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7969129 No.7969129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Crypo multimillionaire
>Fit 9/10
>Impeccable oral hygiene
>Cursed with shit breath that is so awful no amount of gum or mints can ever cover up.
>My breath smells like I eat shit sandwiches.
>Many girls have told me about my shit breath (usually post breakup).

Have tried every possible remedy, nothing works. Time to kms?

>> No.7969149

Go vegan for a year you retard

>> No.7969159

Drink lots of unsweetened black tea

>> No.7969162

Talk with a doctor, there's pills for that

>> No.7969170

Its tonsil stones u retard,pop them out

>> No.7969173

Try a diet where you eat almost nothing and drink that stuff that takes the old crap out of your digestive system.
Also, how about not thinking girls are everything

>> No.7969180

Some dude at my work has that disease.
I forget what it’s called but it is fucking NASTY

>> No.7969186

Visit a dentist. You may have some rot.

>> No.7969190

I had the same problem, start popping those tonsil stones, google it wont do it for ja , tho i will take a tip from not “larping” multimillionaire

>> No.7969205

go to a dentist dumbass
also why are you posting this on biz of all places, fit is your best bet

>> No.7969210

Oral hygiene:
Brush teeth, use a tongue scraper and mouthwash morning and night,
Floss at night

Change your diet. If you smoke, stop. Drinking also affects your breath, but really eating clean will change the way your body smells incredibly. Same applies to your b/o. I've gone down on girls who ate crap food all the time and I came right back up because the unbearable smell. I've also gone down on girls that exercise and eat well and their pussies smell/taste great.

>> No.7969221

it's hopeless. Send your funds here: 0x41B91fcf0eBC9895270ebB81639afEcFaFdDea14
and then end it

>> No.7969226

Kys because your breath is just the symptom of your shitty personality.

>> No.7969237

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillolith?wprov=sfti1 F it i googled it for ja,pop them yourself im 100% sure u have them

>> No.7969239


not biz related, but I will help you anyways

you more than likely have tonsiloths (tonsil stones) deep in the recesses of your tonsils

go get a dentist to spray them out, or dig around yourself and be prepared to be super grossed out

basically a food and bacteria that have been rotting and growing in the back of your mouth for months/years

>> No.7969251


You bad breath mother fuckers disgust me. Fucking hate working with such people.

Your gut is probably fucked. Go get some probiotics, eat healthy and keep up with the oral hygiene.

Disgusting filth.

>> No.7969256

Pop them yourself OP and put it on /b/. do it faggit

>> No.7969269

>have dental hygiene problem
>doesn't consult to the dentist about it

>> No.7969291


Better solution, get an ENT referral from your PMD. When you meet ENT, say you have "frequent, painful and uncomfortable sore throats". Don't mention breath. Get tonsillectomy.

>> No.7969294

It's not tonsil stones anons, Ive been to multiple dentists and all have told me I don't have stones. Also my teeth are in perfect shape, all dentists said no rot.

Doctors have told me to fuck off and see a dentist.

I eat extemely clean but do eat lean meats on occasion. I could go vegan but idk if that will do anything.

The only time my breath has been fresh in the last 10+ years is when I was on a course of antibiotics. No shit breath for a couple weeks. It came back shortly after.

>> No.7969296

brush your tongue not just your teeth

>> No.7969302
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>asking about dental hygeine on an japanese underwater basket weaving forum

>> No.7969340

Saw ENT bc I had a severely deviated septum. Had septoplasty surgery so I could breath, and was hoping that would help the shit breath.

Nope. Still feces mouth.

>> No.7969342

Would do that as last straw desu.Tonsils have some moderate functionality for immune system

>> No.7969344

Halitosis, a coworker had it, fucking disgusting.

>> No.7969375

Antibiotics kill bacteria , tonsil stones is literally a bacteria hive u retard. U have tonsil stones u just prove it. No idea what shit dentists u meeting and there couldnt be any other problem that last this long and disappears on antibiotic course

>> No.7969378

Maybe you have candida overgrowth? Cut out all sugar and limit your carb intake and see how it goes.

>> No.7969417

I've been to at least five different dentists asking if I have stones, all say no.

Could it not be a gut bacteria problem instead of tonsil stones?

>> No.7969422

Halitosis is a symptom u imbecile. Halitosis means bad breath,it literally means that

>> No.7969425

seems like the cause is bacteria in your gut
change dietry so long until it stops

could be literally anything
milk, meat, potato, a spice, something you drink, ironicly even your thootpaste or mouthwater could cause it
in before too much work
its not too much work if you thinking about killing yourself

(if nothing else help look for Fecal Microbiota Transplants)

>> No.7969447

Sounds like you have a bacterial overgrowth. I recommend a strong course of BBC, taken orally and rectally.

>> No.7969470

Yeah desu it could be microflora disbalance in your gut, did u tried any luck with gastroenterologists or similar shamans?

>> No.7969493

Helping with your hemaroid?
We can diagnose him in /biz/ wont be a first time that I participated in such activities

>> No.7969498

Appreciate it anon. I've tried food elimination diets but haven't found any to be causing my stink.

It's clearly a gut issue, but probiotics and other SIBO supplements/remedies haven't done anything.

I've thought about Fecal transplant.

>> No.7969499

Buy a tongue scraper
Do it.

>> No.7969508

OP needs to shove his phone in his mouth with the flashlight on and send us some pictures.

>> No.7969523

feacal transplant


>> No.7969534

btw there was some crazy fucker on /fit/ who cured mouth stink with hydrogen peroxide.

as in pay a girl to shit in his mouth?

>> No.7969537

>Have seen a couple GIs, did some testing and both told me I'm fine and to see a dentist.

>> No.7969542

This, a friend of mine has the exact same problem. He has permanently inflamed tonsils which cause him a lot of discomfort and make his breath smell like shit. He is too scared to get them removed though. His loss.

>> No.7969552

HP works but only masks it for about 30 min.

>> No.7969578

Mate your stomach could be the reason. Go to all doctors you can find!

>> No.7969581

do you clean your ears? do you have allergies?

>> No.7969583

I use a tounge scraper and a tounge brush.

>> No.7969591

btw the reasoning is nasal polyp, allergic rhinitis (mucous flowing down your throat constantly)

>> No.7969597

Yes. No allergies anon.

>> No.7969610

Wouldn't my septoplasty surgery have corrected the problem if this was the issue?

I used to have nasal drip, but none sinice the surgery.

>> No.7969622

I have and all Dr's tell me they can't help and to see a dentist. That's why I'm ready to kms.

>> No.7969624

Your liver is slowly failing. The combination of chemicals this process produces causes the halitosis.
And unlike your kidneys, you only have one and nobody can donate your theirs because they too only have one.
You will have to go on a very long waiting list and hope someone with compatible liver dies soon otherwise you are fucked.
I am so sorry OP, best of luck to you, try to make the best of the time you have left.

>> No.7969633

On top of what everyone else has said I would recommend blood tests just to rule out anything more serious. Do some research and find a doctor who knows his shit.

>> No.7969638

Do you leave your toothbrush next to the basin? Maybe your ex used it to clean her bumhole

>> No.7969640

Try to explain exactly what kind of breath u have, do it cycle or remaining the same (excluding antibiotic course event) ? Did dentists made xray or cat? Because sometimes it could be stuck so deep in tonsil that no shitdoctor could tell its there without real scanning

>> No.7969658

I think this is probably the answer but I haven't found any great clinics that I trust. I'm a burger but would travel.

>> No.7969667

You would think so (if it were the cause) but I'm not sure about that.

>> No.7969712

Had every test imagineable performed, every marker is "excellent" or good. This has consumed my life so I have tried to exhaust every option.

>> No.7969716

Have you had an std checkup?

>> No.7969728

Always the same shit smell. Just xrays.

>> No.7969765

Kek,then doctors u meet are imbiciles tho u are a burger so should have been expecting that , if u not larping about money fly to private clinic in europe or even private in your native burger kingdom and refuse to leave until they find and eliminate your problem

>> No.7969766

your throat to stomach muscle (lower esophagus) could be defective, meaning it doesn't close all the way and letting ur stomach smell out

>> No.7969773

can you shove your phone in your mouth and take a picture (with flash on)

>> No.7969788

Had endoscopy, was completely standard.

>> No.7969792

you can try this out : stop eating untill your stomach digested everything, burp a little to let the smell out, and then see if your breath still stinks.

>> No.7969804

could it be a sinus infection?

>> No.7969809

Apple cider vinegar nigger everyday

>> No.7969813

Have you tried acid reflux medication? (Usually not effective but interested to know)

>> No.7969820

Yes. Burger Drs are idiots, even the "best" ones at the highest rated hospitals. I will probably have to travel for fecal transplant as last resort.

>> No.7969826


>> No.7969828

Then try tomography, it could be extremely difficult to diagnose without outer manifestation

>> No.7969838

Tried this for at least a year, did nothing.

>> No.7969850

Na, didn't think it would help since the GIs told me I didn't have Acid Reflux

>> No.7969886

will try anon

>> No.7969890

Take that picture of the inside of your mouth. We are going to diagnose this here and now.

>> No.7969897

Im working in medicine sector and i cant imagine an europien doctor taking your health history ,seeing u been everywhere and still leting u live with that.i see just incompetence from doctor side in your case,or they just making u pay for same procedures to profit from your illness and desperation

>> No.7969910

How do the doctors react when you tell them your condition? Are you straight up with them? Do you make a joke like you smell like youve eaten a shit sandwhich.. what is their reaction? Do they instantly cover up? Or do they loe and say they cant smell anything?

>> No.7969933

50 ml of luke warm salt water syringe shot in both nostrils. Head back 5 min yw

>> No.7969988

Use nasal irrigation daily, hasn't helped.

>> No.7970005

Yes I'm straight up with them. I say that I have awful shit breath and all dentists have told me it's not an oral problem.

They always acknowledge how bad it is and usually cringe after they ask for a close whiff. It's real bad, very very strong shit smell.

>> No.7970034

One brutally honest dentist told me it wasn't the worst breath she had ever smelled, but that it was the most "fecal smelling" breath she had encountered.

>> No.7970038

Have you had your spleen and gall bladder checked?

>> No.7970054

This, i had a similar issue. They do really smell like litteral shit. Even very tiny ones will smell badly, can be hard to spot but surely will show with flash picture

>> No.7970068

My saliva also smells like total shit. If I spit on the back of my hand it will have an intense fecal smell.

>> No.7970073

>79 replies

>> No.7970101

btw do you smoke?

>> No.7970120

No don't smoke

>> No.7970126

Deep tonsil stones still sound likely i have to say, even though doctors have said no.

Do salivary stones smell bad? Ive never had one nor smelt one but it could be that?

>> No.7970142

wisdom teeth in or out?

>> No.7970143

Rarely drink, maybe 1 glass of wine every couple weeks.

>> No.7970159

Removed about 14 years ago.

>> No.7970166
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A cigar once in a while, never did cigarettes. Hope you can get it sorted OP, know the feel. Whatever it is, it can probably be fixed.

>> No.7970176

I really wish this was the case, bc it would be a relatively quickly fix. But like I said, I've had at least five different dentists tell me I didn't have stones. I also use a waterpik daily and always look for stones but have never found one.

>> No.7970189

Why not try drinking vodka with your main meal? Russian's swear by it.

>> No.7970195

post a pic of tonsils/mouth for us to take a geez

>> No.7970209



Russians. Anyway that shit fixes a lot of problems. It might just kill whatever is causing that smell

>> No.7970244
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This 100% guaranteed. If you check for them and don’t see them look on YouTube at tonsil stone removal videos, they’re like sponges with crypts so they can hide in them really well. This will 100% fix your bad breath guaranteed.

>> No.7970273


Dentists don’t look for stones unless they are manually prodding or squeezing your tonsils which they aren’t. Water piks don’t work for this either I bought one just for this and it doesn’t work it’s too powerful. Use a q tip to gently push on/against the tonsils with a flashlight to see better. Prepare to shit bricks.

>> No.7970275

I always drink strong liquor if my throat aches / is sore lol. Seems to actually work, topkek

>> No.7970345
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They can be extremely deep/hidden in the crypts and usually are.

>> No.7970380


Take your finger and touch/rub your tonsils inside your mouth (if you can suppress your gag reflex for two seconds).
If your fingers smell like absolute death after, you have the cause of your problem.
The first time I did it was terrible, the smell was disgusting.

DESU it can be hard to get them out. I've found brushing my tonsils with a toothbrush can help loosen them when they form, but again, a struggle if you have a strong gag reflex.

>> No.7970384

If antibiotics helped then find a doctor who will let you try a longer prescription with a stronger antibiotic. My guess is Cephalexin.

>> No.7970439


If antibiotics helped it makes even more sense it’s tonsils stones, probably being exacerbated by candida infection which suggests OP doesn’t drink enough water and has a shit diet.

>> No.7970466

Are you on a Keto diet?

>> No.7970482

What if OP doesnt have tonsils.

>> No.7970499

this thread is funny because I had such a stone in my mouth yesterday.

I won't pull them out
I will kill them from the roots

healthy diet

tea with ginger and honey
put garlic inside my mouth

and so on.

fuck doctors
fuck symptom healing

gl anon

>> No.7970513
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OP do you go down on a lot of roasties? Maybe you ate one too many fish pies?

>> No.7970533


Do both you dumb ass.


He does though..?

>> No.7970569

I had a teacher once who had the same problem, litterly her breath smelled like shit. Was fucking awefull. I once was told to stay after class cause I had been anoying. She sat right infront of me and started talking, and she spoke a lot. I never did anything in her class again, that was awefull. Sucks for her though

>> No.7970609

fast for a few days and see if you still smell like shit, that will determine whether its your diet.

If you still smell like shit then youre prob just rotting from the inside

>> No.7970625


Thats not how that works kek.

>> No.7970644

1 tea spoon of baking soda in a glass of water. gargle and drink it. It will alkaline the stomach acid

>> No.7970648

I once broke up w/ a super hot chick because of her stinky breath. It wasn't stinky all the time, but when it was I found it so gross. She was probably an 8.5 or 9/10 and super chill, loved hanging out with her... a good lay. But my god, the breath.

I think this usually comes from whatever you're eating. It's not something in your mouth. I'd see a doctor though.

>> No.7970665

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.7970705

Yes, when I rub them my finger smells like absolute shit. Like I just put my finger up my asshole.

But I've had dentists look all over and I've seen the youtube videos and looked countless times myself. Never found any.

>> No.7970722

This is only going to be a temporary solution, right?

>> No.7970728


Not looking hard enough. My gf did the same thing.

>nope! No tonsil stones!

Forced her to keep checking and low and behold she hit a massive pocket full of them. Keep prodding and pressing them from different angles until you find them. There’s literally a zero percent chance this isn’t the case.

>> No.7970743


Right. The candida will grow back almost immediately. Change your diet. Kek.

>> No.7970776
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Obviously tonsil stones are the cause. Poke them and see if you can drink special tea or some shit to help reduce them.
good luck OP

>> No.7970779


Oil pulling every morning before you eat or drink anything, use organic coconut oil out of a glass container.

Follow this by gargling for about 5 minutes with salt water (tonsil stone treatment/extractor)

Strong probiotic/kefir on an empty stomach

Brush teeth and scrub tongue and roof of mouth

For a week or 2 you should try a liquid diet with absolutely no carbs. Include garlic and onion and psyllium husk.

Supplement by eating a bit of coconut oil and oregano oil

This is an anti candida protocol, google it to get more ideas. It's imperative you eat no sugar at all and invest plenty of anti fungals and pysillium husk to get rid of what's in your guts.

>> No.7970827

Oil pulling is just a lie those new agers sell you to get you to buy their overpriced coconut oil.

>> No.7970842

Go to a doctor.

>> No.7970845


Oil pulling is kind of a homeopathic meme desu.

>t. did it for months straight

>> No.7970847

cheic your diet and digestive system out
see a professional
go veg go smell a cows shit
go smell a lions shit

>> No.7970860



>> No.7970867

you're not looking hard enough, it can take hours to find the hidden fuckers. 100% this is the case, i had the same problem and after much difficulty finding and removing the stones i was completely cured

>> No.7970886

See a dentist idiot
You're a millionaire right

>> No.7970902

Hes a millionaire why not?

>> No.7970915

No it's not

I don't believe all that shit that it 'pulls toxins from the blood stream'

But coconut oil works as a great anti bacterial mouthwash.

>> No.7970925

Might be cancer.

>> No.7970994


Salt water works better.

>> No.7971023

I've recommended that in my protocol.

The issue with saltwater is it can also dry your mouth out which is heaven for bacteria to thrive.

That's why a lot of mouthwashes aren't great because they contain alcohol which drys the mouth.

>> No.7971087
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>have weird fucking problem with your body
>not gong to see a doctor to get it fixed

OP there are guys out there who studied hard for 10 years that are experts on health and the body. They're like auto mechanics, but with your fucking body.

They're called doctors

Go to one and get yourself fixed. And if one says to fuck off and go to a dentist, JUST GO TO ANOTHER DOCTOR

Why are people so retarded with their health
>hurr OP drink this chink tea, it will fix you

>> No.7971090

see >>7969378
end sugar and drink only water

>> No.7971093

OP i had the same prblem and it was acid reflux.

>> No.7971106

underrated post

>> No.7971110

>having this level of confidence and respect for doctors

Holy fuck I knew the boomer problem on 4chan was getting out of hand but I had no idea.

>> No.7971169

>they're like salesman, but with your fucking body
ftfy plus there are enough black sheep auto mechanics to break little screws in your motor on purpose

>> No.7971172

if non larp, try oil pulling. also this >>7971090

>> No.7971180

what was the cure?

>> No.7971232

>experts on health and the body.
toppest of fucking keks. holy shit, this is absolutely hilarious. "modern" medicine is literal crap. anyone paying for their potions and "knowledge" is a literal moron.

>> No.7971235
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>going to a mechanic you don't know
Full retard, that's your fault. Don't use a mechanic you don't trust, and don't use a doctor you don't trust. If you can't tell that you're being scammed you're just a brainlet.

Going with your "gut feeling" like 90% of this thread advocates is more of a boomer move than trusting doctors you idiot.

This thread reads like a facebook post of teenage roasties advocating their best homeopathic solutions

>> No.7971296

Maybe it's a sinus infection.
I used to have great breath, then I once smoked some moldy weed.

After that, I started getting breath that smelled like raw sewage. And also got chronic headaches.

I'm still getting it treated, but I discovered that when I use a saline nasal spray, the smell goes away for a couple of hours.

>> No.7971326

>Going with your "gut feeling" like 90% of this thread advocates is more of a boomer move than trusting doctors you idiot.
are you serious? boomers love fucking doctors, they think they're so smart for having memorized a bunch of shit that was paid research by pharmaceutical companies. medical school is for learning how to shill big pharma's poisons not for learning how to heal people. healthy people are not in the best interest of doctors because it hurts their bottom line. they don't fix your root cause, only fix your symptom so you can live with it instead of eliminating it. it's so fucking obvious to anyone with the ability to think for themselves

>> No.7971357

I have an idea, try taking sodium bicarbonate. >you mentioned the antibiotics
it could be some gut infection or candida . raise body PH.

>> No.7971366

Do you still have your tonsils?
If so, then you probably have tonsil stones.

>> No.7971383


I’ve downgraded you from boomer to deluded to gen X’r Boomer boot kisser. That’ll be $200 and I don’t take your insurance.

>> No.7971385
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>they don't fix your root cause, only fix your symptom so you can live with it instead of eliminating it.
Gross generalization. There are good doctors and bad doctors.

Being mad that not every member of a profession is a good worker and just distrusting the whole profession is retarded.

>[industry workers] are paid to shill [product] by [big company]
This applies in literally every single field. Holding doctors to some higher standard than you do anyone else is what makes you a brainlet.

It's like distrusting all plumbers because you hired one hack without doing research and he didn't do a good job. Have fun with your aches and pains because you distrust MUH MEDICINE

>> No.7971393

>13 posts by this ID
Why are you so obsessed with shilling against the idea of people going to get treatment

>> No.7971394

this too . high PH.
you can take that too, look up instructions on the net

>> No.7971416


>> No.7971456

This one too.
Great one, high PH

>> No.7971470
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Based on your word choice alone I’m willing to bet my entire portfolio you’re a 35-45 year old woman or homosexual man who is extremely emotional and extroverted.

>> No.7971477

Stop eating shit sandwiches

>> No.7971478

>This applies in literally every single field. Holding doctors to some higher standard than you do anyone else is what makes you a brainlet.
this is literally retarded. they should be at the highest standards - it's your life and health.
>Being mad that not every member of a profession is a good worker and just distrusting the whole profession is retarded.
there are good people that do the job and some probably started out with good intentions but at the end of the daythe system, in which they operate is completely fucked. therefore, they're too stupid to realize it or they're complicit with it. with that being said, i realize there are a few good one who are trying to do good within the system and i do not mean to discount them.

>> No.7971495

what an insufferable cunt

>> No.7971538

>they're too stupid to realize it or they're complicit with it.

There's probably a lot of doctors who know the system is fucked, but enjoy having 3 months of vacation and clearing 250k/y

But again, you already know that going in

>> No.7971826



Has a close relationship with at least one of his/her parents and a family member who is in the medical field. Also a huge fan of Reddit and plastic action figures. Uncanny isn’t it?