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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7948298 No.7948298 [Reply] [Original]

just sold one of my spare guns to a ghetto nigger for 3.25 xmr
>crypto has no use cases
top cuck. i'm gonna use this to buy some acid and molly boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.7948367

You will regret this decision when the same nigger robs you.

>> No.7948398

i have plenty more guns. hajis

>> No.7948432

What is he making at the top left corner, piss bottle bomb or something?

>> No.7948473

>having money
>using crypto
>using computers

sure anon these things totally happened

>> No.7948490
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>> No.7948509

I met a black dude who shilled me ltc.

its always ltc with the nigs.

>> No.7948511

>they exist
>they deal drugs
>you're so new you don't see the nigs posting about trx and xrp
>what is twitter and whurlsturr
fuck off newfag

>> No.7948527

Why did you feel the need to make this thread?

>> No.7948587

nigger i make minister you satoshi, friday night feels, link fudding (i'm 70% in link), and other assorted shit threads. lurk moar faggot

>> No.7948592

No shit dude https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Jarate

>> No.7948604

>orders molly and acid
>gets ethylone and 1p
OP is a faggot

>> No.7948646
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>what are reputable dwm sellers
i'm not buying at a festival or from jamal on the street corner you dumb fuck. biz is full of newfaggots

>> No.7948813

I know this is fake because: niggers can't use computers, the nigger in question would've just shot you, kept his XMR, and gotten a free gun and some shoes out of it, there is no way a nigger has the foresight to save up money, and even if he did, niggers never have more than $25 on hand. The few that do, are subject to natural selection as they get iced and the cycle repeats.

I've seen better LARP.

>> No.7948922


Anon, I see crackheads and drug pushers at the btc ATM in the ghettos...

>> No.7948943
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