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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 183 KB, 1146x624, MarketisHOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8003986 No.8003986 [Reply] [Original]

Futures market for crypto is now a thing.

The dependent variable in this situation or the contract being bet on is Ethphoenix.io.
Ethpyramid.io and ethphoenix.io both point to the same contract.
Dappradar put it in there top ten list to recieve 100 mln in grant funding from skelly man, not kidding.

This shit is going to the moon mates. Get some popcorn.
Who would have thought it all would have started on /biz/ too?
Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.8004036


>> No.8004072

this just makes it easier for a whale to crash epy

>> No.8004109
File: 495 KB, 1170x923, ethphoenix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's designed to encourage whales to manipulate the market. You can always bet bearish if you think it will crash.

>> No.8004149
File: 483 KB, 1170x923, fugnphoenix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the wrong picture. Delet.

>> No.8004269

rolling for 5-10 bull winning

>> No.8004351

i feel the 5-10 to be too high to be rational, but as the bet was set so long ago, things might have changed in their plans.

>> No.8004383

Posting in historical thread

>> No.8004414

This seems like a terrible idea

I love it.

>> No.8004478
File: 39 KB, 480x360, hq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8004525

Holy fuck this is a truly bad idea

>> No.8004555

this is fucking retarded. look at yourself. you even have memes premade and everything you fucking retarded shill neck yourself with a rope

>> No.8004596


why dont you put your money where your mouth is then an short it?

>> No.8004597
File: 150 KB, 720x720, 1516485162555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a moon starting over at POWH coin. Recolutionary new dividends programme with ERC20 coin. 1 Day old and paying out divs forever. Translations coming imminently for Korean, Mandarin, Japanese. Use this address for a 30% bonus: refcode.club

>> No.8004610

everybody betting on >10% will win

>> No.8004642

they key time approaches. Fomo begins at the end so everyone tries to get the best data. This is when moves will be made.

>> No.8004674

wow this is really dumb, im glad i listened to norsefire and moved with him to powhcoin

>> No.8004745

Norsefire had nothing to do with PoWH and is still actively invested (both financially and for development) in ethphoenix.
Stop making shit up.

Regards sumpunk

>> No.8004823


sumpunk has nothing to do with EthPhoenix and is still actively invested (both financially and for development) in ShadowPyramid. Stop making shit up.

Regards QuantumDeath666

>> No.8004843



>> No.8004860

This is not a lie. But I made the fugnphoenix.

>> No.8004901

MFW the best POWH7 can do is post pictures of girls, cause they got no game..


>> No.8004922

be warned, if you send you shit too late, it will bounce!

>> No.8004939

> Be me
> Not home
> No metamask
> Can't make history
> peepeepoopoo.png

>> No.8004945
File: 11 KB, 245x251, 1376024049974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8004984



>> No.8004987

Is there source code anywhere for the futures contract? Want to see how it's all calculated first.

>> No.8005010



>> No.8005026
File: 35 KB, 678x381, cindicator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cindicator is a hybrid intelligence (wisdom of the crowd + AI) market prediction software. On average, it maintains 70% accuracy of all of its calls, meaning you can literally buy the coins, stake them, and start receiving market indicators that are actionable immediately.

>why hasn't everyone bought it yet?
they're going to start a world wide marketing campaign targeting banks, venture capitalists and hedge funds in 2018.

Cindicator is one of few cryptocurrencies backed by any legitimate product.

Take a look at its competitor, Augur, for instance. No working product, failing milestones in the roadmap, 500m market cap.

Yup. 500mil for something that has no working product and no plans of release in the immediate future, vs Cindicator's product valued at 200m which is providing extremely high quality, accurate market forecasts essentially printing money for its investors.
This is the project the whales don't want you to know about.

This is the project that will give you 100x returns over the next year through its calls and the appreciation of the token's value.

Below I'll post some of its previous calls so you can see for yourself what I mean.

>> No.8005082
File: 289 KB, 523x540, 1517449778850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but can it predict ethphoenix/ethpyramid....?

>> No.8005102

i shorted your pyramid scheme suckers

>> No.8005191

thanks for the eth

>> No.8005206
File: 39 KB, 599x614, shill_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to shill this.

>> No.8005324

now the manipulation begins

>> No.8005347

Again : How does this work? How are those multipliers calculated? What's the math? Why isn't that all clearly laid out on the site?

Not buying into something without transparency.

>> No.8005374

Hope so. Gimme those divvies

>> No.8005409
File: 35 KB, 749x127, Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 6.12.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, i asked the dev for you. This was the reply.

>> No.8005527

It's first release relax

>> No.8005757

dipping to first block soon

>> No.8005781


Norse checking in - aye, the contract is (and to the best of my knowledge, will remain) as bytecode for a degree of competitive advantage.

I'd have suggested that it be open-sourced were it not patently obvious that any innovation we make a move on will be pilfered within ten minutes.

>> No.8005946

That's not an answer.

How is it all calculated? What's the math? What determines the multiplier?

>> No.8005976

What does that have to do with anything?

If you're going to shill, at least understand the basics of what you're shilling.

How. Is. It. Calculated? What. Is. The. Algorithm?

>> No.8006014


You at least might be able to answer. What's the algo behind this? How are those multipliers calculated? Basically, math please?

>> No.8006187


I've linked the dev to this thread to come and explain

>> No.8006199
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 1401048717995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down buddy

>> No.8006223


Multiplier is the total pot divided by the pool.

>> No.8006302

No. Shills that can't even answer a simple question about the most fundamental feature of something are below even regular /biz/ pajeet tier. You want people in this? Provide the minimum amount of basic info about it.

>> No.8006319


Answered already, but here it is:

How are multipliers calculated?

A pot multiplier is calculated by taking the total pot and dividing it by the amount that has been put into a particular pool, as that pool will wins the whole pot at settlement. You can check it yourself by dividing the total pot by the amount that has been placed in a particular pool. TOTAL POT SIZE / POOL SIZE = MULTIPLIER.

>> No.8006373

Total pot divided by the pool for each of the price ranges listed? No other weighting applied? Good, nice a simple.

Ok ty! A straight answer.

>> No.8006404


No other weighting applied. But at the moment there is a 10% vig that goes to the house to seed the next round. After a few rounds, this will be reduced to a more reasonable number.

>> No.8006846

History has been made here tonight boys.

>> No.8006924


how does it feel to always be wrooong

>> No.8007141


>> No.8007188

Who else made $$ tonight?

I didn't bet a lot, and only made ~$100 ( I took the easy bet at ~1.9:1), but it was E A S Y

You KNOW I am coming back tomorrow!

Be there, or be poor

>> No.8007805

better off with this https://2xmachine.surge.sh

double your money twice as fast if everyone joins in

>> No.8007982

god fucking damn it why did i short your pyramid scheme

>> No.8008106
File: 63 KB, 1167x468, pyrmex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this not displaying a wrong value? It says 0.001eth was put into the >10% gains but the pool size says 0.01eth? There's was only the one transaction for that bracket.

>> No.8008151

Fuck off with your scam. This thread isn't for scams, it's for pyramid smart contracts.