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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8059613 No.8059613 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys, it's over for me. I bought at $150. Which means I only have 1/15 left of what I invested. This wouldn't be so bad if I had other investments, but I don't. I went all in with $10k. These are now worth about $660. It was a wild ride, and I expected a drop, but not to this degree. So, yeah, I don't have anything left to invest in other coins and all the money I could afford to lose is lost now. I really don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.8059677

Kill yourself for holding though the fork. You fucked up

>> No.8059688

Hope to god that BTCP is worth more than what you originally paid for ZCL

>> No.8059701

>I expected a drop, but not to this degree.
Why? Literally the only reason this thing pumped was for the fork. You should have dumped right before the snapshot or immediately after. Pray your btcp is worth something

>> No.8059704

that drop represents a success moron. the bears were calling for $2.

>> No.8059722

hodl BTCP. There are dedicated fudders on this site trying to get it to drop and get it cheap at the start. BTCP is going to be worth 300 dollars in two weeks. Dont give in.

>> No.8059737

ITT: Retards complaining about losing money on a fork before the forked coin (BTCP) even has a value (like how they would with every single fork to ever exist)
Shut the fuck up and wait you impatient manchildren

>> No.8059752


literally the only reason this had any value was the fork. Why didn't you sell immediately?

>> No.8059760

Only lost 4k which still hurts but you can get back up from this, dont worry. Did you at least get BTCP?

>> No.8059766


You do understand that only reason zcl was at $150 was because of a massive coordinated youtube and social media bitcoin private shill campaign, right?

You did get your zcl snapshotted for btcp.....right?

>> No.8059774

btcp might start artificially low because of bittrex's scammy handling of the fork but btcp was set to open above 200 before the bittrex fiasco. everything *should* be immaterial going forward, assuming there are no technical issues with the fork, but it won't be because the market is irrational. so dump early and be a victim of bittrex or hold and wait for the market to realize the btcp's value proposition

>> No.8059780

It was obvious that would have happened. The only thing you cant do now is research btcp and see if you actually like the coin and then have a plan accordingly - dump ad soon ad it hits exchanges, or hold for a while or for a longer period. Just be aware there are probably a lot of bagholders like you who will want do dump ad soon ad possible to regain some of the money

>> No.8059788

>trying to get it to drop
Lol. That's already done. Enjoy your scamcoin like the other losers who were saying shit like "BTCP WILL BE $600 MINIMUM WHOAAAA".

I have zero sympathy for you or OP. Crypto is over for you now and good riddance.

>> No.8059799

>Okay guys, it's over for me. I bought at $150. Which means I only have 1/15 left of what I invested.
why did you hold for so long retard, should've gotten out as soon as snapshot occured like literally everyone else

>> No.8059809

Because it now has 5% of what it was at ATH? I expected a drop to maybe 50% of the current value, so 60-70. But 10? Fucking hell.

>> No.8059821

Btw btcp is a shitcoin with one of the worst and most unstable dev teams in the space. Good luck making up your loss.

>> No.8059828

What? I had the ZClassic on Cryptopia and didn't do anything with it since I bought. I thought I'd get the BTCP automatically?

>> No.8059850

Jesus Christ the value transfers over to BTCP you fucking brainlet OP

>> No.8059860


Why would you expect that? ZCL was $1-$2 before whales were informed of the fork. Did you even get your shit snapshotted properly, or were you keeping it on a non participating exchange? Jesus.

>> No.8059868

I hope for your sake you’re trolling

>> No.8059885
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Holy shit. You dun fucked up son.

>> No.8059896

your last hope is to go all in on lendconnect and hope they explode like bitconnect
Only 2 million coins available and their internal exchange is launch today or tomorrow

>> No.8059911

Dude, I'm seriously not. I just bought this shit because biz said I'd get BTCP and Cryptopia was the only available exchange other than the scam ones, so I bought it there and waited. What the fuck did I need to do? Don't fucking tell me I could've gotten 10 times the amount of BTCP. I'll be ruined.

>> No.8059947

You wanna bet ?

>> No.8059982

buy a brain and stop following scammer from /biz

>> No.8060000
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>> No.8060005
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>> No.8060015

Buy high, sell low. Ahhhh, /biz/ still got it.

>> No.8060027

>stacked development team with degrees from prestigious universities and phds
>bitcoin name attracts normies and gives exposure
>supply will only be equal to the amount of btc/zcl that was in the right place during snapshot, driving price up while also having high marketcap, giving exposure from being on front page of cmc
>uses zcash tech without shitty founders fee
>better than btg and bcash in every way while also having less of a supply
>Doubled mining reward and they will add unclaimed coins to rewards pool, making this one of the most profitable coins on the market to mine
>decentralized exchange with btcp pairs on the way
>binance listing on the way
>fulfills satoshi's vision in every way, first dual fork of its kind and first fork to have a real whitepaper before launch

This is the be-all end-all of shit eating fudders of btcp on /biz/. Fudders BTFO

>> No.8060031

did cryptopia say they supported the fork?

>> No.8060055

>And you could have it all...
It’ll get better op

>> No.8060065


Dude,wait, cryptopia supported the fork? i dont remember to be honest

>> No.8060066

What do I know? I'm a noob, this is my first coin. How else would you get the coins? How do I claim them now?

>> No.8060092

DUDE cryptopia didn't support the fork it was tradesatoshi i think, please tell me that you are larping because if you don't i inform you that you have lost 10k

>> No.8060107

You know BTCP is going places when its got this much FUD going on. Its pretty incredible. BTCP is going to rip bcash apart.

Remember: Do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.8060119

You can't claim them now. Had to be in a wallet for a snapshot.

>> No.8060126

if you had a withdrawal of zcl queued on cryptopia then yes, you will get btcp. Otherwise, message cryptopia and see what they will do.

>> No.8060129
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Anon, that is accidentally-kill-yourself levels of ignorance. So this is an amazing blessing for you! You have found out how much danger there is in the world, and you didn't even have to lose any limbs!
I am confident you will have a better life ahead of you with this new hard-earned wisdom.

>> No.8060139

For its entire life span it was around $1 except for the one month it got pumped to $200, you can't be this stupid

>> No.8060149

he has to be larping i mean nobody is such a brainlet

>> No.8060158

Are you serious? No, I'm not larping. What the fuck? That can't be true, what the fuck did I buy this shit for then???

>> No.8060169

Almost certainly at some point ZCL will bounce for no fucking reason and you'll make a portion of your investment back.

>> No.8060188

if anything people should wait til it goes back to its real price and average the fuck down their cost so they can break even faster

>> No.8060189
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Are you stupid? you just invest 10k in something and don't even follow the news? you should have looked at which exchanges will support the fork or something, it was cryptopia or you had to have your ZCL in the electronum wallet

Dude if you are not larping i don't know, fucking RIP, message Cryptopia and pray but they are not responsable for anything

>> No.8060193
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Just sold my 57 ZCL for .051 BTC. I don't know what BTCP is going to do. Longer term I'm confident it'll do well. But as of now I feel like my asshole is the diameter of the Hindenburg. Fml

>> No.8060244
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Fellow biz posters... I know we all have some dark days. Days where you think your life is going to shit and nobody likes you. You think you want to kill yourself and that you'll never dig yourself out of the hole that you're in.

But at least you'll NEVER be as retarded as this fucking guy LOL!

>> No.8060247

no one told him to hold on cryptopia you dumb fucking pajeet

>> No.8060265

yeah dude dont stress, once btcp comes out there will be a big sell-off for people looking to make their money quick.
Hold for a month and it should be quite expensive (im guessing $300-500)

>> No.8060329

>tfw busy with uni and forget about zcl and leaving it on bittrex wallet
>check today, its after fork and i am 58% down

i-i will get my btcp at least, r-right?

>> No.8060394

I can't even think of an answer anymore. Haha, I lost $10k because I didn't follow the news. I feel sick. I'll probably go for a very long walk now.

>> No.8060401

except he probably didnt even get his BTCP

>> No.8060434

yes, you will be able to withdraw btcp

>> No.8060440
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Well yeah it was an stupid move to be honest but relax, it's just money, message cryptopia to see what can they do about it, best of lucks buddy

>> No.8060459

Are you sure? i think Bittrex will only give BTCP tokens or something to the people who had frozen withdrawls not people who forgot their ZCL in the wallet

>> No.8060489

I put half of what I had on this crapshoot. It came up snake eyes. Still holding zcl, Still give zero fucks.

>> No.8060538

Tbh, I expected zcl tongo back to 2.

Now,quit bitching a wait it out a couple of months for the gainz.

Don't double down your initial mistake by selling btcp below 300.
At 300 (2-3 months tops from now) sell half your stack and keep the rest till 1,000.

Don't be stupid OP, don't be "that guy". This a guaranteed move, the fundamentals are just too strong.

>> No.8060584

They did.

>> No.8060613

You needed to move to a wallet.

>> No.8060672

Bagholders, use these massive discounts to buy more ZCL and average down your costs. At least this way you will break even at a much lower price than your original purchase.

There's people now pushing for a Litecoin Private fork, and even though it isn't related to ZCL, the sheer fact that this whole Private forks started from ZCL will mean that people will once again flock to the coin.

>> No.8060681

No, they didn't support the fork BUT if you had a withdraw stuck there you can claim your BTCP


See? OP message Cryptopia saying you didn't move your ZCL because the network was frozen or something,

>> No.8060704

A bit of patience anon.
I flogged 90% of my Zcl 3 weeks ago but held the rest through the fork.
Give it a month and you should be back in the green.

>> No.8060744

read bittrex statement on zcl.

We will get btcp in a week after the launch of btcp so dont worry you will get your btcp. just chill my nigga


>> No.8060862

Well shit, op got rekt!

>> No.8061059

Are they gonna say what the circulating supply is, since it was barely supported by exchanges and then brainlets fucked up the claiming process.

>> No.8061106

I'm definitely doing this, when do you think it will hit bottom?

>> No.8061883


most inspiration I've ever felt

>> No.8062170
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op do as i told you and contact cryptopia, tell them you were going to make a withdrawl but you knew the network was extremely slow so you decided not to do it since you have read that they will somehow give BTCP because of the frozen withdrawl


Give it a try buddy, maybe you get lucky.

>> No.8062374


Put your $660 in Link and come back in 6 months

>> No.8062905

We seriously need to have some sort of /biz/ "Absolutely, unequivocally MOTHERFUCKING JUSTed" Oscars for people like OP

>> No.8062962

i can't even imagine what must be going through his mind right now, he lost 10k just like that, it could have been avoided so easily, shit dude..i don't know

>> No.8063054

Should have bought closer to fork OP and soold sooner after but here's the deal.

BTCP if it gets enough attention will be worth more than 150. Maybe a lot more.
>BCG is 115ish
People will pump BTCP.

Cut your losses, take out your 660 and buy NANO.

You're gonna make it, OP.

>> No.8063103

Other way around, they said to cancel frozens withdrawals and all wallets with ZCL get credited.

>> No.8063163
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It won't be. If all the coins are distributed, BTCP will have 7x the circulating supply of ZCL.

That probably won't happen. It'll probably be something like 50% total distribution, but that still means that in order for BTCP to hit $100, ZCL would have had to hit $350.

>> No.8063210

>If all the coins are distributed

Lol missed something there bud. In reality only around 4-5m btcp are going to be claimed, meaning the market is only going to be exposed to those many.

>> No.8063238

You fucked up man. This is from Cryptopia:

We are aware that the ZCL fork is happening at 5PM UTC on February 28th. Should we end up having outstanding withdrawals at that time we will credit BTCP to user accounts for any ZCL withdrawals confirmed at least 8 hours ahead of the fork (9AM UTC Wednesday 28 February 2018). We are endeavouring to process all withdrawals before 5PM UTC, but our guarantee only applies to those confirmed by 9AM UTC. Last minute traders who are expecting to get the airdrop are doing so at their own risk.

>> No.8063249
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>BTCP isn't a Zcash + BTC fork. It's a ZCL fork.
>It has the exact same code as ZCL. The only thing changed is the name and wallet
>Prior to the fork announcement, which made speculators like me want to pump it and feed off the newfag hype, ZCL had a marketcap of $3M
>Why? Because nobody gives a shit about a Zcash fork when Zcash already exists
>It has no actual connection to BTC, unlike previous (non-scam) forks
>No BTC community support, no collabs or connections with the BTC devs
>No exchanges outside of a couple of small chink exchanges supports the fork, and will never list it, because they aren't idiots. They see the scam for what it is
>Only supporters are ZCL holders who bought in because they wanted to flip the BTCP at a profit
>The only people who gives a shit about BTCP to begin with already bought into ZCL
>BTCP will massively inflate the circulating supply to that of ZCL, which means that if all coins are distributed, in order for BTCP to hit $100, ZCL would have had to hit $700

Welcome to crypto, you fucking idiots.

>> No.8063253

when will be launch of mainnet? they told like 2 days after fork, but some sources say like 2-5
of march
anyone has some fresh info?

>> No.8063279

I'm so glad I didn't FOMO into this back in January

>> No.8063286

You are so fucking dumb. I’m glad you are losing money honestly. That’s the market at work.

>> No.8063292

2 new forks are coming from ZCL.

Dogecoin Private
A secret coin that will change blockchain forever.

>> No.8063315

Holy fuck, I spent the last two weeks warning people of this scam. Remember the non-stop FUD threads? I got called a dirty pajeet but look who really got pajeeted.

>> No.8063327

Why isn't ZCL worth zero now? Who the fuck is still buying?

>> No.8063348

Just wait until BTCP gets listed and these fucking idiots realize that there's not enough demand to keep the price anywhere near $100, because the greatest fools already bought into ZCL to begin with.

It'll be fucking glorious. Especially since they can't claim that they weren't warned every single day.

>> No.8063378

Confirmed larp. No one would invest $10,000 in this as their first coin and also completely ignore all the discussion of which exchanges were supporting/when the snapshot was happening. It’s fun to think this COULD happen but there’s no way it did.

>> No.8063387

Also best PnD I’ve ever seen in crypto. Ranks up there with Bitconnect in levels of justing.

>> No.8063403

Man, have you ever been in these ZCL threads? The average IQ lies somehwere between 60 and potato.

I wouldn't be surprised one fucking bit if some retard emptied his savings account to get rich quick off a "sure thing". Because that's what I called it when I shilled it. But they had more than a month to figure out that BTCP would be worthless and to sell before the fork, but they're dumb, so they didn't.

>> No.8063408

The fucked up part is you literally would've been better off buying LINK

>> No.8063410
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I put in $52,400 usd into ZCL at $40
I held through fork.
I still have the ZCL.

I'm not worried at all.
Bitcoin Private will pass Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.8063428


So much FUD, BTCP is going to fuck BCH

>> No.8063434
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can't wait to point my rigs at this shitcoin and dump to market on them as long as they can take it

>> No.8063444


It's not FUD when it's true. Why don't you dismantle the arguments this anon made?


>> No.8063447

First of all, it doesnt have the exact same code as ZCL, 2nd of all, half of your greentext is based off of fallacies because ZCL price was only low when devs abandoned it. In reality, its idea was better than Zcash, it used zk snarks without a shitty founders fee attached to it.

Third, nothing actually makes ANYTHING "attached to btc" except for its name. By your same logic Bcash and BTG aren't attached to BTC.

Fourth, the difference between BTCP and ZCL is that BTCP now has a qualified professional dev team working on it full time, unlike ZCL. It also uses the bitcoin brand, which will attract normies and bring price per coin up.

Fifth, the circulating supply will not be 7x that of ZCL. In reality, only around 3-4M ZCL/BTC would have been in the right place for the snapshot to create an equivalent amount of BTCP. What that means is that, in reality, the BTCP supply exposed to the market will be quite low compared to things like BTG or Bcash, but it will have a high market cap simultaneously, generating exposure because it is on the front page of CMC.

Sixth, these cookie cutter low effort fud copy pastes are getting really fucking annoying. It is so fucking obvious that this shit is being posted everywhere so you can get cheap oversold btcp before people realize its true value. Otherwise there would be no incentive to do this shit, because nobody is going to go out of their way to consistently fud a coin unless they have a motive behind it.

BTCP fudshits BTFO

>> No.8063453

This anon is right, if you withdraw you zcl on cryptopia a few hours before the fork you would be credited if your transaction was held up, they even warned people to get it off before that time if they wanted the btcp, for fuck sakes I use bittrex not cryptopia and I even know this, and bittrex ended up supporting the fork but I still made sure I had my shit off 24hrs before the fork as bittrex had not announced support. If op is not larping I do feel sorry for you but how the fuck did you not know all this, I didn't even want btcp, was hoping for a zcl but didn't happen so had to hold but I still made sure how the fork worked

>> No.8063459


>> No.8063476

You guys are low IQ faggots, every other chain with BTC UTXO's is doing well. This one is more legit then everything but BCH so fuck off moron

>> No.8063510


>> No.8063564

Lol go ahead you stupid fuck. All you will be doing is attracting more people to the coin. You really think the time you put into mining BTCP with your puny mining hardware and then dumping the pathetic amount you managed to produce is going to affect the market? Nice LARP, because anyone retarded enough to do that must be in an eternal fucking dream

>> No.8063593


>> No.8063607

I regret we couldn't short this shitcoin

>> No.8063617

does btcp have segwit? does btcp get distributed to segwit wallets?

>> No.8063623

First, it's a fork of ZCL. Rhett, the sneaky little fucker, managed to fool idiots into believing it's a Zcash+BTC fork, simply because ZCL is a fork of Zcash, which is a fork of BTC.

Second, it was always a shitcoin, even when the devs worked on it. Again, not enough of the community gave a fuck about the founders fee to abandon Zcash in favor of it, which is why the devs left it in the first place. Nobody fucking wanted it.

Third, yes it is. It's called community and dev support, and BTCP has none of it. The thing has 4k fucking subscribers on plebbit, and the vast majority of the BTC community ignores it as just another cashgrab off of the BTC name. Why don't you fork Monero tomorrow, slap the Bitcoin name on it, call it Bitcoin Private XXL because Monero shits all over Zcash, and become a multi-millionaire over night? That's right. Because slapping the Bitcoin name onto any shitcoin without support from the community just means it's the same old shitcoin with a fancier name.

Fourth, see one and two. This thing is a repeat of ZCL with a new name.

Fifth, that's why I said "IF" all coins are distributed. Not all of them will be, but it'll exceed the supply of ZCL, and it'll devalue the BTCP relative to ZCL.

Sixth, I shilled this shitcoin from the very beginning, but in the first few days everyone seemed aware that you'd have to be a complete fucking retard to hold until after the fork and be left holding bags. I guess the message got lost somewhere along the way.

You genuinely seem to believe in it, and you don't act like all these other retards who literally just copy their arguments from Twitter, which is why it's not going to be fun seeing you get JUSTed. You'll learn from it though, but the others won't. They'll buy into similar scams next month.

>> No.8063634

this is what i love the most about it
you can dump on them all day and they'll think they're the smart one
it's fucking incredible

>> No.8063688
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Implying any of the exchanges worked at all.
Cryptopia shat a brick and bittrex closed down the wallet so they can pull a fast one and obtain BTCP for themselves.
Tradesatoshi stopped working altogether for 12 hours.

>> No.8063694

You are right, yes it is a shit coin but you forget it has a brand name. Bitcoin private the normies will flood to buy this shit and its all that matters.

>> No.8063737

I repeat;

It's called community and dev support, and BTCP has none of it. The thing has 4k fucking subscribers on plebbit, and the vast majority of the BTC community ignores it as just another cashgrab off of the BTC name. Why don't you fork Monero tomorrow, slap the Bitcoin name on it, call it Bitcoin Private XXL because Monero shits all over Zcash, and become a multi-millionaire over night? That's right. Because slapping the Bitcoin name onto any shitcoin without support from the community just means it's the same old shitcoin with a fancier name.

The Bicoin name ensures that there will always be a few idiots buying into it, but nowhere near as many as you guys seem to think. Just like BitcoinZ, Bitcoin Dark, Bitcoin Plus.

>> No.8063745

For >>8063694

>> No.8063764

Anon I promise u no one cares about btcp. it was a scam to make a killing off zcl and dump it

>> No.8063770

Rhett never stated it was a Zcash+BTC fork. It has been presented as a ZCL+BTC fork. The ZCL aspect is present through zk-snarks, which is the privacy portion. The BTC aspect is present through the UTXO model which BTC uses, the name, and the vision that the team is trying to project: a better version of bitcoin.

A shitcoin is not a shitcoin because it was abandoned, it is a shitcoin because it is shit. There is nothing useful about it. Simple as that. That isnt the case with BTCP, or ZCL.

Explain to me why something like BTG sells at more than 100 dollars per coin when it has more than 3x the projected initial supply of BTCP. BTCP does everything BTG does and adds a privacy aspect with more incentive to miners as well because of more reward per block mined.

I really don't know why you keep shitting on the team and calling this a scam. They are really dedicated to the project and this is the first fork to release an actually detailed whitepaper before the mainnet launches. And I have looked through their credentials, they all seem qualified for what they are doing. From what I have seen on this site there seems to be an endless stream of fud directed towards Rhett and his team for no apparent reason.

>> No.8063779

If u actually believe this just kill your self

>> No.8063822
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rhett, if that's you, i hope you are aware that there will be nowhere to hide when some desperate people loses everything they have because of your scam.

>> No.8063823

I mean, you guys can fud it all you want. I don't know the story of how you guys managed to pull of a huge pnd on ZCL bagholders etc. etc.

What I do know is that in my honest opinion, the facts about BTCP are that:
It aims to be a better bitcoin that ensures privacy
It has a very normie/exposure friendly name
It will have low supply compared to other successful bitcoin forks like bcash and btg, driving price up
It does not need to beat monero in terms of privacy, it only needs to compete with it (which it can) while also retaining the bitcoin brand
Once the mainnet launches, BTCP will be one of the most profitable coins on the market to mine. That alone will drive a large market and make the price higher than BTG in the following months. People saying the price will be consistently lower than 100$ are trying to convince themselves and others that selling ZCL before the snapshot was the right choice.

>> No.8063859

Man some fudders are so delusional
Give me one good reason why it is a SCAM
not the fact that it mainly uses ZCL code, there is nothing inherently wrong with that. The devs all are qualified for the job, with some of them having phds. There is literally nothing for fudders to hide behind other than "lul fuck rhett and his shitty bitcoin copy scam lul".

>> No.8063954

This is the type of shit that gets the SEC involved. Nice little pump and dump they had going on here.

>> No.8063984

If this is a btc fork does if have segwit?

>> No.8064037

>shitcoins never moon

>> No.8064049

>be me
>feel like shit lately
>keep making bad decisions in crypto
>still above my entry position tho
>read these fucking posts
You know what biz? I'm doing alright, and everyone but OP is too. I mean, i'm bad with trading, but at least i'm not actively trying to push myself to suicide with the level of stupidity OP is working with. Thank you OP

>> No.8064052

>implying the sec themselves aren't thieving bastards

>> No.8064076

>implying the sec will accept any competition

>> No.8064237

thats not how it works genius

>> No.8064238

Obvious larp. "Noob drops 10k on a coin for a fork and doesn't take steps to get the fork" fuck off pajeet

>> No.8064280

You want to know what the plan was when /biz/ first started shilling this?

>Buy ZCL
>Hype the fuck out of the fork and BTCP
>Wait for normie retards to flock in
>Dump ZCL a few days before the fork and leave normie retards with useless BTCP bags

As more and more normie retards bought in, the threads gradually shifted towards being pro-BTCP.

You're going to get fucked so hard because you have no idea how crypto works.

>> No.8064314

Obviously a troll.... 'its my first coin i didn't know' well then why go all in with 10k and not do any research whatsoever and say you went on the one exchange that WASN'T supporting. Larpy darp

>> No.8064330

No it wasn't. With this amount of fud let me guess. You bought at 190, sold at 80 and didnt get the fork. Sucks to be you

>> No.8064337

You have no clue what you're talking about. Stfu. I didn't get involved in this coin cuz I know how crypto works and don't turn to biz or hype I do diligent research.

>> No.8064351

Point to another BTC fork with this much attention and support and devs and unique usecase that hasn't done well.

I see shit BTG and BTD still are doing well and have had crazy pump, this is way more legit then either of those so??

>> No.8064356

my friend dropped $2k into Zclassic when it was at $196

>> No.8064402

Not really so much... I personally went all in into PivX with tens of thousands of dollars back when I was a newbie chasing pumps, AFTER it went 20x in price.

Really dumb, but I was lucky to actually get out WITH profit, when it decided to do an additional x4, and I sold to get my investment back (something I luckily read somewhere).

>> No.8064419

>tfw i never touched this shitcoin and only started buying below 100k sats on topia

thx for the cheap coin guys

>> No.8064445

Btcp should be worth more than zcl

>> No.8064506


>> No.8064522

wow, that really sucks, i feel sorry for you. i had a similar situation last november where i made a very bad decision which basically cost me 70-80k. important to allow yourself to be mad about it. it's okay to be mad about it, don't surpress it. it will take a long time but it will fade.

>> No.8064545

The amount of FUD from assblasted btrash bag holders gives me confidence that this is gonna be big.

>> No.8064561



>> No.8064590

No one did, we are just shit posting. We are just relieving stress because we gambled on btcp.

>> No.8064625

Dude, contact cryptopia and beg them to help you out. I believe they will be claiming the btcp themselves since they need to do it for ppl who had stuck transactions anyway so it should only be a matter of finding a kind soul to help transfer them to your wallet. I hope you manage to get the btcp anon.

>> No.8064955

what do you mean you lost all you could?you still have 660$!

>> No.8065028


Take that 660 and go all in on Enigma.