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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8386701 No.8386701 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when Vitalik was the meme on /biz/ the way Sergey is now? What ever happened to those Ethereum holders... hmm... oh that's right, they're all worth $20-$50 million.

>> No.8386731

post some proof ...give me some archived files...screenshots...

until then you're just larping you faggot

>> No.8386751

your memecoin won't even reach over a fucking dollar EVER...chainlink is obsolete and everyone knows it

>> No.8386753

how actual new are you?

>> No.8386794

Sold at $20, $50, $100, $200...How many did really hold from $2 to $2000?

>> No.8386806

I know a guy who was in on the Ethereum presale. Sold at $10.

>> No.8386839

i held to 3k

>> No.8387202

money skelly has been replaced by money belly

>> No.8387230
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>link Is the next ETH
Lent flee lel

>> No.8387436

jesus I would fucking kill myself if I did that

>> No.8387443

>how do i use the archive?

>> No.8387522

that's why I'm never selling my link. never.

>> No.8387559

how can an erc20 token be the next etherium?

>> No.8387566

sergey is a forced meme

>> No.8387593

I remember all the memes about him back in 2015. Jokes about how he used to be this ripped Slav who stopped working out to focus on ETH, and then turned into a skelly. Back when /biz/ was 10% ETH shilling and 90% dropshipping.

>> No.8387617


Link also got >>7777777

It will literally blow ethereum out of the water.

>> No.8388158

The new here disgusts me

>> No.8388175

true, but money belly > money skelly

>> No.8388210
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>> No.8388224


>> No.8388252
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I was in the pre-sale and bought two sales @ 0.1 BTC each. 200+200 = 400 ETH.

I sold 60 at 800 and another 30 at 1400, then invested the rest in other alts.

Now I'm holding my last 300 for the next bull run.

>> No.8388258

That was before paid shills and forced memes became an everyday thing on biz.

>> No.8388269

this is why I don't speak in absolutes when it comes to crypto
this guy probably feels stupid as fuck

>> No.8388298

It was like 1.5 just a few months ago

>> No.8388312

Ethereum had an actual use case being the first ever platform for smart contracts, what does LINK have?

>> No.8388319
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>> No.8388322

The difference is Vitalik is actually smart while Sergey is a brainlet.

>> No.8388327

He probably forgets he even posted that

>> No.8388331

i honestly wish sergay made this his own coin instead of a fucking token

>> No.8388337

being the first ever platform to feed data to these smart contracts

>> No.8388349


linkies are by far the most deluded people on this board. The tech Sergey is working on may be great, but there's absolutely no need to use the ChainLink token for that technology, which will render it worthless.

>> No.8388354

The Milhouse of Crypto.

>> No.8388386

How? They're not even comparable. ETH is a car, Link is a seatbelt extender.

>> No.8388392


>> No.8388431

This...Vitalik is an autistic savant while Sergey has no credentials whatsoever

>> No.8388442

>t. someone who didn't listen to Sergey wow the crowd at SXSW

>> No.8388450
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>> No.8388452

You won't find anyone in this space who knows more about tamperproofness than Sergey does. Seems like a savant to me.

>> No.8388464

segey got a fucking philosophy degree

>> No.8388495

You have got to be kidding me...

>> No.8388705

Yeah it's like he's not even there


>> No.8388727

He gave a bunch of canned answers...compare the footage you posted to one of Vitalik's presentations.

>> No.8388757
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>an ERC20 token is the next ethereum
why are linkies such brainlets?

>> No.8388794

Kek this, a lot of people forget that half of the project they own are related to or using ETH and could never be the "new" ETH. We're not seeing the next ETH for a while imo, it's gonna take time before we see the next break through and most people aren't even gonna know about it until it's to late to buy in.

>> No.8388801

Canned answers?
You're implying that that is a question he gets regularly asked?

>> No.8388841

if any ERC20 has a chance of reaching the level of the parent chain it's OMG

>> No.8388848


Looks like people are already starting to pitch LINK to F500 companies and to heads of state.


I am so fucking excited and so comfy. NO other crypto has this level of encouragement about it. Have 75k. All we have to do is wait lads. For any other successful LINKies, please see if you can find a use for LINK and shill it to your superior. WE're all gonna make it.

>> No.8388866

That is not a canned answer, he fully addressed the guys question and even asked the guy at many points whether he understood what the answer was

>> No.8388881


>> No.8388894

That's because it was probably a normie posing as one of us. Normies don't care about being autistically right like us.

>> No.8388930
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this is the face of nolinkers

>> No.8388934
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>next bullrun

>> No.8389195

Is it normie or norman? I was under the impression that norman is the proper 4chan term while normie is the term actual normans use.

>> No.8389219

LINK won't even exist a year from today, total vaporware.

>> No.8389243

>newfag: the post

>> No.8389266


Normalfag is the official nomenclature. In my experience norman is used as the shorthand version by lurkerfags, I've heard normies actually use the word normie.

>> No.8389285

>normies actually use the word normie
enough reason for me to avoid using the term...I always like norman or from the South Africa thread normgroid, normalfag sounds too tryhard.

>> No.8389289
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The soyim know

>> No.8389307

fuck off out norma

>> No.8389310

>1 eth for $20 and he's a millionaire
Hope he held it long enough

>> No.8389332

>le 56% anonymous
>la normala

>> No.8389368
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>> No.8389397


>> No.8389401
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>money belly

>> No.8389417

>50 million dollah

>> No.8389503

They all sold retard. Only 1 percent were able to hold from 10 dollars to over a thousand. The ones that followed the trends and charts sold early. No one knew what the top was. Why wouldn't they sell at 50 bucks?

And also, btc and eth , neo, they all had a parabolic one in a life time growth. It's not happening again, doesn't matter how good the project. The market is all pump and dumps now sadly. If you honestly think Link will be over 10 dollars from here you are retarded.

>> No.8389528

Sergey Nazareth will redeem us!

>> No.8389622

Jesus, you guys are better salesmen for LINK than Sergey and his team

>> No.8389708

It's because they're not trying to sell it. Based Sergey is giving us time to accumulate.

>> No.8390044

We will never sell either. Leading to massive scarcity seeing that most of us have 100k plus because we were doing it for the wallet rankings and memes.

>> No.8390101

new favourite fud

>> No.8390136
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I just don't see this hitting 1k idk. $100-150 by 2020 sounds about right tho.

>> No.8390179

This anon has it right, ETH is a platform, LINK is just a utility project...a utility project that will be rendered useless when platforms like ETH incorporate their own oracles

>> No.8390295

Holy fuck, read the whitepaper you actual retard

>> No.8390301

damn i'll only have like 10 million dollars wtf am I gonna do with that chump change

>> No.8390311


>> No.8390320

>implying LINK isn't blockchain agnostic
>implying it won't be on its own blockchain eventually

>> No.8390334

is that tot a x-ttrraa mac? might as well got junior mac...

>> No.8390341

>he fell for the whitepaper meme

>> No.8390348

You have 100k LINK? Too bad it's going to be rendered useless once platforms solve the oracle problem themselves in house

>> No.8390363

Why would LINK have it's own blockchain when it's a utility project? It's not a platform like ETH or NEO

>> No.8390390

ah the classic 'apps can be built over bitcoin via counterparty, so ethereum is worthless' argument

>> No.8390391

What's the approximate amount of % that biz holds of total LINK supply?

>> No.8390420

lol, most of you will sell once it hits 1 dollar, this project is going nowhere. Where is the code? Where is the product?

>> No.8390443

how can I acquire 100k LINK? Right now that's like $40k worth

>> No.8390483

If true, then there's no need for LINK to have any value. If one wants to speculate on the success of oracles, they should buy ETH instead. In that case, >>7777777 would actually be accurate since ETH has already broken the $1k mark.

I believe Craig Wright have a philosophy degree as well. It's quite funny that the leaders behind two of the most shilled shitcoins on /biz/ both have bullshit degrees.

>> No.8390506

not even remotely comparable
Vitalik != Blockstream

>> No.8390516
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will chainlink go lower? I've never bought it before, I would buy right now if someone can convince me how link is necessary for Sergey's smartcontract tech

>> No.8390551

dont play that game, everyone can see how fucking new you are. not everyone says every fucking picture they see every day

>> No.8390586
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Is eth a confirmed pedocoin now? It's under 600

>> No.8390639
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Normal McNormalton won't know or care. Business tech marketed to small businesses is like a used car salesman rolling back the odometer provided the car has a year on it.

>> No.8390701

If there was any chance of this amount of money involved, some serious pros would make their own solution and blow link out of the water.
It's literally just a json parsen, It won't even hit $1, let alone $1000

>> No.8390730

Honest question for linkies

why would someone like ETH adapt chainlink to their platform instead of just making their own?

It seems to me that maybe some of these smaller coins will have chain link adaption but big coins with huge teams simply have no reason to use chainlink. Its like 3 lines of code to fix the problem of oracles

>> No.8390738

This anon gets it, LINK would need 350 billion marketcap to hit 1000...this is more than the total marketcap of all of crypto.

>> No.8390747
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>> No.8390799
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Have fun fomo-ing in at twenty dorra

>> No.8390858

20 cents maybe...where is the product? Roadmap?

>> No.8390880
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>grass in sillycon vallie pls anon try again

>> No.8390999
