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7997554 No.7997554 [Reply] [Original]

Started a new job as a code monkey and holy fucking shit.... even though i'm basically just staring into a screen 8 hours a day i still feel all my energy being completely sucked out of me and by the end of the day I don't even have enough willpower to do anything. Not even video games interest me. Heck, I've completely lost the motivation to even masturbate anymore... I just want to lay in bed because I feel so exhausted until I shitpost myself to sleep. So just how do normie wagecucks do it 40 years straight and still have a social life / pursue hobbies?

>> No.7997674
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Ignorance is bliss anon.

>> No.7997705

what's your salary?

if you save+invest at least half of it after 10 years you will probably be able to retire

>> No.7997713

I shitpost on 4chan all day at my job

fels good man

>> No.7997761

welcome to the “real world”... not quite as awesome as what they sold you huh?

>> No.7997779

Well better get used to it. I'm depressed as shit and I still force myself to go to work most of the days. Also a developer.

>> No.7997828
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eh it depends on your employer.
I'm a sysadmin. I worked at a big IT firm and was providing DevOps services for multiple customers.

Honestly it was hard and it sucked. filling in timesheets and all that. I got fired after 6 months and was fucking glad too.

I then picked up the exact same job at a different place, a company where only one software is build and maintained. now I'm so fucking chill.

We don't even have to fill in any time sheets.
Laugh a lot, have fun, work at own pace.

Really if you aren't content where you are first change employer.

I work about 6 hours a day, do one hour of trading and crypto and one hour of reading / shilling / talking to people

not all jobs suck my friend.
desu i see this wage job as extra income while I trade.