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7989960 No.7989960 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7989978

nice fud, we know the truth

>> No.7989985

it's 1000 you retard

>> No.7989987
File: 291 KB, 1727x808, 1519716140521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOY $2000

>> No.7990031

You're not supposed to trade a C&H until breakout

>> No.7990061
File: 902 KB, 1128x576, 1000USDeoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one thousand units of US currency
we just have to believe

>> No.7990066

I feel like it's building... I feel like I put in my $200 a couple weeks ago into the next litecoin... Do I invest more? Or is this a cruel joke like the other shillcoins?

>> No.7990087

It has been gaining intensity all day, today in particular... What's going on behind the scenes, I wonder?

>> No.7990088

You bought? Did you even read any of the threads? It's just retarded memes before a little push happens to the price, then it falls back down like a corpse. This is a pnd shitcoin.

>> No.7990091

go 40% LINK, safe bet... with all they shilling and hype behind this coin you're guaranteed to make money, the only question is when do you sell

>> No.7990093
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>> No.7990149

Kant was ahead of his time

t. stinkylinky

>> No.7990168

Those of us who believe in it aren't joking. even $100 EOY is a 100x from this point. Seems totally plausible once full main net is launched and partnerships are announced. If LINK succeeds, it will go to the moon. If not, it will be worth 0.

>> No.7990177

Holding since november, this will be $10 eoy, and that’s still very nice

>> No.7990188

philosopher, like Sergey

>> No.7990192


>> No.7990232

>selling link

>> No.7990278

>unironically thinking link will be 100$ EOY

>> No.7990280
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>opens the box

>> No.7990304

gtfo nolinkers


stay poor nolink fags

>> No.7990305

1000 EOY, dipshit

>> No.7990328
File: 790 KB, 556x724, unter_sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer have the uber Sergey propaganda meme, only this one

>> No.7990341

uber sergey should still be at >>7777776

>> No.7990342

This coin will never go over $4. Sorry anons. Its still a good price assuming you have a few thousand minimum though. Best of luck guys

>> No.7990448

You honestly think LINK will be less than 2 billion mcap?

>> No.7990893

It has a total supply of 1 trillion doesnt it?

>> No.7990903
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You don't really understand the concept do you?

>> No.7990912

Kek you really dont understand this coin will never get anywhere near $100 do you?

>> No.7990915
File: 33 KB, 640x559, IMG_4797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 trillion LINK
>ho boiyo
>learn to numbers

>> No.7990920

1 billion, and thats max supply not circulating supply

>> No.7990945
File: 526 KB, 540x527, IMG_0272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that your total supply has reduced by magnitude of 100, and circulating supply reduced by another 65%... how ya feelin there sport?

>> No.7990950

What is it about Chainlink that keeps people so dedicated? Other memecoins come and go at will but somehow chainlink threads are always here

>> No.7990957

Once you actually get it, you'll know

>> No.7990966

because it's the future

>> No.7990976

paid shilling.. (i was working for them at one point, $15 if the post gets 15 replies, then $5 for every additional 15 replies. Time frame is important as well but won't get into it.). Reddit and biz are a joke, we had 15 accounts dominate both sites and at one point had 3-5 LINK posts on biz at all times.

>> No.7990977

It solves a very real problem that limits crypto to being some NEET erotic real world fantasy, to enable mass corporate adoption. If you DYOR you'd know why.

No biggie, just like how machines didn't massively innovate manufacturing processes or anything.

>> No.7990991

I just don't get how Oracle's problems are so important to everyone. Java is shit anyway

>> No.7990993

digits confirm

>> No.7990994

It solves the oracle problem

>> No.7991004

Show proof, a screenshot of the discord or something ill wait faggot

>> No.7991010

digits confirm

>> No.7991026
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>> No.7991051



>> No.7991063
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>> No.7991070

has anyone found anything more about what sherlocklink said? he mentioned IC3 and how Ari Juels and Andrew Miller were both directors. If you look at IC3 partners, IBM and Intel are both listed, but we already knew IBM and link had some relation..

>> No.7991118

God willing, We will prevail, in peace and freedom from fear, and in true health, through the purity and essence of our natural... fluids. God bless you all.

>> No.7991126
File: 1.14 MB, 3000x2961, ConeLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7991136

Ari Juels published this recently, regarding "Paralysis Proofs". Control + F 'smart contract' gives you 4 hits, the first which talks about Intel SGX pretty much directly after. A crumb, or just more of the same?

>> No.7991140
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>> No.7991156
File: 117 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-02-27-11-43-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i ready for moon mission comrade???

>> No.7991190

Well, I just made my first crypto investment ever and have 225 stinky linkies. I was unironically motivated by the 7 get- I don't take meme magic lightly after the election

Time to print out my wallet and try to forget about this until Christmas

>> No.7991216

Kek saved

>> No.7991277

good plan sir, if you hold until dec bull run you're doing it right. that 225 should be worth at least 22k by then. godspeed.

>> No.7991586

Poorfag only have 1700 I got by mining alts sellng them and swing trading btc/etc

Swung traded up from 1000 to 1700 an fudded and shilled on here. Not fudding anymore. Genuinely believe its going to breakout soon. I'll be continuing to accumulate tho. I see it between 5 and 10 end of year and three digits in 2019. From then on into 2022 ad 500 to 1000. Wish I had more to but in but I have a hard life rule with crypto never to move cash in, only generate what I spend. Love to run a really high quality node and have been playing with the github releases and adapter code

>> No.7991620

I used to fud link when I was swing trading it. Way more vicious than you though. The time of fud to buy cheap an swing trade is dead anon. It was fun but we're in a new chapter now.

>> No.7991730
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>> No.7991748


>> No.7991771

It's an organized campaign.
Most of the replies are shills gobbling on each others' dicks.

>> No.7991848


Fuck, kek actually wills it

>> No.7992584


i still watch that video every once in a while for a good kek...

>> No.7992841

I also looked into this and it was more of the same I think anon.

>> No.7992866


>> No.7992885

even checked all the whitepapers of the IC3 partners. they all mention use of smart contracts, but they seemed to be written as if they were competing for LINK, not using it. I guess if LINK truly is the middleware, they'd all need to use it, but who knows.

>> No.7992893

buying link right now is like buying eth at $1300


>> No.7992948

Nobody cares about your $150, linklet

>> No.7992970

1000 eoy

>> No.7992999

thanks for holding for us little guys

>> No.7993343

10,000 eoy

>> No.7993489

fokkin pajet

>> No.7993500

Now that 1k is confirmed I honestly wonder if this could approach bitcoin prices. Why not? $10,000 EOY seems totally reasonable.

>> No.7993534

dubs confirm flippening