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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7908086 No.7908086 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is a fucking genius. I'm all in on ETH and never selling it. NEVER. This shit is still heavily undervalued.

>> No.7908176

does he have a girlfriend?

>> No.7908199

Let the retards hold their LINK, NANO and other garbage.

>> No.7908204

> is years after ETH release
> is thousands of dollars invested
> just read ETH whitepaper

>> No.7908209

One in every country.

>> No.7908223

i would unironically call it the next bitcoin.

>> No.7908303

LINK, Nano and ETH are unironically a great combination. Eth uses potential of the blockchain for more than just currency and is a store of value because it is used for gas to run dApps. Nano perfects the “currency” aspect and gets rid of fees and long wait times. Link solves the oracle problem and benefits both of them.

>> No.7908311

I unironically agree. We’re going to make it.

>> No.7908661

I hold, but read more about the vulnerability of smart contracts, the DAO and the inability of Turing complete languages to handle contracts. I doubt these examples are why it’s down, but they are some of the reasons why most of my portfolio isn’t ETH

>> No.7908694

Vitalick is the best personality in crypto
Hands down.

>> No.7908773

What will make or break it will be the development of a killer dApp. If eth can provide something new and powerful on its platform, people will flock to it. If it stays as “cartoons of cats and pyramid schemes” it will die.

>> No.7908801

>I'm all in on ETH

Now? after how long? are you serious?

>This shit is still heavily undervalued

Flippening when

>> No.7909658

I’m 75/25 ETH and link because I know where the money is

>> No.7909670
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>> No.7910175

but it's not bitcoin...

>> No.7910214

Are there really people on biz who don't hold coins or who haven't ready the basic white papers of crypto?

What the fuck do these people even do in their lives?

>> No.7910229
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>tfw EOS fucks and abuses ETH like the cheap unscalable slut that it is

>> No.7910262

do you think money skelly would agree with your analysis?

>> No.7910299
File: 625 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180223-125714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the money skeleton stand like an autist?

>> No.7910326

You mean the autistic man child who stole every idea ETH has ever had? The scam is still going strong.

>> No.7910383


>> No.7910415

Can someone aware me on the network congestion? Isn't there an issue with the network that cryptokitties caused that still hasn't been solved?

>> No.7910509
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He's also a pedophile and a commie.

>> No.7910512

Cryptokitties caused network congestion from the high amount of transactions that were taking place, but that resolved a long time ago.

Right now, the average transaction that only sends ether costs about 3 cents and takes 30 seconds to be confirmed.

>> No.7910572

ETH runs everything onchain. Which clogs the whole system to a grinding halt. Their solution is some half-baked ideas that will never see the light of day.

>> No.7910606

I'm getting some mixed messages here

>> No.7910651

You can always see how much an eth transaction costs here:


That other guy is a moron or a shill. There's no shortage of them in the crypto world.

>> No.7910772

He’s certainly a genius but until he develops some solutions to scaling he’ll always be ‘the inventor of the first smart contracts network’ and that’s it. They better do it soon, too, because EOS mainnet launch is in June

>> No.7910782

This is what iExec is for

>> No.7910826

lmao if you are impressed by that white paper you are a brainlet. the yellow paper is much better and then stuff like nano s white paper is better. you people are just dumb as shit

>> No.7910904

no one cares what the costs are now when the activity is low how retarded can you be?

>> No.7910952

The weak point in ETH is vitalik himself. ETH is a 2nd gen crypto. Something else will take over. For now its great trading, but who knows if it will keep value. I know ETH tokens are mostly shit.

>> No.7911038

>yellow paper

That's lightweight. Try the polkadot paper.

>> No.7911064
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>> No.7911400

Less wind resistance. He's very light so he has to take precautionary measures