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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7951039 No.7951039 [Reply] [Original]

Then the CEO gives a reality check

"The DNV director is happy to cooperate with cryptos, but does not buy their currency"

"He emphasizes that they would like to enter into similar intentions with other crypto companies."

"We have no exclusive deal with vechain, but we want to explore the future with such companies."

"I think the companies behind the crypto currencies and expertise are important, and I think there will be many blocks in the future, not just one that controls everyone."

They've been trying hard to suddenly be an "ETH competitor" but the CEO of their proudest partner slaps them back down into their supply chain pigeon hole where they belong

>> No.7951099

big if true

>> No.7951277

Nobody cares, snownigger. Stop shilling your shitty blog

>> No.7951453

oh so true

HAHAHA salty venboy alert

>> No.7951484


NoVenners are desparate for FUD. I give this 4/10 honestly

>> No.7951595

oh man.. thank you, just sold mine

>> No.7951633

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7951670

Takk min morkhudede broder, just sold 100k

>> No.7952536


>> No.7952704

Am Norwegian. That's not what the article said. Plz sell I want ur coins.