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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 620x339, skelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8036918 No.8036918 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8036938

He's a communist. Ofc he hates us

>> No.8036953

lol he has the face of a classic 4chan browser specially /b/

>> No.8036960

everybody with money hates 4chan, or at least what it's become

>> No.8036974

fuck that faggot

>> No.8036975
File: 1.44 MB, 4200x2802, red_lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this changes things

>> No.8036983

hes tsundere

>> No.8036985

he seems exactly the type of faggot I'd expect on 4chan though

>> No.8036998
File: 3 KB, 124x125, 1518433439678s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I agree with him

/biz/ is trash

>> No.8037006

There should definitely be a campaign for pedos in support of Vitalik / ETH.

>> No.8037022

it surprises me people still post on that board in the year 2018 whats worse is those driveling idiots post here too

>> No.8037023

First Ada and now eth. Biz is getting some major mentions here

>> No.8037026
File: 265 KB, 680x680, 295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but we have our own billionaire warrior in moot

>> No.8037041
File: 211 KB, 386x574, DQmVccDWphCJgRG8MZygQaQEHUm4AYc9c2hPDgiWEMKL2yt_1680x8400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this malnourished goblin creature. He wears the "weird socially awkward middle school kid" shirt unironically, and he is a grown ass man. Did you really think he would turn out to be a /biz/ supporter when he dresses and acts like a Reddit gold user?

>> No.8037051
File: 1.42 MB, 1080x1080, 1518008777033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the guy is basically a self confessed pedo that is likely on the gay side
I can imagine he wouldnt like /biz/, yes

kek, take a look at a few of his photos
guy is 100% REDDIT

>> No.8037052

1. that's not true at all
2. you wouldn't fucking know I can tell you're poor

>> No.8037067

He ditched us for Google because he couldn't handle the banter. Mootykins is the biggest faggot of them all and remains so.

>> No.8037066
File: 124 KB, 633x758, itsallover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone blame us when bad things happen?

>> No.8037076
File: 16 KB, 405x405, 1472332643754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to the depth of hell

Thinks 4chan is hell.....

Makes a coin that gets hacked.

Please someone explain to me why the hell is ETH worth so much?

NEO is clearly going to over take it.

>> No.8037080






>> No.8037110

What a soy boy

>> No.8037147

I thought Steve jobs was dead?

>> No.8037159

Our boy chad Rhett already rekt him on twitter

>> No.8037163
File: 80 KB, 500x548, 1518575174586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might have something to do with those fake articles made here about his death.. newfags.

>> No.8037164


>> No.8037165

>basically a self confessed pedo
what? what did he say?

>> No.8037174
File: 4 KB, 227x55, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are all the same :)

>> No.8037190


>> No.8037216

Not worth it, /pol/ is traditionally the board that cares little enough about its image to interfere with irl people and organizations.

>> No.8037237

why everyone hate us now
the days are dark and the pain is long here

>> No.8037260

>wtf everyone hates us now
People never loved us to begin with and it never mattered if they did or did not.

>> No.8037263

What's his excuse for being such a dyel twink? It's not like he can't afford to eat big.

>> No.8037273
File: 88 KB, 640x799, 1518374880894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he made some abstract arguments that essentially defended pedophilia, which asskissers will rationalise as extreme spectrum case in point, but in reality was a public admission by a social autist that has likely ingested so much that he couldnt help bringing it to the table.

>> No.8037287

because he's an autist nerd and thats why it was a smart move to invest in such a person. who wont just abandon his project one he gets rich.

>> No.8037306 [DELETED] 


>> No.8037307

Vitalik is a pedophile

>> No.8037319

Piano man ded. The gains died with him... now only the few who heard the call of big eating and 8 hour arms will carry the torch and bear the burden.

>> No.8037320

Thanks just hedl 100k

>> No.8037334

>arguments that essentially defended pedophilia
That's a lie, anon-kun

>> No.8037340

Bog slaves hate 4channers!

>> No.8037345

literally nobody that isn't trying to shill their late-adopter shitcoins gives a fuck about some comments he made about images on your computer being private.

do you hear anything about that shit outside of 4chan, bastion of pedophillia?

>> No.8037360
File: 43 KB, 273x270, Screenshot_20180228-192955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because of people who save thumbnails.

>> No.8037367

Somebody make a a Vitalik accout and go in there and say "JK, send 1 ETH to this address to get your 5000" or whatever.

>> No.8037371

>malnourished goblin creature

Well said sir it gave me a hearty kek

>> No.8037373
File: 432 KB, 892x444, kneepads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8037374

What a faggot.

His shitty project wouldn't have been so adopted without this shit hole.

>> No.8037379
File: 117 KB, 1000x1500, 1518863710589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the actual quote and everyone can make their mind up, ass kisser

>4chan, bastion of pedophillia?
kek, the pedos are now triggered /biz/
just take a look at the younger girls they are posting now
4chan hasnt had a pedo problem for over a decade faggot, kys

>> No.8037383
File: 202 KB, 615x516, Screenshot (55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a retard, pic related

>> No.8037387

who cares if he dislikes 4chan, anyone who's not a le ebin newfag knows this place is a shithole.

>> No.8037394

I can't believe he died. I hope Scoobs stays safe.

>> No.8037398
File: 79 KB, 727x794, DOkShZoV4AAJwnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL this guy will end up in federal prison. It's inevitable.

>> No.8037399

>citation needed, faggot

>> No.8037400

It's because of brrappp posting

>> No.8037401

not really, biz was shitting all over eth for the first two years, it was the ethereum subreddit where things took off

>> No.8037403

yeah, expect for any anime related board, of course. trying to cause a moral outrage because of some shit like that is hilariously sjw tier.

>> No.8037414
File: 35 KB, 408x450, 1519354259131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says vitalik said something
>tells other people to cite it for him

>> No.8037425

Everyone is see this picture I struggle not to sell all my eth for NEO

>> No.8037435
File: 80 KB, 862x855, 1518106245916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually being dumb enough to not understand this tweet.

>> No.8037436

He’s on the natty lickaroo diet. With a small smattering of trt. He’s gon be around for awhile. He wasn’t injecting synthrol into his foreskin like the piana man.

>> No.8037437

its obvious you're a pedo that is triggered

kek, the absolute state of reddit revisionists

>> No.8037448

>people calling Vitalik autistic
>and in the same sentence saying he doesn't seem like a 4chan user
Smells like newfag in here.

>> No.8037471

Trading my ETH for LTC. Fuck that ky jelly packing faggot. Biz is the reason Im going to be rich no later than 2020. Link 1000 eoy. LTC #2 eoy.

>> No.8037481
File: 52 KB, 635x288, U5dqywHVnofcbwuYMiFg5FSzF7tUmGk_1680x8400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your interpretation?

>> No.8037482
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.00_[2018.01.21_12.59.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? Vitalik looks like your average /g/ or /a/ or /v/ stereotype.

/biz/ is full of normalfags so you wouldn't understand.

>> No.8037483
File: 3.08 MB, 306x404, 1518705905405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So explain how its definitely not a public admission and how normal people talk about that shit when discussing basically anything.
Explain how he is not arguing for freedom regarding the matter.
You're transparent, anon.

>> No.8037485

DST is retarded and so is your argument

>> No.8037502

He's not wrong tho
He's still commie scum

>> No.8037509

what a fucking turd burglar. this faggot actually just shit on me for posting here?

>> No.8037512

he's referring to a separate argument and this is literally taken out of context. who is Rick F and what did he say?

>> No.8037513
File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1519743814632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's usually the closet pedos that perform the most outrage over minor tweaks like this
very similar to the meme alcoholic priest sexually abusing kids and just in general being a terrible person in private whilst preaching strong morals in public
it's like that shakespeare quote, paraphrasing here -- "methinks the lady doth protest too much"

>> No.8037559

the guy you're quoting is the one posting his moral outrage. the pedos are the first to shut down even any discussion on the matter because they're terrified they'll accidentally say or do something incriminating.

>> No.8037569
File: 547 KB, 589x532, Vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be you
>see "Breaking: Troubled teen shoots up school before taking his own life"
>pic related is included
Now tell me, if he was not big in crypto would you even doubt this article at first glance? Sad stuff.

>> No.8037594

I agree. Let's fuck the eth network buying and selling shitons of crypto kitties, citties, waifis, pornstars. That will show him!

>> No.8037601

Anons tend to have a more bland sense of clothing. If he were one of those he would wear cheap shitty black/white shirts with tendie stains all over.

>> No.8037638

He's not wrong.

>> No.8037649

Vitalik is the living CPChain

>> No.8037651

>"youre actually gay if you're homophobic"

lol k, keep defending him though, you're totally not obvious as shit ;)

>> No.8037652

the same reason i wouldn't be surprised to see 10 black people's mugshots in an article about citywide carjackings

>> No.8037673

> every developed and successful developed country resets clocks
> nigs in the congo don't
cmon now

>> No.8037680

every second shirt he wears is a rainbow with kittens or unicorns or some stupid reddit tier "random" memery

straight up reddit

>> No.8037702
File: 37 KB, 645x773, 1512614185442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am NOT giving away 5000 ETH"

>> No.8037724

>making fun of a literal 20 year old billionaire computer genius because he doesn't socially signal like he's part of your preferred group of "cool guys"
how's that working out for you

>> No.8037746

Fuck this commie

>> No.8037769

niggers dont have clocks
>south america
monkeys are literally too stupid
>some of australia
Abo scum\
>sand niggers
The only clocks they use are for bombs
>chink town and russia
who cares

>> No.8037820
File: 201 KB, 1080x1349, 1518770298130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate I am making observations within a discussion about the likelihood of him being from here, which apparently has triggered you since its obvious the guy is 100% reddit, as evidenced by his distaste for 4chan in the OP

there are fuckloads of millionaires and billionaires in the world, I dont lose sleep over it, no anon :)

Life is great when you are content with your life, ability and gifts received thus far

get triggered more about your pedo limp wrist though

>> No.8037831
File: 27 KB, 399x385, nono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8037860

>Life is great when you are content with your life, ability and gifts received thus far
yeah double down on making sure we know how great you are

>> No.8037871

oh, shit. that's what i get for skimming. good job idiot me. thanks anon

anyway, point stands sans tag i guess.

>> No.8037885

You’re an imbecile. /biz is going to fud everything but they were absolutely the first to find that gold mine. I know because of friends that made x500 gains easily.

>> No.8037887

good try to save face

>> No.8037891
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1516798941782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>sand niggers
>The only clocks they use are for bombs

>> No.8037935

who is that

>> No.8037939
File: 91 KB, 1080x1080, 1517322229807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more you're not able to get under the skin of a totally anonymous poster with a stab in the dark, brainlet

So do you want to defend the guy and what he said, or are you just defending his honor?

>> No.8037940

I'm fucking in. I missed chanology and gamersgate, I will NOT miss this!

>> No.8037943 [DELETED] 

>essentially defended pedophillia
wrong. He was defending internet privacy by saying that the argument that our personal computers are extensions of our mind.
and how ignoring this could be a danger to society
he never once defends pedophilia and anyone who thinks that is even more autistic than vitalik.

>> No.8037950

Your gay lover faggot

>> No.8037977

This is great, the more bad publicity, the more normies and redditors stay out and the more advantage we have over the general population. /biz/ is basically cheating, we know about shit here before 90% of people.

>> No.8037993
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>> No.8038000
File: 94 KB, 640x800, 1517453273545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that thinks its normal or acceptable to cite freedoms of viewing CP as a position and argument to hold for any capacity is either the true autist unable to relate to normal human function and society, or a closet pedo trying to seed apologism and desensitisation

cry more

>> No.8038017

Fuck you.. I'm balls deep in ETH

>> No.8038019
File: 7 KB, 366x402, C1BEA385-0D83-42AA-98CE-A5EDF8E6EBA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying normies wont immediately start trawling 4chan after reading this tweet

>> No.8038032

>essentially defended pedophillia
wrong. He was defending internet privacy by saying the idea that our personal computers are extensions of our mind should be taken seriously
and how ignoring this could be a danger to society
he never once defends pedophilia and anyone who takes that from his tweet proves they are even more autistic than vitalik by showing they lack a basic understanding of human communication.

>> No.8038036

>The only clocks they use are for bombs
As a pyramid inhabitant this made me kek hard.

>> No.8038038

>heh, if nobody wants this coin, I can get all of them!
Typical secret club brainlet who don't understand how a market works. Lemme guess, you're stockpiling tulips too?

>> No.8038053
File: 532 KB, 708x1108, 1517285953912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you delete the post? Here, responded with this: >>8038000

>> No.8038065

this. he definitely fucks kids while on heroin.

>> No.8038068

Lol 90% of the shitcoins you people shill are created because of this "autistic pedophile". He's too smart for you people.

>> No.8038085

>he's not a 200kg "healthy" man! FUCK this commie piece of shit USA USA USA!!!

>> No.8038093

when will this pedo skelly die??

>> No.8038100
File: 125 KB, 620x612, 1518014076528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that we should just accept pedophilia because some smart cunt likes it?

there are plenty of smart murderers and rapists, is that really your only qualifier?
kek, kys

>> No.8038130

He needs to get lean. Maybe go to the gym a few times.

>> No.8038144

but that's how things were, ETH was labeled as a pyramid scheme since day one in here

>> No.8038161

r/buttcoin has been posting on 4chan for years anon

>> No.8038195

sounds like censorship by way of shame.
he's not advocating cp, he's not advocating abusing kids, etc. he's saying he could intelligently argue his point -- that's it. making the jump to "defending pedophilia" or saying he's a pedophile is a pretty big jump to make. you're overfocusing hard on that one thing.

>> No.8038205

you guys are the people making it about the cp. Vitaliks tweet doesn't defend it or even mention it.
I can't even tell if the people trying to use this as FUD are trying to slander him and eth or just unironically outraging over something that he didn't even say.

>> No.8038215
File: 229 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith, believe, be patience based Sminem will protect us and secure gains for everyone.

>> No.8038224

Huge gramatical error that made it unreadable. Just fixed and reposted.

>> No.8038234

ffs what a faggot. What's his master plan for vengeance then?

>> No.8038249
File: 81 KB, 653x651, 1516429390704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to 4chan
how did he know this was /pajeet/'s base of operations

>> No.8038275

No, you smoothbrain, it's called being an early adopter. 4chan finds out about things earlier, by the time something hits Reddit, it's public knowledge. The the more normies are scared of 4chan, the more that's true.

>> No.8038277

Sminem is the god of crypto, he will do what is necessary to strike down those that blasphem him.

>> No.8038286
File: 98 KB, 716x768, 1517499293855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like censorship by way of shame.
of what, pedophilia, CP? Oh heavens no wont someone please think of the pedos rights!
>making the jump to "defending pedophilia" or saying he's a pedophile is a pretty big jump to make
kek, he was the one that brought it up, normal people dont cite CP when discussing freedoms
anyone objectively reading that tweet and seeing him say what he does comes away thinking he is a pedo
the fact that he wears what amounts to childrens clothing is just the cherry on top m8

>> No.8038320

Imagine you had a crystal ball that showed you what will be on r/cryptocurrency in a week but also showed you a bunch of pajeet shill/FUD posts. That's /biz/.

>> No.8038344

no, demonizing harmless discussion (discussion that, again, does not advocate child pornography like you really want to believe it does) because it includes a topic that personally triggers you
that's pretty sjw

are you "normal people", anon? is that what you want everyone to think and why you're so desperate to have this quote framed in a certain way?

>> No.8038390

>>making the jump to "defending pedophilia" or saying he's a pedophile is a pretty big jump to make

Read this >>8038344

>> No.8038406
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 1518014175907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a moralfag SJW if you accept people arguing the pros and cons of pedophilia or the right to it because FREEDOM
kek, I'd love to see you argue that to any given crowd IRL. That they are "demonising harmless discussion" because they are getting triggered. KEK

>> No.8038411

Oh well, might as well roll with it. Beat his ass, Sminem. Show the Reddit goblin the error of his ways kek

>> No.8038438


>> No.8038446

Yeah go around asking people IRL if they thing our personal computers are extensions of our mind. I would think some people would agree with you.
Most just wouldn't want to talk to you.

>> No.8038448

guy, being able to debate an issue from both sides is one of the hallmarks of an intelligent and thoughtful head.
being able to debate x does absolutely not mean you subscribe to x personally.

>> No.8038485

not really, buttcoin was created by a bunch of people that labeled bitcoin a pyramid scheme since the beginning, and it really took off when disgruntled customers of mtgox lost their fortunes in 2014 and then in 2015 during the $160s dip when people got rekt.

>> No.8038510
File: 88 KB, 800x1280, 1518765442201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice editing, add in an example of CP and see how they react. Kek

People that would cave in and allow discussions revolving pedophilia or the freedom to access CP due to having their intellect questioned over not having an open enough mind are brainlets to begin with.

No one needs to feel like they are doing wrong but not even humouring anything that seeks to elevate CP and pedos, which is the obvious intention if it enters discussion as anything other than a negative.

This is blatant.

>> No.8038513

It's the second one. Any sideways reference to pedophilia shocks the monkey and makes him chimp out, forgetting whatever the conversation might have actually been about.

>> No.8038535

>not really
>proceeds to state that they have been active since around / before 2014

lol wut

>> No.8038537
File: 102 KB, 620x835, vitalik-commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wants to take your property though

>> No.8038547

they've been posting mainly on on /r/bitcoin , sure there were couple of posters that posted here but nothing big or coordinated.
Anyhow, they had ebin memes in 2014, I made couple for them, really enjoyed the whole thing.

>> No.8038590
File: 555 KB, 768x1367, 1519007125600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, doesnt respect property rights and uses CP as an example when discussing personal freedoms he desires


>> No.8038647

He's not trying to elevate pedophilia though, that's the thing. And I don't think people should feel obligated to have to like kind of overperform morality and hypersignal virtue in order to discuss something just because other people are super-eager to dogpile.

>> No.8038668


Does he know what renting means?

>> No.8038743

>No one needs to feel like they are doing wrong but not even humouring anything that seeks to elevate CP and pedos, which is the obvious intention if it enters discussion as anything other than a negative.

Not blatant.

Technology has grown. Alot. Maybe we need to set precedence for the future. How do we find a balance of being able to stop things such as cp, while still respecting the privacy of the individual. You are honestly a brainlet if you do not understand this.

>> No.8038749

Bringing it into the conversation and it not being explicitly negative, but actually a cited example of something that is "harmless", is seeking to elevate it, to seed it.

To honestly suggest that mainstream interpretation of this would side with him and not see through it for what it is - an indication that you are too far removed from civil society to pass a relevant judgement. Whether or not that is the case is irrelevant - but it your motivations are blatant. Normal people dont even humor the discussion as soon as it turns that way, vitalik is too young to realise his errors. Young idealism. The problem here is that he has the funds to push it if he wants.

>> No.8038751


fuck DST... it has no purpose other than annoying people. Just set the offical time 30mins in any back and keep it that way year round.

>> No.8038791

>uses CP as an example when discussing personal freedoms he desires
Is CP wrong if the child is your property?

>> No.8038795

performative autism

he basically acts like someone would predict a total autist would act to get attention and give off the image of being an eccentric genius

>> No.8038803
File: 128 KB, 1080x1349, 1517471921633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we find a balance of being able to stop things such as cp, while still respecting the privacy of the individual.
The tweet was suggesting that viewing CP is harmless to society while heroin hurts society.
You are the brainlet if you are unable to realise this and seek convoluted rationalisations that venture into abstract ideals, you are the brainlet if you think that a civil discussion can or should happen regarding CP, or that someone would cite it in any capacity if they didnt consume it.


>> No.8038884
File: 57 KB, 766x401, Capture0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tweet was suggesting that viewing CP is harmless to society while heroin hurts society.

Do you have any proof.
pic related

>> No.8038897

Money skelly is an old /v/irgin. I know because I met him at a Devcon and asked him.

But the money and fame has probably gotten to his head, so now he's too good for his old /v/irgin friends, and instead he aims to gain the acceptance of normies on plebbit.

>> No.8038922

>You are the brainlet if you are unable to realise this and seek convoluted rationalisations that venture into abstract ideals,

Also what? You are admitting to being a brainlet.

>> No.8038971
File: 109 KB, 749x921, 1518024678243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no worries mate, you want proof?


t. obvious pedo
cry more about it faggot

I wont be reposting the tweet in case the guy is on copyright warpath, if that is even possible.

Once again:


>> No.8038976

re: Vitalik using his money to fund mass-normalization of pedophilia-- I'm not gonna hold my breath on that one.

With all due respect, your argument feels a little paranoid. My gut feeling is that his intent with that tweet was not as you imply - that is, to advocate or normalize child pornography. I think that's a bit of a stretch and especially so when you start talking about him potentially using his megamoney to fund said normalization and the rest of us being too stupid to see it.

>> No.8038986

Yeah, my argument is totally paranoid because the guy came out and basically confirmed it:
shill more, vitalik

>> No.8039017

You're one of them don't lie just because you browse b less now that you have crypto

>> No.8039039

>implying biz has normie friendly UI or content

At the first sight of nigger kike they will bail

>> No.8039044

Still not seeing it the way you are.
This isn't some Hollywood producer being all subversive vis normalization, this is some wildly intelligent autistic dude overthinking as a willy intelligent autistic dude do. In public, unfortunately. It doesn't mean he's advocating cp.

But you're right, normal people are going to take that the wrong way, especially with that clickbait title.

>> No.8039077

How does heroin impose risk on others?

>> No.8039083

I really, really like this picture.
Do you mind if I save it?

>> No.8039088


>> No.8039089

Just wanted to make sure we were looking at the same tweets. Also i would only like to see things posted on twitter itself. >https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/930294485614977024
anything else could just be shopped or inspect element. And i don't think is credible.
>t. obvious pedo
not a pedo. but this mentality of calling strangers over the internet a pedo is a bad one and a sign of low intelligence.

>> No.8039095
File: 55 KB, 570x570, 1517718865085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont need the title. They just need to read the tweets where he suggests that heroin poses more risk to society than viewing CP, and that the benefits that legal CP would include having the laptop / computer being seen as an extension of the mind.
The latter I agree with to some capacity, but to suggest that there is no link to CP or motivating factor when its the very argument being used?

Its blatant and the guy caught himself out thinking he could hide in abstraction - something that makes sense for an autist, but to anyone else looking objectively...

junkies and healthcare costs, crime and accidents etc

>> No.8039107

He should think of the children!

>> No.8039134
File: 254 KB, 1080x1337, 1518251996498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Also i would only like to see things posted on twitter itself. >https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/930294485614977024
anything else could just be shopped or inspect element. And i don't think is credible.

You're either a newfag, or attempting to misdirect newfags.
The tweets were deleted, but not before it was posted to /biz/ and verified by users here, along with the internet.
By suggesting you dont even believe its true, you come out as a newfag that is talking out of third hand experience at best

>not a pedo. but this mentality of calling strangers over the internet a pedo is a bad one and a sign of low intelligence.
kek you really want this to land
too bad its impotent given the fact the guy basically dug his own hole, then continued to do so

Again for those that missed it:

>> No.8039149

>Bcashers want cp? Whaddabout bitcoiners wanting drugs!
Is his retort.
Is this a good argument?

>> No.8039304

Whoops, fucked up the tag.
I gotta jet. Thanks for the back and forth, anon. If he does come out as a creep, I'm all for selling and grabbing my pitchfork. Until then, my gut feeling is that this is just some autty being autty and not realizing how the average person is gonna interpret.
Did he ever lay out his argument for anyone, re: the heroin vs cp thing?
Peace duder

>> No.8039328

Im not posting for you i am posting for anyone reading this low tier FUD. I am going to bed.
I don't understand why someone would even post shit like this unless they were actually retarded. You seemed to get the point of my shopped argument. Isn't that what you were trying to argue? It's all about what the normies think. Enjoy your miserable life faggot.

>> No.8039359
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I think its an autist thinking he can hide in plain sight, which is to say, severely underestimating normies and the general crowd.
At least he came out to say no explicitly after it blew up though.

>> No.8039400

Hahaha how obviously triggered can you be, you're suggesting its all a lie and its just FUD as opposed to a tard waving a pedo flag then deleting the posts because hey, they are actually kid of incriminating


>> No.8039405

>junkies and healthcare costs, crime and accidents etc
That argument is only valid in a non-libertarian setting, where people don’t have to bear full responsibility for their actions.

>> No.8039470
File: 49 KB, 640x453, 1518107673276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean basically any first world nation? Oh ok anon, thanks for clearing that up!

I aint no statist but I can see how ludicrous an argument is that essentially states its your own fault for dying for living in a country where people can get high, get in a truck then ram it into your house with impunity citing FREEDOM and you not being responsible enough to build barricades / own more land

>> No.8039945

Just out of curiosity, would you like a website that made everyone in the world believe you were dead?

>> No.8040147

No wonder that cunt is so skinny. Commies hate effective agricultural practices

>> No.8040444

Yep, any nation actually.
I do believe that you are the only one that should bear the consequences if you choose to consume hard drugs. And I’m not exactly a tea totaller. As for your second example, the guy ramming is clearly violating the NAP in several ways, so should also bear the full responsibility of his actions. And people consume drugs whether they are legal or not. It’s just incredibly more dangerous on several levels when it’s illegal.
I guess you are American so you can take the prohibition as an example of the consequences of banning a hard drug.

>> No.8040666

So he didn't consider the entire scenario, and was wrong on the subject. That's not outrageous like this blogger maintains.

>> No.8040989

how did 4chan manage to pull that off anyway? don't people verify their sources?

>> No.8041040

Wow, 4chan got told to fuck themselves by Vitalik and Charles Hoskinson today, good job. I'm just about to switch to Reddit desu.

>> No.8041112

bullshit if u don't have a source
and don't come at me with some tweet as a jpeg

>> No.8041124
File: 33 KB, 640x877, 1518020258011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok satan, but pulling CP into it to begin with is what is suspect. Any other example would have been able to illustrate his point better than using CP.
This isnt that hard to understand m8
Unless of course you desire freedom in that way.

you wont be missed :)

>> No.8041147
File: 302 KB, 809x1348, 1517582314601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a total newfag and a brainlet if you're unable to both follow sources here along with verifying it yourself via google

they guy made the tweets and deleted them after figuring that they were a bad idea

now you pedo shills can only really argue "it was fake to begin with"


>> No.8041154

No, he did. People are exaggerating, but he still said something to the effect that there were no real victims (talking about people who trade that material) when in fact for them to have that material, something extremely disgusting had to be done and someone was victimized and fucked up for life. I'm not searching the keywords, but it was a twitter post, I'm sure it's easy to find. He was comparing this and drug abuse (heroin?) if I remember correctly. He was trying to make a point, but can't remember that part.

>> No.8041173

calm down reddit

who even cares, girls get dicked and impregnated when they are 12 these days anyway

>> No.8041196

stop thotposting all these not asian thots

>> No.8041234
File: 332 KB, 1052x1402, 1516155615310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. achmed
Just to clear it up for observers, this anon is telling me to "calm down" and suggesting I am a redditfag because I am responding to an old thread and they thought I had left by now, not able to share the fact that:


for you, anon

>> No.8041274

calm down reddit

>> No.8041287

If you watch an ISIS execution video or some torture video on a gore site, does that hurt the victims any further? Same issue, both were terrible acts being video'd. Why are murder or gore videos not banned?

>> No.8041289

The EU recently canceled DST if Im not mistaken

>> No.8041307

How can he be a commie, yet believe in crypto? Is he that autistic?

>> No.8041326

Every time you respond to me :)

>> No.8041352

easy there Reddit fag

>> No.8041377

Because in most cases, afaik, these people were not killed explicitly to make and sell those videos. I really wouldn't mind if some of them videos were illegal too, but that's an entirely different issue and irrelevant to the current argument. You don't defend abusing a child and certainly don't encourage this shit.

>> No.8041415

pedo friend / VPN, doesnt matter ;)


>> No.8041446

calm down reddit :)

>> No.8041506
File: 188 KB, 1080x1349, 1517395787145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty entertaining that you guys had to both delay continuation of the conversation along with devolve to a circle of comments to get the last word, so thank you for the chance both to share the link again via way of
(the above link detailing tweets vitalik made then deleted, and some anons here are suggesting now was all fake to begin with)
Along with the chance to post relevant information to support this thot

>> No.8041518

>Doesn't redistribute his ill gotten wealth
checks out

>> No.8041522


>> No.8041530

you are mistaken

>> No.8041540
File: 83 KB, 960x720, 1484493133748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls reddit

calm down

>> No.8041566

its ok anon, its obvious for anyone reading by now :)

>> No.8041586

It seems they will cancel it soon then

>> No.8041665

> Being this trailerschooled
Why would countries on the close to the Ecuador change clock? the sun rises and sets at the same time the whole year, no seasons.

>> No.8041797

Reminder: he’s a hypocrite

Gets mad at scammers but sits and does deals with Putin, et al

Fuck this utter Reddit cunt
He liked biz when he was shilling his coin here years ago, no doubt

>> No.8042876

>disregards pussy
>level-headed golem of logic

>hate putin
>hate pedos
>love fatties
>love reddit
>probably half pajeets
>get emotional and triggered over the slightest things

one of these don't belong here
vitalik is /ourguy/, you cunts need to leave this board and crawl back to discord.in

>> No.8043145

Just a handfull of small transactions per sec will crash the network, just saying. A well made bot could bring ETH to its knees.

>> No.8043176

This. Or how to detect insecure 14 year olds on the internet

>> No.8043215

34 posts by this ID
Pedophile detected

>> No.8043336

seems like those MONEY SKELLY jokes really got to him. theres no way at his levels of autism, that he doesnt,or did browse 4chan

>> No.8043347
File: 35 KB, 493x387, 1327161974520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DST is retarded. Give me 1 (one) reason it is necessary or a good idea

>geography is relevant to whether DST is a good idea or not

Literally kill yourself, back to >>>/pol/

>The only clocks they use are for bombs

pic related

Doesn't make DST not retarded though

>> No.8043438

>he thinks the government should have free access to the files on his computer for law enforcement

Holy fuck, just go back to >>>/pol/ you absolute fucking piece of subhuman trash.

>kek, the pedos are now triggered /biz/
>le triggered meme xDDDDD

>4chan hasnt had a pedo problem for over a decade faggot, kys

Have you ever been to /b/? Or did you jump straight to /pol/ when you came to this site?

>its obvious you're a pedo that is triggered

Burden of proof is on you, so prove he said it or neck yourself.

>> No.8043466

Kill yourself pedo
One day your kind will be hanged til death freely

>> No.8043967

he must have sold 6k

>> No.8044005

4chan is worthless pieces of shit who leech off of his accomplishments. Of course he hates us.

>> No.8044018

How do we destroy Ethereum?

>> No.8044030

unironically yes

>> No.8044055

>tfw building court case defense for the exit scam since day 0.

>> No.8044122

No one reply to this fucking redditor please he's a cancer and joined biz like 7 days ago
He always posts thots and dumb opinions
Also 34 replies by this id lol kys

>> No.8044162
File: 2.79 MB, 3000x2000, 1517314794011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, you fags really are cowards waiting until you think its safe

anyone reading the thread will know that the guy made some questionable tweets then deleted them, and it has triggered the fuck out of literal pedos like you


>> No.8044170

>the literal next Bill Gates thinks this board is full of scammers
>every thread is LINK or shitcoin scam
I have absolutely no problem agreeing with Skeleton here, and on 99% of things. Yes obviously 5 standard deviations more intelligent than anyone here.

I have no issues getting rich while you fucking idiots argue over the "next bitcoin". If all you did dor researching blockchain was read Buterin's public internet posts you'd be better off than 95% of people in understanding the future of the tech.

>> No.8044197


nah this was LINK-tier shilled on /biz/

>> No.8044273

I thought that this faggot browsed here and was on our side, fuck him and his shit coin

>> No.8044290

>entering the thread late is being a coward

Unlike you I don't browse this website all day.

>> No.8044343

>Friendship ended with Money Skelly
>Now Sergay is my best friend

>> No.8044350
File: 106 KB, 640x640, 1519270103403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey gramps get with times, you can be outside whilst browsing 4ch and you can certainly go out and enjoy life for a while on a quiet day and come back to a thread that is alive all day after a burst of activity in the form of heated discussion

you do realise that I am against pedos, which is to say that you are pro pedo by having an issue with anything I am saying? brainlet

>> No.8044412
File: 66 KB, 644x500, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey gramps get with times, you can be outside whilst browsing 4ch and you can certainly go out and enjoy life for a while on a quiet day and come back to a thread that is alive all day after a burst of activity in the form of heated discussion

So when why call me a coward for entering the thread late? I don't browse 4chan on my phone nor in public, and I don't sit at home all day browsing it either.

>you do realise that I am against pedos

Yes, you've made that perfectly clear through your insecure projections.

>which is to say that you are pro pedo by having an issue with anything I am saying? brainlet
>le us vs. them either with or against

No, I'm arguing with >>8037273 >>8038000 >>8038032

Wanting privacy is not supporting pedos, you assmad fucking brainlet. Jesus christ, are you that dumb?

>> No.8044422

Stop posting dude kys

>> No.8044460
File: 260 KB, 1080x1272, 1518793517414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot I am not suggesting that privacy is bad, just that using CP as a positive that leads to positives as your argument as he did is arguing for pedos

that is clear and simple and the only faggots convoluting it into a "privacy matters so much we will shill for pedos" are you, pedos

>> No.8044498

>faggot I am not suggesting that privacy is bad, just that using CP as a positive that leads to positives as your argument as he did is arguing for pedos


Now you're projecting and putting words in my mouth again. Are you 12?

>> No.8044514
File: 151 KB, 581x908, 1517819233392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting privacy is not supporting pedos


do you even know what is being discussed, retard? Here, ill remind you:
since we're going circles anyway

>> No.8044549

>do you even know what is being discussed, retard? Here, ill remind you:

See >>8044412
I was talking about the discussion in >>8037273 >>8038000 >>8038032. Ain't my fault that you started discussing something else afterwards.

>> No.8044583
File: 209 KB, 874x1024, 1519642833412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time dont jump into the middle of an argument and disregard the actual arguments in favor of getting triggered by words or concepts brainlet
the actual issue here is >>8039400
the link at the end of that
and the implications of that
everything said there
its pretty black and white mate
either you're pro or for what he said, and its fucking retarded to simultaneously bring CP into the discussion but then attempt to divorce it from the implicated freedoms you're seeking


>> No.8044686
File: 20 KB, 250x243, 1516596889331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanting to be in the good graces of a cp loving, drug abusing rusky sperg under rusky gov guidance sure ...

>> No.8044919

We are...

>> No.8044947

Nah, hiromoot just wants to collect all the powerful chans and be the big boss.

>> No.8044948
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1513479932354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only clocks they use are for bombs

>> No.8045117

>still not banned
what did the mods mean by this?