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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7898438 No.7898438 [Reply] [Original]

There are women on Twitter who call themselves crypto-girls. They do not do anything like discussing crypto, or doing an analysis. All they do is fool around. But somehow they expect to get paid for shit posting. The worst part is that they do make a lot of money.

Who pays these women and why?

>> No.7898458

Orbiters, because they're beta males looking for attention and love. Poor saps

>> No.7898462

thanks just made a twitter account and will impersonate a female crypto enthusiast

>> No.7898493

You are amazing

>> No.7898608

>mfw I got my gf to be a cryptogirl
>mfw they her tip 3-4xrb daily

>> No.7898627


>> No.7898636
File: 19 KB, 213x237, 40C4542E-003C-4259-879E-554101D713CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to make money in crypto without mining or buying crypto: 1. Catfish

>> No.7898642

damn emojis don't work

>> No.7899161

I've been larping as a hot chick doing crypto for a while and retards have already donated around 25 eth kek, it's so fucking easy

>> No.7899194


They deserve to lose that money.

>> No.7899224

I’ve been thinking about doing this. How do you pull it off?

>> No.7899271

nice, how much time do you spend on maintaining your image? and where did you get your profile pictures? is it as simple as acting like the other chicks and trying to be slightly more unique?

>> No.7899295


>> No.7899301

also if enough people on here did this we could follow/like/interact with each other for support and exposure purposes

>> No.7899316

meant retweet, not interact but it's similar

>> No.7899397

Hmm not a bad idea,

>> No.7899436

> They do not do anything like discussing crypto, or doing an analysis.
Sounds like /biz/

>> No.7899478

Not much, I use pictures of my old fap folders I used to have when I was browsing /b/ years ago. I did this as a joke at first, I didn't have any donation address and I had a lot of fun, but I figured I could make a profit.
Basically all you have to do is act like a cute retarded girl and post cute pictures without necessarily showing a face, you post pictures of the new vegan meal you totally cooked and then a picture of a cute girl etc...

>> No.7899522

damn ok, this should be fun, thanks bro and gl

>> No.7899563

So you don’t use any faces in your pics? Interesting

>> No.7899568

Well it is, being a woman is so easy today you just can't lose

>> No.7899601

Most of the time I don't no, find pov pictures they work quite well

>> No.7899633

Anyone who wants crypto to be mainstream right now is either a whale or a normie.

>> No.7899655

Lol fucking faggots is who donates

The dung of mankind

>> No.7899666

On twitter or Instagram?

>> No.7899742

On twitter, on Instagram I'd have to post too much pictures and the retards would probably figure out that I'm not real. On twitter you only have to post a picture once in a while, most of the time you just say cute retarded shit about crypto like a normie would say, and post a picture when you feel you need to get more attention.

>> No.7899756

They are modern day whores

And betamalefaggots who enable them are the scum of the earth

>> No.7899766

You legit made 25 eth? Wtf insanity

>> No.7899767

Pretty genius

>> No.7899837

pretty sure these are fake accounts or run by boyfriends

>> No.7899883

Yes, but I've been larping for nearly a year and I only started receiving donations around october, I don't know how long I'll be doing it it's getting a bit boring and I'm making mistakes as a result

>> No.7899916

you could sell the account : )

>> No.7899978

oh and have you cashed out some of it? if it works i'm not sure how i'd go about reporting it (are they capital gains, gifts, etc.)

>> No.7900081

He's full of shit. I larp as a hot girl on twitter and keep it active.

To date I've got zero anything.

>> No.7900092

No I didn't and I have the exact same concerns to be honest, I have not moved them from the wallet they were sent to atm

>> No.7900158

Maybe your fake self isn’t hot enough

>> No.7900176

Report the value when received as gifts and any value appreciation after that as capital gains.

>> No.7900199

Show us your wallet address faggot.
I find it hard to believe you'd make much without posting face pics.

>> No.7900277

norminess is a state of mind
thank you

>> No.7900304
File: 1.17 MB, 1203x950, twitchroastie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who pays these women and why?
beta orbiters

>> No.7900326

the only thing worse than a beta orbiter is RICH beta orbtier
god damn fucking fucking idiots

>> No.7900348

Absolutely sickening

I bet she convinces herself she isn’t a camwhore

>> No.7900486

Ffs how do you pay that much and not even get the suck?

>> No.7900547
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>> No.7900621



>> No.7900623

Fuck off I'm not risking outing myself, I don't give a fuck if you don't believe me

>> No.7900814

twitch literally lives off of beta cucks

>> No.7900907

>anal herpies

>> No.7901831

I gotta be honest. LARPing a woman on the internet in any context is pretty gay. Also, traps are gay.

>> No.7901957

They aren't winners, they're scammers/pajeets using a girlpic lmao