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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7996772 No.7996772 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7996788

Amateur code

>> No.7996798


shoo university of pakistan alumni. go get your java code for fiverr to compile.

>> No.7996831

who is Lerna Jason?

>> No.7996851

Too many static classes and singletons. This can affect testability and readbility.

>> No.7996867

worst coding ive seen so far, not even LARPing

>> No.7996887


did you read the tests?

>> No.7996905

you are definitely. provide criticism if you aren't.

>> No.7996939

Anyome who's beem following REQ for a while knows their code is absolute spaghetti dogshit.

No wonder they are out sourcing.

>> No.7996956

Low tier FUD copypasta

>> No.7996995

Just check that magic strings and hard coded conditionals. This will gonna end bad.

>> No.7997038

Where are ya looking?

>> No.7997079
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Now that I'm looking, it is weird how many static public objects there are. What is getter and setter

>> No.7997148

>What is getter and setter

the absolute state of the FUDding pajeets

>> No.7997162

Classic example of buy high, sell low. Stop with the FUD pajeet, REQ is going up without you and your lost money

>> No.7997280

Why REQ when this?


>> No.7997327

yikes, if this weren't baseless pajeet fud I'd be worried about that

>> No.7997414

for someone who isnt technical what does this look like?

>> No.7997423

Just check the code by yourself, big pajeet.

>> No.7997439

>This will gonna end bad
what did he mean by this

>> No.7997440


Completely different use case. Why did you make me read this??

>> No.7997506

I know 0 shit about coding but I think I'll trust the REQ team on this over literal pajeets in a horse semen worshippers forum.

>> No.7997612

not good, but then when they have been releasing the code in the past it was also not so good so I'm disappointing but not surprised.

>> No.7997772

thanks buying more

>> No.7997838

Some of the best code I've ever seen.

>> No.7997882

Like any of these larpers can read code.

>> No.7998065

Thanks just bought 777k

>> No.7998097

Fantastic code

>> No.7998103

Request network: A decentralized network built on top of Ethereum, which allows anyone, anywhere to request a payment.

Payment request API:

This specification standardizes an API to allow merchants (i.e. web sites selling physical or digital goods) to utilize one or more payment methods with minimal integration. The merchant that runs an online store, or other party that requests to be paid.

>> No.7998261

>I'm disappointing but not surprised.
Found the pajeet

>> No.7999019

Holy fuck mods can we please get flags on this board, this entire thread's quality is fucking terrible filled with pajeet grammar.

What the fuck where did all of you come from.

>> No.7999045

Never seen such an obvious pajeet. Hope you get cancer in the balls.

>> No.7999882

holy fuck decided to check the code for myself and this is the first thing I see

>function elementaryName (name) {
> if (name.startsWith('int[')) {
> return 'int256' + name.slice(3)
> } else if (name === 'int') {
> return 'int256'
> } else if (name.startsWith('uint[')) {
> return 'uint256' + name.slice(4)
> } else if (name === 'uint') {
> return 'uint256'
> } else if (name.startsWith('fixed[')) {
> return 'fixed128x128' + name.slice(5)
> } else if (name === 'fixed') {
> return 'fixed128x128'
> } else if (name.startsWith('ufixed[')) {
> return 'ufixed128x128' + name.slice(6)
> } else if (name === 'ufixed') {
> return 'ufixed128x128'
> }
> return name

Uhhhhh guys?

>> No.8000085

Explain pls

>> No.8000143

Holy fuck. This is big

>> No.8000162


holy fuck just bought 100k

>> No.8000165

so whats it mean

>> No.8000187


wow just sold 100k

>> No.8000237

This mean that the team is composed of the biggest indians of the whole history.

>> No.8000243
File: 376 KB, 640x693, 1488712311872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why only cute girls should be programmers

>> No.8000247

Holy shit I just simultaneously bought and sold 100K

>> No.8000359
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>> No.8000387

looks like just a quick & dirty hack. something I'd not go back and fix because it's not worth the time
for example a similar section would look like:

func TestTypeCheck(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range []struct {
typ string
input interface{}
err string
{"uint", big.NewInt(1), "unsupported arg type: uint"},
{"int", big.NewInt(1), "unsupported arg type: int"},
{"uint256", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"uint256[][3][]", [][3][]*big.Int{{{}}}, ""},
{"uint256[3][3][3]", [3][3][3]*big.Int{{{}}}, ""},
{"uint8[][]", [][]uint8{}, ""},
{"int256", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"uint8", uint8(1), ""},
{"uint32", uint32(1), ""},
{"uint64", uint64(1), ""},
{"int8", int8(1), ""},
{"int64", int64(1), ""},
{"uint24", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"uint96", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"uint240", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"uint248", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"int24", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"int88", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"int96", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"int104", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"int112", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"int248", big.NewInt(1), ""},
{"uint30", uint8(1), "abi: cannot use uint8 as type ptr as argument"},
{"uint16", uint16(1), ""},
{"uint16[3]", []uint16{1, 2, 3}, ""},
{"uint16[3]", []uint16{1, 2, 3, 4}, "abi: cannot use [4]uint16 as type [3]uint16 as argument"},
{"address[]", []common.Address{{1}}, ""},
{"address[1]", []common.Address{{1}}, ""},
{"address[1]", [1]common.Address{{1}}, ""},
{"address[2]", [1]common.Address{{1}}, "abi: cannot use [1]array as type [2]array as argument"},
{"bytes32", [32]byte{}, ""},
{"bytes19", [19]byte{}, ""},
{"bytes3", [3]byte{}, ""},
{"bytes2", [2]byte{}, ""},
{"bytes1", [1]byte{}, ""},
{"string", string(""), ""},
{"string", []byte{}, "abi: cannot use slice as type string as argument"},
{"bytes32[]", [][32]byte{{}}, ""},
{"function", [24]byte{}, ""},
{"bytes20", common.Address{}, ""},
{"address", [20]byte{}, ""},
{"address", common.Address{}, ""},
} {

>> No.8000433

none of the people commenting even know what it mean, its just fud

>> No.8000452

It means we got fucking pajeeted. Fuck.

>> No.8000480

fuck bought 100k more

>> No.8000543

This is better. That Pajeet literally checked string names instead of using an interface and doing a type check. Fugging kek. This is why I'm pretty much only in bluechips - BTC, ETH, XMR, and only 5% of my wealth in ERC20 tokens.

>> No.8000564


>> No.8000609

My mind is fucking blown that this codebase is worth millions

>> No.8000617

Beep boop beep boop... code code code... I don't know what any of this shit means.

>> No.8000638

i'm not worried. I've seen worse codebases that are worth billions :))

>> No.8000666

Looks okaish, some hacks, so what. Better give examples/suggestions on how to improve it. That's why it's open source.

>> No.8000681

You're so right. New grad SE but i've heard the stories and based off the vulnerabilities that have been exploited at large companies I can only imagine.

>> No.8000721


So would I be able to earn millions with shit code as such?

> boolean moon = true;
> if(moon==true) { gibMeMoney(50000000000)}

Why don't we all do this???

>> No.8000744

When's the ICO?

>> No.8000786

There's so much bullshit on this board that you literally don't know what the fuck is ever happening

>Code is shit
>Code is god
>Bought 9000k
>Sold 9000k

I just want to know whether or not i should dump my shit without needing to get a fucking compsci degree you niggers

>> No.8000806

> if (2+2 == 4){bool moon = True}
>if (moon == True){bool amrich= True}

>> No.8000830

you're not thinking like a bizness person.

Saavy businesses optimize for product release time. Whoever gets their shit on the market first, with a meh product is better than someone who takes a year longer but has perfect shit. (nothing is perfect)
A company is willing to pay the immense prices of steep technical debt (horrendous code) if it means just shaving some time to get the product out faster.
i know personally because my job was basically keeping the project going with tech support because the code was so goddamned awful.
i wont say where i worked but everyone has heard of it.

so when i see someone cut corners on a stupid type check, i don't give a shit.

>> No.8000831

It's OK. Keep it.

>> No.8000838

were not going to get those types of answers here

>> No.8000845
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>> No.8000848

Who you gonna trust. A team who's been dedicated and consistent about their work, or some niggers in a salmon hunting forum?

>> No.8000910

I always hold one slot in my portfolio for high risk & high reward which was currently REQ until I just sold right now.
I'm also a professional software engineer for a fortune 500 company and looked at the mainnet code on GitHub and must say that it's not good.
Lots of spaghetti code and a beginner level of knowledge about JavaScript/TypeScript. The developer doesn't know how to make meaningful commits and doesn't even know Git which you can see that he pushes commented code. I'm honestly disappointed.

In my professional opinion if you hold REQ you should sell before it's too late.

>> No.8000987

ITT LARPers and FUDders

>> No.8001005

anon, new SE without much git experience. Why do we not push commented code?

>> No.8001033

>What the fuck where did all of you come from.

South-West Asia.

>> No.8001061

I sold my req based on whats most likely a fucking larp on /biz/ and am switching back into Link. This can only lead to ruin desu.

>> No.8001093

Because Git allows you to see the difference between versions. Meaning if something goes wrong, you can do a rollback and keep your codebase clean.

Or something like that.
t. CompSci undergrad

>> No.8001099

anon means he commited commented out code

>> No.8001101
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That's what you get when women want to larp as programmers.

>> No.8001128

Not the same guy but its horrible practice because it breaks the flow of your code. When a dev sees commented out code, their first instinct will be to read and understand it which takes valuable time away from understanding the actual code. Its messy and a waste of time. Always commit without commented out code. There's no situation in which the repo should have anything but exactly what's needed at the time, even when it's in progress. Otherwise you're just leaving smeared shit in your codebase that may stay there forever.

>> No.8001141

Its version 0.0.3 fucking pajeets

>> No.8001172

I’m a senior code writer and the code is not good and will not pass any audit. I guarantee you that. Let’s hope they improve it. I see many many errors immediately.

>> No.8001195

Version 0.0.3 of your thesis/first project was probably perfect already, so you submitted it and got your degree instantly from the bottom tier college of the shithole where you studied.

Stop LARPing and FUDding.

>> No.8001217

config.ts has this:

// import * as config from './config.json';
const config = require('./config.json');
export default config;

Were they using Python on earlier versions?

>> No.8001247

Holy fuck I thought you meant he committed with comments describing his code. Committing commented out code is the most retarded thing ive ever heard.

>> No.8001281

just sold

0.5 btc loss

fuck me

>> No.8001311
File: 1.99 MB, 261x238, EIqdZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a senior code writer

>> No.8001640

>there are people on this board that literally own 0 REQ


>> No.8001958

I have a hardcore IT background, working in the branch for 10 years now as coder and IT-Security-Specialist and I can tell you the code is fine, for sure there is some room for Improvement, but it's fucking version 0.0.3
People are fuding because it's fucking /biz/, don't listen and buy more REQ, this one will go parabolicm mark my words.

>> No.8002422

Was going to post something like this. I think everyone realizes theres meme FUD in here, but if anyone is lurking and actually worried about the code quality - its fine. In test cases especially you end up hard coding a lot of inputs.

>> No.8002781

If you think anyone on biz knows how to code is deluded

Biz is 4chan cancer atm

>> No.8002847

comfy af with 25k req

>> No.8002969

Actual developer here. Had a few other devs look too. The typescript is clean as fuck. Stop fudding

>> No.8003019

Senior developer here. I just caught the fucking janitor making this post >>8002969
from my computer while I was grabbing a coffee.

>> No.8003064

got any insight to any of this? im in the medical field so its all foreign

>> No.8003181

Hey vsauce michael here
Im all in req

>> No.8003387

Their code is fine - maybe a bit messy, but fine. Anyone in the industry knows exactly how messy things can get when you're trying to deliver a product. At least they're being transparent and have a tangible product as opposed to the vaporcoins spouted on this board daily.

>> No.8003450
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r8 my fresh oc guise

>> No.8004034

Just went all in. Ready for moon soon!

>> No.8004068
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Plus they're going to be audited by QSP.

And these guys were vetted by Peter Thiel and YCombinator.

You can't be chopped liver and receive that kind attention.

>> No.8004074

This thread is filled with so many codelets, no wonder all of you are poor.

>> No.8004931

Seriously this FUD is beyond weak

>> No.8004968

>200 million for literal pajeet code

>> No.8004989
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moon when

>> No.8005022

have you ever heard of John Spano?

>> No.8005088

>former owner of the Islanders is a con artist

>> No.8005121
File: 245 KB, 380x390, 1476298378921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys im a computer science Phd and I just reviewed the code. The code is revolutionary and if you don't buy now then there's no helping you.

>> No.8005153

Sold 100k and bought 200k omg

>> No.8005162

You know what's hilarious, REQ holders always call anyone who shits on this shitcoin a pajeet but the only reason REQ is maintaining it's price is because of PAJEETS. Its a literal pajeet coin.

REQuesting the req ruppe photoshop

>> No.8005320

while this is true they are really only propping up our gains. those fucks will sell quicker than the adhd kids her

>> No.8005348

Main Net looms yonder the horizon

>> No.8006162

> At least they're being transparent and have a tangible product
more like a tangled product judging from that code