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7922917 No.7922917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so powerful?
No matter how rich you get, women still have power of men...

>> No.7922926

unironically just lob your balls off and women lose all power if it bothers you that much

>> No.7922929

you need to go to thailand

>> No.7922933
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I think it'd be hotter if I paid a women to do that to me though?

>> No.7922945

women are objects to be used and objectified by super strong, smart, and charming men
and they wouldnt have it any other way

>> No.7922950

thirst of pussy by men is increasing trough time and gorverment has taken the role of protector and income for women

>> No.7922965

Purely and exclusively because losers let them by putting pussy on a pedestal. It didn't used to be like this but all of the feminist ideas pushed on us for the past couple decades have reduced women to their holes and that's what the majority of losers want and can't get. Women use their holes as weapons or as a reward

>> No.7922971

they only want the top of the top and dont mind sharing. that leaves 80% without any attention from women

>> No.7922973


This, or just jack off. Women are nothing to me now.

>> No.7922991
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their time's nearly up

>> No.7923102

Men are brainwashed into defining their self-worth by the women they attract.

I have embraced MGTOW Monk Mode. As a result, I can easily live a leisurely NEET lifestyle just by day trading crypto now and then by living relatively frugally. Men invest a lot of their time and money on chasing pussy without even realizing it. When you stop chasing after pussy, you end up spending a lot less money. And as a result, you don't have to work as much.

I had a girlfriend (inb4 "get out normie REEE") but she was a nagging demanding bitch. In the many hours that I have spent with her, I could have been on my laptop day trading crypto making money. And honestly I'm not gonna lie, I get more of a dopamine high from making profitable trades than I do from cumming in her tight moist vagina.

Ever since I went MGTOW a year ago, I have literally went from a shit day trader to a good day trader who can make a full-time living off this to a great day trader making $100k+. Disregarding pussy allows you to focus on more productive pursuits. And money is better than pussy. Why do you think hookers are willing to suck a dick for money? Because money is very important. Money can buy you freedom. Freedom from wage cuck slavery.

>> No.7923584

>women still have power of men
what did he mean by this?

>> No.7923606

All the woman problems in your life have one easy solution: look them in the eyes and tell them "Shut the fuck up you daft cunt."

>> No.7923628


>> No.7923661
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I can't say such foul words them them! I deserve to be beneath their feet!

>> No.7923677

Until you get so rich you can buy all the hot bitches you want.

>> No.7923694

Every man needs to visit Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, or China. no exceptions.

>> No.7923714

To bang mediocre/inferior Asian women? It's not the same, except for those that have a fetish.

>> No.7923756

Stop putting pussies on a pedestal

>> No.7923775

but they're so irritating and stupid
you must think very poorly of yourself
women are inherently inferior except when it comes to manipulation and mind games, and you can train yourself to be better then a woman at that, they all use the same tricks

>> No.7923798

>liking that plastic skeleton

>> No.7923902

It's not so much that women have power over us. We have made ourselves redundant by giving women an abundance of food, shelter, safety through tech and government. They can earn money without us. They don't need us anymore since the early 1960s. They need us for genetic material, for which they will just go to Chad and if they are really stuck they will marry a beta bux long after her prime years are gone.

>> No.7923947

How do we make a crypto that can fix this?

>> No.7923961


good thing men are always the pioneers in the sciences and one day we will make women obsolete.

>> No.7924015

lol, everyone here can tell your either 16yr old or a retarded 20yo manchild
stay away from this /mgtow/pol/trp faggots before you become full brainlet

>> No.7924023

I'd recommend costa rica, friends I used to go there with prefer colombia nowadays though. Never been there myself. Want to go Amsterdam or maybe prague or russia to pork white chicks someday.

>> No.7924042
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Every Western male should read Julius Evola.

>> No.7924077

this guy gets it. Only this will stop the Great Thirst and rob Stacys of their power.

>> No.7924087

read the manipulated man by esther vilar
link from r/trp ht tp:/ /a.trp.red/p

>> No.7924175

anon they're not even that hot
remember that phrase btw
it shuts bitches down

>> No.7924208

>thirsty norman betas have been ruining society forever now

sounds about right

>> No.7924212

jesus christ, more faggy and pathetic than reddit soyboys could ever type
you just figured out that youre an insufferable autist
hf in your basement
/inb4 salty wagecuck normie

>> No.7924256

It is like saying dogs have power over human for giving them foods, shelter, health care, and love.
Really makes you thong.

>> No.7924265
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I can smell your stinky roastie through my computer, please go

>> No.7924291

yeah thats a faggot if ive ever seen one

>> No.7924302

surely not
must be you unwashed pencil dick

>> No.7924307

Tanned girls feel so disgusting to me

>> No.7924322

Men used to understand that this was one of the things leading up to the fall of Rome.

>> No.7924347

>t. angry 5/10

>> No.7924418

>no faggy basement autist
>must be a girl

>> No.7924425

I am an insufferable autist. So what? People are boring. People are a burden.
It is fun in my basement.
Shaming language is all that normies have. Normies have so much of their life tied up into wage cucking for (((Mr. Shekelstein))), their (((mortgage))) and conformity.

Why do normies insist that they are so interesting? Normies are boring as hell. The only thing a woman has to offer is her three holes. Your typical reddit nu male normie has absolutely nothing to offer to me. At least Stacy has her holes. lmao.

>> No.7924449

Toasty roastie

>> No.7924505

see >>7924418
textbook neckbeard
difference is, i'm standing over woman, because i can handle them
you are beneath them and therefore you seek shelter in your imaginary peergroup internet group therapy
won't help you

>> No.7924509

He is a faggot but right that modern women keep men down. They are supposed to be submissive so the man can continue to freely explore things and exploit them to bring home money while the woman raises the next generation in security. Instead they demand control that they use to ruin the household, usually just because they are incapable of understanding basic things about the world.

I used to not care if an employee I'm interacting with was a woman, now from experience I know I can never trust anything a woman says. I've been burned as a customer by high level women like doctors, financial advisers and managers, none of them know what professionalism or responsibility is.

>> No.7924537

a 5/10 is a 5/10, chief

>> No.7924542

>posting on 4chan

>> No.7924575

oh look the roastie is on damage control

>> No.7924601

>I've been burned as a customer by high level women like doctors, financial advisers and managers, none of them know what professionalism or responsibility is.


t. guy who gets to work with pretend engineers and architects with degrees handed to them even though they don't know shit about structural integretity, efficient use of materials, or compliance.

Our world is fucked when these womyn and soyboy cucks are the ones who maintain buildings and comply with codes. The old moustached guys hate this job more and more every day.

>> No.7924742

Just look at them. You're telling me, that if by accident you came upon these 2 fine ladies you wouldn't stutter and mumble like a complete retard in front of them? God just looking at that picture makes me feel submissive.

>> No.7924765

sucks to be them, im a don juan and even im at a point where im disgusted with most womens behaviour and am making so much more money and am much more focused on my goals when i dont play with them

i can only imagine what incels think

>> No.7924808


the problem is every woman is a gold digger. and people enable this society. only the top pussy could ever dream of being a trophy whore to someone with a real income, but now ever hamplanet and butterface thinks they deserve the same treatment as 10/10 models. Inflated expectations, lower quality of product. Men rapidly lose interest in this kind of environment

>> No.7924832


>> No.7924848

>chad making money
back to v/g/pol/b basement virgin

>> No.7924871
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There's like saying the $12 cheeseburger has power over you.

Men are hard wired to want to cum regularly, and women are the gateway. But it's not like any random women on the street can make much use of this. Yes, she can invest a fuckton of time to get free stuff from a creep and live unhappily every after and she can always get -some- dick. That's an advantage over the average dude who can't get laid and who might be homeless. But to call that power is a bit too much. If you invest 3 weeks of your live to learn Python programming online, then you already got more "power" than that.

>> No.7924872

cause women are a status symbol and accessory for rich/successful men

its like having a really nice car, yacht, or mansion. the rich guys want the best looking women beside them and she don't come cheap

>> No.7924937

Am I the only guy on this board who let women ride him and doggie styles them while making money in crypto and working but gotten tired of getting laid?

>> No.7924978

you don't make money in crypto

>> No.7925004

I do I just sell out in a lesser amount because I already have a lot of money why tell me a lie about myself?

>> No.7925014


>why are women so powerful

Literally th me most beta thing I've ever heard ahahahaah

>> No.7925018

No you don't.

>> No.7925021


>To bang mediocre/inferior Asian women?

No, it's more about realizing just how much worth you actually have. The thot absolutism of the West is a bubble and has left men feeling as though they're worthless, completely undesirable. Leave the bubble and view it from the outside. It'll completely change the way you perceive yourself and your relationships with women.

>> No.7925038

Yes I do I sold out during this weeks increase now I’m waiting for another luckily it was on my pay day when it happened.

>> No.7925043

not anymore, its going away. people see the most successful people dont have long term relationships pulling them back. their time as an accessory is basically over.

>> No.7925053

I can tell you struggle to even log in to your yobit account with your retard typing style

>> No.7925061


When the serpent told Eve to eat the fruit, she listened
When Eve told Adam to eat the fruit, he listened

(Btw the fruit was most likely an analogy for some sort of perverted sexual act she learned from the serpent- which in Hebrew is nakash or ‘the deceiver’- in proverbs it says ‘the woman eats the fruit of adultery and wipes her lips saying I have done nothing wrong’ which mirrors eves response to God when discovered)

God designed man to rule and protect women but Adam, being the first feminist, listened to his wife. As a result, God cursed Adam and said “because you have chosen to listen to your wife, she will try to rule over you for all of her days” and that curse went on down the lines.

The book of Timothy further elaborates on this and says a woman should have no authority over a man, not to teach him or instruct him or anything, because it was the woman who was beguiled by the serpent and they are more easily fooled

It is our own faults for letting this cult of woman worship happen. Repeal Womans suffrage, stop allowing women to go to college or have careers, and kick out the Jews while you’re at it. Get traditional, white man. Save the world.

>> No.7925078

It’s the heels, man. It’s because of the heels.

>> No.7925090

>be me
>mid 40's, married to college sweetheart
>actual 9/10, olympic athlete
>wake up next to her, put head on breast
>fall back to sleep
>wake up, she says like having a purring cat sleeping on her and tells me she loves me
>she smells like whatever best thing in life is

thats why anon, it just is what it is.

>> No.7925105

I use coinbase and Binance . I know what I’m doing . I just got the basic membership in on the SALT website just by trading some Ethereum with SALT in Binance.
It’s pretty easy.
And I don’t use yobit!

>> No.7925126

my brain is fundamentally broken from spending 13 years on this website, watching anime, beating my dick to anime, etc, that i don't really even desire 3dpd at all. all i see is a shallow, annoying roastie when i see them

all i do is sit at home, collect neetbuxx by semi-faking anxiety and depression, lift (those neetbuxx bought me a powercage, bench, bar and weights years ago and i have been shotposting on /fit/ for just as long), play vidya, and jack off. this is the only life i want to live.

if i made millions, the only things that would change is i'd buy a small house out in a rural area, i'd have a high-end pc with many screens, a whole weight room, and a music room for my drum set and guitar/bass (i would only play alone, not with other people, i don't want other people in my house). i would spend the rest of life living alone and the internet would be more than anough social interaction for me

>> No.7925130


>> No.7925134


Women are "powerful" because you fucking faggots stopped being men.

>> No.7925142

thats why i know weve already hit the peak bubble for women
looks like im going to have to skip a generation and buy them up on the dip
i broke up with my fiance last year when i found out she took the $5k ring i bought her and got a bigger rock for it with her mother since she cried that her friends rock was bigger

when i found out i dumped her, best decision of my life, took the rig money back and started dabling in crypto (june 2017)

>> No.7925146

I agree with you 100%

>> No.7925148


Pajeet confirmed

>> No.7925205

>t. guy who gets to work with pretend engineers and architects with degrees handed to them
this. i finished a mechanical eng degree and the wymyn were all incompetent and just had a flock of orbiters do their homework for them. it was the exact same in industry so i saved money and quit. women are not made to be engineers, it, etc. it made me leave the field

>> No.7925268

I’m not a pajeet if I’m trading and lending. I’m utilizing the current market to buy former high priced currencies to store in my exodus wallet. Also I’m not Indian stop assuming my nationality I hate most Indian food.
And I’m planning to buy quantum so I can n make even more money.

>> No.7925284

fuck off sanjay

>> No.7925308
File: 23 KB, 238x191, 87CF15A8-51DB-4937-A34A-4F0EF42052BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that even mean you Putin worshiping Twinkie eater?

>> No.7925334

post hand with timestamp

>> No.7925386
File: 585 KB, 392x669, 1484976521950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pootin is bad

>> No.7925388

You first, Jamal.

>> No.7925472

Go eat a Twinkie soy boy !

>> No.7925479

buying 5k ring, what are you, a beta? at least you sorted this shit out

>> No.7925512

>Buying a BMW
>Buying a BMW and then bedazzling it with gemstones
>Buying a BMW, bedazzling it with gemstones, and then taking a picture of your ugly fucking car with an overly tanned, bleached hair thot

Whoever is associated with OP's pic is a complete tasteless fucking degenerate ffs...

>> No.7925524

i earn a lot and $5k was not an unreasonable expense, i was just following zog programming that said i should marry if i wanted to start a family

im never doing that again and plan on eventually having several long term live in girlfriends when i make it

>> No.7925549

Elliot Roger

>> No.7925553

get out of our internet shitskin. letting indians online was a mistake.

>> No.7925554


Your grammar tells a story of it's own really.

>> No.7925573

Ever notice you never find single girls but always find single guys?

>> No.7925601
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You still think I’m Indian I happen to have friends who happen to be Indians but I’m not an Indian go back to your trailer you’re drunk.

>> No.7925611
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>of it's own

>> No.7925628

Is it possible to get a donor egg fertilized and a surrogate mother to bypass the traditional system?

>> No.7925673

if you're religious theres nothing that says you need state approval to get married

>> No.7925759

This is completely right. The perspective is 200% different. Absolutely refreshing and would recommend.

>> No.7925783

Because she is ur mother! faggot

>> No.7925814

Because you're a beta that allows them to.

>> No.7925817

My highschool sweetheart turned into a lesbian before we were to get married.

My other highschool gf is a 9th degree batshit insane narcissistic turd.

Last girl I was with told me she couldn't get pregnant so I kept nutting in her and then one day she deleted all social media and disappeared.

Those were my serious ones. So what I'm saying is not everyone chances into something like that

>> No.7925886

>>thinks roasties that eat Jamal’s asshole are more valuable than other women
Kek what a faggot

>> No.7925925

So much this, I spent 2 weeks in pattaya in learned more about women than here in europe during 25 years.
Like holy shit, it was more awakening then all my LSD relavations (which were kinda life-changing in their own way - ironically lsd pursued me to quit doing drugs and focus on making money).

Like seriously, after seeing the same patterns on girls back home that the whores in pattaya were doing you really realise all girls are whores. I dont mean in the sense you think you do, you really do realize it. The girls use the same behavioural patterns when they ask for help for the uni exam as the girls in pattaya use when they want you to take them home or buy them overpriced drinks in the gogos.

And when you get home and realise that the "cute" girls back home are doing it even more brutally than the cock-grabbins slant eyes thai whores you get to another dimension.

>> No.7926016
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>I'm alpha
>gets mad about an anonymous text

>> No.7926051


>> No.7926123

just act like a normal fucking person and talk to them

>> No.7926244

Have any of you ever met a woman who was, you know, normal?

>> No.7926253

Every black chad needs to visit every country
Oh wait

>> No.7926281

could you at least be a little more original when you insult people?


>> No.7926284

no, because females aren't even human

>> No.7926313

Not a one that wasn't already married.

>> No.7926349

i have a loving girlfriend who i love to death
nothing but respect for you and disdain for the cuck who replied to you
faggots get bitter when they see brilliance because they're worthless and resent others for being better
keep doing you, anon

>> No.7926361

>Those were my serious ones. So what I'm saying is not everyone chances into something like that

sorry anon, you have had a shit go of it... I get it, I got lucky and understand its unusual, just saying its the reason...you want it, this is what you are trying to get to...

>> No.7926450

I want to run my fingers across the car more than the thot.