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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 1027x772, chainaddress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8280718 No.8280718 [Reply] [Original]

Notice anything new friends?
Someone just moved to the tallest building in SF's Financial District.

>> No.8280756
File: 949 KB, 1920x2560, 50_California_Street,_San_Francisco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also called the "Union Bank Building" $$$

>> No.8280786

Just remember where you came from gentlemen

>> No.8280801

Im.. I'm not sure if Im... Uhm. Done accumulating. Do I go balls deep anons
Fuck me

>> No.8280819

Holy fuk, it's true

>> No.8280872

>buys tallest building so LINK investors can have the most secure jump into oblivion
so that's where the 32million ICO funds went, lol

>> No.8280884

so tempted to sell some of my monero for link. but poorfag so i dont know

>> No.8280890

Good news anon, guess I will starve myself more to accumulate more links.

>> No.8280915

Is this new?

>> No.8280933

XMR is great and used even a little bit. LINK is a biz meme and literally doesn't get outside of here.

Look at the arkies that got in after a dollar, they got fucked v btc because of all the shills on here.

XMR is safe and organically growing so don't give it up for a shill shitcoin

>> No.8281015

this is what i was thinking. i have a small amont of LINK, and i dont buy all the fud, but xmr is such a solid coin i dont think it;s worth trading it.
if link does moon, i'll do ok with what ive already got.

>> No.8281056

Its shared office space with a bunch of other companies


>> No.8281076

I hold link and wish I held xmr. Make of that what you will

>> No.8281109


it's a nice building anon, but the Transamerica Pyramid is the tallest building in the Fin District.

>> No.8281129

I had the same dilemma. I solved it thus: XMR will be priced where bitcoin is today. It's faster, doesn't have the retarded scaling debate that bitcoin does and it's private. If you want to trade it for link, you're trading a nearly guaranteed ~20x for a very uncertain ???x. I only buy Link with spare change from side jobs. If it hits 100x, fuck yeah. If not, I still have my precious monero.

>> No.8281151

a bunch of neets from 4chan got rich off eth...i can't believe its gonna happen again with chainlink...why are neets the early adopters? this world doesn't make sense...neets can basically retire if they play their cards right while normies go to dental school and accumulate six figures debt

>> No.8281172

implying both of their prices aren't purely speculative.

>> No.8281228

That's just the universe evening the playing field between Chad's and social retards

>> No.8281245
File: 100 KB, 1440x1427, 1519187589997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw the cryptocompany you own a sizable chunk of tokens for, moves into some of the most expensive real estate on the fucking planet.

>> No.8281286

One has a working product and network and is established rather then promising a middle man service that will just solved on chain on EOS and ETH

>> No.8281415

okay this is the first time it's actually feeling real for me
like we might actually make it bros

>> No.8281877

It’s always been real anon

>> No.8281902


No shit you retard, thats what an office building is

>> No.8282049

Lol srsly

>> No.8282055
File: 312 KB, 512x472, 1518088171513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feeling you get when you finally biz ain't just playing a cruel joke o you you

Thank you, you austic fucks for making me buy this. I won't forget about you when I'm living the easy life

>> No.8282087

wait when did this happen?

>> No.8282108

>TFW 399.9 LINK
Fuck this i cant wait to get a job to buy link. I unironically need to become a criminal again just to buy link.

>> No.8282258


Running a trustless oracle solution on chain is pretty resource-intensive. middleware and blockchain agnostic protocols aren't a bad thing, anon.

>> No.8282304
File: 608 KB, 700x467, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H-hi, uhhhh... c-can Sergey come out to p-play?

>> No.8282350

If I ever make it, I will fly to SF just to stand in front of this building. And I'll stand there for an hour just smirking to myself and shaking my head and saying "So this is where it all began, huh..." to every passerby.

>> No.8282386

what advice would you give to Sergey about promoting LINK to normies?

serious question

>> No.8282392

Omg guys!! This is huge!!
Do I sell 0.25btc for link?!

>> No.8282396

You'll be indistinguishable from the hordes of stinky, mentally ill homeless people who hang around SF.

>> No.8282419

Wow. You are a faggot and probably a turbo autist.

>> No.8282655

>not doing this at the nail saloon, where it all really began

>> No.8282724

>tfw LINK solves the NEET problem by creating such FOMO that NEETs leave their rooms to work jobs just to buy more LINK

>> No.8282748

probably just a front

>> No.8282814

welcome to biz

>> No.8282824

I have $10k in LINK. How much will I be worth in exactly 2 years?

>> No.8282871

You're lucky you even have the chance to go balls deep. I'm all in and waiting for Friday to get paid.

>> No.8282873

50 million dollars

>> No.8282876

$1 million dollar at least

>> No.8282889

5 cents tops.

>> No.8282901

Maybe 10 dollars, if you're lucky. z

Move all link into mobius and you'll make it sir,

>> No.8282907


>> No.8282945

Thank you anon - i wouldnt ever notice this. Good news on a monday morning to help me through the week

>> No.8283014

Woah man. Woah.

>> No.8283055

only good advice in this thread

just went all in on mobius, thanks kind sir

>> No.8283146

You will actually be Bill Gates.

>> No.8283179

Also aira.life just confirmed using chainlink...you didn't hear it from me..dyor

>> No.8283215


>> No.8283237


ugh, i'll just believe you, dyor is like the worst and your name starts with 0X, that's enough

research completed.

>> No.8283258

Someone needs to paint this green.

>> No.8283266


>> No.8283334

Shills are quick to get overexcited about this. Someone gave a hint it could be a Regus co-working space, if so forget about it, any random guy can get one for his shitty startup and they offer conference rooms with city views which you pay hourly just to impress your clients, in this case to impress losers who can't dyor

>> No.8283359

Looks like a pajeet version of AGI desu

>> No.8283410


amusing myself imaging a meme video of the LA law intro with the chainlink team

>> No.8283411

Monero has worse scaling

>> No.8283476


You're just embarrassing yourself samefag

>> No.8283508
File: 76 KB, 900x900, pepe_baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Movin' on up/

We finally got a piece of the pie.

>> No.8283541

This. I got excited and researched it. It's just that, a Regus co-working space. Or an "office suite," which is just a mini office.

Basically these fucks lease the entire (huge) office space suite 1500 is, divide it in like 100 spaces and sublease it to a bunch of small companies/individuals looking to get the prestige of being associated with that address minus the cost.

Basically they could've specifically done this in order for their shills to get overexcited about this and buy their token, unless it's just a coincidence.

>> No.8283552

Ours is tied for 25th tallest in sf. $1000 eoy, guise.

>> No.8283577

$1 when?

>> No.8283582

Maybe they needed the actual office space


>> No.8283599

Hi Sergey. I think you should just be yourself. Remember why we all got into crypto, to take the power back. Good luck on your set at SXSW.

>> No.8283611

Hi Sergey

>> No.8283623
File: 150 KB, 225x225, 1518296629743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8283670

>buys top 15 coin
Anon, I..

>> No.8283866

Yes kind sirs, I too buy mobius sirs, they better oracle have. Mobius, sirs.

>> No.8284066

It makes a lot of sense since they're having prospective partners and what seems to be partners under NDA work with them to both help and provide feedback and so that those partners can get familiarized with chainlink. For example, the Tesla dev that is working with them now.

I imagine the core team of Chainlink taking up ~20% of the office and then the rest is paid for and occupied by important actors that are trying to integrate their services with chainlink.

>> No.8284076
File: 35 KB, 632x264, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao there's a mcdonalds just next to the building, now you know the reason why they moved

>> No.8284132

This. Newfag detected, we can't let him get our Links. Engage FUD, level: Retard XXL.

>> No.8284170

No, not done.
Read these:
It will keep your hands strong and inoculate you to the FUD campaigns around this shit hole.

>> No.8284201
File: 267 KB, 627x450, 1520325283566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotfl the FUD is just as good as the shilling

>> No.8284208


to be fair there is a mcdonalds next to every building in the USA

>> No.8284243

sure its just an office, you could make the same argument out of a nail salon.
obviously the location is the upgrade

>> No.8284250

Imagine spending this much time trying to convince people to buy your bags. Nice hustle pajeet, you'll earn a bonus some day.

>> No.8284252

Its real. Wtf

>> No.8284272
File: 89 KB, 559x548, sergey taco bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has he dumped the Big Mac in favor of the Doritos Locos Taco?

>> No.8284310

kek as if moving into a new office is a big deal
linkies are grasping at straws

>> No.8284312


>> No.8284322

big if true

>> No.8284330

>implying you will get my bags for under $1000/LINK

>> No.8284337

You're just mad you can't throw around the old "office above nail salon" shitfud anymore.

>> No.8284340

But seriously what do we know about Chipotle Mexican Grill? Its really close.

>> No.8284362

It's like an upscale version of taco bell. Not joking.

>> No.8284406
File: 9 KB, 300x197, I+only+have+his+fleshlight+_0582db8f21475c841be0981becf5e136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this made me laugh.

>> No.8284416

Supercell's marketing offices at the top floor of 555 California occupies the highest piece of commercial real estate in San Francisco at the moment.

>> No.8284433

to be more precise, because it's on a hill and the transamerica building's spire isn't occupied, it is the highest place you can "go" in san francisco

>> No.8284470

>implying I'm ever selling my bags, and not just staking them.
I ain't selling one fucking Link unless it's one I got from staking.
Have you even read the whitepaper?

>> No.8284471
File: 34 KB, 600x300, c4f9b050ddcef022e292c70704d005bd2760db17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orale Orale
what did they mean by this?

>> No.8284513

We're most likely going to be at $5+ by mid year.

>> No.8284526

In Sergey we trust...someone should show an american dollar bill and photoshop Sergey's face on it with a close up of "In God we trust" changing God with Sergey

>> No.8284528

Rory told me on slack that if you have 10k Link or more you are welcome to come hang out in the office any time, and can even throw pennies off the roof too!

>> No.8284544

sure i'd come say hello, what is step #2? it's obviously 1:41am in CA right now, so i don't know what crazies who have any involvement would be awake right now

>> No.8284612

Don't worry, Link solves the Orale Problem

>> No.8284665

Not parking at the front of the nail salon in your Lamborghini, and getting your nails done.

>> No.8284735

>have you read the white paper
Every coin worth a mention has a decent white paper that promises exactly what you want to hear
>not selling ever
So you're the guy that held btc from 10k buy in to 20k back down again
As a Link holder myself.... you will get rekt
You guys are too confident with what Link will do, you are too confident with it's EOY price

Be humble you stupid massive fags, just your guys greed in the air will make Link never pass $3
Cap this if you will

>> No.8284811

>So you're the guy that held btc from 10k buy in to 20k back down again
How do you know he bought high?

>> No.8285026

Bitcoin crashed in a black swan type event where an uncaring character from it's past mercilessly dumped a huge amount of it. Do you think Sergey is going to do that with his holdings? Fuck no.
And yes, I may be tempted to sell at a high point or two but only in order to buy back in lower with more tokens so I can make more money staking. I want passive income, not not to offload bags for a quick buck.
Plus look at Etherium, it fell from $20 to $7, before climbing back up to where it is today. Now the only "hodlers" (I hate that word) that are pissed about it are the ones that broke down and sold.

>> No.8285163

Seems like Chainlink also solves the Orale problem

>> No.8285186

You mean they don't own the whole building?

>> No.8285190
File: 12 KB, 200x189, 1307576777001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows he going to get any work done now?

>> No.8285267

how are the sf escorts?

>> No.8285279

Not yet. But check these dubs!

>> No.8285286

he's not the dev, he's the figurehead
every successful company has a dev and a figurehead
>Jobs and Wozniak
>Gates and Allen

>> No.8285289


>> No.8285306

whatever it is it needs to be as easy for a normie to understand as this:

>> No.8285344

>dyor is like the worst
brainlet sell your link you don't deserve to be stinky

>> No.8285380

He's projecting kek

>> No.8285388


Kys idiot

>> No.8285435
File: 56 KB, 403x448, 1513751543149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here i was thinking they bought their own chainlink building...

>> No.8285500

Is Sergei was conceived in a nail saloon?

>> No.8285515


For now

>> No.8285572


>> No.8285610
File: 208 KB, 1440x835, bankers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NEET shall inherit the earth, my friend.
But we have to hold. There's gonna be huge drops

>> No.8285625
File: 112 KB, 625x773, 1519173000043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falling for that quality bait
>Me falling for your bait

>> No.8285909


>> No.8286345
File: 64 KB, 650x486, 1515045574516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got em!

>> No.8286388

From the nail salon to a coworking space.
Stinky linkies are really moving up in the world!

>> No.8286494

LINK solves any real problem. The ultimate crypto.