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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8148046 No.8148046 [Reply] [Original]

>co worker asks me if I want to go out for drinks with a group of coworkers at bar last friday.
>"no I don't like the taste of alcohol"
>haha it's okay anon you don't have to drink alcohol.
>tell him I don't want to go to a bar and walk away.

Was this bad? Does anyone else not care about soical interactions in work? I'm 23 and never been to a bar/had strong alcohol. Even when my boss asked me to go to a baseball game with him I refused. Would this hurt chances at a promotion ect? I already have a lot of money for my age and zero expenses, and I don't really care about "moving up the ladder" as I will be retiring from crypto most likely this year even with much smaller growth compared to last year.

>> No.8148085

Sounds like you answered your question. If you're retiring this year, who gives a fuck?

Definitely socially weird though, there's no denying that.

>> No.8148103
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Yah it's all about relationships you'll probably want to be passed up. But, who cares if you're loaded. That's a poor normy problem.

>> No.8148123

Eat a Dick you fucking awkward faggot

>> No.8148150

Nice pasta

>> No.8148155

kek, that's basically how I handle things. it's autistic but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8148166
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May I suggest you craft beers, there is not a single soul on this planet who dislikes the taste of high quality beer

>> No.8148177

eh. fuck em. but if you find people that are genuinely interesting- insist to hang out for lunch or dinner, instead of alcohol or having to sit next to someone over 2-3 hours.

relationships are cool, if you develop them with good people. If they're shitty uninteresting people to you then again: fuck em.

>> No.8148184

I wouldnt of gone either, regardless you coulda handled the whole situation better

More tact, grace, and discretion.. ultimately pause and think before you speak or react

>> No.8148191

Give it five years or so. If you really make it you'll realize that even with all the money in the world you're still a sad socially awkward bitch who has nothing more meaningful in their life than to come on a board and shit post away.

>> No.8148199

Beer tastes like shit. No clue why normalfags are obsessed with alcohol. The only semi good tasting alcohol to me is white wine/champagne. But even that is bad compared to something like sparkling apple cider or any other type of juice.

>> No.8148208
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But you dont need humans when you got the beer with you

>> No.8148219

As someone who drank like a fish through their late teens, and all of my twenties, I can say you're not missing much. Quitting booze is the best thing I've ever done.

>> No.8148229
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Thats why because you have never had a good beer, and you are still a baby. You will be drinking beer like water when you turn 30. Normies get wasted on booze, once a weekend, thats not the beer drinkers way

>> No.8148246


Always fucking go. You don't have to drink but it's only like an hour or so of your time and social interaction is important even for the autists

>> No.8148250

beer sucks ass and so do you

>> No.8148263
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>> No.8148346

Depends if you actually wanted to be close to these people outside of promotions. Sometimes your friends will want to do something you're not into, but it'll make you guys closer if you went and made a visible effort. Relationships are about give and take, they will go to shit if you only focus on either or instead of both.

>> No.8148388
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>tfw 28
>tfw hate beer

>> No.8148587

feels great, don't it
never going to have to deal with beer gut
also people who just meet me realize i'm an alcoholic when they offer me beer

>> No.8148648

I fucking love beer. I never drink anymore though because I used to drink too much and overall I'd rather be high test than enjoy beer.

>> No.8148672

Socializing, even when you don't want to, helps climb the ladder. Good luck with your fantasy financial game though

>> No.8148708

>I don’t like the taste of alcohol

Unless you’re 12 I’m assuming you’re autistic.

But yeah it’s ok to not want to hang out retard lmao what kind of fucking question is that

>> No.8148946


Pretty based, OP.

>> No.8149012

Yep, you're going to fail at all social interactions from here on out including moving up in the workplace and building a meaningful relationship with a woman unless she's another autist like you.
But if you have enough money to retire then you can just live alone for the rest of your life.

>> No.8149083

i do

>> No.8149140

get a moscow mule OP, i promise youll like it

>> No.8149163

We need gun control because of people like you OP.

>> No.8149435

>moscow mule
enjoy your copper poisoning

>> No.8149466

you fucked up. Just because your rich doesnt mean you have a complete life. Sitting at home playing video games is depressing. Maybe your boss wanted to mentor you. Its always good to make real-world memories instead of playing wow.

>> No.8149489
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>> No.8149507

I wanna be like OP. Of course I don't do stuff like that because I live in the real world, in a society where contact with people is seen as a plus.

Good luck after being labeled a weirdo.

>> No.8149534

omg what a fucking loser

>> No.8149765
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Hi anon, fellow autist here. I will make things plain to you the way things were never made plain to me, so hopefully you can do things right where I did them wrong, before it's too late for you.
Think about it logically: If it was about the alcohol he has no reason to invite you and he has other coworkers for companionship.
The invitation wasn't really "hey wanna go drink?" it was really "You are a potentially interesting person whom I would like to know. Would you like to spend time with us in a relaxed, non-work environment, so we can become better acquainted?"
Alcohol loosens inhibitions and can make social activities more unpredictable, but it's not the point.
It took me until my 30's to finally understand this concept. Unfortunately by then I'd turned down countless invitations to parties, cookouts, and other activities do things from coworkers and fellow students and of course from several girls who were interested in me.
Picture a cute girl finding you after work and asking if you'd like to try square dancing, and you tell her no, because you don't like dancing. Picture a girl following you after a meeting, walking and talking with you for 15 minutes for no reason, finally asking you if you want to grab some lunch and you say no, because you had a big breakfast and you aren't hungry. Picture a girl asking you to help her with her homework and you answer honestly that the course web site and textbook can teach her better than you.
The path to wizardhood is ahead of you and it's cold over here, trust me.

>> No.8149806
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You fucking idiot you just totally fucked yourself in the fucking ass. Have fun buying kneepads and sucking penises to survive. AHAHAHAHAHA don't put all your eggs in one basket AHAHAHA pajeet nigger kike!

>> No.8149859

The unbridled truth. I now enjoy my autistic isolation but for a few years it was extremely uncomfortable, mostly for lack of understanding. Cheers fellow autist.

>> No.8150012

I can't stand my coworkers. They're all bug men. All they want to talk about is marvel movies and videogames. If I bring up something real they get all quiet and uncomfortable.

>> No.8150042

i do

beer is such a peasant drink and to consume a pint size of it is fucking absurd,

>> No.8150064

Fuck off man child, beer is delicious. Nothing better than cracking a cold one on a cold day

>> No.8150096

Normie retard seething

>> No.8150139
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It sucks because I know that I missed out on a lot of experiences. I know a lot of guys don't ever even get some of the chances I've had basically handed to me and yet turned down due to pure concentrated autism.
Yes, the isolation is nice in its own way, but I wish I even knew what the other side was like.

>> No.8150161

I have 3.5mm split in land/stocks/crypto and I’m a medfag who works 50hrs a week and has a white family with a mech engineer wife and a large home paid in full in Minnesota with a shop where I tinker on frame up restos of muscle cars. WTF have you been doing? Currently excited for spring, because along with our 2 beehives and garden we’re raising chickens this year for eggs and then to butcher in the fall for meat. I drink Busch light, and a lot of it. In fact, I have a CO2 kegerator in my shop. What now fag?

>> No.8150179

Yeah buddy you sure do, i think the guy you're replying to is a big fag but you made yourself look like a bigger faggot. Just kill yourself

>> No.8150192
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Alcoholic apple cider

>> No.8150204
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>18 years old in college
>advice for making friends and getting a gf is "dude just join a club lmao" or approach in places that are inappropriate for social interaction
Fuck this shit. I'm just going to stay alone forever.

>> No.8150226

Stay lonely loser, nobody wants to date a little beta bitch who can't even come uo to a girl

>> No.8150231

If you want to live in the normie world, you have to play the normie game, OP. Chances are likely that you are easily replaceable in whatever it is you're doing and as they would not hesitate to get rid of the creepy weirdo who everyone feels uncomfortable around.

>> No.8150252


>> No.8150256

Unironically... go to church lel. Trad QTs who are starved for men.

>> No.8150269

>wahh i sit in my room all day and dont go outside or make any effort to better my situation, i want people to come to me
God you are such a whiney little faggot. It is so fucking easy to make friends at college. Normies aren't retarded animals, just walk up to one in a casual place and fucking say hi and talk. It's literally not hard at all, go on omegle and talk to people for a warmup if you need it you fucking sperg.

>> No.8150352

>Normies aren't retarded animals
yes they are

>> No.8150369

fuck off /biz/ i dont need this

i left r9k to get away from this shit and ive been doing really well lately.

>> No.8150394

A (You) T I S M

>> No.8150415

Except it’s true, all of it. And as many times as I’ve been burned out in the last 15 years and thought about killing myself- I never did it. Because I work my fucking ass off and as bad as it gets, the alternate is worse. I started as a low life piece of shit and I didn’t find any direction until 26- and built this from scratch. I’m proud of it. Not bragging, but these threads remind me that nothing comes easy, at least the things worth having. I wish you the same luck and success.

>> No.8150434

>go up to one and say hi


>> No.8150473

why the fuck do you boomers come on 4chan for. I hate you mother fuckers so goddam much you make me want to throw my computer in the trash just so i can get the fuck away from you

>> No.8150498

cant you at least stick with your decisions. i mean if youre going to blow someone off like that at least be confident about it later. idiot. fucking aspies.

>> No.8151153
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>as I will be retiring from crypto most likely this year even with much smaller growth compared

>> No.8151154

ok so youre 12 thanks

>> No.8151274

Breaking down the alcohol meme for you: no one at first thinks it tastes good. However it helps you relax and forget your problems, which is also something dangerous if you start to rely on it whenever you're depressive, that's how alcoholics are born.

Also be sincere: are you truly 23? I'm turning 23 late this month and you remind me of my 18yr old self.