>cry, complain, ask for handouts
you have nobody but yourself to blame

>> No.8523345

>How can you people sit here and make millions of dollars and not have sympathy for the poor?
Because being poor is a choice.

>> No.8523347


Thanks OP just bought 100k

>> No.8523357
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>> No.8523371
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$100 to hold signs

>> No.8523382

Instead of whining why don't you take advantage of crypto like us?

>> No.8523383
File: 191 KB, 600x1026, XRP Stone Cold Champion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're poor, buy XRP. Wait. Problem solved.

>> No.8523420

i was born in a third world shithole and would chop my dick off if i could move to canada. already tried, twice, but they denied me because I AM POOR from a third world shithole, not like you. ou could move anyhwere within canada and it is extremely easy for you to move to another first world country, including the US thanks to nafta.

go fuck yourself

>> No.8523432

are you indian?

>> No.8523459
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you fucking fuck face, do you risk your hard earned money?

we RISK it all to get the cash, we are rich for a reason and that is that we fucking put our balls on the table and actually risk it all, we either make it or become one of the poor you are so proud of "defeding", deepdown you know you don't give a fuck about those poor people, you are just jealous, that we have enough cash to invest and become richer, meanwhile you cuck prefer to keep your 1000$ in a bank acount just in case.

go back to your retarded board /pol/, it's a containment board for the scum of america, people who only think that their white skin color will give them privilege, you fucking hypocrit

>> No.8523539

I can see from the picture that you guys have boarded-up windows, but I can also see you have DirecTV, so things aren't too bad for you.

>> No.8523551

lol if I put 10k in your hand you would maybe buy a bottle of booze for your mom and pocket the rest. Poor people give less fucks about poor people than the rich.

>> No.8523566

at least we accumulate for our families, we care for the people around us, the poor, just fucking have good time wit money then they start asking for gibs again, fucking hypocrits

>> No.8523586

I'm from rural sask, as well. There is no shortage of jobs; my employer has been advertising for months: starting wage 75k, 15k signing bonus after 2 years. Just need a 12th grade education. All training is in house.

Maybe try travelling to a 3rd world country to see what REAL inequality is. You have fucking pogey for fuck sakes. Rural sask is the cheapest fucking cost of living with high demand for workers.

You come here to blame crypto, a new fintech that will benefit all, but where is your hate toward the stock market? See what toys r us were able to do?

Flat tax is b.s; there are work arounds for that the same as the current tax system. I propose eliminating income tax and increasing gst & pst so that the wealthy who need 3 houses, 5 cars and live in excess have to pay through the ass. Essentials vs non. Simply tax solution, in my mind.

>> No.8523618

> people still falling for b8

>> No.8523620

Your country already takes more in taxes, and you're still here bitching about your standard of living. So please explain to us all how raising taxes is going to do shit, because it clearly has not improved your situation up there at all.

>> No.8523650
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the stars indicate that the indigenous population are fucked. They will decline in number and influence. Whether right or wrong the whining of the op will fade into obscurity by around 2032 and no on will listen afterwards. However the stars say the loonie will get stronger and a backlash against the liberal Trudeau will eventually lead to his ruin and incarceration by 2025

>> No.8523727

Not really, just fun fucking with the larp.

>> No.8523827

I know this is bait, but America is already taxed to hell not unlike northern europe. Not sure about leafs. The difference is that burgers throw money at defense spending to cement their role as only current superpower of global influence whereas Norway spends like five times as much on healthcare than defense.

>> No.8523878

From Alberta , work my ass off 12 hours a day skilled labour.

Come home. Work 4 hours a night reading, researching and investing my hard earned cash.

Make gains because i dedicate 16 hours a day to getting them.

Your a bitch. And poorly represent Canada. And probaly had a drug or drinking issue at some point.

Go back to that , your not going to make it

>> No.8523898

>I had a stable job for about 4-5 years working as a boiler technician during the oil boom.
If you had a good job for 4-5 years, why did you stay once the oil money went?

>> No.8524018
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Stopped reading there

>> No.8524068
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A. Fucking. Leaf.

>> No.8524138

I run a non-profit site designed to help elevate people out of poverty. I can tell you from dealing with a lot of these people, the majority really are stupid with a crab like mentality. Theyre also oddly entitled and the moment anything goes slightly unexpected they freak out being hostile, puffing out their chest, and making nonsensical threats.
>t-the web page i-isnt loading
>ima sue you!! where is my account info!!
>oh, i forgot to pay my internet bill so no sites were loading, well why didnt you tell me that was the problem then!??

I will continue trying to help but geez, talk about people desperately in need of a reality check.

>> No.8524154

because I was the poor,
I lived in one of the poorest regions of entire Europe, that's why I don't have sympathy for the poor, if I could make it everyone can.
I also understood that if the taxes were lower instead of going to fund welfare it would be easier for me to find a job.

>> No.8524211

if crypto is a ponzi scheme why arent you happy we are falling for it?

>> No.8524291

I thought for sure this was a 9/10 troll. Then I see they are a fucking leaf and now I don't even know what to believe. Are leafs so cucked that their posts can be mistaken for trolling?

>> No.8524452
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Thx for the new copypasta, leafnigger.

>> No.8524775

I agree with you 100%.

>> No.8525096

>sympathy for the poor
>from /pol/
like 6 billion people are poorer than you. shouldn't you be sucking them off?
kys faggot

>> No.8525112

I trained myself not to be emotionally controlled by hard luck stories, that’s how

>> No.8525123
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>> No.8525219

>Instead of improving the conditions of the place I come from I'd rather just move to a white country and shit up their lives

>> No.8525301

Yes, and your point is ?

>> No.8525925
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>tfw work in the Alberta oil patch living like a bum saving money and buying bitcoin/stocks

>> No.8525950

>How can you people sit here and make millions of dollars and not have sympathy for the poor?

So we don't want to kill ourselves?

>> No.8525986

Why are you so greedy you lazy bum? Also nice pasta. Sage goes in all fields.