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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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817961 No.817961 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to ask were exactly do you want to go with your life?

>> No.817963

Get rich, go to a secluded area in the world with hella good internet, live my life as a hermit.

>> No.817966

>no definite amount of money
>no definite location


>> No.817969

$1.5M and then >>817963 although hermit is overkill

>> No.818012
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Pic related

Honestly, I don't know. I'm living in the now, getting a job, investing. If I ever overcome the mental shit I have and actually take care of my declining health, I'd like to live somewhere near a suburban town on an acre or two of land in Colorado, spending my days shit posting, getting baked, and watching the world fall to SJW.

>> No.818044
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I just want to be self employed through a business and earn enough income to live comfortably by myself. I don't want to be rich, I only want the satisfaction of being successful. I want to be able to make goals and experience the gratification of completing those goals. I don't want to start a family. A normal lifestyle after completing college and staring a career is too stagnant for me to ever be satisfied.

I should probably start with an education, because things don't always work out the way you want them to, and that way I'd have something to fall back to other than suicide. I'm interested in engineering or computer science.

I'm worried about not being smart enough, though. I think I might be really, really dumb. I got some testing done at a psychologist when I was 16 for some other issues, and my verbal memory and associative recall were in the 10% percentile. I didn't think anything of it, I figured stress and depression at the time was the reason, along with anxiety during the test itself. But, I still have my doubts. Sometimes I feel like it's hard for me to even understand basic information. Sometimes I read a sentence and it doesn't even process. Maybe I should get some testing done again, now that I'm older.

For now I'm going to work at Walmart, where I belong.

>> No.818048

I want to finish my book, continue writing more books and become a famous author.

Then hopefully one day my book series can be made into a TV series, I'd like to see that.

>> No.818055
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I would like to make 40k a year working part time, maybe 20 hours a week, making money via the Internet while living in a small cabin/hut/yurt in the forest/on a beach

That's all I want

I actually have website development skills and SEO skills, but I don't know how to turn that into an income other than my office job that I'm currently working.

>> No.818060
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Financial independence, the penultimate freedom.

After that I'm going to spend all my time turning myself into a cyborg thus freeing myself from aging and the biological form.

>> No.818064

>Financial independence, the penultimate freedom.
How are you going to get the money to do this?

I mean, what is your plan? Not the details of it, just a general discription. Do you have a business? Do you have a well known name? Or are you a nobody still?

>> No.818070

Saving 70% of my income and putting it into ETFs (my country doesn't offer any traditional index funds).

At the same time finding any possible way to increase my income so I can save more and snowball faster.

>> No.818072
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the dream

>> No.818092
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I'm getting my master's in Finance and one dream of mine is to get a finance job on a US military base in Germany

>you don't have to be fluent in German
>plenty of Americans around so I won't get homesick so bad
>living in small German towns
>cheap housing
>gym and gun ranges
>the frauleins
and best of all
>will only be paying the American tax rate

>> No.818121

>>the frauleins
Fuck off, they are ours. Help yourselves with the gypsies and african immigrants.

>> No.818128

its all true, cant fight it
what is that pic about?

>> No.818181

So, if that's the penultimate (second to ultimate), what is the ultimate for you?

>> No.818182
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nice get

>> No.818279

I wrote that on the next fucking line.

>> No.818285

You can buy 20 acres of land for less than 10k in fly over states and build a small efficient home for less than 8k. If you do the work yourself. 3-5k for a solar system, an extra 2k on wind and 2-3k on long life high amp hour batteries and pretty much for the next 20 years you have free power. Wood stove and you pretty much have free or close to it heat. My mother spends 60 dollars a year in wood.

Grow your own food, you can pretty much eat for free and sell the excess at farmers market and be healthier than any of us can through the super market. Collect rain water, dig a well (400-800 if you do it yourself 4-5k for a professional) and build a rocket stove for hot water. It burns sticks and produces concentrated heat for next to no fuel. You now live on nothing but land tax. No rent, no grocery bill, no fuel or heat costs and no electric bill. The only things left are optional like a car and insurance or internet. You could live off less than 2k a year, 1k if you forgo things like a car and internet. Its an investment in savings. I could retire off 200k.
(from a poster on /g/ a couple years ago)

>> No.818461

For the next 5 years just get my career going and bank GDP

>> No.818587

Get a good government pension (48K or more in today's dollars), retire at 55. Buy a nice town home or condo in a low-cost area with low taxes, and live out my days split between volunteering at my local civic societies and riding my motorcycle around the country.

>> No.818590

>using gun ranges on an OCONUS military base