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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7870655 No.7870655 [Reply] [Original]

What's the avrage IQ here? Seems pretty low.

>> No.7870676

depends on if bitcoin goes up or down

>> No.7870679

126 unironically

>> No.7870683


>> No.7870690
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mine is unironically 87 and i still x24 my investment in a little over half a year

>> No.7870691
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137 Reporting in

>> No.7870702
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Over 9000

>> No.7870709
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mine is 101

>> No.7870713

I think Iäm around 60

>> No.7870715
File: 143 KB, 960x1208, 1502759572508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~131, just made it into the 98th percentile. Still a fucking brainlet who struggles with math.

>> No.7870722
File: 128 KB, 831x639, 1519210100285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

136, still feel dumb compared to some on uni

>> No.7870737

148 unironically

>> No.7870740

It's wonderful. Biz is full of geniuses. Who would have thought?

>> No.7870777


>> No.7870784
File: 28 KB, 488x463, acak73u2ui701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet we make more money than some of the supposed geniouses here

>> No.7870796


How do you find my IQ?

>> No.7870810

133 checking in
all in eth

We have a mix of people here. Some geniuses, some retards. Some in the middle.

>> No.7870813


I find my IQ*?

Is there a place I can go? Why does everyone seem to know theirs? I've never heard of anyone knowing this in real life

>> No.7870819

should be written on your birth certificate

>> No.7870820

unironical 153, x12 on investment in a year
indeed, it doesn't pay to be smart in crypto. holding shitcoins in spite of good sense will let you become filthy rich

>> No.7870852
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ouch your hurt ego shows

>> No.7870862


Dunning kruger internet test meme IQ cringe

>> No.7870883
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>> No.7870892

Yep, been holding since late 2016 and I've 100x my initial investment. I wen all in ETH because it was being shilled here on /biz/ at the time, and thought I was a genius when it was going up over the past year. Turns out that if I had put that money into almost any other shitcoin that has been shilled on here, I'd have made even more.

Being a successful cryptocurrency investor doesn't require intelligence, it requires luck and getting in early. Most people investing probably have <100 IQs tbqh these days (early days would have been much higher). That's one of the reasons we see insane 20% daily swings.

>> No.7870938

Short btc

>> No.7870940


With all he pajeets and amerimutts infesting this board i would guess the average is somewhere around 90.

>> No.7870998

many an indian have high IQ

>> No.7871007

nice rationalisation you got going there m8
you are the true retard or else you wouldnt come up with such baseless assumptions
to be successfull in crypto you need to do proper research, be honest to yourself and you need the ability to reflect
all i can see here is some stuck up cunts who think theyre smart but you reveal your idiocy through your posts
you may have a high IQ but its obvious you cant apply it

>> No.7871019
File: 159 KB, 620x827, 1512500634181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in a University research study control group since I was pre-pubescent and they did a multifaceted cognitive testing every time I periodically checked in over the years. I also had another one done recently when I went to see a neurologist to find out if I was actually adhd or not (I do not).

The research study was on prematurely born children (I'm in control group). They also threw me into the MRI each time so I probably have some weird magnet brain cancer now. At least I got 150 bucks once in a while, which as a 12 year old was dope.

>> No.7871118

I'm a nigger.

>> No.7871159


Well of course theres always a diamond in the rough with over a billion people.
The average is still barely above africa tier.

>> No.7871184

>all these fucking idiots think they're smart but none of them have perfect 100/100
lol just end yourselves m8s

>> No.7871206

there's no diamonds in africa's or indigenous australia's rough

>> No.7871263

These threads are like job or portfolio threads. The people with the goods posts, most people who don't simply won't say anything. Biz is not full of geniuses, although I'd wager it's slightly higher than the average...being composed of white males being the man reason

>> No.7872137

I had an IQ test done when I was like 14 / 15 and it was like 152. I seriously doubt it though. I had another one done and it was more like 126. I was smoking weed all the time during the period of the second one. I think IQ tests are bullshit desu.

>> No.7872157

Around 105 probably.

>> No.7872190

115 but it feels like everyone i speak to IRL is significantly dumber than me so i reckon it should be higher.

>> No.7872201

500 but i only use 10%

>> No.7872217

I took a online test when i was like 13 that said i have 115 IQ, but im a total brainlet so i dont know if thats true. Either way if I've found myself on this macedonian asshole enlightening forum going all in on LINK i guess i must be pretty smart

>> No.7872221
File: 72 KB, 576x768, _QQWgum6LOOKOtVEKpQe3GGTwpDjeVQplxlTSLa_K3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I find out my iq?

>> No.7872231

so if it's effectively only 50 your spelling is pretty good considering that you're almost clinically retarded

>> No.7872237

what part of "unironical" don't you understand? internet iq tests are not serious. calling me a larper would have been more logically consistent, but your brainlet ass couldn't even get that right

>> No.7872243


made a million last year with $1000 starting capital
bought ZRX and KNC

planning on dumping whole stack on b0x when it comes out

>> No.7872257

check penis
if penis small = big brain
if penis big = small brain

small penis allows more blood to distribute to brain. On the other hand, niggers have big dicks and they're pretty fucking stupid

>> No.7872258

>calls himself a successful retard
>gets upset when smarter people agree it doesn't pay off to be smart
i never get the weird hangups brainlets have on intelligence, you understand it's 99% genetic right?

>> No.7872279

clinically tetarted is <80.
puts nigeria in a whole new light

>> No.7872293

124. I can remember every fuckigh info and number from a topic im interested in. Othervise i just forget it all.

>and that's how i failed calculus 4

>> No.7872369

So you're essentially a low iq dicklet trying to cope

>> No.7872405

120: smart enough to impress normies, dumb enough to be happy and sociable, aka the sweet spot.

>> No.7872421


>> No.7872431


>> No.7872455


>> No.7872497

t. offended nigger

>> No.7872645

>t. dicklet nigger

>> No.7872694

Why does every obviously retarded person have the same IQ test story? “Yeah I scored 900 when I was 12 but now I can’t tie my shoes IQ is bullshit desu”.

>> No.7872725

I don't even have a big dick, but
>small penis allows more blood to distribute to brain
is pretty much a low iq deduction, especially in the way you phrased it.

>> No.7872769

138 IQ here, scored above genius level when I was just 13 years old. Also in Mensa. I turned an initial investment of $5,000 into $180,000 - Cashed out, and am living the dream. Crypto, if you truly succeed, requires a modicum of intelligence that the majority of /biz/ simply, based on pure personal observation, does not have. Quite the same. I suspect that many folks on this board are white. Gives me doubt about the future of whites.

>> No.7872821

You're a real faggot

>> No.7872858

>unironically arguing against a fucking joke

Jesus christ i guess this board really is low iq

>> No.7873248

>living the dream at 180k
>138 iq
nice larp, fag