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File: 143 KB, 585x671, 6 hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8166096 No.8166096 [Reply] [Original]

New crypto futures market dapp called Pyrmex tonight!
The site describes itself as:

>allowing people to predict what the balance of the EthPhoenix.io smart contract will be at a specific future time. This project is currently live on the Ethereum Main Network. Futures settle once daily, at 5:00am GMT. After much discussion, it was determined that 5am GMT maximizes the number of participants who can be awake and view settlement each day worldwide

Its a daily futures markets that has established a tidal ecosystem with another smart contract called ethphoenix. These two contracts help perpetuate each other and done totally separate and outside from any market other than eth, which its based on.
It is able to self sustain already and can handle any volume while remaining fundamentally sound.
Whales can drop huge numbers and the ethphoenix contract was designed to handle that.

Onto the second element

>POT SIZE: 2.335
T-minus 6 hours

>> No.8166132

Whats ethphoneix.io?
>Every time somebody buys or sells an EthPhoenix token, the price changes - 0.2% higher upon buy, 0.2% lower upon sell. If you keep your tokens where they are, you receive 10% from every buy OR sell transaction based upon your current share of tokens. You can convert your current token stash into Ether where it will sit in your dividends pool - your dividends are stored in ETH, not in tokens, so their value remains stable (as long as the ETH price itself remains stable.)

The more EPX one holds, the large amount of the dividends they receive. All tokens are valued equally, so you can have 100 coins across 100 wallets if you would like without sacrificing any value; allowing you to partial sell

>Then what happens?
Once the betting stops on pyrmex.com, the leverages(price multipliers) are locked. Leverage over 50x is common. After betting stops, there is an hour before settlement thus encouraging users to manipulate the ethphoenix market. People flock over to ethphoenix.io to buy/sell in order manipulate the market in their favor, all the while earning mad dividends for token holders and the number of transactions explodes.

This eth cow creates dividends out of volatility for token holders, and there is nothing more volatile than a daily futures market running 24/7. I see users have returned night after night too. Its pretty fun.

>> No.8166214
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repost from last night. Thanks for winnings fags. 0.25 cost spread over 3 scenarios.

Bubbeh is so happy with all the shekels I'm making from you.

>> No.8166220

Oh Geez.... We are **already** at 2.6ETH 6 hours out?

Wasn't that the total at the close yesterday?

Tonight's pot could be huge...

>> No.8166241


0.35* Bubbeh is making my coffee now

>> No.8166247

Looks like coinsmarkets

>> No.8166307

Ok, throw me a bone here. Who has thought this through?

What's a good strategy and what's a bad strategy if I don't have the ability to move the market by myself (no pile of ETH to buy in, and no big bags to sell)

Is it just a gamble, or is there a logic here? Help a willing gambler out...

>> No.8166516


> posses multiple ethphoenix accounts
> varying balances
> have spare eth and don't be a poorfag
> place your main bets on the opposite side of the rest of the market, hedge wherever you please
>place bets using accounts that are unlinked to EPY token ownership so your bets don't arouse suspicion in discord chat
>manipulate market up or down depending on your bet by buying or selling in the last minute of settlement.
>use high gas. don't get cucked.
>make shekel

>> No.8166569

I've had good success hedging equal bets on minibear and minibull, they usually end up at 2.x multipliers.

You probably won't make a lot, and you won't make anything if HUGE manipulation comes through, but we have yet to see one single person move this more than 2 ETH after bets close

Fuck off 3D fag, you mad that nobody is making games for your token?
>Norsefire and Tocsick audit PoWH3D, not a scam
>Norsefire and Tocsick audit Pyrmex, scam
Fuck off, these devs are literally the only reason anyone has bought your shitty relaunch. also
>futures are a scam
100% retarded

>> No.8166607
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Also you guys can check out the historical payouts here - it's on a different page because this is the second day of a new contract with tighter bands. Should be more fun and easier to manipulate

>> No.8166638

can confirm it works. get in faggots

>> No.8166668

Then here is the history for the CURRENT, smaller bands contract. Pot is much bigger than the last versions, and today's pot already is as well with 4.5 hours left to bet

>> No.8166726
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Look at the volume this new contract has brought in only 1 day, and a monday - tuesday at that!

EPX holders are real comfy right now.


More proof of payouts

>> No.8166731
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it's landing on maxi bear today

>> No.8166751
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>pump it

>> No.8166755

whose ready for this to last forever? I am!
because it physically cant be stopped now that its started.

>> No.8166794

Averaged out I'm making returns of around 1.5x every day (can't win them all huge)

Pays for the price of pumping and dumping EPX! (20% with no assumed volume or dividends)

>> No.8166846
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Since we are talking about ethphoenix.io...it might be a good time to mention it was listed in the top 10 dapps out on the market right now and eligible to receive grant money from skelly man himself.

Buterin said
>I'm announcing that 100% of my OmiseGo + Kyber Network advisor shares will be either donated to charity (AMF, GiveD, SENS etc) or used to privately fund Ethereum second-layer infrastructure (state channels, multisig wallets etc) or some combination of the two.

you will see it listed as ethpyramid.io but ethphoenix.io points to the same contract; one div snek with two heads.

pic related

>> No.8167022

Ok, I found the list of today's bidders listed under the current bet totals. I like the links are clickable back to Etherscan.

I\s there anyway, I can follow an account back to an EthPyramid account and see if they hold EPX Tokens or not? I am looking at a couple of bets, and trying to figure out if they have the ability to dump to make their bet come true...

>> No.8167058

I just love the minibull TRUE BELIEVERS just can’t fucking quit. They lose literally every day, and yet it’s always the most bet pool. Morons

>> No.8167064
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2.672 ETH in the pot, the lowest multiplier is at 2.38x and the highest is currently 32.89x

Minibear, where the contract currently is, is at a healthy 4.53x

>> No.8167100

You can but it's a little difficult thanks to the uint256 data type. If you go to "read smart contract" then enter that address in the proper field, you'll be returned a uint256 value respresenting the number of tokens they have.

Someone recently brought up that this is a pain in the ass, so sooner than later, the main page of EPX will have a tool for this which will return a more readable number.

Since EPX is not fully ERC20 compliant, there is unfortunately no way to just check the address without interacting with the contract in some way.

>> No.8167137
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this is "read smart contract" on the etherscan page for EPX btw, not pyrmex

If you can figure out how to convert the uint256 value (I'm too retarded) you can see the balance of any address bought into EPX.

Again soon this information will be more easily accessible, the devs realize that snooping for information is part of the fun of this game

>> No.8167141

Yeah but HAS IT EVER GONE BULL? Maybe one time? — the underlying is a failing pyramid scheme. They can’t save their precious pyramid so they just bet bull every day trying make it true by wishing. I’ve fleeced these idiots four times now

>> No.8167153

Alternatively go to the EPX etherscan and search through there to find the matching address.
However, if they're smart, they'll use a seperate address to bet that has never interacted with the EPX contract.

>> No.8167189

Dude, also, if someone’s planning to Pump rather than Dump you really have no way of knowing

>> No.8167214

>failing pyramid

oh, you mean powhcoin? Hows that stagnate pos doing? How does their futures market compare to this one?
weak tea, boy. youre weak tea.

>> No.8167273

Don’t. Call. Me. Weak. Tea. Mantso’s got a new UI coming out idiot. He doesn’t want people shilling ‘til it’s done. At least PoWH isn’t some cheap knockoff of a better idea

>> No.8167276

Ok, I get all that, but what's a smart, conservative strategy then? Are you all just betting on blind faith, or do you have a logic?

I mean I saw 15 guys go 3:1 last night, and I'd like to have some of that sweet action - just trying to not be obviously stupid when I put ETH in tonight...

>> No.8167348

Seems to me the best strat is bet minibull and minibear right when it opens so there's no vig.

>> No.8167359
File: 77 KB, 205x204, my_profile_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please avօiԁ aոy ΕTH prօmօtiօոs. I will hօwever share my leftօver BTC with my fօllօwers.

Simply seոԁ 0.05-0.3 BTC tօ my aԁԁress aոԁ I'll seոԁ yօս ᖯack 5-30 BTC.

Limiteԁ time օոly!

>> No.8167361

yea, has powh coin ever gone over 400 eth?
Thats a pretty big let down from something that got near a million dollars in a couple hours the first two times.
Better hope your turd looks really good! Best of luck.

On a personal note, You are welcome to short EPX if you can put your money where you mouth is... but you and i both know weak tea cant even.

>> No.8167363

It's only landed on minibear twice, so if you've won 4 times, you've bet on bull anon.

IDK why people try to FUD EPX in pyrmex threads, these contracts don't move money between them unless you decide to yourself, and was made by the community

Instead of FUDing, you have nothing to lose by shorting the futures lol

>> No.8167382

Dumbest bet in the world would be minibull right now. They’ll either overpump or under pump. Bet minibear and hedge with something small in superbull and watch these guys eat it again

>> No.8167392

Yeah I place some safe hedges in the 3 hours of 0% vig, then it takes some math and blind faith to place the rest - blind faith increasing as time goes on and the vig rises.

Last night we saw an address load up 12 ETH right after bets closed. Then he dumped 1.75 ETH into EPX. It was a bluff, he didn't dump in the full 12, but WEW. Almost lost my bear pot.

>> No.8167408


>if i just scream and wave my arms maybe someone will take me seriously

>> No.8167430

>POT SIZE 2.771

3 hours until vig goes up 5%
hang onto your buts

>> No.8167451

Look, I’m sorry but one of us has been profiting daily off your shitty pyramid and not by buying into it. How’s your “investment” in that doing btw?

>> No.8167463

Superbull in 4:54

>> No.8167478

Sorry, do you have a point? I'd seriously like to learn from those that have thought this through and why are you even posting?

Go play Xbox.

>> No.8167488

Lol, right, “let me just go scrounge up 5eth to make that happen” you guys don’t understand anything about markets

>> No.8167500

>I've won on bear 4 times
>bear has only hit twice
>this is not a "buy EPX thread", this is a Pyrmex thread

What are you trying to accomplish? You're clearly from 3D but don't even have the hand strength to short the competition?

I guess I'll check the balances for you
PoWH: 244 ETH
EPX: 249 ETH
Apparently it's going better than yours, anon

>> No.8167509

>one of us has been profiting daily

ya and the other is profiting more. I love when your cocky asshole is showing. It reminds be just how butt hurt you must be in order to fud an open source project like this. Keep it up!

>> No.8167515

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. The sound’s muffled by all those bags your holding. I’m trying to teach people how to profit off your little toy here.

>> No.8167521

MFW my EPX investment could drop 40% and I would still be in the black thanks to pyrmex winnings

YFW PoWH has no games

>> No.8167538
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your arguments are as weak as your hands. Your wrist are even weaker. I bet i can hold a shit longer than you can hold a coin.

>> No.8167541

Powh has fucking masternodes. We had ducking YouTube shillers and will again once Mantso says go

>> No.8167563

your superiority complex is showing. Its time to stop posting but i know you cant at this point.

>> No.8167574
File: 253 KB, 500x500, draek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're trying to discuss strategies with >>8167478
and you're just shitposting and lying about your bets. Pathetic.

>> No.8167587

I made so much off PoWH already it could literally go to zero I wouldn’t care—folks are going to be buying PoWH as part of their 401ks one day. GL with your little project tho boy

>> No.8167596

Feel free to join the discord anon, strategy-talk is abundant here especially as settlement draws near. Trying to keep discussion public for people to see, however.


>> No.8167612

Listen, can you start your own thread?

I don't know who your mansto god is, but it seems like you are trying to promote a product that doesn't even exist yet - good luck to you, but stop cluttering this channel with irrelevancies.

k? thx, bye

>> No.8167613

Look ALL I’M SAYING is minibull is retarded — these EPX guys bet it every day and every day they’re wrong

>> No.8167616

We know, Mantso / Ponzi / Sumpunk, you already dumped. Congratulations, it only took you 2 million of hacked money to finally see profits.

>> No.8167627

buying into 7% div scheme instead of 10%... k brah

>> No.8167637

>minibull has won every time except twice
never change, PoWH

>> No.8167647

Yeah POWH rewards EFFORT idiot

>> No.8167661

so why not just get a regular job you wagecuck

>> No.8167678

EPX = lazy chicks who think their toy will save them

POWH = the future literally

>> No.8167682

Yeah, for YOU, everyone else gets 7% because node purchases take a flat 3%.

Also he cant make his own thread because they all got banned for posting ref links - which make their scheme 100% illegal, kek

>> No.8167687

the future in jail kek

>> No.8167691

Xbox actually a very good strat for pyrmex.
For example:
If you hold EPX tokens from ethphoenix.io, you dont have to do anything...you can play xbox and make interest passively. thats why this is awesome.


you can hedge you bets in the beginning( betting on several pool or all) and sit back and take the win everyday.

youll make money ignoring this because others cant. Just look at that ass blasted weak tea, limp wristed neet who came here just to shitpost

>> No.8167715

Just no you’re wrong. I’m in law school ok, so stfu

>> No.8167746
File: 1.26 MB, 991x545, thisherepheonix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are your buddies, anon?

Anyway, pots about to break 2.8 ETH guys.

3 Hours and 40 Minutes remain to place bets.

>> No.8167749

big if true

>> No.8167752

>just no you're wrong

i believe its know. Did they teach you to spell at law school? keep posting buddy your almost there!

>> No.8167785

Whatever, I paid for my books this semester shorting your pyramid. How does that feel? Hahaha

>> No.8167814

feels good. glad it worked for you. In fact thats a great idea, hey thanks!

Just ask this guy how profitable it was for him! Come play again!

btw, whats your argument at this point? just pointing and crying?

>> No.8167818

>buying books
>being this retarded

>> No.8167898
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>> No.8167929

Call me retarded, I am good with that - as long as the reason you are saying that is I am making money betting on a pyramid scheme.

O.M.G. My long-dead mother would either be horrified or proud that I am actually betting on the up and down of a pyramid scheme. I am not sure which!

>> No.8167964
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We're all happy Pyrmex has worked for you, it's not an exit scam like the previous iterations of PoWH so it's doing what it should be doing?

>> No.8167977

You all are going to try to convince people to bet bull because you REALLY BELIEVE and I’m just the better angle saying “don’t listen, they’re morons”

>> No.8168015

Previous versions of PoWH weren’t scams. It was EPX that copied US

>> No.8168032
File: 814 KB, 1152x648, c4KxAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been telling you to bet bear if you want, that is your prerogative. Nobody has "told anyone" to bet anything in this thread. Why are you like this?

>> No.8168052

you mean "fixed", the word you are looking for it "fixed"

And then the EPX devs audited your new one out of civic duty to make sure you weren't going to exit with another 2 million dollars

>> No.8168102

You EthPyramid guys are all such self righteous cucklords. “And then you saved a starving child in Africa” — bullshit saintliness from a bunch of scammers. At least I make mad $$$ of your little toy

>> No.8168126

>18 post from this ID

relax dude, its just a game.

>> No.8168154
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Do you think we are happy we had to spend time out of developing our own project to make sure yours actually worked for the third time?

MFW tocsick dumped his 3D at ATH, and put it back into EPX

What's funny is Mantso / Ponzi won't deny that EPX devs audited them - they literally can't, because those devs ETH addresses are hardcoded into the contract as ambassadors.

>> No.8168177


>> No.8168362
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>> No.8168518

No way it goes above 3 dude. No. Way.

>> No.8168600

You gotta be kidding. Now ya’ll are pumping you PyrMex thing too? What’s that reek? Oh it’s desperation?

>> No.8168635

>pyrmex rapes powh balance
>you're getting JUSTed
>even divvies can't cheer you up anymore
should I just fomo into epx now?

>> No.8168701
File: 23 KB, 1338x112, desparation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't "pump" pure gambling, anon. Pyrmex is not a pyramid.

What's that? Your lead dev wants US to work with HIM because nobody in 3D has any real coding experience?

>> No.8168725

I can say with confidence the project won't be dead after / if Pyrmex stagnates ... but that is all I'm at liberty to say.

>> No.8168875

Holy shit, this thing could go to 5eth tonight

>> No.8169174
File: 349 KB, 750x547, 1519349897279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.942 ETH in the pot, bois

>> No.8169274

Im gona buy in now for first time.Which one shud i choose?

>> No.8169351

You all begged mantso to let you audit PowH 3D is what I heard because you knew it would blow up unlike your own project. Lulz

>> No.8169359

referring to pyrmex or pyramids in general? My response is obviously biased as an EPX holder, but EPX undeniably has more product.

If you mean pyrmex, it's "looking" like first bear, but I see some addresses moving money around, possibly to manipulate. Anyone's bet really.

>> No.8169383

that doesn't even make sense anon. tocsick and norse were invited publicly to audit the code. Go ask mantso yourself. I will wait.

>> No.8169411

Looking at the current bets....
about 3% of bettors think there will be a massive dump
about 14% think someone is going to blow out the top limit.

But the biggest bet (41% of people) is those that think ~.5ETH will be added to make the final number be just slightly above par...

Now, what to bet?

>> No.8169413


I might buy futures first to test and if i win money I will buy contract. I want to spend just 5 ETH first as a test. do you think I should bet on one futures window or on a few

>> No.8169469

Bet against these cuks, they’re all bulls, they’re gonna say bet bill, don’t

>> No.8169493
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>> No.8169517
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My best advice is minibull / minibear only because they are the only ones to have won so far - but there is a full hour after bets close for participants to manipulate, I would feel wrong to explicitly suggest a bet.

If you're seriously going to drop 5 ETH into pyrmex, wait until the next round so you can place some hedged bets with the 0% vigorish. Hedging has always worked for me **so far**

The vigorish increases as the day goes on, right now it's at 10%. This creates incentive for big bettors to bet a little earlier, creating more frenzy than if they waited for the last second.

Keep in mind big bets skew multipliers. You'd sweep the board with a winning 5 ETH bet, but you'd make a higher potential multplier winning on a smaller bet, with less risk

And the contracts themselves are not linked, so it's safe to buy EPX regardless of what's happening with pyrmex, exciting pyrmex days just give you more dividends than "boring" pyrmex days

>> No.8169589

You can run the table on these guys be betting the mid-range bear. Guarantee it’s going there tonight. I’m all in on it

>> No.8169598
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>being this retarded

The absolute state of powhcoin.com people. You are disrespecting the devs on both themselves with your retardation. Eat your words and leave when this gets over 3+ eth, faglord.

>> No.8169616
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That would certainly be an upset! Mid-bear has a 7.257x multiplier currently!

>> No.8169638

Lol, shitty games like this are what you make when your product isn’t an actual investment like PoWH

>> No.8169686
File: 22 KB, 579x116, unknown (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm all in on this shitty game

>Implying 3D doesn't want games but is too incompetent to program them

Pic related brainlet

>> No.8169700


Ok but if i put 5 ETH into minibear it will make bad multiplyer right??

Do i buy into phoenix now then mini bear then dump?

>> No.8169734
File: 126 KB, 1404x607, unknown (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet 3D devs, continued
>website compromised within 24 hours

>> No.8169758

Are you on drugs?

NONE of these are investments - whether it's third attempt POWH, or first generation EPX.

To even suggest such, is to invite the wrath of every Securities Commission, in every country they touch.

You, sir, are an I.D.I.O.T.

>> No.8169762

Since that far outweighs the current pot, it would become the smallest multiplier yes - and then everyone in the other pots has A HUGE reason to manipulate in their favor, and out of your pot.

Start next round with small bets so you can learn how it works.

If you want to manipulate EPX, buy in with 2 wallets. This way when you pump or dump on one wallet, you will keep getting your own dividends on the second wallet.

>> No.8169765


What's the likelihood of skelly actually giving money to what is essentially a gambling dapp though?

>> No.8169777

The multiplier would still be higher than 1, but the amount of risk you're exposing yourself to is not worth it IMO to drop 5 ETH this late into the game.

We've already seen wallets with 12 ETH or more place bets, more and more people capable of manipulation are starting to show up

>> No.8169787

It's actually 0 and it bothers me that people post that, it states in the article that a prereq. is not having a profit margin / system

He's really just looking for dApps / developers working on scaling the currency, not trying to give money to some random game dApp

>> No.8169797


Who knows - obviously, when you have money you alone get to decide where it goes, but how many second levels apps are there? One?:-)

>> No.8169811

POWH is an investment. You Neanderthals just don’t understand crypto or the new economy we’re creating. Everyone is going to want to own some PoWH, and it’s going to make all of us early investors filthy. Filthy rich. I already have my lambo picked out (actually it’s a Tesla bc I give a shit and I like Elon musk)

>> No.8169813


To the best of my knowledge, the 3D devs are as wary of calling it an investment as us EPX devs are due to the hazy legality.

>> No.8169817

Daddy Norsefire please stop roasting 3D

>> No.8169826


I have more than 12

>> No.8169861

Ok, we’ll still, the point stands. It’s like 10x what btc was

>> No.8169872

"Have more than 12..."


>> No.8169910

regardless - if you put 5 ETH into a single pot, every other player is going to try to manipulate out of that pot because you just x3'd the pot

If you still want to do that, if you wait for the next round, you will save a 10% fee, and everyone else will have a whole day to go "OH SHIT, IT'S AT 5 ETH," and the pot will likely reach 10 ETH or more. Next round will begin right after bets are paid out from this round.

>> No.8169932

you honestly sound too retarded to have even installed metamask, let alone bought into either of these projects

>> No.8169963

>is an investment
You will get the SEC on your ass sooner than later the more you repeat this

Bitconnect billed itself as an investment, too. Shit, you probably owned BCC

>> No.8169965

The Norsefire and tocsick are like granite in this community ( from what I have seen)

ponzibot and the POWH crew vacillate and lose participants investments - then pretend it had nothing to do with them.

On their THIRD attempt? They LOST the entire website (since fixed, I think?).

I am not a DEV, and I don't have a lot of money, I just can see who is true to their word and who scares me.

>> No.8169983

Honestly i’ve Been told I have been diagnosed with an iq of 130. I attend an Ivy League school and my dad is the ceo of an investment bank in Chicago. Who the fuck are you?

>> No.8169997


... I'm... daddy Norsefire :(

>> No.8170004

confirmed to own BCC

>> No.8170009


Can you describe yourself in a paragraph please? I sense it would make great copypasta.

>> No.8170082

Take a break. Breathe. It’s okay. You know that both projects can coexist, right? This isn’t like when daddy left mommy and you had to choose. You can have both this time, anon.

>> No.8170102

All. The. Points.

>> No.8170123


My wife thinks I've hurt myself because of the noises I'm making at my desk trying to suppress laughter. Thanks anon.

>> No.8170128
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>> No.8170154

LOL I just moonlight in crypto making bank of professional bag holders like yourselves. I drive a Nissan 350z and I literally can’t use Tinder because chicks won’t stop messaging me even when I tell them to fuck off. I’ve already got a degree in political science and my dad has already told me I could easily be mayor of Chicago one day. Oh yeah, and i was a varsity rower in college in addition to creating a social media tagging website that sold for 250k. But I suppose we should all just listen to you losers

>> No.8170186


More please.

>> No.8170221
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>> No.8170311

Yeah that’s what I thought

>> No.8170337


Fuck off cunt, I asked for a whole paragraph. Instead you only eked out a little squirt of precum.

>> No.8170349

Your still going to die one day, then none of your little possessions can save you. Enjoy! I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.8170369

You ruined it. I thought you were an insecure loser. Now I know you’re the opposite.

>> No.8170370

3/10, meme attempted but does not follow through

I bet you're just trying to distract us from pyrmex so we miss the settlement hour, eh

>> No.8170390

Can you regulars stop jerking each other off for a moment and *think* about the question facing all of us?

What's the smart bet on pyrmex, right now?

>> No.8170392

I don’t see you writing out dreams from my father here on 4chan yourself asshole. I like people with loaded decks. Ya’ll are four aces short of a royal flush

>> No.8170393
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>my dad has already told me I could easily be mayor of Chicago one day

>> No.8170435

Obama please.

>> No.8170460


Confirmed as never having played poker.

>> No.8170466

did you google translate this post?

>> No.8170534

The bigger the pot, the more likely the dump. With the new tighter brackets anything can happen. I like to hedge mini bear and put something on megabull or infinity bull, just in case someone pumps the contract.

>> No.8170536

I’m about to make 8x losers

>> No.8170541


>> No.8170565


DO IT FAGGOT, we all want you to do it

>> No.8170578

There's already $3,000 that someone is taking home tonight...

>> No.8170588
File: 157 KB, 676x507, 124342916751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably your life's greatest success.

>> No.8170616

hey faggot, its over 3 eth. remember this post?
i do

>POT IS AT 3.280 and climbing
2 hours to go

>> No.8170636

Well it doesn't all go to one person, ha..

Oh man that's a really good idea for an offshoot...stop this

>> No.8170676


>> No.8170699
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>> No.8170712

50 Minutes left to place bets /biz/, then the hour of Bogdanoffing will be at hand

>> No.8170757

for any noobs, after betting closes, keep a close eye on EPX. Thats when the real action happens. Its an actual drag race on the blockchain to manipulate bets and get the last tx in before close.

>> No.8170770


What doesnt belong??

Bog bog bog bog bog bog bog bull bog bog bog bog

>> No.8170847


>> No.8170895

This guy fucking lmao. Don’t bet if you don’t want to but don’t come in here and shout about scamming.

This is fucking happening. Doubled my money yesterday. I love betting on minibear and I have ETH in EPX so I win either way.

>> No.8170952


>> No.8171008
File: 45 KB, 278x234, Thinking_3a01b4_6377584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>48 posts by this ID

>> No.8171039

Get fucking hype. The Bog hour is nearly here.

>> No.8171053

I’m gonna be laughing my ass off when this shit tanks in an hour

>> No.8171071


You a zerobear fag?

>> No.8171074



>> No.8171152

I have money in EPX. I get dividends on buys and sells.

The whole point was that futures would provide volume. It’s doing that perfectly.

Have fun losing! Minibear babyyyyy

>> No.8171206

Come at me bro

>> No.8171225

>3D wants this contract too
Ignore this guy >>8171053
He's just trying to psych you out and win his pot

15 Minutes remain.

>> No.8171252


rofl. mantso asked me to audit. I sold my early access tokens for a 5x profit a few hours after launch and put that money into EPX marketing fund and EPX itself.

>> No.8171253

Lol, listen, take .01 eth drop it in the reddish spot on the chart, thank me tomorrow

>> No.8171275

Bullshit, your boy was literally begging to be included. Mantso’s didn’t even need you desu

>> No.8171291

Almost time to make some money AWWWW YEAH!

>> No.8171313

>gave someone he didn't need one of the first 20 buys for doing something he didn't need done

I hope one day you can sell your BCC, anon

>> No.8171322

is that why they offered them an ambassador position?

>> No.8171340


>> No.8171352


I literally love how wrong this statement is.

>> No.8171396
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>> No.8171411

3.6 ETH!!!!

>> No.8171418

Fuck these guys. DON’T BET

>> No.8171429

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.8171442

Can’t you see it’s a scam???

>> No.8171445



>> No.8171455

you sound so desperate...

3.7 eth

>> No.8171468

Nope. It's okay honey. We can all have fun together.

>> No.8171469
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>> No.8171478


>> No.8171482



>> No.8171505

when you see it works you'll know it isn't a scam. try again sweetie

>> No.8171513

fun starts now

>> No.8171535


> Literally using my Norsefire tripcode
> don't post using anything else

It's okay anon

>> No.8171551



>> No.8171571


>> No.8171572

>being this

>> No.8171583



>> No.8171638

My strategy worked perfectly. I manipulated all of you losers so EZ. $$$

>> No.8171655

>my strategy worked
>actual manipulation just started

>> No.8171657

Ok, so today?

I am not in.

I didn't bet as I couldn't decide, but I look at the numbers and realize that even the ***worst*** pool?

Will hit at nearly 3:1


>> No.8171677
File: 2 KB, 341x91, beaned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally beaned

>> No.8171700

Go ahead and pump it! That’s what I want. Just be ready to cry into your little pillows when it’s done

>> No.8171747

Lol, you know what’s embarrassing? I know it’s just three of you replying over and over. When Ponzi starts a 4chan thread he can just post ONCE and leave. You losers just shill shill shill your shitty pyramid

>> No.8171756


>> No.8171767

This isn't a pyramid, this is pyrmex

nobody is trying to trick anyone here, you retard

>> No.8171811

Lol, I love you all bitching about how this thread “isn’t about EPX boo hoo” of course it is. PurMex is how you smuggle your pyramid onto /biz/

>> No.8171842
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>> No.8171844


It's a cool concept, why are you so salty about it? Do you have a better dAPP or a personal grudge?

honestly just curious

>> No.8171850


Well yeah, it's the underlying. That's how derivative contracts work...

>> No.8171855

They don't move ETH between them, it's exactly the same thing as if we had made a contract to bet on bitconnect.

Whether you wanna go buy something, or gamble for that matter, is up to you, and none of us care whether you do or not

>mad that his 3D threads all got banned
and they'll keep getting banned, so stay mad I guess

>> No.8171884

listen you fucking broken record faggot, you start have started your post with "lol" 9 times...i counted. Just fuck off mate christ

>> No.8171915

Oh please! You think this is creative AT ALL? It was the first thing I thought of when I heard about PoWH OG. My retarded little brother could have coded this in a weekend. Hell I could make a better one. I won’t because i’m too busy with law school

>> No.8171921
File: 196 KB, 970x562, i cant even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(raise hand quietly)
(lowers hand)

>> No.8171942


The guy who wrote PyrMex is literally a lawyer by trade. Try harder I guess?

>> No.8171952

The amount of autism in here is astounding.

>> No.8171960

>you now remember 4chan has ads
lmao what a waste

>> No.8171965

yy-you think this is good? I did this when I was 8

are you fucking serious anon? I've chalked you up to being a lel xD leddit troll this whole time, but you actually seem serious.

get help, and hire a real programmer for your project BEFORE you launch next time

>> No.8171989


Well good luck with law school dude, hope chainlink doesn't replace your job.

>> No.8171996


CTR disagrees with you, senpai <3

>> No.8172026

If I FUD hard enough, the numbers will change

>> No.8172029


Are you impressive....

I suspect we could ask you, and you would tell us you were?

LOL. Whatever.

All that matters, at the end of the day, is that on a Tuesday night,

pyrmex.com had more volume than on the Monday night.

Think about that.

See you tomorrow.

>> No.8172177

20 mins before settle. 3.7 eth in pot. keep you eye on ethphoenix.io

>> No.8172184

Norse confirmed dumping

>> No.8172258

Who reads down this far?

Surely only those involved?

Yet, if this is new to YOU?

If you are curious?

Join us.

ethphoenix.com. Click on the Discord link, and ask us anything you want.

>> No.8172278

1.5 eth block dropped!
10 mins to go! holy shit

>> No.8172348

.7 incoming

>> No.8172404

How many faggots did you fool today anon?

>> No.8172456

man thats beautiful

>> No.8172470


>> No.8172471


>> No.8172481
File: 123 KB, 955x408, do you see that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fuked that was 5 minutes

>> No.8172498


The way that the Discord exploded when that 8 Ether dropped - my sides

>> No.8172500

lmao everyone got btfo

>> No.8172515



>> No.8172533

Thanks for the 7x

>> No.8172658


>> No.8172660

LOL the ETH I used to manipulate with yesterday is starting to pay out some nice dividends with the ethphoenix tokens.

I lost two times playing pyrmex now but almost got fully paid back with the Phoenix dividends. This is mad.

>> No.8172696

44 post later, will you admit you were wrong?

>> No.8172704
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1200, bag gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing out on the bag gun m8

>> No.8172712

*breathes in*

I still lost though FUCK

>> No.8172729

This is insanity

>> No.8172840
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Basically free money at this point.

>> No.8172843

Has anyone's winnings showed up yet? I had .01 on infinity bull and it still says 0 winnings.

>> No.8172851

See you tomorrow, /biz/.

>> No.8172859

I had 0.04 on infinity bull

>> No.8172878


It takes some time for full settlement to process depending on the state of the network. It'll pop up eventually.

>> No.8172880

Takes a while to settle. The network might be congested.

>> No.8172960
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guess you can still suck at crypto and have a law degree huh

>> No.8172992

ya, realized the contract hadn't refreshed yet so that was why, just got it now

>> No.8173032

"fuck" were his last words. rip

>> No.8173052

Wow. Nice winnings!

>> No.8173126
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1200, Hail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These divvies bring tears to my eyes

>> No.8173187


Going to vouch for this dAPP also for anyone on the fence, I played and received a payout.

>> No.8173191

DESU, I didn't think that would happen

>> No.8173212
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>> No.8173370
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>> No.8173429

So this all just ... starts over? Now?

>> No.8173543

right, everyday forever

>> No.8173584

What should I bet?

>> No.8173600

Where can we see the amount of ETH in the smart contract plotted over time?

>> No.8173611

It's impossible to say with certainty - but the EPX balance is already 1 ETH away from the highest bull pot, so I'm anticipating a little bit of movement downwards (or at least a strong attempt)

>> No.8173613

What do you think is gonna happen?

>> No.8173627


chart on this page

>> No.8173640

Do people think it will go down a lot today? I did not think it would go to the max up yesterday.

>> No.8173661

I don't know what to believe anymore

This has surpassed all of the devs expectations by leaps and bounds. It's in the whales hands now.

If it ever becomes apparent that it's just TOO EASY to manipulate, changes can be made, but for now we need to play more rounds and collect more data

Guess randomly, you have a 1/6 shot

>> No.8173863

I am thinking either steady or slightly up, then a good dip down, followed by very small ups and downs so whales can accumulate dividends.

>> No.8173993

But if I had bet 1/6 on each i would have profited yesterday? How is that possible?

>> No.8174388

Does anyone understand how these work?

>> No.8174546


Come and ask your questions on the Discord, lad.

>> No.8174602
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>mfw checking dividends today

>> No.8174855


>> No.8175199

I picked the right day to buy the Infinity Bull!! And all glory be unto the benevolent Divsnek who heaped his bountiful blessings upon us all! It was a good day...Amen.