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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 730x794, AAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8078723 No.8078723 [Reply] [Original]

I sold everything to buy back at the bottom because of this nigger. Fuck my life.

>> No.8078743

>listening to anyone on any social media platform You'll never make it unless you think for yourself.

>> No.8078750

Didn't this fag say that we were going to $8k like three days ago?

>> No.8078776

And we hit 8.9k.

>> No.8078775


>> No.8078809

Come up with your own ideas. Seriously.

>> No.8078850
File: 204 KB, 571x408, Con talk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And 21 hours ago he said "Again folks, as I have been warning you previously, do not fall for this sudden "unexpected small rise" of Bitcoin. The powers will lure you in till they decide there is enough Bitcoin innocent buyers then DROP u dead. Best is to wait for my signal of a CONFIRMED BULL TREND"

He even talks like a charlatan.

>> No.8078864

>listening to someone called Marius
>listening to someone who capitalises "free", basically signalling that he has something "better" for a price

You fell for the usual bait.

>> No.8078874

Is he autistic or what?

>> No.8078904
File: 480 KB, 680x945, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and holy shit, did I try and warn people
never change /biz/

>> No.8078960

I knew he was a scammer the first time I saw /biz/ post about him.

>> No.8078976
File: 22 KB, 540x511, 1511557721318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some next level scam shit

>> No.8078979

Good. Nice dose of reality. Humbling isn’t it

>> No.8079015

>1 trillion to enter crypto market

Thats how you know this guy is full of shit. Good luck holding his bags.

>> No.8079070

Yeah, that's old, some people did it with sports matches results
Doesn't work on twitter because everyone can see everything tho

>> No.8079081
File: 82 KB, 1067x579, BFC07211-BDDF-4265-9B17-5BFB682756B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8079105

He said both so he can delete the bad prediction (whichever it turns out to be wrong) and claim he's some sort of crypto guru

>> No.8079166

look at the replies on Marius' twitter right now, though. it's a 50/50 split of people confused as shit and also thanking him.

>> No.8079177


It wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing just MEGA RED CANDLE dumped after this


He deletes tweets on a daily basis, so when you look for past post he looks like some kind of magician

>> No.8079201

You know you can make sock puppets and even pay pajeets to create thousands of followers for you, right? Do note how most praising him have pretty new accounts and rarely if any following/followers except following him.

>> No.8079211

Nope. He's a guy with a high social IQ/lots of charisma, but average to borderline low intelligence in other areas. People like this manipulate others almost unconsciously; he probably genuinely believes he's helping people and would reject any evidence to the contrary as a hateful attack on his character.

>> No.8079216

Lowest was $10,358 on coinmarketcap.

>> No.8079453
File: 26 KB, 1160x159, True dane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Presume Landm is the short for Landman, a danish/dutch last name
>Look at his site
>The report is available in english and arabic only.

>> No.8079523

Will be setting my sell orders up now because of this angel dust sniffing dumbass.

>> No.8079605

The site is hosted in San Fransisco, by Weebly. A blogging service that will host your site for 8 bucks a month.

>> No.8079612
File: 39 KB, 344x344, 1468545754090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because despite of what /biz/ believe most of them are not better than normies, they will fall for any charlatan or tripfag as long as they say whatever they want to listen

>> No.8079778
File: 74 KB, 1328x579, High energy trading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a guy with tens of thousands followers, there sure seems to be little traffic to his secrets (created 2 feb 2017) that will make u a MILLIONAIRE

>> No.8079990
File: 90 KB, 600x456, Deeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're getting somewhere.
According to the most visited page after mariuslandman, it's "trendolizer".
As the name implies, you can purchase "bots" to boost the popularity of your site, and naturally his site has been featured there.

>> No.8080081

it’s actually more that will enter but not now.

>> No.8080082
File: 79 KB, 594x544, Landman 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what's this? And why is he the owner of 2016GOPnominee?

>> No.8080132

but anon
/biz/ is now full of normies
its not longer the /biz/ that could make that judgement
So it doesnt make sense to judge /biz/ by those standards
Because you're actually judging normies

>> No.8080131
File: 172 KB, 593x387, The real Marius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the rope is tightening for good old "Marius"

>> No.8080191
File: 90 KB, 595x310, Old scam new tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the web archives, his site sure has changed.
Here he's saying he's a top MLM (Multi-level marketing) professional

>> No.8080298
File: 34 KB, 489x201, Trump spills the beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And i've think i've broken the secret maybe.
Turns out there's a multi layer of drama regarding the fake Marius Landman.

It all started out with a fake account stealing the identity of the real Marius, the australian, namely a man named Jona Moore. What did this guy do?
He namely ran @trump_campaign (used to be @LandmanMarius using the stolen identity of Marius Landman.

Obviously he gained a lot of notority due that fact, and became a recognized face.

>> No.8080392
File: 339 KB, 600x394, Pajeet Marius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using wayback again, i found this tidbit on February 23, 2016 (Note the hindi).
So thus i've concluded that due the infamous case of this scammer, another scammer has taken up the mantle as the fake Marius to shill his con, and because "Marius Landman" became infamous in boomer GOP circles, the new scammer realized he just to attach a name and image to attract the boomers and alties who so dearly trusted every word of the first fake Marius.

>> No.8080486

This is why I know you're retarded.

>> No.8080509
File: 64 KB, 480x480, 1520018173874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this all checks out. donald trump really did tweet at someone with that old twitter handle. holy fuck

>> No.8080534

Jezus anon youre good. Keep up the awesome work!

>> No.8080614

Didn't he post a timestamped photo tho

>> No.8080657
File: 38 KB, 261x384, Jona moore in the flesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However, is the current scammer still Jona Moore or someone new? How do we know this guy is the same Marius as the first?

>> No.8080685

Stop posting about this charlatan cancer tard.

>> No.8080689

Yea, he said the rise to 11k was a corporate bull trap

>> No.8080871

Anything else?

>> No.8080904
File: 42 KB, 661x267, Linkedin profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still compiling the data. I'm investigating 2016GOPnominee for further clues about mr Moore.

But take a look at this.
See the name of this

Just kidding, it's not the same guy, that would have been waaay too easy and obvious.

>> No.8080920

What else could you fucking ask for? Guy literally Sherlock Holmes that account and possible aliases. All of it being easily checkable on your end. I never bothered with this twitter oracle scam faggot but fuck anon saved a bunch of gullible faggots on biz from him.

>> No.8080921

all this is already on sadbottrue
are you doing all this pointless research at this moment, or are you just fucking larping?
either way, check 'em

>> No.8080983
File: 259 KB, 940x705, trump_fox_news_201508081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the gigs up.
But lets face it, had i just linked it, nobody would bother reading so gotta make it a bit interesting to digest. At least now some should REALLY better have realized the faggot is a con artist.

>> No.8081010


>> No.8081057

Your weapon, will keel.

>> No.8081097

I'm so confused.

>> No.8081105

>anons get taken for ANOTHER ride because they STILL just researched the obvious images and not whenever any of it was already said elsewhere.
Although you did come to a good conclusion about this faggot. I think he's using that name because ancient boomers swallowed everything that pajeet said first and that's not on the site at all since they focused on the political shit. But it might be the same faggot again too.

>> No.8081157

Some of the most retarded memelines I've seen on here and that's saying something.

>> No.8081190

>no true /biz/
Fuck off and face it, /biz/ is full of normies now

>> No.8081220

Holy crackers

>> No.8081233

You misconstrue my tone, I didn’t mean that in a accusatory or negative manner.

Its just entertaining is all

>> No.8081240
File: 384 KB, 583x1220, 1519868746332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free trading advice: The dog wags the tail... and and vice versa.

Figure it out for yourself.

>> No.8081445

Pls explain I am a brainlet. I know that is an ugly shape for a price graph but not what the lines are supposed to mean

>> No.8081526
File: 240 KB, 900x479, Liberal Glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technical Retardation

>> No.8081628

I'm starting to lean on the it being the same guy.
The site was owned by (fake) Marius under the twitter handle @LandmanMarius. Who then changed name to @trump_campaign. Then possibly back to @LandM_Marius. No registered name changes.
This would explain why it seems like he has so many "natural" and real followers. And his followers were the kind of boomers who bought all those bridges in Brooklyn or pay weeping television preachers all their savings to be saved.
The guy under his real (maybe) name Jona Moore seems to have disappeared off the internet after the election. So either he sold it to another scammer, or he's still doing what he does best.