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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 651x578, Eth_Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8441903 No.8441903 [Reply] [Original]

ETH was shilled on BIZ.

What coins clearly are ETH level of growth, and are shilled here like ETH was>


>> No.8441935

I wonder if those posters finally FOMO'd in but realized they still missed the chance to make millions and killed themselves

>> No.8441937


>> No.8441958



>> No.8441962

Old posts are so refreshing to see..

Just so much noise on BIZ these days...

Here's my list:


Any of these coins have that potential, but which one?

>> No.8441978

And axp

>> No.8441989

unironically ICX

>> No.8441991


>> No.8441997

Agreed, like a walk back in time


>> No.8442011
File: 45 KB, 500x350, tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TofuCoin definitely going 100x. Chinks love that gay shit.

>> No.8442019


>> No.8442020

ITC will return to it's late 2017 glory

>> No.8442043


>> No.8442046
File: 55 KB, 1017x622, ETHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one.


>> No.8442047


It's literally an ETH sidechain using Solidity, fully interactable with ETH, providing all its advantages but so much faster with 2 second blocks.

>> No.8442066

OMG seems like a likely possibility with all the shilling..

1B Market Cap - $10 per coin.

At 100B, thats $1000. Literally ETH all over again.

>> No.8442106
File: 10 KB, 248x187, 23CC2B2B-2D7B-4AE0-9324-18DDCDBB24E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 cent
> ico sold out in 2 min
> launching on exchanges next month
you saw it here first

>> No.8442127

More like SHARTER amirite

>> No.8442136


>> No.8442140

INS - normie magnet, dont fall for the faggotish 4chan nerd projects, 4chan doesn't move the market

>> No.8442162


>> No.8442169

Still looking for coins that normies will buy huh? You're looking in the wrong direction.

>> No.8442175


>> No.8442182

I think the next 1000x is already here.

No ICOs please, lets focus on projects that have been out.

>> No.8442189

I see retards like the 2nd poster in the ss everytime I make price predictions. Even if I qualify the prediction with "I see the overall market increasing 4x" they still compare to the current market caps of other coins.

>> No.8442192

Hahaha I remember making a thread saying last chance to buy ETH sub $100 and it never has been since. Hope someone listened

>> No.8442198

this, but it won't hit that until EOY at the earliest

>> No.8442226

I'm hoping one out of VEN, LINK, PFR, DTA will 100x

>> No.8442259

Yeaaa of course I didn't mean anytime soon.

What I want to know is which coin WILL end up like ETH.

Shilled non stop to be the top coin.

Jibrel Network and OMG give me that feel.

Apparently NULS is the next "NEO", I got my doubts.

Elastos apparently chink gook king coin, could very well be it.

ZIL / NAS / QASH / LINK ---> All these are ETHERS in the making apparently.

I just dont know anymore guys..

>> No.8442280


>> No.8442301

Clearly stratis, but that board doesn't seems to like it

>> No.8442318


>> No.8442320


>> No.8442340

Dude I dunno. I think any of those coins are great holds. This will be the biggest year for crypto, so any of those holds are solid. Personally I hold NAS/ZIL/MAN/OMG.

>> No.8442344

Honestly I think:


These will make us rich AF.

Maybe swap LINK/REQ out..

JNT / OMG seem to be top.

>> No.8442372

LINK it's been being spammed and memed upon since it's ICO and still gets the most attention on /Biz/

>> No.8442379

couldnt give a flying shit about the next eth. that shit spends moost days crashing wwhatwann know is whats the next WAU COIN? that lil beauty went up during the winter bear eth tanked

>> No.8442422

I said no larpets Pajeets.

Eth made people millionaires. Thats my goal here, OUR goal here.


>> No.8442441



Trash tier list, friend.

Out of those, only AMB, OMG, LINK, and maybe QASH have a chance at a 1000x. AMB is definitely the most likely based on market cap.

>> No.8442461

Take a nap pajeet

>> No.8442475

Driving home from WAGE slave work,

please continue thread with useful comments such as this for ex:


>> No.8442533

??? fuck the abos. im talking facts. eth crashed. WAU is awesome. no fucking dot heads anywhere near wau. also capped supply unlike eth pedo junk

>> No.8442575

oh so another dumb fucker doesnt know good white strong math crushes abos and aids pedos. go on with your linkies then shithead

>> No.8442657

not a 100x but I think UTN will do a 100x

>> No.8442712

link is the new bitbean

>> No.8442733

Http://goatse.cx launches soon

>> No.8442734


>> No.8442766

I'm betting on NAS.

>> No.8442780

Is no one going to say VEN? It's like the most shilled and shitted coin by far aside from LINK.

LINK (huuuuuuge if)

>> No.8442800

but doesn't AMB only do like food shit?

>> No.8442909


>> No.8443160


Exactly this. I have more doubts about OMG than LINK tho. VEN is a winner but not short term.

>> No.8443230

Instead of just listing coins, guys, could you also list your reasons why? I would love to learn more about OMG, for example.

Unironically I think LINK is my best shot at riches, given the following:
1) Smart contracts will see widespread adoption in future, and/or normies will catch on to the future potential of smart contracts, thus smart contract projects will gain value from adoption and/or speculation. Smart contracts and the new open Api economy also happen to coincide!
>This is a bit of a gamble, but in my opinion, I can see smart contracts being used IRL
2) The most interesting and important smart contract applications will involve external data via an oracle
>This is absolutely true
3) ChainLink is the best oracle
>Perhaps not for all use-cases, but it doesn't have to be the only oracle used at all in order to moon
4) LINK mainnet will be used by big players, such as Docusign and Zeppelin_os
>Some of this is confirmed, some is based on autistic fact-finding
5) Price for oracles and smart contract projects will rise due to adoption and/or normie speculation FOMO frenzy
6) Sergey is positioning himself in the financial district in San Fransisco - I'm sure he wants to target big financial institutions. If we saw any adoption by them, then moon. But LINK can also be used by random shitcoins and dApps, further driving a whole new wave of projects
7) Staking LINK in nodes will reduce circulating supply, thus driving price up

>> No.8443328

EZT but /biz/ will ignore it until it's at least 100x

>> No.8443437
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I miss the good old days of bit bean memes. Can we please go back to the bean?

>> No.8443447

Raven coin. Overstock.com just bought in ...6 million.

>> No.8443461

Link. Thought it was a joke too. Problem is...none of this shit will work if ChainLink doesn't succeed.

>> No.8443479
File: 588 KB, 1600x1994, 1_k8PzvkCPeW5t1fybaPIwlA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join pajeetgram. Some of these are complete but they're waiting.

>> No.8443507

XTCC of course

>> No.8443513

Go to warosu.org/biz
Click old posts first
Type ETH

>> No.8443549


Bad question because no one can give you an 1000x. A coin with 1000x potential to reach ETH ATH market cap (134bil) is so lowkey that it's just pajeets shilling their bags.

The "easiest" 1000x would be something that is still in ICO so you can get it for cheap. Anything else, not realistic.

>> No.8443598

it fucking hurts. This board will never fucking learn.

>> No.8443639

The second oldest post with the text "ethereum" in it on /biz/ says the following
>With the invention of the Bitcoin network, and with newer platforms like Ethereum, a lot of well-learned businessmen are predicting completely autonomous corporations.
Hmm, sounds familiar?

>> No.8443652


>> No.8443666

I just read some thread where everyone called ETH vaporware.

>> No.8443677

Every coin/token is vaporware until it isn't

>> No.8443697


>> No.8443701

how the fuck is omg a x1000 when it’s already well over a billion

>> No.8443702


HPB with BBN and LRC, the ultimate team. Everyone of those connects together.

>> No.8443728

Yeah i'm in on ZIL/Nas. Everyone FUDDING makes me wanna buy more. Why do you personally think LINK will do well? Still deciding if it's a meme or not.

>> No.8443756
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>> No.8443762


>> No.8443773

If LINK does x20 this year, x10 next year and after that x5, its x1000 by the end of 2020

>> No.8443789
File: 3 KB, 290x174, xby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8443790


>> No.8443792

The next 1000x

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: Next con to 1000x - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


>> No.8443801

I just made this post >>8443230
Would be helpful if others could do the same.
We should help each other.

>> No.8443830

zil,tomo,nas and nuls are the safest x20-100

>> No.8443848

This actually makes me sick with jealousy.
Seriously, my stomach, feels sick.

>> No.8443879

LINK just seems the most logical and fastest to 100x or more. It's basically needed for smart contracts and more importantly it's a first mover.

>> No.8443901

It’s smartlands you stupid fucks

>> No.8443909
File: 286 KB, 750x1334, 022A6633-05A6-4D07-9AD2-42EC77C751ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8443919
File: 8 KB, 696x248, 1439075989343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this posted in Aug 15 titled "pyramid_scheme_unravels_in_record_36_hours.png" mocking Ethereum LOL

>> No.8443924

JNT/Qash/AION maybe rlc also

In that order

>> No.8443940

meant to say Aug 2015 my bad

>> No.8443949

VEN is a "safe" fastest(compared to others) 10x. I mean the chinese government "supports" it, DNV GL is clearly a serious partner, it's competing against NEO in the form of dapps and imo it will be bigger than NEO which will make it the chinese ETH.

>> No.8444090
File: 370 KB, 1280x720, noonecanresistthed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single mention of this coin

And that's how you know you're on a rocket ship.

>> No.8444107
File: 74 KB, 1533x496, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8444171

I also called ETH a russian scam cash grab in 2014 presale

Fuck my shit up I still get upset

>> No.8444206


>> No.8444207

honestly you deserve it. you may have prevented someone else from buying into ETH because of your FUD. then again, they would have been stupid to listen to you

>> No.8444222
File: 20 KB, 688x284, reqfud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REQ. I have already started collecting FUDs to post in a year or two

>> No.8444227


>> No.8444272

Shit reminds me of RaiBlocks back in the day, why are anons so stupid? It's fucking hilarious how bad people are at making money here

>> No.8444291

A lot of coins and tokens are sub ico right now or at most 3xed... so you have plenty of options to 1000x if you believe in ICO 1kx's

>> No.8444302
File: 31 KB, 500x450, DAKZbuIV0AM603Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It drives me up the fucking wall knowing that another alt will pull an ETH, but I don't know which it will be. So I have to sit patiently with my OMG stack and hope to fucking god it's my turn to win for once.

>> No.8444344
File: 26 KB, 632x756, 1519035694949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to happen, it's going to be 1 green 1min candle up to 1000$

>> No.8444346

UTN prob has the best chance to 1000x over the next 1-2 years

>> No.8444361

This is also true. If Ethereum was craigslist Vechain would be Amazon.

>> No.8444367

Literally nano

>> No.8444369


only one other ALT coin has been bought and invested in by Jim Breyer and its VEN
VEN is the next ETH
Look into your hearts you know it to be true.

>> No.8444395

Not really you tard, it was wise to not buy in at that point
I mean, obviously I'd have ended up richer but it would have been foolish to do so back then

>> No.8444420

It's different now , eth was the only alt at the time. Now it's finding undervalued coins. Hence why BBN and XTCC are shilled here everyday, because the August know this but normies do not

>> No.8444435
File: 380 KB, 800x800, 1521153683960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc is the king of coins. WAU is the coin of future kings. wau went up 90% plus of days since launch IN JAN 2018. 1,000,000 max supply. get in early or wait until next weeks new ath just like last week and every week since launch

>> No.8444462


>> No.8444485

>it would have been foolish to buy Ethereum at pre-sale
at the time you may have thought that but looking back obviously that is untrue

>> No.8444498

Seems like VEN/OMG/LINK/REQ are the ones everyone is looking forward to. Just a matter of when it shoots up. I will be straight up, I haven’t invested in anything yet. I hope one of them will be the next ETH.

>> No.8444559

REQ Digits...

>> No.8444572

>I haven't invested in anything yet
literally buy right now
RIGHT NOW anon. Is probably your best bet. Alts are down 80-90%. We MAY see another dip but consolidation before next bull run is VERY near. Now is your chance, let's make it together. At least put your fiat into gdax at the ready

>> No.8444588


>> No.8444597

teir 1: BTC
teir 2: ETH, NEO, OMG,
teir 3: ADA, XLM, EOS, QTUM, IOTA,
bonus: REQ, LINK, BTS

will 2-4x again: XVG, TRX, CND, POE, FUN, DOGE, DGB, RDD

>> No.8444604
File: 35 KB, 1321x189, ETH FUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding some high quality eth fud posts

>> No.8444610

>Ethereum will never be under $0.844 ever again

>> No.8444612

I really can't see the potential in REQ

>> No.8444638

Please will someone shill me on OMG

>> No.8444656

hey man another flash crash may happen you never know :)

>> No.8444666

will 100% be bigger than NEO but that's not saying much. that is an overvalued turd coin.

>> No.8444682

In short
Using the 'Pay with Request project', pay with any currency and whoever you're paying will receive the currency of their choice

It will also automate and replace large parts of accounting and auditing. ' Smart Audit algorithm, which replaces a part of Deloitte, PWC, E&Y'

Those are just the obvious use cases. It's a platform to be developed upon. If you can't see the potential from those 2 use cases alone then you deserve to be poor.

>> No.8444686

BTC is the next ETH? am i reading this correctly? lol

anyway, the answer is REQ and LINK
possibly NAS - still trying to value this one from an investor's standpoint

>> No.8444689
File: 806 KB, 810x4400, omgshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one gets passed around a lot. doesn't even mention Vitalik and Poon are advisors.

>> No.8444742
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x720, Sayori_After_Story_2018-03-07_15-27-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investing in any of those coins is like investing in CanYa because all other coins listed on CanYa had pumped.
That didn't work so well when the bubble burst.

>> No.8444750

OMG wants to be a mobile crypto payment credit and is run by a company that already has 20000 billion users. They intend to give a smart contracted credit line to people who cant get bank loans in Singapore and then expand to Africa so that poor farmers can trade rice on the blockchain with their phones to establish credit thus bringing the entire third world into digital banking.

also they are working with mcdonalds and vitalik :^)

>> No.8444846

So it’s like PayPal without the PayPal?>>8444572
I’ll be on it, Anon. Thanks

>> No.8444853

also JNT but it's not on binance yet

>> No.8444858
File: 47 KB, 1800x1800, 02984741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8444938

That's just one aspect. Fees will be orders of magnitude lower than paypal's as well. ONE use case man, one. It is literally the gateway to crypto being actually used as currency, you know to BUY things.

Imagine buying some clothes from amazon with your shitcoins and amazon get paid in dollars. Everybody wins

>> No.8445010


Fucktard, bet you didn't even buy into ANS either.


Missed btc, but made it with ETH and ANS

>> No.8445103

It's a little late to buy have in, the rise is already going, but here's what I've found after doing some quick numbers

Most coins will see you 1.6x to 1.8x after we return to normal, a few of the popular coins will probably get you 2.0x plus though
ADA, NEO, REQ, WTC, ICX, unironically LINK too

>> No.8445261

Why the FUCK aren’t you guys talking about Elastos (ELA)? It’s at ~250m market cap. It will 100x this year

Read this brainlets:


>> No.8445280

There won't be another ETH, ETH was revolutionary as it was the first dApp platform with no competition so it had all the market share.
Now there is competition for all types of coin but I feel the supply chain coins will have the most gains since they have a real world use case and there is demand for it.

>> No.8445318

i think either cardano or iexec

>> No.8445523

Anymore railblocks like project?

>> No.8445544


>> No.8445564

Please will someone shill me on OMG

>> No.8445571

There are some interesting raiblocks forks out there, might be scams or just insufficiently competent devs, trying to make privacy-NANO with zk-snarks etc. I’m planning on doing more research.

>> No.8445608
File: 136 KB, 512x512, C8A23829-3CB5-429A-8B20-F719219CFCE7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here,

Relaxed after Wage slave.

Here’s my updated list:


I personally have high expectations for JNT. $500 in each of these now goes a long way in the future.

Gonna try to get in on one of these and HODL until end of next bull run.

Will try to make another thread later this week to get some more discussion.

>> No.8445628

It’s a pretty good list, but rather than a flat distribution you should follow a power law down from LINK at 33% or so

>> No.8445681

Exactly what I’m thinking. Going to invest more into a couple of coins and maybe spread on rest.


More in those, until I’m convinced on REQ QTUM and supply chain coins.

>> No.8445703

What will be the staking returns like? Passive income?

>> No.8445724
File: 72 KB, 800x800, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was here in august 2015 but I didn't believe

>> No.8445730


>> No.8445789

maybe a little over diversified but a very good variation of coins with all sorts of uses cases.

>> No.8445802


Literally link

>> No.8445876

Hold up there, With triple-double confirmation! My I hope I'm on binance at that exact moment!
May he guide and protect us.

>> No.8445944

We got the trip-trip on REQ, and the trip-dub for link.
Bought 100k

>> No.8445985


>> No.8446005


>> No.8446061

Had you considered ETH, OP?

>> No.8446067
File: 630 KB, 800x533, Req times 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gonna be REQ Request Network and I can prove it.

>> No.8446080

>down 70%
I bet people thought it would never be where it is today
jesus christ

>> No.8446118

How much higher can ETH go??
>inB4 screencap
Can ETH really 1000x again?

>> No.8446161

are you fucking retarded of course it can.

>> No.8446246

if you read through the thread i had been browsing through /biz/ archives for early ETH posts and i read A LOT of posts saying ETH is a scam and it will never go to even $10. i think the point to be taken here is that no one REALLY knows how far cryptos can go up in value, but to say that anything can't achieve X or Y is foolish because no one really knows. check this posts out for example>>8444604

>> No.8446264


>> No.8446328

>no gvt

Sounds like it might be cool but I haven't read too deeply into it nor do I own any

>> No.8446365

what other projects do you hate or think are scams? tell me now quickly while the sales are on

>> No.8446405

KNC has Vitalik as advisor. Just saying...

>> No.8446575

I wonder how this guy feels. I can kinda relate because I thought btc and eth wouldn't be worth shit when they were in their stealth stages, these days I'm not so skeptical about crypto anymore.

>> No.8446577


>> No.8446587

My man

>> No.8446614

2. VEN
3. NEO

>> No.8446649

Not sure if I should start shilling this shit yet but... RDX.

>> No.8446663

IMO cut it down to
JNT/VEN/QASH/AION and maybe rlc

All the above have enough fundamentals for massive gains headed forward. Qash aion and jnt havent even scratched the surgace of what theyll be valued at in the future imho.

People are sleeping on aion in this thread, aion is going to be huge.

>> No.8446664

you insult coss then post link holy fuck u are dumb

>> No.8446678

Fusion, Nuls, Universa and Tomochain are the real contenders here.

>> No.8446707

And Dfinity whenever that comes out

>> No.8446720

Loooks like a shit coin

>> No.8446728

What about OCN?

>> No.8446769

Looks solid.

Kinda want NEO and OMG In there.

>> No.8446777


You forgot OMG

>> No.8446782

I have a stack, real product real use in development

>> No.8446807


You misspelled LOOM - which is already in closed beta with working projects.

>> No.8446813


>> No.8446830

>No ICOs please, lets focus on projects that have been out.

LOOM. No fucking joke. It's not available for purchase yet (private ICO to closed Beta devs). But it's working fine (closed Beta like I say, but there's already some Dapps using it). Go check it out, the instant it goes public grab it.

>> No.8446855

Nuls probably. Link clearly. Enigma clearly. If Ethereum doesn’t scale for whatever reason when smart contracts go main stream(I think something will replace it as the standard) then whatever captures the us market will be the biggest moon shot

>> No.8446917

What about LOOM? They jst fixed the problem

>> No.8446936

Isn't it on Kucoin?

>> No.8446937
File: 243 KB, 750x1334, 75BA87BF-1B04-4FFC-92FF-22E7C9F3A5D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah boy. Raiblocksesque run underway for testnet and the partnerships to come.

>> No.8446984

It looks promising, I don’t know enough about it yet. I don’t think they’ll be truly unique though. The reality is several teams will probably achieve the same thing and there will have to be a differentiator. Eth has first mover advantage. That’s what differentiates it. If eth fails to scale I think the main differentiator between similar tech will he connections and institutional backing from the traditional sector since those institutions will be the ones moving to smart contracts. The next eth may not even exist yet

>> No.8446991
File: 44 KB, 800x533, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.8446992

It's ETH for those partial to the korean-jewish faith

>> No.8447015

EXRN for 100x, 1000x is possible too.

>> No.8447069

What's your opinion on the best coin rn?

>> No.8447096
File: 26 KB, 1881x126, ethfud2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8447142

I think the potential is definitely there in the long-term. Check out this thread for reasons why >>8445929.

>> No.8447266
File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I think FunFair is due

>> No.8447291

fucking nocoiners.
people like these will come after every crash to say "I told you so", while every bull/bear cycle hits a higher high and falls to a higher low

>> No.8447325

This thread makes me want to screen cap VeChain fud for the lols so i can post 2 years from now and laugh

>> No.8447371

They’re literally retarded

>> No.8447394

good additions too

>> No.8447685

I’m heavily in Nuls at least for the short term. Heavily in Chainlink. OMG should have steady growth. I like XLM. I try to focus on utility cryptos with good partners so if you have any suggestions let me know.

>> No.8447775
File: 95 KB, 474x447, IMG_7304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unnironically XRP

>> No.8447798

I hope you bought some LINK

>> No.8447819

Zencash. Screencap this.

>> No.8447823

I'm shocked there's been zero mentions of Neblio. It may not be the answer, but should at least be in the conversation.

That being said, my money is on Zil. Stocking up at these prices the best I can.

>> No.8447885

yes. the staking % is based on transaction volume on the OMG network.

>inb4 $1/ year

literally nothing is known about the initial number but Omise is using the OMG network for processing its current client base's payments, of which there is already billions of dollars being transacted. so that's the starting point.

>> No.8447917
File: 304 KB, 1437x908, pepe xrp 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbqh, already had a thread on it earlier


>> No.8447927

Should I wait for the market to go lower before getting in on OMG and LINK?

>> No.8447984

dollar cost average. that's where you take the amount you're willing to invest/gamble/lose and stagger it out over weeks. something like, 1/3 today, 1/3 next week, 1/3 a week after that.

>> No.8447991
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This should be all that you need to understand the potential of ChainLink.

Ethereum ushered in a new era in crypto by creating a platform for smart contracts

ChainLink will usher in the next era of crypto by allowing smart contracts to make use of real data

Why is this so important? Aside from the obvious, pic related

>> No.8448022

There's nothing today that is on the same level as ETH. Just a bunch of wannabees and pretenders.

>> No.8448025

Thanks mate, I invested a very small amount in December, luckily didn't go in heavier. I want to invest heavily throughout the course of the upcoming bear market. Any advice is appreciated.

>> No.8448058

best of luck anon. it's still relatively early in crypto so remember two important things:

1. you don't lose money until you sell back into fiat

2. you lost the money the second you invested in something

>> No.8448107

This is a great mindset to have. I saw a post last night about how all it takes to make a million is to have a thousand and ride a coin 10x three times. Even a random coin like TRX can probably get someone up 10x once. And we have plenty of market cycles ahead of us to play.

Of course I hope I'm not too late to the party but it seems logically like things are just getting started. This is a brand new asset and trillions in wealth are exchanged every day.

>> No.8448115

Poorfag here, owner of 3k UTN. I'll be holding this for a year minimum.

>> No.8448188

i'll tell you right now, it's a difficult mindset to maintain if you're new to the game. basically, make your purchase and check back in a year to see how your lottery ticket is doing. leave biz, get a hobby -- the more you fixate on crypto the more it will eat away at you from the inside.

>> No.8448236

At the same time you're here

>> No.8448309

its actually stratis dude. its boring but it will.

>> No.8448388

the irony is not lost on me, anon.

>> No.8448609
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>he doesn't realize ETH is the next ETH

>> No.8448702

I've dropped a lot into REQ. Main net launching next week.

>> No.8449198


>> No.8449208
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unironically nexus

>> No.8449215


Simple as that.

>> No.8449226


>> No.8449234


>> No.8449241

>4 years
>27 bil mcap
>still at loss in sats to btc
how do you fuck up this hard?

>> No.8449291

ICX may take 2-3 years though.

>> No.8449308
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>> No.8449309

I own some ELEC
dont think its 1000x
but tis easy 10x maybe 100x in 2 years. which is still good.

>> No.8449333
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Crypto's first phase was proof of concept. Now we enter production.

>> No.8449343

I shilled you Neblio when it was $0.35 and got called a pajeet. Why would I share my picks with you now?

>> No.8449356

except banks don't want xrp, they only want ripplenet to make their own clones

>> No.8449386


>> No.8449416

This group shilled NULS when it was .10 cents.

>> No.8449451


this is all B.S.. OMG has a huge market cap because of the misconception that it IS Plasma.

truth is Plasma is a timeless eth scaling solution that hasn't even been created yet.

this also means that OMG is nothing but an idea right now. and if successful it is just an eth Sapp that does payment processing. the shit about omise having an existing business and partnerships is basically bullshit. the don't have a partnership with McDonald's, it is one Thai franchise of McDonalds (that they paid to take a picture with basically)

>> No.8449529
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No. They tried using their own private bank currencies in the 1800's and it didn't work. They're not going down that road again.


>> No.8449549


not timeless. tokenless

fucking phone

>> No.8449618

So why are they going to use cripple? You literally just contradicted yourself. The whole point of banks not adopting ripplenet yet is they don't want to deal with banking instrument 50% of which belongs to 3rd party. Why anyone would do that ever. XRP is a fucking mess.

>> No.8449632


it is different now with electronic settlement. they can send USDcoin backed by cash/equity they own (USD ious can be sent on the ripple ledger right now actually). A big trusted institution wouldn't need to have on chain proof of solvency as the bank receiving the iou or USD would have recourse. this allows them to send stable assets over the ledger. this is better than a crypto like xrp which is subject to price fluctuations (and the receiving bank would have to do more work to liquidate potentially - with slippage for large amounts

>> No.8449699

I see no one is talking shit about SLT, that's a buy signal for all you newfags

>> No.8449739

You guys are both arguing that currencies will disappear because ledger technology allows for lightning-fast barter of assets. I disagree. I believe that the central banks are transitioning to a digital currency, and that XRP is secretly their preferred coin.

>> No.8449756

Chad portfolio:
Bought VEN @ 0.50
Bought OMG @ 4
Bought EOS @ 4
And bought JNT @ an average of 0.35 and continue buying sub dollar

>> No.8449777

> XRP is secretly their preferred coin
you literal pajeet shill fucktard, only thing that keeps banks from adopting ripplenet is ripple pushing xrp on banks and banks telling ripple to fuck of with that shit
stay with your heaviest bags you probably bought at $3 and now desperate for them to crawl back out of the hole they dumped into

>> No.8449793
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Not buying DBC at 4cents. Just lol /biz

>> No.8449844

Gives normies access to hedge funds

>> No.8449879
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> only thing that keeps banks from adopting ripplenet is ripple pushing xrp on banks
So if Ripple didn't push XRP, banks would adopt it?

>> No.8449913
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Ripplenet is not XRP. And yes, banks would adopt ripplenet.

>> No.8449966
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Look for platforms over everything else. Specifically platforms that are decentralized, will let normies mess around with dApps, can scale, can integrate with other platforms, have sidechains, and are already researching quantum resistant signatures.

When you find something that wants to do those things it is worth paying attention to.

>> No.8449977
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When will you FOMO in?

>> No.8449991

Now show me XRP partnerships. Partnerships =/= adoption. Your shilling is being deconstructed by your very own posts at this point.

>> No.8450060

So the most corporate partnerships of any coin isn't good enough for you, and you'll wait until adoption to FOMO in, got it.

>> No.8450061

I’ve been here since 2015. Made a killing with eth,bought sub $3 andsadly sold extremely early @$400. After that I bought omg (I’m still holding it) and my next buy was jibrel.

Go look at ethereum fud threads from back in the day, you could change eth with jnt and you will feel like you’re looking at a current jnt fud thread.

Same doubt, fud based on misunderstanding, calling it unreliable because Vitalik was 21 yo back then, I don’t know, there are so many parallels...

Jibrel is as revolutionary as ethereum, and I truly believe that the risk of not holding at least a few K’s of JNT is way more than holding it.

Worst case scenario? You lose some $ and that’s it, best case scenario? You’re set for life.

So, I believe that OMG and JNT are the best holds at the moment.

>> No.8450114

What do you like about OMG and JNT? I'm in on NAS, and deciding my two other holds. Looking at OMG and JNT.

>> No.8450132

JNT and TOMO are the only potential x1000

I don’t hold any, I’d rather buy 10k JNT @$1 than 40k @$.25 if the investment is a little less risky (project is mature enough to somewhat guarantee the progress)

>> No.8450139
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>> No.8450150

Growth potential, Banyan Network without a doubt. It won't be the monster ETH is but Big data will be a $trillion industry. I see no reason BBN ($10 million MC) can't swallow up 10 billion of that with their current team.

>> No.8450158




>> No.8450167

Haaahahahaha fucking miserable piece of vaporware trash

and I say that as the owner of 3000 BBT that I will never be able to get rid of because volume on YoBit is like $100/day and this shitcoin will never get added to another exchange ever. At this point it's just a souvenir for me of the good ol' shitcoin days of December.

>> No.8450170


>> No.8450200
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Yup, this is the best pick of this board for potential 1000X. The rest are too baked in.

>> No.8450259
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>> No.8450269

I believe that both have the potential to change paradigms in the way retail investors and institutions handle money/assets. I never invest without doing tons of research, talking directly to the developers, and answering these questions:

1: are there real life applications for the technology?

2: is distributed ledger technology an advantage to solve the problems a project is aiming to solve?

3: What role will the technology play in future developments/adoption of blockchain?

Both OMG and JNT are part of the few projects aiming purely towards the financial sector, you won’t find any other real use for DLT at the moment.

Finally, both projects are working with regulators, OMG with regulators in Thailand and JNT with regulators in the MENA region and western Europe; like it or not the future of crypto will be regulated, so looking for highly compliant projects is a sure bet imo.

>> No.8450275

Unironically top 5 marketcap will be.

Bitcoin #1,
Ethereum, #2,
ADA #3,
Ven #4,
Link #5

Best coins to buy now is VEN and LINK. ADA with a supply of 45bil and already super high market cap will only x5 or something. The rest will x10-x50.

>> No.8450304

Yeah ripple

>> No.8450317

anyone placing 1000x on link loses all credibility sorry

>> No.8450341


>> No.8450352

Ripple is also a great project! The only thing I don’t like is how centralized it is, otherwise I would be all over it.

>> No.8450379


>> No.8450389

No, he lost all credibility with VEN

>> No.8450393

Wow, so its 10 and 2 are testing, great stuff you got there, and not a signle major bank that you claim interested in XRP(which they are not), and 4 of those are crypto related companies which is just circlejerk and 2 are just accepting it as alternative to usd, and one is based in Korea where people are literally killing themselves over XRP crashing in flames. Besides that japan transfer shit literally went nowhere after transfer was made and it was a pure marketing stunt.
This is literally "rumor is true we rented a bmw" tier.
Hire better shills next time.

>> No.8450399

Don't fall for the decentralization meme.

>> No.8450415

Like I said before. The progress that ripple has made is not good enough for you, and you want to see more adoption before you FOMO in.

>> No.8450418
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>> No.8450428

Just bought 4k bbn cause I already holding some hpb . Being shilled so hard I couldn't help myself

>> No.8450444

> decentralization meme
absolute state of xrp
it made no fucking progress lmao, if anything xrp is declined and its chart shows it pretty fucking well

>> No.8450473

Not at all! I just feel like xrp is already valued fairly, don’t see big monetary potential.

>> No.8450476

fucking poet you cucks
screenshot this and hide it on your computer

>> No.8450484


>> No.8450492

It's up 100x in the past year.

>> No.8450550

Its down in sats, and its down in sats since release.

>> No.8450561

Fair enough. What's undervalued in your opinion?

>> No.8450581
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>> No.8450616

hmm, if its down in sats then something that is counted in sats must have gained more, please remind me what was the name of that one thing that is counted in sats?
fucking retard

>> No.8450671

Where does one even buy WYV? Forkdelta has no sells available.

>> No.8450691

So if another asset gained more than the thing counted in sats, then the thing counted in sats is garbage? And only retards would invest in it?

>> No.8450697


>> No.8450726

>if something is 100% dependant on a price of a currency that its competing with and loses in value to it its a good investement
You do realise why people buy alts, right?

>> No.8450740

It's JNT bud, seems pretty obvious to me.

>> No.8450818

This thread is about the next 1000x, not previous 1000x coins. The top 1% wealthiest in the world controls a collective $250 Trillion in wealth. They have hardly participated in the crypto market. But when they do, they will decide the winner. Everyone knows XRP was designed to meet their needs. That's why most people on this board hate it.

>> No.8450899

ICX and JNT are the only right answers. anyone else? not gonna make it

>> No.8450901 [DELETED] 

Why didn't they picked it 4 years ago? Why do you think (((they))) will funnel their money to XRP devs? Why do you think they will not just clone protocol if they are even interested in it? C'mon i dare you to provide at least one good answer. People here hate ripple because not only it a shits on whole idea of cripto, but also because its a pnd trash that gets pumped every year and dumped on clueless newfags. Also redditcoin.

>> No.8450908


>> No.8450929

Why didn't they picked it 4 years ago? Why do you think (((they))) will funnel their money to XRP devs? Why do you think they will not just clone protocol if they are even interested in it? C'mon i dare you to provide at least one good answer. People here hate ripple because not only it a shits on whole idea of crypto, but also because its a pnd trash that gets pumped every year and dumped on clueless newfags. Also redditcoin.

>> No.8450970

They're not going to make their own clone because 1) they all agree that they need 1 currency, and 2) Ripple has been giving it away to them for free and selling it to them cheaply for years. XRP is the banking industry's own cryptocurrency that they disguised as a free market startup.

>> No.8451118

>they all agree that they need 1 currency
>Ripple has been giving it away to them for free and selling it to them cheaply for years.
>devs still own 67% of all XRP
Yeah, why don't they just create new clone, why put money into something when you literally cuck yourself out of 67% of it funneling it to devs that will dump 55% of it in next 4 years? Doesn't sound smart to me. Try again please.

>> No.8451130

They own it.

>> No.8451139

Yep..and it's not some sketchy dev team, you know they are in it for the long haul>>8450899
Ahhhh, icx, that team that constantly misses deadlines, gl

>> No.8451177

If they own it why banks reject it?

>> No.8451187
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Even Trump is dick deep in STORM

>> No.8451254

>solid dev team
their dev team is impersonation of hype, probably one of those things you can bu without looking at whitepaper and merely riding on shills alone

>> No.8451258

Are you guys retarded or something, those posts were from eth was like 40% so still only an x20. If they had both NEO or something in that same month theyd have x10000 lol

>> No.8451285

They're not rejecting it. Bernanke publicly endorsed it and lots of major banks have allowed their names to be used in Ripple's marketing. They're methodically testing it and improving it and they have been doing so for years. They're not going to go live with a new technology and a new currency until they have proven that it can handle $Trillions in volume per day. So they first go live with small and regional operations before scaling up.

>> No.8451315

You do realise people have been making constant 10-100x trades this week alone with XTCC...don't you?

>> No.8451316

I've been through this already, XRP =/= ripplenet. Banks accepting protocol but refusing coin.

>> No.8451389

Apparently you think that the financial industry would adopt transformative technology and a new currency without years of testing and phasing it in gradually.

>> No.8451460

Hold on, hold on, so you saying you will need wait years for that to happen? With inevitable dev dump that is inbuilt in escrow? You didn't even address my point but somehow made XRP even less wanted. Are you guys fudding or shilling it, I can't quite understand at this point.

>> No.8451497

They have a right to sell 55 Billion XRP in 5 years, not an obligation. Last few months they sold around 100-200 million per month and returned the rest to escrow. And even if they did sell all 55 Billion in 5 years, after that they can't sell anymore. Furthermore, yes I am willing to wait several years for 1000x.

>> No.8451548

Why won't you just buy it in 5 years? Devs holding creates even more problems for banks adoption of XRP. Say devs only sell 20% of their current hold it will put them at around 50% of all XRP which pretty much halves all income banks can make using XRP. I mean I know /biz/ hates money, but I doubt banks want to give up their source of income for something they can implement without XRP itself.

>> No.8451608

I'm buying it now instead of 5 years from now because it's cheaper now than it will be in 1, 2 or 5 years. There is more than $90 Trillion in central bank paper and electronic money worldwide. Whatever coin becomes the next world reserve currency is going to have a market cap in the tens of $trillions.

>> No.8451654
File: 237 KB, 1102x739, 0IErLwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, "the devs" are not in control of the decision-making with Ripple/XRP. It's not some fly-by-night basement operation like most of the 1500 other shitcoins out there. It's a private corporation with a board, and the board members represent the shareholders - and we don't know who those shareholders are. However, I can assure you that Ripple's shareholders ate very rich and powerful and they're not stupid, and they don't let "the devs" decide the future of XRP.

>> No.8451704

>devs dump
>its cheaper now
If anything it will be cheaper in 5 years. And it will only gain if your wild fantasies of XRP being adopted by banks come true. And they are not looking good especially with attempts of cloning XRP being successful major banks just need to agree on certain structure and marketing and bye bye XRP.
At this point I think Ripple will just lose money with how stubborn they are pushing their coin and instead of settling for solid 9 maybe even 10 figures they will end with useless bags of shitcoins.
>muh private corporation
This is >solid dev team argument. In fact they literally have 100 emplyees and most of it is marketing. They are running masternodes so they decide whats going on and what will be the future for XRP.

>> No.8451762


You do realize you can send IOUs and all kinds of things over the XRP Ledger.

Large banks have no need for XRP. Why deal with the volatility and the need to liquidate it back into FIAT with potential slippage.

Large banks can simply trade IOUs or USDcoin/BANKcoin backed by their reserves. The are large known entities with recourse against each other. They don't need proof of solvency on-chain or debtless instruments to be transmitted unless transacting with smaller untrustworthy entities. Large banks and central banks have no need for XRP; they just need the speed of the ledger and can transmit IOUs or some agreed upon token pegged to fiat.

Main point is whatever they trade will be STABLE and pegged to FIAT. They will not trade in a deflationary currency subject to the swings of the open speculative market; especially when DEVS hold so much of the supply (this is a large risk to them obviously anytime they are in possession of ripple)

>> No.8451809
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>devs dump
"The devs" again

>If anything it will be cheaper in 5 years. And it will only gain if your wild fantasies of XRP being adopted by banks come true. And they are not looking good especially with attempts of cloning XRP being successful major banks just need to agree on certain structure and marketing and bye bye XRP.
You know nothing of monetary history or macroeconomics. The banks and rulers of the West want fewer currencies, not more.

>muh private corporation
>This is >solid dev team argument. In fact they literally have 100 emplyees and most of it is marketing.
Marketing is what they need to bring banks and large corporations on board.

>They are running masternodes so they decide whats going on and what will be the future for XRP.
You must not have much experience with corporations. The developers get told what to do by the shareholders/board/executives. Not the other way around.

Have you graduated highschool, college or worked in the real world? You sound like most of your business knowledge comes from /biz/ memes and catchphrases.

>> No.8451839

You are literally arguing that barter is going to make a comeback and that currency is obsolete. SO SELL ALL YOUR FUCKING BAGS THEN YOU ABSOLUTE RETARD!!!

>> No.8451932

not to mention token velocity has as much to do with price as anything. One of the main reasons BTC has grown so much is because people tend to hold it for speculation. If everyone had no interest in holding it and every time it was transferred it was immediately sold the sell pressure would counteract much of the increased buying. With nothing to slow token velocity the BTC price would rise logarithmicaly with growth rather than the exponentially (the growth we have been seeing in reality).

This means if Bank A buys 100,000,000 million worth of ripple to send to BANK B, but then BANK B just immediately sells it then no value was added to the ripple economy. In reality Bank A would buy more XRP for other transfers so as XRP is used more SOME bank money will always be in the ripple system increases its value, but not as much as you might think. If the velocity is very high Billions and Billions of dollars in bank money might increase the value of Ripple less than a few 10s or hundreds of millions spent on ripple by investors speculating on it.

>> No.8451967

Nice leddit posting fag

>> No.8452073



Barter is selling goods directly for goods without using an intermediary currency. Nowhere in what I wrote is anybody buying or selling anything.

I talk about banks trading debt with each other via digital redeemable IOUs over the Ripple Labs Ledger. These IOUs would be redeemable in fiat against the issuing banks reserves. You know, kind of like an e-check or swift (but faster) which are still in use today.

Or instead of IOUs they just use BANKtoken which would be the same as XRP except better. Take the following example. It would be much better for banks than buying and trading ripple themselves.

Every bank who wants to trade with Bank Coin sends X amount of FIAT to a central bank where it is held in escrow in an interest bearing account. The central banks distribute Bank Coin in accordance backed by the escrow. Anytime a bank wants more bank coin they send fiat to the central bank and if they want to cash out their bank coin they send it back to the central bank for fiat back. Same as trading and buy/selling ripple except now it is stable by being pegged to the dollar and their is no floating supply ready to get dumped.

Large enough banks could even issue and trade their own coins redeemable against their reserves.

fucking brainlet.

>> No.8452135


>> No.8452142

You stupid piece of shit. I've already explained to you that the banks tried multiple private bank currencies in the 1800's and they abandoned it in favor of 1 currency under the control of the federal reserve. The banks also replaced the European national currencies with the Euro 20 years ago. The banks already trade IOUs today and it's not better than trading an asset that is not anybody's liability.

>> No.8452194


>> No.8452331
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>> No.8452343
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>> No.8452671

Jesus fucking christ
all i see is desperate anons trying to find the next 1000x
the answer is NONE of them
Parties over, early adoption for a bubble was rewarded

YOU CANNOT find out about a treasured digital gold, see it do 1000x
Have a similar product (mostly hyped white papers) be 1x then do 1000x

BTC. ETH. NEO ..... was it
Those grew abnormally

the BEST you will get now is 10-15x.... and as you can see there are thousands of options
Good luck placing your bets gamble fags, we are all gamblers throwing a ball off a thousand foot bridge hoping it makes the basket

You cannot prove me wrong