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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 162 KB, 453x600, bcorecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7939337 No.7939337 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Core Maximalists exist past 2014? Are most of them newfags? Or just have no understanding of the technicals behind BTC?

If you're a Core Cuck, you do realize you got cucked by Blockstream? Do you have any idea how fucked beyond belief they've tried to sabotage this coin?

You realize once transactions go up again, the blocks will get filled and you get high fees all over again? Segwit won't do shit. Lightning is an experimental concept, and it blows me away they went with lightning, but not simple things like tokens or even anonymous transactions which now both work on many other coins flawlessly.

Every single veteran I know who has been in the industry for at least 4 years agrees that Core fucked up and fucked up hard. Your name calling of opponents, and your hostility toward every other coin, indicates to me you are compensating for your lackluster investment. Most people who do this are new to this industry and are complete idiots who don't even know the history behind Core and their purging campaigns they had against any new idea or solution.

Even Ethereum, under record transaction levels, still works, and you can still send something in under 8 hours for under a few dollars at the very worst. BTC on the other hand had transactions held up for over a week with double digit fees. That alone proves Core has no excuse keeping the blocksize small.

We don't see another pump like July-November ever again. Bitfinex can't do that anymore with Tether, sorry. By the end of the year Bcore will not be #1 anymore.

>> No.7939717

I honestly think ETH is a better option and more true to the idea of Bitcoin, to be used as a currency.
Granted its only used to buy other shitcoins right now but it functions despite the massive volumes

>> No.7939754

All I need is
>something people know of
>predictable, deflationary creation
The rest is completely irrelevant.

>> No.7939868

Bitcoin = Gold
Litecoin = Silver
Ethereum = Fiat

>> No.7939967

I only use BTC as trading pair with alts. Too slow to do anything else

>> No.7940009


but maybe Lightning Network will bring back usability of BTC

>> No.7940203

Last week I accidentally transferred in BTC instead of ETH to Binance. I wanted to kms

>> No.7940224

honestly ltc is supposed to be that function.

although im wondering what time of part ripple plays in all this (obviously bcash fails. lols)

>> No.7940516

Only newfags and boomers trust bcore. Blockstream singlehandedly caused the situation the NYA tried to stop. We could have both bigger blocks (a short term solution) and segwit.
But those kikes want all the lightning shit in order to centralize it.

>> No.7940541
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transaction price fo down, transaction count go up, segwit stat wide used

>> No.7940610
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>Core Maximalists

Still mad it's called Bitcoin?
>If you're a Core Cuck

bcash shill detected, opinion discarded

> Segwit won't do shit. Lightning is an experimental concept


>Every single veteran I know
>your hostility toward every other coin,

bitmain shills literally only post to try to attack bitcoin, because everyone knows bcash is shit. Note how you started your post.

>Even Ethereum, under record transaction levels, still works

So cryptokitties and bancor ico "worked"?


>> No.7940612

Exactly. Had they simply made 8MB blocks or some bullshit, BCH would never exist. I think segwit could've been a compromise.

Their lies saying larger blocks would make it more centralized is hilarious and just shows how desperate they are.

>> No.7940719
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Fuck it, join forces with your buddy cobra and lets get this shit over with.

>> No.7940825

bitcoin gold is enough

>> No.7941172

Most of them bought BTC in 2017. The early investors have sold all or most of their BTC already. The ones on /biz/ are just the desperate bagholders.

>> No.7941201
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>> No.7941214
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>> No.7941226
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>> No.7941251
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>> No.7941267
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>> No.7941280
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>> No.7941290
File: 17 KB, 948x142, BCH sharding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7941336
File: 143 KB, 629x1173, 1504713240388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corecucks are beyond saving.

I'm an ETH man personally desu, but BCH is the real bitcoin.

pic related, it's corecucks.

>> No.7941405
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Now I understand Twitter is ruled by bots, and Core half admitted running them, but why is BCH hated so much on Plebbit?

>> No.7941430
File: 430 KB, 2518x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC = Bitcoin Segwit
BCH = Bitmain Cash
Bean Cash/Bitbean = The real Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash

>> No.7941433
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>> No.7941439

I did BTC earlier and it took me 15 minutes.
Wow, so crazy to transfer thousands of dollars.

>> No.7941443

Those bags must be heavy.

>> No.7941505


You must be either an idiot or typing ironically. You do realize bcash has steadily been dropping in sats right? It is worth less bitcoin now then when it forked. Even cuckbase couldn't save this piece of shit. Bitmains fork is a failed effort and shilling on /biz/ just makes you look like a bunch of niggers

>> No.7941510
File: 35 KB, 780x438, 160927210830-tk-ah0927-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roger Ver can't be trusted.

When you buy Bcash you are blindly trusting your money to a lunatic and a criminal. Bcash is an insane cult of sheep.

>> No.7941535

>but why is BCH hated so much on Plebbit?

No, you're hated EVERYWHERE. Why?
Because you're scammers.

I mean, Bitcoin Maximalists are delusional - but they aren't actively scamming anyone by and large. But you fucks are worse than trash. You spam the network to drive up transaction fees, to try and get normies to buy into your P&D, so that chink miners can centralise everything into a single communist owned ASIC factory, and Ver can make bank.

So fuck off and die already. Anyone still in Bitcoin is a true believer, and those of us that have left are interested in newer tech. All you fuckers do is slow down mass adoption by making the whole thing like bad to the normies.

>> No.7941544

>hurr durr worth less than Bitcoin

Only NEET retards care about sats. USD is where it's at. Bitcoin has crashed 50% in case you haven't notice, retard.

>> No.7941552

never endorsed bcash...

>> No.7941564

>BTC on the other hand had transactions held up for over a week with double digit fees.

Oh yeah, and that was due to YOUR network spam. Enjoy getting wrecked as the scaling solutions make this non-viable fuckers.

>> No.7941597

Blockstream and its followers are the ones false flag spamming their own network to create a fake narrative that it's network is being attacked when reality they're trying to cover up its problems.

Fuck your mass adoption. Corecucks are the fuckin real commies here. They censor all criticism and demand that everyone support their useless piece of shit that doesn't even function as currency.

>> No.7941605


pull rogers dick out of your mouth for a second faggot:

>bcash is worth less in sat value than it used to be
>meaning if you dumped for bitcoin at .3, you would have more USD now
>If you dumped at .2, you would have more USD now
>If you dumped at .15, you would have more USD now
>the earlier you got out of this shitcoin, the more USD you would have now

confirmed you're actually mentally disabled holy shit the state of bcashers

>> No.7941634

Satoschi said btrash is the worst thing that happened to crypto.

>> No.7941657

>Bitcoin Cash up ~400% since August
>Bitcoin up ~200% since August

Go jump off the bridge, you brainlet.

>> No.7941677


Why are cashies such looney fruitcakes? You belong in mental asylums.

>> No.7941678

Segwit is cancer it breaks the miners nash equilibrium

>> No.7941691


No you pajeet, the miners are the cancer.

>> No.7941700

I fully support btc changing to pow

>> No.7941740


August 1st, 2017
Bitcoin $2,703 ... 3.6x
Bcash $435 ... 2.75x

wew... guess it's time to update that meme graphic you bitmain shills post

>> No.7941746

most bcash supporters are trump supporters which is no surprise considering their low intelligence

>> No.7941752

btc merchant adoption is shrinking bch adoption is growing
there is not a single reason to cap blocks at 1mb (non mining nodes do nothing)
segwit destroys the mining nash equilibrium incentivising the collusion of miners to change the UTXO without owners signatures. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VoFb3mcxluY
You can only trust jihan and roger to not be doing this right now.
why introduce segwit before a blocksize increase when lightning network requires 133mb as specified in the lightning network whitepaper
why introduce segwit at all when it is not necessary for second layer solutions
lightning network will not be decentralized because to solve the routing problem is NP hard
why would anyone want lightning network when it is not a decentralised ledger? the whole point of bitcoin is to scale on chain as that is what makes decentralised uncensorable money which can free all the people in the world from the financial repression of central banks

>> No.7941775

>You spam the network to drive up transaction fees
You have any proof? BTC's fee depends on demand and btc's price rose with growth, so accusing BCH with spam is delusional. Also how can using the network be spam?!
>to try and get normies to buy into your P&D, so that chink miners can centralise everything into a single communist owned ASIC factory, and Ver can make bank.
I'm not gonna address this common fud but if you care about centralization so much why didn't you change the PoW? So far BTC is more centralized than BCH.
>All you fuckers do is slow down mass adoption by making the whole thing like bad to the normies.
BTC literally was victim to Core's sabotage operation by making it usless, and you're blaming BCH?! No one is gonna adopt a 3tps coin which could lock them out of their coins when usage increases.

Corecuks are just so delusional it's amazing.

>> No.7941817

Stop spreading FUD. Lightning is Satoshi Nakamoto's vision. Lightning is the only guaranteed way to prevent centralization. Anyone who opposes Lightning is a shill for Roger Ver who wants to centralize all control of Bitcoin into his and the miners hands.

>> No.7941840
File: 117 KB, 1400x933, 1502727692001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, move to the LN then, and see which bitcoin wins...

>> No.7941850


this copy pasta is posted in every bitmain shill thread

they come in waves and are in damage control right now as bcash continues to fail. they can't even take their profits out without destroying the shitcoin further because they went all in on taking bcash payments for their asicboost miners. Jihan and roger are probably going to have a falling out soon.

>> No.7941859


>> No.7941860


pretty obvious who's winning now
one coin is shilling on a chinese finger puppet forum
the other continues to be called bitcoin

>> No.7941900

Yes satoshi nakamoto wanted to turn his blockchain into a mesh network. We should also change to pos and bring the block size down to 300kb as he envisioned

>> No.7942083

holy shit im convinced.

>> No.7942395
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