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File: 15 KB, 630x378, Die-besten-Tipps-zum-neuen-eBay-f630x378-ffffff-C-d9b14eb4-5265243[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
836362 No.836362 [Reply] [Original]

>eBay general:

Scamming sellers and insurance fraud edition.

>> No.836365

I love scamming sellers. Nothing worse than a scumbag ebay seller.

>> No.836369

>Buy item to scrap.
>Listing title, and description says it has ITEM A in it.
>Take it apart, has NOTHING.

>> No.836427

>Seller states they don't want to pay for return shipping.
>Seller states that item was for parts & not working, and it doesn't matter that the title and description said 'HAS ITEM A INSIDE' as they said hurr durr it might be missing something.

>> No.836464

Ok so I'm a seller and I just got scammed by a Russian. I sell him shoes that I've worn twice and when he gets them he claims that they are too used and he wants a refund. So he gets eBay involved and now I have to refund him. He wants me to pay for shipping back (which is 25 bucks) but I just want to refund him what he paid and he can toss the shoes. Now he won't respond to me.

So I have two questions: what happens if I just say fuck it and don't give him his money? can eBay do anything to me besides tank my account?

>> No.836479

Please respond

>> No.836485
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All you have to do is buy something and if it's not tracked or you didn't sign off just say you never got it :) free items ftw. You kikes mad?

>> No.836507

You open case with eBay, they instantly take your side, seller is fucked. Next.

>> No.836529

Eight months ago I ordered some rare records from discogs.com. Never received them. Nigger seller tells me he's sent them three times and they keep being sent back. Now he wont even reply to me. Oh yeah, seller is in Greece. I ain't never got see that shit.

>> No.836589

I did.

Even called eBay, they won't do shit for 3 days. Seller is contacting eBay soon, and I'll probably lose.

>> No.836613


Just give eBay a call.. Talk to the appeals department..

>> No.836768


That's how he paid his denbts

>> No.836780

>Scamming sellers and insurance fraud edition.
I used to buy stuff on eBay and there was one auction I won for a huge lot of antiques. I paid immediately after winning only for the seller to never send anything out.

A few weeks went by and I filed a claim which quickly got me a response...apparently the seller was in the hospital and the person's spouse would send me the stuff immediately...and yet a few weeks later I still never got anything. All this time I saw these people posting on Facebook and doing normal stuff like going to bars.

So after all that I got a refund and gave a bad review (I think I just gave a negative mark without saying anything), tarnishing their 100% positive feedback and the seller got super mad at me. Was I wrong to do that?

>> No.836787

Nope. That was the correct action.

>> No.836788


No. Niggas is cutthroat and you gotta be cutthroat too.

>> No.836820
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What? Hell no

Fuck them

>> No.836831
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I hope you know some sellers purposely don't add tracking until a buyer opens a case just to fuck with you?

Enjoy having no account and having your name tarnished, cause they mark your Paypal as well.

>> No.836897

>Approve buyer's return.
>For some reason they don't get shipping label.
>Return says '1. Contact the buyer and provide a return shipping label.'

Why isn't eBay giving them a prepaid label, and charging me like usual?

How the fuck do I do this? and do I need to, or can I just reimburse them for shipping after I receive it and refund them?

>> No.836905

When you were accepting the return, did you hit "Send Buyer Label" or did you hit the "Let eBay Send Label"?

It should have given you that option while accepting it. Unless of course you breezed through it clicking yes yes to everything.

>> No.836972
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C'mon hurry up already...

wish I could've chose anything higher than 30% of daily sales.

>> No.837616

It didn't give me an option...

>> No.837635

Anyone sold greymarket shit on ecuck?

The problem here is that I'm not able to test the products beforehand to determine if the device is blacklisted or not... This would obviously lead to serious frustration with some users.

But on the otherhand what if I were to open the device and then install on the blacklisted ones with a linux distro or something? Would this be "legal" to sell? As it's obviously modded from the original manufacturer's firmware.

>> No.837644

*By open device i mean open the original box and packing, rather than the physical device, whoops

>> No.837664
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If the buyer resets the phone and it goes back to being black listed, they can and will return it. You can say whatever you want on the listing but if the buyer wants to return a costly product like an iPhone, eBay will let them.


Well it supposed to, I'm starting to realize my account is different from most. I have a feeling powersellers/top rated get more buttons than normies.

Or it might just be the buyer is dumb and can't find the "Print Label" link through his email or through the case, or it's not there.

>> No.837674

It's not a phone per-say, it's tablets and the like.

I've looked on XDA-developers and in the last year or so they've progressed quite far in being able to by pass blacklisting and to just make it into running android or even linux distro like Debian for example.

Would it be possible if I were to sell the device with the price reflecting the modifications to it, and also plaster all over the ad that it doesn't run the original firmware? This would actually be beneficially in the customer's favor as the hardware is decent but even the original (non-blacklisted) software running on it is shit.

>> No.837677


And then the sellers hurt themselves because they don't update tracking quickly. They won't receive top rated and they get lower rankings on the listings. Now they lose more money.

>> No.837680
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Yes , but again...you're selling costly products on eBay. Just know there's a high chance you will lose alot of money.

>> No.837682

Wat do then?

Stick to offline sales on cuckslist and such?

Gets to be such a fucking pain dealing with some of these faggots, not to mention all of the business I'm losing when I could be selling to anywhere in the world with cucksbay.

>> No.837683
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Oh some people don't really care about the Top Rated, these guys move hundreds if not thousands of packages a day. They could care less about a sticker and 1% off their FVF.

My packaging supplier is one of those people, mailers just came in the mail and they have a tracking, but the purchase doesn't say anything.

Others like me only move 50 a day if I'm lucky, so I need it.

>> No.837697
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lol I don't know man, I just signed up for Usell myself after seeing some guy boast about it on a thread.

Might be going back to selling phones on CL if I can get the cracked/smashed ones cheap off of Usell.

I'd still never sell them back through eBay...

Probably swappa


>> No.837699

>Paying for electronics to resell them
>Not getting electronics of all sorts for free and making maximum profit

step yo game up bruh. I wouldn't spend a dime unless it made it automated as heck

>> No.837702
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>getting electronics of all sorts for free and making maximum profit

If it doesn't involve stabbing someone/dealing with crackheads

teach me

>> No.837709

Warranty exploitation, my good lad.

If you figure out(and are convincing enough) to do so in bulk, you can make $1000's worth in under an hour and a few emails/calls. Too bad I haven't figured that out yet and have to do it manually.

>> No.837718

Hypothetically of course.

I've read some works of fiction regarding this on the internet, it seems interesting to explore the idea in theory.

>> No.837725


Ah, alright.

Protip; Don't ship to any 2nd/3rd world countries.

Even with priority mail, your mail gets stolen and you can't get a refund.

Unless you pay $13 every shipment to have it "Registered", where you actually have to go to the post office every time.

>> No.837738

Eh. I suppose i won't bother. Reading some of the memebay horror stories here makes me really rethink the whole thing.

Are you going to look into warranty memeploitation by the way?

>> No.837784


Hey, it's whatever they want to do. Buyers could easily check the package to see if there's a tracking number or not too.

Big sellers should care about 1% on their bottom line. Hell, even off of 100k revenue that's an extra $1k plus higher rankings means you could sell more.

>> No.837941

>Sales dropping off again.
>Hardly any profit in the last week.

feels BAD man

>> No.837949

>Most of my listings say I ship to EVERY FUCKING COUNTRY EVER.
>Tried changing it multiple times, and applying settings to active listings.
>Still no change.


>> No.837953

Fuck these people. They are the ones giving honest sellers a terrible name.

>> No.837958


It seems strange that I've dealt with a lot of people losing close relatives on Ebay. I mean, yeah it sucks I understand but at the same time I need to get on with my life. If you can't ship it out just cancel the order and refund - I'd be more understanding of that.

Although I did have some cunt cancel on me saying their mother passed and saw them relist the item a week later for more (I sniped the auction). He turned off messages so I couldn't communicate with him.

>> No.837963

Even then, if I have unprecedented shit coming up like impromptu vacation or emergency, I always send a notice to buyers so they know. It also acts as proper documentation/proof when this shit is raised to a PP/eBay claim.

Within reason is the key. You can't say "family ER sorry can't ship" then wait 2 months after to ship. You'll still get dinged.

>> No.838227
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Thanks for listening eBay!

>> No.838241
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ITT: people who think they know ebay, lol

>> No.838259

How 2 make million dollar?

>> No.838385
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Did you really just screenshot someone's feedback?

>> No.838602

>I sell 5 dollar trinkets, lol

>> No.838627
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>only makes .05 each
>has to deal with defects/idiot customers
>more labor
>1 return = 1 whole month of sales gone
>1 missing package = ramen noodles for the rest of the year

>> No.838722

What service gave you a loan?

>> No.838779
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PayPal, make 20k or more and you can get one.

Everything is based on an algorithm, could be more or your max could be $500, lol.

>> No.838790


I meant to say Make 20k or more through PayPal. So just sell shit you don't even make profit on, the more transactions you process, the bigger the loan.

>> No.838844

>back in 2011
>seller puts up KoF game I wanted for $4USD (probably valued at over 30 bucks)
>I am literally the only one who bids on it and win it for 4 buckaroos
>after I win it I get a message from the seller saying that he has misplaced the game and that he is refunding my 4 dollars back
>go back on the sellers page
>he has placed the same game but now with a bid starting at 15 bucks
>give that fucker 0 stars
fuck that fucker

>> No.838850


lol you knew what the price really was, he fucked up...

Could've at least only left him a neutral

>> No.838852

He should have just put 15 in the first place. You know, why would he put it for 4 dollars if he was not prepared to sell it for 4 dollars?

I mean, he lied right to me too... saying he didn't have the item and although he gave me a refund, he put the item back up for bidding... Was giving him that low a rating really uncalled for?

>> No.838856

Not uncalled for at all.

>> No.838864

What he did was against ebay seller TOS, he deserves getting a neg AND banned

When you list something and someone bids you legally HAVE to sell it, even if it didn't sell for as much as you wanted

>> No.839667


So I just closed an auction on a GoPro, and I already have positive feedback.

Here's the weird thing though: instead of the item being marked as paid, the buyer manually marked it as paid and the icon is an hour glass.

I feel like this has the potential to be a scam, but I don't know.

What should I do?

>> No.839685


Check to see if they paid you through Paypal. If they haven't do not ship the item until you receive payment.

If you want to be nice contact them after 24 hours and tell them they have 1-3 days (you pick the time) until you open an unpaid case and let Ebay handle it from there.

>> No.839705


>and I already have positive feedback.
What type of buyer leaves a feedback without getting the purchase or without getting a shipping confirmation?
>the buyer manually marked it as paid and the icon is an hour glass
if you're still debating if it's a scam or not, you deserve to be scammed.

>> No.839734


>i deserve to be scammed

I've prevented scams before. This could be perfectly innocent but the guy might be "special". I used to work at a dealership, and every fucking day, without fail, some jack ass would drive on to the lot and ask, "What do you have?"

People are weird.

Nothing pending so far.

I'll give it till close time tomorrow then send them a message.

>> No.839811

Anyone got an ideas on building feedback?

I mean i really cant be fucked selling something for £1 then walking 2miles to post it, is there any alternatives to make my shit look less scammy.

>> No.839935

Stop scamming?

Building feedback can be done by buying as well as selling... Buyer is MUCH faster.

>> No.839942

Poorly worded I'm not scamming I just have 0 feedback and I'm trying to sell some £40 items, making it look suspect.

I bought one thing so far and they didn't leave any, so just stick at it till someone does?

>> No.839948


What makes the item worth 40?

If the item is popular/in demand, you should consider a penny or dollar auction. It gets people excited. I see laptops start at out the bottom and then bid up well into hundreds.

>> No.840057
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What in the fuck?

eBay search confirmed for DOWN.

>> No.840093
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might be just you, working here

>> No.840130
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seriously what the hell is with Britain?

good thing she didn't steal plastic knives

>> No.840135

Jesus Christ how horrifying

>> No.840138

Anyone here do free shipping for their products? How the hell can anyone afford to do that?

>> No.840139
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You hike up the prices

I've never sold anything without free shipping...doesn't make sense.

Most buyers tick "Free Shipping Only" box when searching since there's so many listings.

>> No.840151


Free shipping not a good idea. Smart buyers who want to buy multiples from same seller know they are overpaying with the shipping built into the price.

Also when you get dummy that you have to refund, you lose the shipping since it is built into the price.

18 year ebay seller here.

>> No.840158
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>18 years
>look it up

Ebay started in 1995...

>> No.840174


Yup I started in 1997. Not a 12 year old.

>> No.840176

Have any of you guys sold a car on eBay? Would selling a car with a no reserve auction with a $1 starting bid be suicide? It's quite a niche car, and 100% rust free, having spent its whole life in Southern California. I feel like I could get more for it by advertising it to those in the rust-belt.

>> No.840188

>Free shipping not a good idea.
>18 year eBay seller.


>> No.840353

>tfw selling first item
It took 17 days but I made $10 profit on a $17 item

>> No.840785

you're a future warren buffet !

>> No.840788
File: 28 KB, 380x304, dia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, my parents run a jewelry store, which means they have access to a lot of wholesale jewelry.

Is there any money to be made in selling jewelry on sites like ebay?

>> No.840808
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>selling anything over $50 on eBay
>literally wanting to sell a rock on eBay worth hundreds

You'd be better off throwing them into a ditch

>> No.840893

is that before or after ejew's 10% cut?

>> No.840899
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Either way, it took him 17 days to sell it.

But why are we replying to an obvious lie?

>17 Days to sell a $17 item

>> No.840901

So I see sellers selling 4000+ of an item with 4+ being sold an hour. How do sellers deal with this volume of sales?

>> No.840902


Are you saying it's a bad thing or a good thing?

>> No.840903

I'm not saying it's anything. I'm asking how they deal with shipping so many packages. Do they have a company that they have their supplier ship their products to, then give the company the shipping info of the buyer or what? It seems pretty complicated.

>> No.840911
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I just answered your question in the other thread.

They either

1. Have their own warehouse + workers
2. Have someone like Amazon/Pitney Bowes/etc ship with a massive ware house around the world, do the shipping for them.

#2, they pay those companies to hold their inventory, integrate their eBay accounts to the companies program so when they sell something on eBay, the company knows and goes to get it.

If you need more info, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2Bs0nqVyqs

>> No.840946
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>Buyer keeps messaging me
>Already have him circled if he leaves neg/opens a case

only if eBay let us actually block buyers and not just block their buying

>> No.841008
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Hey biz im trying to get into ebay mexico aka mercado libre (since im mexican), most of the alishit is taken. i think i found my niche but the profit it's not that big. if my investment is 80 dollars for 8 items after beating the best price of the item here and in theory selling the 8 items, the profit will be of 15 dollars. Do you think this is a good biz? Thanks and sorry for the engrish

>> No.841016


English is fine, don't know shit about how Mexican eBay works so no help from me.

Just know that everything is based on shipping.

Ps. your country is corrupt, keep your items under $50 so you won't lose a lot.

>> No.841017



alternatively, drive gutemalans over the border for $500 a person

>> No.841019

Alright, thanks. So does that mean they pay ANOTHER company to handle customer service as well? I feel like I'm gonna have to be shipping things myself into the hundreds until I can justify finanticially not physically touching the products.

>> No.841024
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NewEgg does this as well, SEARS/etc and so on.

and of course you have to start by doing it yourself

Here's some tips

1.Don't ship to 3rd world countries
2.Don't ship to 2nd world countries
3.Always call eBay when you want something done, messaging them is bs
4.Pickup a label printer

if your niche isn't great, it's going to take some time to sell

Learn some basic HTML, copy some listings if you have to, but always change the words/images around. If the original poster finds you, it will make it harder for them to take your listings down.

Also last,

5. Your eBay account can be shut down at anytime whatsoever, eBay is random...anything can happen

Have that in mind

>> No.841026

Yep this is the next step, i need to evaluate all the shipping methods and the prices, but you know i've bought there and the customer pays for the shipping, so if my item is 10$ i ask the customer to pay me 10$ plus the shipping. So i guess i wont get a profit from there since the customer can check the price of the shipping too. Am i rite? Can you please explain me if im wrong

over the mexican border or the american one? there's already a biz of getting them in mexico on a home-made boat that charges them like 2 dollars

>> No.841031


Okay your English isn't all that great, I have somewhat of an idea what you're asking.

>If I put the price low but add shipping, will it be fine?

It's fine, just know that people may or may not buy after seeing that the shipping is basically the same price as the item. Make sure you always have a tracking on whatever you ship, all a buyer has to say is "I didn't get it" to get a refund.

>> No.841034

How accurate is something like Terapeak? I've looked up a product and according to Terapeak the sell ratio is 50% and the top sellers are selling 4+ an hour. It's a replacement part for an electronic item but I think I've found an assessed supplier with a reasonable price and it seems like I can compete at least in terms of price. It's small as well so I'll save on shipping.

>> No.841036

Yes i know my english is bad, but thanks for trying to read it. I really appreciate it. This is the deal.

Here in fucking mexico ebay doesn't have the shipping included feat. so you list the original price of the item, the customer ask about the price of the shipping to their place, and that price depends on the service, and they can see that price in the service page so it goes like this.

>Item = 10$
>Shipping service = 1$
>Total = 11$

I get the profit of the item but i cant get profit on the shipping

>> No.841037
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Terapeak is great, accurate info.

Just know that the seller that's selling whatever you've found has history, buyers like seeing that. Also their description/pictures is what ties the knot for buyers.

You'll have to offer the same type of service or even better.

Posting "This is ____ part" in the description with some bland info isn't going to sell.

Also, lol your competitor might just undercut you at anytime.

Last, you might be on the last page of the search result. So expect these things if you're going into a flooded market.

>> No.841039
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So I just had a guy open a case against me saying he never received his item, but USPS says it was delivered. I basically told him really nicely to fuck off and contact the post office, but now he's elevated it to eBay customer service or whatever.

There's not way he can get his money back here, right? I've got tracking that says it made it to his house, so obviously /something/ was delivered, and it's not like he's saying I didn't deliver what I promised, but that he got nothing.

>> No.841041


If it's a low valued item, eBay will refund the both of you.

Meaning you will keep your money and eBay will refund out of their own pocket.

If it's over $10 or so, eBay is 50/50, so you might win you might lose.

I'd suggest you call in now and have it closed out.

eBay will see the area code on the tracking matches the buyers, so you will win.

>> No.841042

It was like $35, and I just have to call? I think the thing said they'd email me within 2 days, but if I call in do I have a better chance at winning?

>> No.841043


If you call now you can have that thing closed, lol I don't remember the last time I ever let a case be decided by someone without being on the phone while it was closed.

>> No.841052
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and while you're at it, eBay also takes a percentage off your shipping : ^ )

But anyways, if you don't have tracking, just know that you're basically giving the buyer all the trust to say he/she received their goods.

Even if you do have tracking, if it doesn't say "delivered" you're still fucked.
Thus why I don't ship to mexico/brazil/slovakia/etc, since your fucking customs office keeps stealing shit they don't even know how to use/resell.

>> No.841053


It's surprising how many people don't know that shipping prices are built in when anyone offers free shipping.

It's maybe advantageous to charge for shipping when you have auctions for cheaper items to make sure you don't get people running off with 99 cent items.

>> No.841063

eBay already closed the case in my favor right after I posted about it.

I feel bad if the guy never actually got the thing, but USPS says they did, so whatever.

>> No.841066
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I was on the phone with USPS the other day while we figure out why the priority mail I paid $25 for isn't moving. They almost tried to get me with the
"you didn't pay to have it registered so we can't help you"
and the
"it's an international mail so the priority insurance isn't covered".

Told them to look at the tracking, tracking shows it hasn't even left the U.S. yet.
I know it has, but USPS forgot to scan it leaving. So now I'm able to get a case since it's "technically" still in the U.S.

Talked to my local usps manager, got to know him, seems I'm one of the few having 50+ shit picked up daily, so he knows my biz name well.

Tells me straight up;
"don't ship to 3rd world countries, you know how it is".
"if they are sending to us, the package gets here"
"if you're sending to them, it's a 50/50".

The customs note says it's worth $20 or so since I don't put the actual price to make them want it.

Even the description of what I sell is on there, yet they still steal it when I don't even sell anything they can use/sell.

I'm not paying $13 on top of having to walk to the post office just to have something be securely delivered to a corrupt country.

>> No.841067
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Sucks for him, now all you have to do is wait for him to open another case on Paypal (since eBay/Paypal split).

Then call Paypal and tell them the same thing, tell them how you've already won the case on eBay too.

All said and done, you should now have to wait for a charge back, so don't go spending that $35 soon.

>> No.841096

Thanks. Do you have any advice on finding a niche? I think this item with work but I like to keep my options open. My strategy so far has been looking at the amazon best sellers and seeing how viable it would be to sell them on eBay using Terapeak.

>> No.841101
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>> No.841110

why did you post got eem black man

>> No.841114

I doubt this will happen, the guy didn't sound too smart or particularly savvy. He probably just lives with negros and had his mail stolen.

>> No.841191
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>mfw 666 feedback.

>> No.841207

Can you buy something from a buy it now ebay auction if the time has ran out? Please respond.

>> No.841278

>You kikes mad?
I believe in this case you would be the dirty 'kike'

>> No.841498

I sold it for $30 but the $17 was profit

>> No.841506

no. wtf lol

>> No.841717

So I was thinking about drop shipping phone cases for a few extra bucks, any stories or advice?

>> No.841719
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Drop shipping is dead

But where were you considering?

>> No.841724

Why do you say that? I'm in the UK

>> No.841726


I say that because everyone does it, idk about the UK but I have a feeling you're planning on selling phones from China?

>> No.841740

>trade airsoft gun to some kid for an iphone
>sell iphone, it isn't in great condition but I state that in the ad
>someone buys, I ship, they receive, I get neg feedback and they open a case saying its more damaged than the ad stated
>there isn't even a button to send a message to appeal to jewbay, they just say I have to accept it
>this fucker must've dropped it off a cliff into a toilet, its completely fucked and shattered

I never deal with that shit site, won't even make a purchase there. Completely boycotting it for practicing such bullshit. I guess that's what I get for giving a kid a nice airsoft gun for what turned out to be a worthless phone... I hope that little shit shot his eye out.

>> No.841746
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You were duped, the buyer saw you were a newbie and sent you his broken phone for his old cracked one.

I bet you didn't even check the IMEI after you got it back...or even before.

Also, who sells anything over $50 on eBay should know what's coming.

>> No.841749

Also, who sells anything over $50 on eBay should know what's coming.

This. It's a shame things have devolved into this. Selling use to be easy and good back in the old days.

>> No.841753


I'm the guy that used to fix/sell iPhones on there back in high school.

Shit was cash

I'm now hearing there are forums (probably chan) where people teach others how to get free shit from eBay. Someone probably lives off scamming sellers.

>> No.841758


Yea things have really went downhill.

Back when I started, there was no tracking and bs ebay policies. Each seller was pretty much on their own. I never had any problems of returns and such, even shipping to other countries.

>> No.841761
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>Each seller was pretty much on their own

Now they want to dictate what we do, does eBay forget it's just a site?
We are the business

>> No.841770


I think the goal is to get rid of the little sellers everywhere. Amazon isn't much better, too many ratings and bs nonsense.

I think of it as the Walmartization of the internet.

>> No.841773

It was the same phone, it had two distinct dead pixels that would have been difficult to reproduce. The nigger just used it for about a week and broke the shit out of it.

Seeing all the posts above, not being a regular here, how does the site even still operate? If it's just a bunch of scams somethings got to give. If I hadn't been boycotting it already I certainly would be after hearing all this.

>> No.841778


I'm about 5-6 posters in this thread since my IP changes

point blank...if the buyer said it didn't work, there would be nothing you could do. >>837680
He could've "returned a piece of charcoal" and would still receive a refund.
Ebay's reply "That's just the cost of doing business anon".

If you took the money out of your Paypal, paypal will freeze your acc, and so on.
It's just sad that there so many ways to fix this but eBay keeps pushing it's bs "Money back guarantee", making the site even look more eerie.

>> No.841782
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Yup, but they failed: https://www.internetretailer.com/2015/07/09/toys-r-us-makes-big-e-commerce-play

They wanted to be Amazon so bad they forgot where they came from.
Everywhere you hear eBay, Transformers movie/news/gossip, you hear about how someone sold or bought something used that was unique and one of a kind.

eBay keeps forgetting it's not a BIN, but a bidding site as well.

>> No.841786
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By the way, Etsy is about to get BTFO

>> No.841788
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Also, eBay just canceled it's one hour delivery service, guess they forgot you can't just crt + c + v without actually having the resources.


>> No.841801

I'm thinking about using their "half.com" service to rent a textbook for my college semester, does anyone know how this works fully?

I see that it says "return by so and so date", I just pack it up and ship it back with my own money, then? Will the seller give me the return info with the book?

>> No.841833

what kind of label printer?

i use debian

>> No.841870

If you're not doing over 50-100 labels per day, don't bother with a label printer. Laser printer with adhesive labels is much cheaper.

>> No.841894

what would you suggest?

>> No.841916

I would suggest a cheap laser printer and free adhesive labels from UPS.

>> No.842026
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That's lame, you'd have to refill the paper every few days.

A roll of labels is easier.

>> No.842204

My printer holds 250 sheets of paper.

Labels are a bit thicker so we'll say 200. 2 labels per page, so 400 labels between reloads. It also takes me around 6 seconds to reload the printer.

Much better value than buying a dedicated label printer since the average noob asking about a label printer is making maybe $40 a week.

>> No.842230


Good argument

Now lets hope they don't buy a Dell laser printer

>> No.842284

We use a Brother laser printer.

>> No.842328

Are cell phone accessories worth selling? I've heard there's so many power-sellers it's not even worth trying to get into it.

>> No.842469


What type are you trying to sell?


>> No.842472

Replacement LCD screens.

>> No.842474


Yea that's flooded, try selling iwatch accessories.

At least that isn't full yet

>> No.842483

Should I not be trusting Terapeak then? It said that it has a 57% sell ratio on eBay.

>> No.842491


This happened a few years ago.

>sell a copy of SOCOM Confrontation (online only)
>guy buys it
>my grandkids can't play it because of the internet lol
>files a case, says the game is broken and doesn't work
>Put screenshots in case that he even admits the game works but he has no internet for system, etc
>ebay's verdict ...

We find that neither you or the buyer were in the wrong, the buyer is receiving a refund and will keep the item. No further action on your part is necessary

Paraphrasing, but that was the jist of it. So that motherfucker got refunded and got to keep the item, which I saw him resell on ebay a few days later.

>> No.842498


Well you don't always go by the hard facts...you have to use your head/gamble.

I sell...4 different iWatch shit, I'm only make money on one of them because I knew the guy from a purchase a while ago, so he gave me a good deal.

I only sell 1-3 iWatch accessories a day. Everything is a gamble bro...

>> No.842507
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That must have been a while back, eBay should've refunded the both of you since they said themselves it wasn't found in either of your favors. lol reminds me of how I just sold my mom's old desktop to the new neighbors, fucking Dominicans came back saying "it's asking for the password to StopGuessing" (our SSID).

I've never went through a case without actually being on the phone while it was being closed (in my favor), you should call in next time.

>> No.842516


Well I never had the money taken from me. IIRC this was before they started getting crazy with doing holds.

>> No.842518


I really think they're trying to cut back on things that make the site more complicated for them. I'm gonna venture to say investors like a simple streamlined BIN process with huge stores. They see the most straight forward process. They don't want to see efforts put towards auctions and used items. They want to cut back on the customer support as much as possible.

I honestly don't know where Ebay is going. There's no clear direction and it seems like smaller sellers will eventually get the boot. I've seen the executives talk in presentations and they seem very disconnected from what actually goes on. I'd even bet they've never listed an auction before as a seller.

>> No.842519
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I wish Socom FTB2 servers were still up, lol hackers everywhere but that shit was nice (if you were one of them).

Was that the one you sold?

>> No.842527
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Exactly, that's why I need to get big so they will see I'm worthwhile.

>Mfw some guy in this board keeps posting what I sell, free advert.

Here I thought Donahoe was the problem...


>> No.842535

You should have bought it back and did the same thing.

>> No.842538


Then he would've lost his acc if the buyer knew, all it takes is an area code.
eBay sees yours and his.

>> No.842543


Buyers need to be responsible for their own dumb mistakes, not blame the seller for everything.

I can't remember ever returning anything ever in my life, just keep the mistakes I buy and move on.

>> No.842549


Ebay is so clueless about everything. They have always been super slow in catching up things that should have been done years ago. Like when they finally added a shopping cart, like it was a major feat for them. Years after everyone on the web already had one. lol

>> No.842552
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Reminds me of Apple vs Samsung/Android fuss, lol

>> No.842572
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wow two in a row

time to call again

>> No.842746

Has anyone else been fucked by eBay today?

>Have basic store which includes 150 free fixed price listings per month.
>eBay gives me a offer for an additional 150, so 300 total.
>Today they send me an email saying that was a mistake, but I can use up to the (2500) ??? listings they gave me.
>Look in selling manager, says I have used all 150 of the extra set.
>Only used like 50-80 at the most.
>Even gives me item number for said used insertions.
>Portion of 150 item numbers are literally bullshit, and don't exist.
>Only have under 40~ free listings left this month.

Will this fix itself within a day or so? Or do I have to call eBay?

>> No.842853
File: 57 KB, 1209x433, FUUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Receive item not as described.
>Waited fucking days to start case.
>Get this message when trying to ask eBay to FUCKING HELP.

How much longer do I have to fucking wait?

>> No.842855


Do you own a phone?

>> No.842859

I am phone.

Who was dog??

eBay phone machine is closed right now anyway.

>Waited 15 minutes.
>Successfully asked eBay to fuck the seller's shit up.

>> No.843589

Did you count items that renew?

>> No.843592

>>Walmartization of the internet.

holy shit you're a right , trademark this term cuz ican totally see an article with that headline

>> No.843642

Too late.

Definition of Walmartization. When a large chain store moves into a region and devastates local businesses driving displaced workers into low paying chain store jobs.

The Wal-Martization of America - NYTimes.com

>> No.843792
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Now we wait...

>> No.843896
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Would I still be able to buy this? I don't know.

>> No.843904


I'm guessing you're trying to buy a car that's listed as BIN (buy it now), if it's ended and it doesn't say "Sold", ask the seller to relist it for you

>> No.843965
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>> No.844177
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>find aliexpress product
>has some competition on ebay but not much
>purchase sample for cheap and review product first hand
>buy in bulk
>resell on ebay

only problem is the ebay users, i put stuff as buy it now and people still dont send payment

>> No.844178

also recently had some guy with a chinese name but lived in AZ buy my product on ebay through buy it now but never sent payment

had 0 feedback and made his ebay account the day before my auction and hasnt replied to my messages

these types of users as i described above i have seen 3-4 times in the last month doing the same thing

happen to anyone else?

>> No.844268

Use the advanced listing tool and select immediate payment required.

I have no idea why that's not the default option.

>> No.844278


>Use the advanced listing tool and select immediate payment required

It's turned off because most people don't have the money right away but want to claim the item.

It's an advantage eBay has to other sites

He can just turn on "Unpaid Item Assistance" and set the payment date to 2 days. So if and when the buyer doesn't pay, the system will automatically open an "Item not paid" case and close it out in his favour.

>> No.844281

And then you have to wait almost a week to list it again

>> No.844283


well if you're a casual seller then yes.

I was expecting more inventory since he said he resells from Aliexpress.

>> No.844350
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eBay is having a party for it's 20th anv

>> No.844403

So if I receive an item but USPS doesn't mark it as delivered I can just ask for a refund and the seller can get insurance from USPS right?

>> No.844410
File: 1.00 MB, 522x783, r9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No the seller can't just "get insurance from USPS"

1. If they used First Class, they can't even open a claim
2. If they used Priority, they can open a claim but USPS will look into it and manually update the tracking after contacting your local post office to confirm it was delivered.

Seller would then be able to appeal your eBay case and have it turned against you, your acc goes to shit or it will be marked. So the next time (Even if it's legit missing), eBay will see you tried it before and not even consider letting you win.

If USPS can't confirm delivery, then they will refund the seller up to $50, unless the seller/sender paid for extra insurance.

Either way, the eBay seller will be receiving a defect for your lie. You eBay case would take upwards to 1-2 weeks to be completed since he/she would be fighting it knowing your full of shit.

Then you have to worry about the seller sending you a some "special" treats since he knows your address. Or he might just send it to your neighbor with your name/address attached.

>> No.844852

how much have you made so far

>> No.844985

well they used priority but I guess it's better to just pay the guys stupid restocking fee to return it

>> No.844992
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Well what's the reason for your returning it?

>> No.844993

>buy crapload of crap from radioshack for pennies before they close
>come home with hundreds of batteries, tons of hdmi cables, A few premium hdmi ethernet cables, more batteries, and peripheral cables

whats my best bet of selling these, Should I bundle them all up in an auction, or should I list individually

>> No.844995
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with this product alone? $150

but ive been doing this before with other products/methods which ive made thousands over the years

>> No.844996
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>HDMI cords


Batteries will be dead by the time you've sold 2, then your first buyer will return them saying they were DOA.

>> No.844998

pretty much what this guy said >>844996

you wasted your money anon, really? hdmi cords?....

>> No.844999

Not too frustrated, Only paid 5 or so bucks out the door

>> No.845000

I'm an idiot and bought an ac adapter for my monitor that didn't have the correct connector pin

>> No.845001


Unless they are the rechargeable batteries (RadioShack Brand), then you should be fine.

$5? You only bought 2?

>> No.845003


lol, well if he has a return policy then pay your expenses and return it to him. Should cost you normies around $4 through the post office.

>> No.845006

No, I filled a bag with stuff and they charged me 5 dollars.

Rechargeable camera batteries, Phone batteries.

And I have a ton of button cell batteries.
but there are tons of chinese sellers on ebay so I don't think i'll be able to move any of them

>> No.845007
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Either way man, no one goes on eBay to pay for overpriced electronics. Especially accessories...

Unless you're planning on selling on Amazon...
Still, you would be losing money.

>> No.845012


I'm just going to bundle and auction all this crap off to atleast get my 5 dollars back then

>> No.845014


shipping would be 1Lb+ ($5.05), you're better off giving it to the crack head down the ST for a bj.

>> No.845016

or going down to some watch repair place and offering them a huge bag of button cells for 10 dollars or something I dunno. I don't see how it's not profitable

>> No.845021
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They would tell you how you should've taken the bj for the lot, since they themselves buy it from the crackhead for $0.50

>> No.845027

Crap, I should really become a crackhead if im going to make any sort of money

>> No.845456

>become a crack head to make money

>> No.845607

GDI the guy that sold me the ac adapter says he will deduct shipping costs even though it was listed as free shipping and the 15% restocking idk if it's even worth the shipping to send it back just to get less than half my money

>> No.845610


My restocking fee is 20%, makes people open an IND (Item not described) case. Use it against them to have it closed in my favor so they can't return.

>> No.845675

Don't return every little mistake you buy, not worth the time and trouble. Just keep it, it may come in handy some day.

Funny how most people are happy to pay shipping both ways when returning and having nothing to show for the money spent.

>> No.845853

What should I tell customers when they ask if the watches I sell are legit? I get them from a chinese seller but Ive sold many of them for good profit without any issue and advertise return shipping to keep my listings in good faith.

So far I have only had one asshole demand a refund without returning the watch. Is it safe to assume that if someone asks if the item is fake that they really are clueless about the item?

>> No.845857

Also moralfaggots and dogooders dont need to answer my question

>> No.845865

just tell them you buy the watches from a reliable source don't directly answer yes or no

I bought that xperia Z from today's Daily Deals hopefully I can flip it for 150 cash

>> No.845872

K. I just like to be direct and personal with my customers since I can earn their trust that way. Even if Im technically not honest

>> No.845875

The real evil are the legit watches: who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to spend thousands of dollars on a superego boost watch?

>> No.845958
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>moral fags
lol it's not being moral, it's helping you not lose your acc and have you end up having to sell the watches on craigslist to be shot/arrested when the buyer finds out it's fake.

>> No.846201


Refund on priority is $100 now. Has been since the start of this year IIRC.


>you made a mistake
>you want the other guy to pay for it

Sounds like someone I'm dealing with right now. Have sold probably 60 of these damn things this year and he is the first fucking person to bitch about it not appearing "new". Jesus Christ.

>> No.846203


>Is it safe to assume that if someone asks if the item is fake that they really are clueless about the item?


I agree with >>845865

It's never your fault. It's your supplier's fault. Pass the blame up the system.


Same reason I spend money on guns, cars, antique computing devices, etc. Because I can and because it makes me feel better as a person.

>> No.846315

Sold my first item.

feels good, my only concern is finding other niche stuff now.

>> No.846919
File: 60 KB, 1006x541, Jul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make $1500-2k monthly (net) off eBay/other sites
>Signed Lease (finally moving out of moms place few days)
>Rent is $500 w/everything included (100MBs internet too)

Is this going to end well /biz/?

>Pic related
July sales

>> No.846920
File: 94 KB, 1025x567, Curr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current month (today)

Thinking of taking up night shift at a Wal-Mart during seasons, make enough to pay rent for a year.

>> No.846921

Lol I buy shit from Walmart all the time and return it when I'm done. 90 day return policy. I've done this with motorcycle batteries, battery chargers, a level, a stud finder, a cordless drill, various electronic cables and chargers etc...

>> No.846923
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Soon they'll have you show your drivers license to return, Toys-R-Us is already doing it since people keep returning Wal-Mart cheap off toys.

>> No.846924

Some places I've been do that, but I don't do it like every week. Plus, I bounce between different Walmarts. Oh yeah, returned a cat litter box I used for a month (well, my cat used it) to Petsmart because I trained my cat to shit outside.

>> No.846926


Not like they can ban you from shopping, someone will notice you sooner or later.

>> No.846929

I think I'll be alright. For all that shit I listed, that's over a span of about a year, across 5 different Walmarts, and I've never seen the same employee twice at customer service.

>> No.846955

>how to save $12 by returning a used cat box

ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.846959

No, make more money.

>> No.846992

>50k in sales
>2k profit

ehhhh ermmm hmmm

So your profit margin is about 4%?

>> No.847046

>selling name brand boots on ebay
>have like 50 pairs
>worth like 150 dollars, i bought for 30 each
>only 3 bought in almost a year

feels bad, any tips?

>> No.847057
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>> No.847135

Does anyone here buy from ebay and sell to ebay?

>> No.847137


I'm a fucking wage slave.

I'm unhappy, I fucking hate working for someone else's money. I can't stand the limited freedom and the mandatory cocksucking it takes to keep a job that I don't even like in the slightest.

Please tell me how to start a business like yours.
I have to make a change before I go fully depressed.

What sort of items do I buy, where do I do it, and how do I start selling it?

How do you do your thing and how did you start? Did you get any help?

>> No.847143

What's the best way to ship ~20 large packages/week in terms of cost? I do the packaging.

>> No.847174

Can you actually make money buying from alibaba and selling on ebay?

>> No.847179
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I didn't get any help bro, lol just follow >>847057 and you'll be all set. Think I only started with $200.

My main seller is so odd I tell you, its easy to sell but what comes along with it is the problem.

My main competitor sold x2 my amount, yet he has like 30 negative feedbacks + recently got booted to the end of the search result.

Every new seller of it keeps getting negative feedbacks/defects and doesn't know how to get rid of it like me.

So I use that to my advantage to say "I'm the only seller with 100% Feedback, so my shit works 100%".

Been so good, people now just deposit the money in my paypal telling me the amount of the item they want.

Too late, and I'm only moving because our house is already forclosed.

I don't even know, lol I know it's probably more than 2k


>> No.847180


Use priority boxes or use UPS

>> No.847298

Finding products is hard.

>> No.847306
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But that's the fun part

>Buy PS4
>Tell seller if they want, I'll just pay through PayPal
>Seller cancels order

I'm guessing it's my name?

>> No.847307

Maybe they never had the ps4.

I don't know, feels more like hard unrewarding work before getting fucked by a minimum order quantity, maybe once i find a product i'll be happier.

>> No.847318
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The ps4 was relisted the same minute after..

and of course you have to buy a minimum price, both of you have to make money somehow :^ )

>> No.847319
File: 378 KB, 650x964, FEelsgud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good seeing people post eBay links

>> No.847363


I worked for a small family-run antique jewellers that turned over about £600 per day, every day, selling their shop inventory on ebay. The guy had 50 years' experience in antique dealing (and established bricks and mortar locations that he bought the stuff in from too) mind you, but in summary, you're very wrong.

>> No.847371
File: 7 KB, 160x213, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The guy had 50 years' experience in antique dealing (and established bricks and mortar locations that he bought the stuff in from too)
>50 years experience

The other guy is selling jewelry, rocks...
Asking if he should sell on eBay, on /biz/...
On a new eBay account (scam magnet)
In 2015

and you want me to say yes?

>> No.847393

Do I need any skills or knowledge to start making money off ebay?

Or do I just need good common knowledge?

>> No.847396


You just learn as you go...
So if you really don't care, you won't learn shit.

>> No.847463


Sell them for less dummy. I'm sure the value has went down in a year and some chink is probably undercutting you anyway.

Don't y'all know how to move inventory? If you have a lot, you sell at a lower price to get it gone. If you don't have a lot, you can charge higher and sit on the merchandise.

>> No.847608
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>Canadian buys a GBA game from me
>Insists I send it to him in a regular letter to save on shipping
>Tell him 4-5 times over various messages that it could easily get lost or damaged that way
>Tells me to do it anyway
>It gets lost
>He opens a case

>> No.847620
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and lemme guess, you didn't even add tracking to it?

It's not lost, he knew you'd be dumb as hell to listen to him, so he fucked you over.

>> No.847622

Oh no, it's got tracking, I ain't that stupid

>> No.847629


Oh okay, well still you're fucked if it doesn't say "Delivered" or "Held at customs".

Expect to be refunding the buyer in a week or so, then expect the package to miraculously arrive to him. :^ )

>> No.847631

It was only $12, so I'm not too worried if I have to refund him, but I've got a dozen messages where I explicitly state the method he wants me to ship the thing can damage or lose it, and why that is, so I hope I get an Indian that knows how to read and can clearly see this is the buyer's fault for insisting on a shipping method he knows for a fact is unsafe for the product he's buying

>> No.847636
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>I hope I get an Indian rep
lol, funny how people know about this.

Americans won't do shit even though they know the buyer's at fault, Indians help because they know they can get another telecom job after they get fired.

Probably only have to choose one of their 5 names for the next application

>> No.847667

If you ever have to call customer support even a handful of time the difference is pretty clear. The Americans that answer don't speak clearly, don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, and don't help, where the Indians are easy to understand, know what they're talking about, and actually help you with your problems. It's also always the girls that help me, whereas guys are a much more unreliable.

I'm getting to the point where I want to just hang up if a man answers the phone and try again later.

>> No.847676
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Same here, first I pulled the race card. Then realized it's just the Americans being lazy for no reason.

They really want to go back to their online poker rather than focus on something that can hurt your selling activity.

Glad eBay is cheap and likes to outsource, otherwise we'd just get more union workers thinking they have some sort of power over our livelihood.

>Few weeks back
American woman told me I won a case over the phone after accusing me of trying to play a game on her. Told her the buyer wasn't using the product right, showed her previous cases that were identical to the same case. She says she will close in my favor, few minutes later it's closed in the buyer's favor.

Also American guys don't help, especially when they think I'm trying to show off when they understand the product themselves.

>> No.847677


Especially when they think I'm trying to show off when they don't understand the product themselves*

>> No.847684
File: 35 KB, 1227x353, chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I even bother advertising on here?

ad supposed to have cleared two days ago

>> No.848029

>Seller uploads wrong picture.
>Seller doesn't fix it immediately.
>Can't buy item, because listing for item has a picture of a blender instead of the actual item.
>Seller isn't responding to my messages....

>> No.848039


Ebay always seems to be broken a lot of the time. It's hell trying to get any answers from support too. Support can only get rid of INAD dings and that's about it. Can't do anything else.

>> No.848130

Do you guys have any tips on selling junk? I'm going through my garage and selling a bunch of crap. My main goal is to just get rid of it, but I'd also like to make some money where I can. I've had a few sales but have only made a few dollars of each. What are some ancient Semitic secrets can I use to maximise my money?

>> No.848161


>> No.848181
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>tfw making most of your money through sales from short term investments now.

>> No.848236

How do I get buyers to actually leave me positive feedback? I've sold like 15 items so far and only 5 gave me positive feedback, the rest nothing even after giving them feedback. Only asked one why he wouldn't give feedback on a used xbox 360 I described as very dirty and all his response was he didn't like how dirty it was even though his business is cleaning and reselling them.

Also side question, back in the day I bought broken beats headphones on ebay and traded them for new pairs at best buy because of an awesome warranty they offered. Well now that Apple bought Beats they don't allow best buy to offer that warranty anymore and for those that do have it, Apple wants broken pairs to be sent in and inspected first before getting a new pair. The latest broken pair I bought are fakes so they wouldn't fly if they were sent in, maybe even go after me for fraud if Apple wanted. Should I give the seller bad feedback?

>> No.848282

>mfw not making money through sales just breaking even and keeping what doesn't sell

Also, I'm pretty mad eBay cracked down on me for selling beta codes while literally 20 other sellers are selling the same exact stuff with the same title

Sell a lot and hope more buyers leave feedback

>> No.848407
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The day has come, let's see how much I can get this time.

>> No.848422
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which to choose...

>> No.848428
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Eh, it'll do.

Time for more inventory :^ )

>> No.848558

My dad gave me a bunch of colognes still in box, I looked them up on ebay and some of them are being sold for $100+ each.

Should I sell this shit??

>> No.848577

plz reply

>> No.848582

he broke a binding legal contract to make an extra 10 bucks, he deserves worse.

>> No.848627
File: 25 KB, 225x270, IMG_20150810_203502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this one:
>be me
>withdraw £250 in 50p coins from bank (Max I can without ordering)
>sort through all of them
>separate special ones from the rest
>have previously researched ones of exceptional value
>find a Kew Gardens coin and £20 in Olympic ones, alongside £40 in other specials
>sell Kew Gardens one for £40
>tfw 8000% of face value
>Olympic ones seem to be selling for about £1 a piece but decide to hold until 2016 Rio Olympic hype
>sell some of the others for at least 200% of face value (in bulk to reduce postage)
>return unsold/normie coins to bank

No loss. No risk. It's a beautiful thing.

>> No.848632

On scammers, I sent chocolate costing a total of £70 to America. They claimed to have never received it but they were buttmad at my international postal charges. I was 16 at the time and have since learnt to get insurance on valuable deliveries.

>> No.848638


Is there any reason you shouldn't?
Wtf kind of a question is this

>> No.848641

Thats a cool idea, I've been collecting these special coins for a while, got a big bag of them now, I also collect new pence hoping to one day get a 1983 coin. I can't believe I hadn't the common sense to go to the bank and cash out large sums in coins like you had, I'll have to give it a try sometime.

>> No.848644
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Well there is the possibility that this guy has an account with lower than 100 feedback (scam magnet).

Not being paranoid but, buyers can just

>Buy Cologne
>Say it broke during shipping and leaked
When they actually used it for their Friday night date
>Return it

All at the expense of the seller

>> No.848648


Why do you say that only applies to people with lower than 100 feedback?

Can't anyone just do this to every seller?

>> No.848655

Yeah this is pretty much what I'm expecting to happen.

Should I try selling it on craigslist or something tho?

>> No.848660
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No. not really...

eBay looks at history when judging a INAD (item not as described) case.

1. See you've had cases like this before
2. See your selling history
3. Check the buyer's account as well

Basically they check to see if you're telling the truth with your past history.
If you had no history...well you already know what's going to happen.

Here's how it goes;

If you're a first time seller and you get scammed
>"Sorry, that's just the cost of doing online business"

If you're selling medium-high amount and you get scammed
>"Sorry, that's just the cost of doing online business"

If you're selling high amounts and get scammed
>"Sorry, that's just the cost of doing online business"

What I'm trying to say is that either way you're fucked, lol but if you have a sales history and actually call in to talk about the dispute, you have a higher chance of winning.

You'll be low balled since people will think you're making the cologne in your kitchen.
Just take the risk of eBay and hope you don't get scammed.

>> No.848662


You can. You'll probably have to sell it for less and then you have to deal with people. I highly recommend meeting at a local police station or a gas station to prevent any sketchiness.

Although it's bitch having to set things up with people and then meeting them in general. 95% of my transactions are fine though, it's just the rare weird one that makes you question selling on Craigslist again.

>> No.848668

>You can. You'll probably have to sell it for less and then you have to deal with people

eh. I've sold over thousands worth of stuff on craigslist, it's never been sketchy at all but I met them in a public place during the day(or night but indoors). I just haven't sold shit like cologne because I figured it wouldn't be worth meeting someone to sell one bottle of it especially with such a limited market of people wanting to buy it in from someone else.

It's in a box and everything and packaging though but still.

>> No.848705

Theres obviously alot to learn about being an ebay trader.

The best way to learn is through practice. Falling down and getting back up.

What would be some safe items for an eBay beginner to start out with, something with low risk of being scammed (or just won't matter as much when being scammed), something that might not make alot of money but will be good to practice with?

>> No.848711

Haha! No problem man. Sometimes they don't have much coinage but I live in London and it tends to be okay. It's a simple process and you can just return what you don't need! I'm saved by the fact most people can't be bothered to haul coinage around.

>> No.848714

Can I actually make money selling my old things online like video games? Magic cards, books, and other stuff I have around the house? Will it actually work?

>> No.848722
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Best market is selling for weeaboos IMO, clothing is bad, electronics is random, jewelery is just asking to be scammed.

>And other stuff I have around the house
>1week later
"Anon, where's the living room couch?"

>> No.848725

Lol how is selling furniture like cabinets and stuff like that because we have lots of garage sales around here for very cheap I could buy a lot of items and sell them on ebay. Which are best and easiest to sell?

>> No.848726


All I can tell you is if and when you ever get 1 sale, your costs for shipping that furniture will be more than the value of the furniture itself.

>> No.848733

Well then how about local customers only or Kijiji for local customers?

>> No.848734


Might as well put in the free section if you want anyone contacting you.

Probably tell them you forget there was a $100 fee for you taking it outside your house for them :^ )

>> No.848822

Is there anything that I can do to avoid chargebacks? I sold an ASUS motherboard last month to some guy and a week after it arrived he claimed that the item was damaged and not as described. Case closes in 3 days and it's most likely going to end in his favor as far as I can tell. Attaching a tracking number didn't really help much in this situation, and there's nothing I can say that will prove that it wasn't damaged.

I've sold a few hundred items on eBay, and this is the first time an issue has come up that I can't really work out.

>> No.848834

I'm in North America, and dad is a businessman/entrepreneur in China. Have factories and etc, does import and export within China between different regions and provinces. My question is how can I expand this advantage to the international scale. We would be able to handling all outsource related services such as Product inspection, price negotiation, shipping, communication and many more. The services you don't get from buying on Alibaba. How should i approach this, should i just cold email people on Ebay and Amazon or should i ask leldit ?

>> No.848904
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>Accept buyer's offer quickly.
>They don't pay for hours - a day +


>> No.848909


You can't avoid a chargeback

Note: Chargebacks can take 1week to 1month+ to be closed.

So your money will be held for the duration of that time, while the buyer gets to use their money to scam another sucker because their bank tends to give them "credit" money until they're done sorting the case.

Chargebacks are marked on their accounts though, so next time even if it's serious, their bank/paypal will know.
Also I heard the buyers acc is frozen during chargebacks, lol.

>> No.848912

Buyer should provide picture proof of any 'damage'

Call eBay, they'll side with you. Buyer is probably a scammer.

>> No.848914
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>Items get moved to adult section because of some butthurt kid/parents/feminist/etc
>views in the hundreds since people want to see the new item that's blocked from everyone elses view.


>> No.848916

There's an adult section on eBay??

>> No.848917
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Exactly :^ )

It's in the "Others" category.

You have to be 18+ for you to view what's in there, lol people come to my store and see pic related.
Of course they want to see what's so special it had to be blocked.

>> No.849233

Somewhat related.

What exactly is this 'Amazon Refunding' thing people are talking about?

>> No.849309
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We were discussing how easy it is to get a refund from Amazon.

>Buy item
>Open INAD case
>Win 90% of the time
>Don't have to pay for return shipping/restocking fee
>Seller is made to pay for everything

>Buy item
>Open plain return case
>Seller is made to pay for everything

Amazon doesn't boot your listing to the bottom of the search results though (since it's a different platform).

>> No.849423

Adult section doesn't show up in regular search.

Also most people never bother to look through a store front. Search or nothing, basically.

>> No.849469
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>first time seller
>list item for hundred dollars
>no returns, pre-owned no box
>buyer messages back saying its too small
>buyer messages again after an hour that its fake
>opens a refund ticket
what do you do

>> No.849494

Tell him to kill himself and let him know you can alert the police as to his possession of counterfeit merchandise.

>> No.849498
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>First time seller
>Lists item for hundred dollars


>people come to my store
I don't only advertise through eBay >>849040

>> No.849510

>I don't only advertise through eBay

That's not really relevant to your items being listed in adult only section.

>> No.849515
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>adult items aren't shown in the search results

I already knew that, me saying "I don't advertise only through eBay" means I advertise through other sites that redirect straight to my eBay store.

Where the adult item is...

>> No.849527
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>Person opens a case for unauthorized payment from over a month ago
>For a $9 thing
>Address is confirmed on Paypal
>Same user ID on both eBay and Paypal
>They left their phone number in the sales receipt

Some people don't think very hard about these things

>> No.849538

any good advice plz

>> No.849548
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>New eBay acc pulls my store info
>Forgets I get to see their info when they pull mine
>They're clever to use fake Google voice #
>5min later I get a call from Unknown #, laugh and ignore it
>Another Unknown # -ignore
>Later a real number from Philli, caller ID pops up showing name
>Kid sounds retarded, wants me to cancel transaction
>Kindly tell him that's not happening
Find some info with his fake email


>> No.849552


There's nothing you can do, he's claiming it's fake...you have nothing to lean on as it's your first sale.

Just accept the return/possibility of a box of crayolas.

>> No.849561
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>Turn worldwide shipping on for one week to run tests
>Nigerian buys with new account same day he made his acc
>30 days later claims he hasn't received goods
>Call eBay, tell them to look at my name, tell them how scam works
>Case closes 5min later in my favor


>> No.849570


Last ditch attempt to save their weekly allowance.


Was this through their program or did you just take the shipping responsibilities yourself? I found that they tend to protect you 99% of the time through their international program - but then again they actually charge the buyers an extra $20 so I guess they've got a lot of margins built it. I've considered handling the worldwide shipping myself since I think the extra money that Ebay charges discourages buyers but then again I do not want to be responsible for dealing with foreigners that bitch/lie/scam etc.

>> No.849579
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I'm guessing you're referring to the Global Shipping Program.

Most of my items don't apply to it so I can't use it.

So yea I ship them myself straight to the buyer, only problem with that is if you plan on shipping to a 3rd world shithole, your package;

1. Gets stolen by their customs office
2. Gets stolen by the postman
3. Gets stolen by the buyer and he claims he didn't receive it (the countries 90% of the time won't update the tracking).

eBay discourages buyers (for the first time ever) in a good way, but then again it's only because they won't want to have to deal with all the scams they know the American seller isn't the one at fault.

Safest way to ship anything out of the country (Besides Canada) is to have it "registered/certified". That's an extra $13 on top of the total shipping costs...

this way, the thieves will at least HAVE TO scan the packages until it's delivered, if they don't, you're covered by USPS. Even though they're still going to remove the content inside.

P.s., Global shipping program tampers with your mail to make it lighter, so eBay can save more on shipping...

>> No.849588


Yeah, that's what I was talking about.

If it wasn't for the registered costs I'd probably still offer worldwide shipping but I guess I'd rather let Ebay act as the middleman. Haven't had any problems with the global shipping program so I guess I'll let them take their cut of the pie if it mean I get a guaranteed sale internationally.

It's a shame international shipping has so many holes in it but I figure we'll get something more secure in the future. There's good potential to increase sales if we can iron out any kinks in the system.

>> No.849596

not so pleasant dealing with your kin, is it?

>> No.849600
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I even tell them before I ship, yet every transaction ends up the same way...

>> No.849604
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>> No.849609
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Just got this from Stamps, with all the scams, it makes sense...


>> No.849611


was meant for

>> No.850010

>List item as an auction
>Quickly gets a bid
>He has 0 feedback and the account was made yesterday
I think someone's fucking with me.
Can I remove his bid or something?

>> No.850102
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>sell old laptop for a couple hundred
>know everything on it works, boots, and can hold a charge
>ship it out to buyer on Wednesday, gets there Friday
>hear nothing from him all weekend or yesterday
>20 minutes ago
>"laptop won't boot pls refund"

>> No.850112


Just assume it's legit, and see what happens.

>> No.850295

to the people who get products from alibaba...

do you guys just invest in a product thats rare or do some of you just slip in with the other competition on ebay?

the question isnt "which do i pick" its which product is based off these two options for you?

>> No.850361
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>pic related

>> No.850798

So I'm selling a fairly large amount of industrial-level electronic testing equipment. Not primarily through eBay, and it's not primarily me that sells it, but it's something I've been given to do if I have the time. The people who made the account don't really know eBay and I'm trying to find ways to un-fuck the hassle that our system is. Problem is, I don't know shit either.

I'm from a small European country that doesn't have its own eBay site. So far we've been selling though the .com site (not sure why), but it kinda fucks with us because shipping to the US is mandatory and the sales tax (which matters when selling to companies) only allows for US states.

I'm thinking our operations would be made easier if we started using the German or UK sites, does it matter which one we use?

We have a limit of 20 listings per month currently. We'd need more. I'm probably going to phone eBay tomorrow to talk about increasing this since that's what the site says to do. We've been on eBay for a few months, have only positive feedback and have made a few sales, what are the chances they'll lift the cap and by how much?

Sorry if this is shit that should be easy to figure out, eBay is a bit of a mess and 4chan is all I have energy for right now but I'll figure it out tomorrow somehow. Any general advice is appreciated, of course no need to repeat stuff already in the thread.

>> No.850808
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Guess who might be eligible for Commercial Price + in a few days? :^ )

My USPS manager already knows my name when I call, he says he'll let me know later.


>> No.850811
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Yea I have no idea what to say to you, but 20 listings...

You really shouldn't be worried if that's all you're dealing with a month...

>Pic related
Imagine not having to use a priority flat rate box but still pay the same amount when using your own bigger box...

>> No.850828

Well, I'd like to deal with a lot more than 20 listings per month. If we somehow made 20 sales in a months that would be just dandy, but 20 listings doesn't really translate to 20 sales so we need more.

>> No.850837


Ask for more then...

Or are you "Below Average"?

>> No.850839


Above Standard. I'm calling them tomorrow. I just wanted to know what the chances are of getting more listings per month.

>> No.850847
File: 118 KB, 805x641, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you should be at 50+ by now...
Call the "Limits Department", you can call now if you want, they close in...9hours