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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7923580 No.7923580 [Reply] [Original]

>pic related

>> No.7923625

it's some fag's claim

if everybody is throwing dice at the dartboard, some are bound to land. doesn't mean this one necessarily will though.

>> No.7923634
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>i browse the reddits

>> No.7923655

It'll be coinbase, fraudulent funds will be uncovered in their accounts

>> No.7923853

corresponds with his claim

>> No.7923890

>has to buy access to see his shit


>> No.7923907

also link

>> No.7923934

I thought Binance has been hacked?

>> No.7923986

Wow! What makes you say that? Coinbase is the market standard. Tether now?

>> No.7924012
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Sorry for all the questions. Is price going to continue to drop before then? I thought we would dip over the weekend and moon on Monday. If this get out early though this could be a bloodbath.

>> No.7924267

I cannot say more sorry

>> No.7924327
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Thanks for the heads up. Seriously.

>> No.7924344

>implying you know anything about anything

If an exchange got hacked it will be a chink one not coinbase

>> No.7924366

FUD campaign

>> No.7924378

A fag. There's a fucking lot that can be earned by predicting the price semi accurately, not much by sharing that info on reddit.

>> No.7924498

The same guy called the top of $10,500 EXACTLY.

Another supposed insider has trace the drop https://twitter.com/Landm_Marius

>> No.7924550

I find it surprising how /biz/ is so retarded as to believe any faggot flashing coloured mirrors.

>> No.7924589

You have a link to his reddit post? When was it posted?

As to the Marius guy, his prediction on what would happen last night was laughably wrong

>> No.7924612

>You have a link to his reddit post? When was it posted?

3 days ago

>> No.7924676
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Link please. I wanna look up posting history etc

>> No.7924739

>You have a link to his reddit post
>Link please

username: ix br i an

>> No.7925036

hmm okay the guy seems to live in South Korea, I know they have many whales and insiders there, but it's possible he read some unverified rumor on some korean forum

I'm hearing from different sources about an exchange hack so who knows, either it's real or this is a coordinated FUD attempt of some sort. But I also believe that the chinks want to crash the market, so an exchange hack could be a way to continue the process

>> No.7925055

This is a fud campaign by shorts.

>> No.7925242
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If I had to take a guess I would say binance, the maintenance the other week just felt weird

>> No.7925279

>This is a fud campaign by shorts.
manlets at it again baka

>> No.7925446

>If I had to take a guess I would say binance

I fucking hope its not binance

>> No.7925464

It could be worse if it was bitfinex or coinbase

>> No.7925478

>It could be worse if it was bitfinex or coinbase

kucoin? its also chink exchange

>> No.7925507

well those visa charges and other charges to nearly every bank x multiple times would do it. SEC could easily shut them down on that alone imho. customers and financial institutions not happy. Blame visa? ho-boy good move..

>> No.7925521
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>> No.7925700
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Chink fuck also claims he's from the future

If time travel's possible I would have been extremely rich by now and won't tell others my secret

>> No.7925734
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More from the "insider"

>> No.7925758

i mean he literally spelt out tether.
didn't they already release a statement that they might have enough to full cover tether but could probably still be shut down ? Thought I saw something like that on a tradeview news blurb

>> No.7925772

Say it with me:

self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.7925773

at least its after the ven/vet rebrand pump day

>> No.7925815 [DELETED] 

well a major exchange pulls an exit scam.. yeah that would crash the market head first.

>> No.7925872

Holy shit I hadn't noticed, so yea that would be bitfinex

They were supposed to release an audit for ages but never did, they cut ties with their auditor recently, they haven't given proof they have the funds to back tethers, if that's what it is it's gonna be the big crash

>> No.7925924

Bro Coinbase has already been up to shady shit. My mate had multiple request made to his bank account and had to cancel the extra coinbase transaction.
There have been rumors of insider trading and other things. Find the leaked chats from owners and players. I would not be surprised. Tethering up seems the safe play until Wednesday.

>> No.7926038

this was what i was thinking... in this case, everyone will be fucked, and money will fly back to dollars asap. Tether helped the market on the last bears, this can totally annihilate all crypto trading for one month and will totally give a chance to wall st to get the best position in the market, they've been looking for it since last btc's bull run to 20k

>> No.7926137

>i mean he literally spelt out tether.
Tethers been in the news as to having a Dutch bank and them as an account holder last few days, so recent. Basically saying they are covered.

>> No.7926154

CZ (Binance Chink CEO) said all tether related FUD is just FUD, he said he's seen the accounts.

Even for a chink, he seems like a straight shooter

>> No.7926160
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>insider trading
all it takes is one person to squeeze and let the beans spill out.

>> No.7926178

This crash is ultimately a good thing. We need regulation.

>> No.7926198

Secret chats have been posted on bz i the past. I didn't want to touch it with a bargepole. Read a few words- one guy was bragging about making 100 million. Nope. Out. Nothing to do with me.

>> No.7926254

Plus its..us based.. so I think that narrows it.

>> No.7926277

Yeah Madoff's partner saw his trades and said they were legit.

>> No.7926386

It's coinbase. And we're about to head into $9,600s.

>> No.7926397

And we're there.

>> No.7926447

This guy called it! Thank you!

>> No.7926492
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>> No.7926499

If there is truth to this, it is not safe to be tethered up, but rather this is the time to buy the coins and move them out of the exchange.

Unless you are trading in bitstamp or kraken or such. But if you cash out on those exchanges, you might be liable for taxes.

When the prices go down it's time to go to cash, but even cash is not safe. Shit.

>> No.7926549

Ah fuck what to do now, last time i missed the crash and did not sell for buying even cheaper, should i sell everything now and trust this fucker? FUUUUUCK i hate momentsl ike this

>> No.7926634

Are you people this retarded?

>make 100 bold predictions about crypto
>get 1 right
>use that account to influence people with next "prediction"

Now start buying some reddit accounts and making those tripcodes. Soon there will be so many idiots doing this no one will listen anymore.

>> No.7926655
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>it's another "/biz takes the advice of a paranoid schizophrenic" episode

>> No.7926841

He did not see them, someone he trusts did.

>> No.7926919


This has been the wet dream of goldbugs for decade. Hold your shit offf the exchange and laugh as the fur flies. In the end the populous will have been jewed out of their coins and you can sit there laughing.

>> No.7926989
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My roastie has finally spread hehehehehe

>> No.7927205

Literally no reason to trust this guy. Don't sperg out.

>> No.7928107

Visa took the blame

>> No.7928248
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No, it will be bitfinex/tether.