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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7941893 No.7941893 [Reply] [Original]

hope you getting back into DBC /biz before the binance liftoff.

The moon mission that lies ahead will blow your brain right off lads

>> No.7942094

Well, DBC is at all time low, but if i learned something of this coin is that it can allways go lower.

>> No.7942105

wait until Huobi competition's over

>> No.7942195

Paid shills should be enough to steer everyone away, but this is the single most overvalued coin in the top 100. It's a bunch of empty promises that very likely won't get delivered on. Look at it this way: if they deliver everything they promised, the current valuation will stay the same. If they turn out to have any problems, it will plummet. This is a no win situation. If you want to encourage the team for some reason, by all means go for it, but if you're looking to make money this is currently by far the worst coin to "invest" in.

>> No.7942202

Any source?

>> No.7942331

top 100, what?
overvalued, what?

>> No.7942410
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DBC Marines are immunized against all dangers: one may call them scoundrels, pajeets, swindlers, chinkcoins, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But spread out FUD and you will be astonished at how quickly they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: “we've been looed out.”

>> No.7942846

By what measurement?

The real problem with DBC is it's in the iron grip of whales and PnD groups. A quick look at the current Kucoin buy and sell order list will tell you that. Those enormous walls vanish and appear constantly so the whales/groups can drive down the price and shake out the weak hands for their inevitable pump.

Really wish I had sold at the 60 cent high to buy at this current dip right now.

>> No.7942859
File: 635 KB, 2000x1500, brainz4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding this coin is like watching pic related in LotR for the first time and thinking "H-he can recover from that, r-right?!"

>> No.7942872

>The real problem with DBC is it's in the iron grip of whales and PnD groups
Wouldn't that be a problem for potential customers too, or would they not pay in DBC?

>> No.7943112

Last I heard it can't currently be mined but I imagine it would be less of a concern then.

>> No.7943417

it is impressive in that aspect, I am genuinely impressed at how it just keeps dropping. also there is no binance liftoff its not getting on binance anytime soon, noone wants this cancer coin.