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786834 No.786834 [Reply] [Original]

MFW I buy a large flat white (coffee) to drink on the train every day for $5. Probably costs $1000 annually but it tastes so good

>> No.786836
File: 31 KB, 420x480, Bitcoinseller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw $5 a day is ~20k in 10 years

>> No.786850

>being addicted to the caffeinated jew

>> No.786854

>losing money from addiction

At least go all out and buy cocaine, if yyou're gonna spend money on addictions don't half ass it

>> No.786860

>not being home brew MASTER RACE

>> No.786867

I would just occasionally buy the $5 coffee because then you'll enjoy it more.

>> No.786894
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>> No.786896
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I can't get home-made coffee to taste as good as the cafe stuff.

Maybe I should go all out and spend 1k on something nice at home. Maybe after 2 weeks of straight research

>> No.786897

>not drinking the best coffee in the world
you're welcome

>> No.786899

nice jew meme idiots

>> No.786901 [DELETED] 

Have some dubs with your dubs

>> No.786905
File: 30 KB, 324x480, FIORI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start out with a coffee plunger. You can buy a good one for ~$20.
Then you find some nice beans. Buy them from somewhere that will grind them appropriately for your plunger, or buy a cheap electric grinder ($30-40). Grinding yourself just before you use it is better for taste imo.
DO NOT overgrind or the powder will be too fine for your plunger.

The plunger needs to sit for a good few minutes before you plunge it. Gives you time to jump under the shower or eat breakfast.

Then buy a nice thermal travel mug you can take with you.

pic related. What Im drinking atm. Bit pricey but fucking delicious.

>> No.786909

Okay, two things.
1- Money is a commodity you spend to get things you enjoy. I'd rather get my afterlunch coffee every day like i'm used to rather than save the two bucks a day I spend on it and go without.

2- American coffee is fucking awful and you should feel bad for enjoying it.

>> No.786915

Thanks for that but I've already tried plunger coffee and the texture is different from cafe quality flat white coffee. Not as good. I haven't tried grinding my own beans though.

>> No.786922

>not jewing your employer for coffee, snacks and fruit

>> No.786925

This. You gotta start cucking to get ahead

>> No.786927

How much are you investing a month in a taxable account? Once I started contributing regularly, I went out of my way to save more to invest. Now I buy cofree and lunch once a week, and drink the free office coffee other days.

>> No.786943

Assuming you do this 5 days a week...

5 x 52 = 260 days
260 x 5 = $1300 spent in a year
1300 x 5 = $6500 in 5 years

You could max a year worth of Roth IRA contributions.

>> No.786951
File: 123 KB, 561x370, Themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convenience is 2/3 of the cost of any good/service.

>> No.786965


this. enjoy your anxiety

>> No.787595

Add sugar.

>> No.787598

That's why it taste better.

>> No.787602

just get a bottle of caffeine pills from walgreens and pop one every morning instead of coffee. much cheaper.

>> No.787624

>not just making some fucking black coffee when you wake up
>not saving money whilst getting the added benefit of brilliant morning shits before you shower

>> No.787626

>buy a large flat white
>buys starbucks
>worried about the cost
starbucks is overpriced m8, you should know that

just get a regular coffee then, it's $2. is that better?

>> No.787642

seriously you guys need to do one of two things;

either get a french press, some good grounds, and make your own cold brew


buy cold fusion coffee. If you're going to pay five bucks for a starbucks coffee everyday, you may as well drink something quality. Literally the only good thing about starbucks is the 400 calories worth of syrup and garbage they pump into it; their coffee, stripped of sugar and other garbage, is burnt, nasty shit.

Now Cold Fusion coffee, you can drink that straight. If you feel like it, add a single teaspoon of sugar, and it'll taste better than any coffee that's touched your lips before.

>> No.787643

just stop

>> No.787705

Caffeine addiction will ruin you. My mother gets intolerable throbbing headaches every morning if she doesn't drink it. I'd recommend many recreational drugs over this one.

>> No.787707
File: 60 KB, 580x828, sparkling water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go through $5 in sparkling water every day.

I get anxious if I'm running low and usually don't go a few hours without.

>> No.788214
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>> No.788244

You do know they have water carbonators now that are actually super simple to use right?

Buying specialty coffee drinks I can understand since it's probably more effort than it's worth to make it yourself, but carbonated water is easy as fuck.

If you buy a simple soda stream or something, it'll probably pay itself off in less than a month.

>> No.788247


I'm aware. I'm torn because no counter space already and they only make like 750ml at a time...I've seen them in person and the quality is shittier than the brands I buy.

I wish I could make it at home with the same quality. I'm sure there's a solution but I've not looked enough yet. Also, it's worth it for not going throw so much goddamn glass and plastic. Fuck.

>> No.788252


Fuccboi, a plunger is what you put in the toilet that's called a French press

>> No.789622

>not getting cheap mcdonalds coffee to save sheckels