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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 379 KB, 750x1217, 4F339A95-7903-449B-A698-89FAB5D74B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7827353 No.7827353 [Reply] [Original]


Reddit is in complete damage control over this. Stellar will give your money away to nignogs

>> No.7827433



>> No.7827478

STellar bagholders are so delusional.
Enjoy your coin being dumped by thousands of niggers the minute they get it

>> No.7827521

That guy is 100% S O Y

>> No.7827522

can apply for this as a slav or do i have to be a nig?

>> No.7827525

and just how would they dump when they don't know how to use a computer let alone trade crypto?

>> No.7827538
File: 10 KB, 600x600, 1517090149243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's a transfer from the poor to the more poor.

>> No.7827594
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nigger coin

>> No.7827649

How the fuck they going to sign up to get their coins?

>> No.7827759
File: 2.72 MB, 500x375, 1392151561916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold this shit when I saw how many times they used the word inclusive on their site

>> No.7827802

coin is inflationary with a rate of 1%
this means supply will increase 1%
who do we give it too? lets give it to people likely to use it as we intend and to people in our target demographic. what's our target demographic? we want to target people without banks

people from 3rd world countries aren't going to "dump" lumens for a native currency, stellar is being beuilt to replace the unstable native currencies of 3rd world countries. remember how zimbabwe had rampant inflation and were printing 100mil notes? yeah, not happening because xlm isn't controlled by shitty 3rd world govts, so even sub saharan morons won't trade their lumens for fiat.

"but they'll just buy stuff with their gibs!"
that means that they will be buying goods and services and merchants have incentive to accept lumens, meaning they are creating an economy. the value of the dollar doesn't decrease every time you spend one.

"but I'm not the one getting gibs!! Wahhhhhh!!!"
suck it up buttercup.
wait, never mind, you can get your piece of the pie with an inflation pool. Maybe the developers thought about contingencies and what to do with the whiny cunts that fomo'd in.


"but people will DUMP IT!"
a set inflation rate means there will only ever be a set increase to supply. the devs have incentive to keep inflation at a reasonable level. they do this through controlling inflation. however, whales can accumulate, effectively reducing the supply artificially, increasing the price and then dump.
giving out 300 xlm per person isn't how this happens. this happens from someone becoming a whale, and dumping on stupid "investors" that don't know what they're doing.
so how do the devs mitigate that? by giving some of the inflation to xlm holders.
that way, it provides incentive for people like whales not to dump, and for supply to be reduced because people are holding xlm in wallets so that they can grow their stack

>> No.7827872

Yup. Not touching this shit til coin supply = circulating supply. Buying in during welfare distribution is retarded.


Enjoy having your holdings devalue.

>> No.7827953

bitcoin has a higher inflation rate for years
has this ever occurred to you?

>> No.7827958

Nice cope but seriously how the fuck are you gonna explain crypto to 60iq people? They tried giving them consoms and they cooked condom soup with it. Good luck explaining blockchain or decentralization or byzantine generals.
This is a just a pipe dream devised in San Francisco coffee shops.

>> No.7827986

of course not. They are just manchildren from /pol/ who have never contributed a damn thing to the world, complaining about things they don't understand in order to be edgy

>> No.7827999

is stellar ever going to pump again? i want to get out but not during a dip...

>> No.7828028

Can someone tell me why niggers get free xlm and what the fucking use of that is.
What else can they do except go to binance and dump it for real money?
Also they dont have any computer/internet at all or dont know what crypto is.

>> No.7828048

You're a fucking idiot.

Assuming niggers are able to work out how to sell xlm (they will probably be given help), it will immediately be spent on drink, drugs or guns.

One time economy faggot.

>> No.7828064
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i don't want to help you
i want you to die poor like you deserve to

>> No.7828080

Nah, they hate white people. These people are hypocrites.

>> No.7828084

where are they giving it for free? let's just sign up and profit

>> No.7828089
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Jed says thanks for the btc, nerds.

>> No.7828103

>wider participation = value increase

If XLM becomes used as currency in developing nations it can only be good. Most of this cryptoshit doesn't even get used for anything other than speculative trading. Real world use is vital for a coin to grow.

>> No.7828128

look, another eternally angry manchild talking about that which he does not understand

>> No.7828142
File: 255 KB, 441x520, 1508867983630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im holding my xlm for months now and only got 70% gain.
My worst gainer atm

>> No.7828152

>it’s supposed to deviate from the corporate world attitude and distribute the wealth


>> No.7828161

Leftists are delusional and believe giving money to Africans will fix the "problem". guiltcucks

>> No.7828168

You understand if it actually gets picked up as a currency in these shitholes it would easily double in price.

>> No.7828196

Keynesians will be the first in line on the day of the rope

>> No.7828205


>> No.7828220


There are lots of idiotic "crypto entrepreneurs" who basically dream of themselves bringing about socialism 2: electric boogaloo.

>> No.7828224

This is some of the better FUD I have seen on this board. Please get it back down in the 35 cent range so I can accumulate more before the central bank adoption announcements.

>> No.7828242

Haha yeah, it's not like Africans have had cities basically given to them, complete with infrastructure over there and have fucked it all up. Yeah it's THAT guy who is the idiot, not smart and inclusive people like us.

>> No.7828248

Is it fud if it's true?

>> No.7828250

do you understand what an inflationary currency is?
ie. the US dollar.

>> No.7828253

>id say you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but that would be a huge insult to a dull tool.

>> No.7828265

>t. nigger brain

People are not the same. No matter what you do they will not change. You cannot force the world to fit your egotistical opinion of how it should be.

Niggers will nigger. This will fail. The value of xlm will drop. Don't touch with a bargepole.

>> No.7828270

none of these people claiming to drop stellar even own it. These are the same people who, just last month, were posting hundreds of PnD discords. They're fucking pajeets.

Only normies shill hard here, only pajeets FUD hard here.

/biz/ has next to zero sway on the market anymore. All the whales left because of you faggots.

>> No.7828282
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>they won't "dump" it

>> No.7828288

Yeah so let’s focus on adoption in unstable economies full of IQ 75 nutcases who believe in sacrificing their daughters clitoris to appease the local river demon.

What is the exchange rate of XLM to 8 year olds clitorises again?

>> No.7828312

List them all so we can dump them ASAP

>> No.7828313

you need to know the technicals of blockchain in order to use it.

just like you need to know how payment settlement works in the financial industry in order to use a credit card.

oh wait...

inflation of 1% yearly
circulating supply: 18.5 billion
total supply 104 billion
number of 1 year periods needed until total supply=circulating supply based on compound growth calculation: 173.5 years

I understand wanting to wait until it is actually used as per the intended use case, and until value stabilizes, which are basically the same thing, but at that point, your returns are going to be on the level of FOREX, where you need massive margin and large order sizes because you are trading tiny movements.

as if jigaboos are the only ones that spend tons of money on drink and drugs, and the rest of the world are puritanical abolitionists.
then again, spending money on consumables, is likely to mean great circulating speed. also, in case you idiots don't realize.
if I spend my 3rd world xlm gibs on alcohol, that means the seller is accepting xlm as payment, meaning there is a market. he then spends his xlm on other things and you have an economy. do you not know how an economy works on the most basic level? wait, don't answer that.

has it right. XLM is an attempt to replace the financial systems linked to unstable governments common in the third world.
the issue that everyone is freaking out about is what the value of the currency will be in reference to the fiat value they bought it with once xlm is established. If it stabilizes at about 1 xlm to $1 then everyone that holds xlm will have made some profit, if it stabilizes at 2 xlm to $1, then anyone who bought above $0.5 will lose money.
this means that xlm is currently a speculation tool, and /biz/nessmen are the worst kind of speculators, especially for long term stuff like this

>> No.7828332
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>> No.7828351

>If XLM becomes used as currency in developing nations it can only be good.

and godspeed to them but I don't want to give them my money to play with

I bought in at 0,26. Strongly considering getting out right now.

>> No.7828360

You have seen.

>> No.7828367

Stuff like this was circulating during december when it was being shown as some social justice token or some shit. A lot of people didn't care though and said there's money to be made so who cares what the team politics is. Well here you go.

Is this really surprising? Never give money to privilege princesses and their negro friends. If a product is going in that direction you get the FUCK OUT. It holds true everywhere. The governments are giving affirmative action bucks to others you need to GET OUT. Though that is more complicated than just selling your lumens.

>> No.7828372

nog spends XLM on booze
shop keeper immediately trades XLM for local currency
repeat until XLM is worthless, just like the Zimbabwe dollar
the high supply suddenly makes sense now

>> No.7828416

thanks just bought 100k

always do the opposite of what biz tells you to do

>> No.7828433
File: 139 KB, 597x599, 1516500178917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek another IDIOTA in the making
only cuckolds should hold XLM at this point

>> No.7828449

Anybody with a business oriented mindset would realize this is a good thing.

Things we know:

>Niggers are stupid with money
>XLM is going to be provided to niggers, for nothing
>Niggers will suddenly have """money"""
>Those niggers will want to spend it on something as soon as they get it

So all you need to do to get that nigger welfare money, is to provide something they think is valuable (which actually isnt)
In reality, this is a handout to anybody who is willing to go to the effort of exploiting niggers to take their nigger welfare coins.

End result will likely be lots of chinese and eastern europeans scooping up extremely cheap XLM from the nigger horde, while providing almost nothing in return.

>> No.7828459


>> No.7828470

>this is a good thing
>extremely cheap XLM

how is this a good thing?

>> No.7828477

whether this works or not, I think its pretty clear stellars price is going to move sideways for quite some time while they distribute free lumens.

>> No.7828495

The circlejerk that Stellar is giving away XLM is incredibly silly. There's no FUD about Ripple holding XRP, or, even better, selling their XRP to "partners". Do you really think banks are going to buy your XRP from banks?

The Stellar network is what makes the tech so strong. You can issue any asset on the network and get all of the benefits.

XLM is the native asset on the network meaning all fees are processed with it. Giving it away increases adoption and awareness.

At the end of the day the real benefit of Stellar isn't XLM, but the assets that are issued on the network.

You are circlejerking this meme and are literally too stupid to comprehend what they're actually doing because you haven't done a single ounce of research and reiterate what you've seen others say on social media.

The price is going to continue to go down and then it will all be scooped up.

It's a zero sum game for a reason. The idiots lose.

>> No.7828497

>Executing a market order
Brainlet detected

>> No.7828501

it's going to be 10 years of gibs

>> No.7828503

The only thing i'm banking at the moment is the jews pushing this shit as their new diversity propaganda and having a mass influx of normie money going into it, at that point i will sell for profit and move on

This is basically TRX/XRP take 3

>> No.7828504

Normally that’s good advice but when it comes to socialists trying to prop up niggerdom there are no exceptions. It’s a doomed enterprise every single time.

>> No.7828511

You've got to be fucking kidding me. This shit cannot fucking be happening to me.

My two biggest holds were REQ and Stellar. First REQ gets cucked out of the blue by that new Coinbase payment system. Then people start telling me niggers are gonna get free Stellar just for fucking existing, and now there are people calling me fucking privileged for askign why I should buy the coins when someone else is going to be given the same amount, for free, just for being a fucking nigger.

This can't be happening to me. Why does everything go wrong in my life? Why?

>> No.7828521





>> No.7828520

Missing the point. The nigger helper will sell the xlm for them. Niggers then spend gibs on alcohol.

Also failed to address the heart of my point. You cannot change people. You cannot change the world. It is not for you to decide how things should be in any event.

>> No.7828523
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So what you're saying is that airdropped tokens onto Africans effectively acts as a token burn?


>> No.7828525


They can't. This is all FUD. I'm sure they will be giving them away but will likely be on some sort of mobile phone payment accounts that they use to text money to each other. Probably will be distributed and controlled through a walled service provider in the countries and can be traded for goods and services but lilely not fiat until much more development in the market and/or certain conditions are met.

However they are doing it, it certainly won't be the case people can just sell them on exchanges as soon as they get them.

>> No.7828530

what's most likely to happen is either:

A) it does nothing with less than 10% being touched because digital monies can't be eaten. As a result the price literally moons.

B) banks consolidate lumens from africans for a mix of fair prices(market value) and pennies(cut throat prices) they then PnD the coin into oblivion or make it xrp 2.0

>> No.7828531


you could read the rest of the comment next time, if you have questions

>> No.7828546

Let me tell you, we are really changing the world as we know it. The world is not anymore the way it used to be mmm mmm mmm nonono! SSSSSSSTELLLLLLLAAAAARRRR

>> No.7828564

kek you sometimes doing the opposite is wrong too

>> No.7828574

No thanks. You've just confirmed that you're an imbecile.

>> No.7828590

oh no I could have saved 0.01% / $4

>> No.7828600
File: 65 KB, 810x1060, stellar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but I can't take a coin like this seriously

>> No.7828614

bit koooohhhneeeeccccckkkkk

>> No.7828628

I'm a brainlet and I sold right when they released that joke of a "roadmap". Enjoy bleeding money and supporting a charity SJW coin.

>> No.7828630

If xlm is just going to be the new USD, an inflationary currency given away to niggers for free, what is the point of buying it? Might as well buy treasury bonds.

>> No.7828637

>Ripple sells XRP to "banks" for cheaper than current market value
>lol banks will buy XRP from me on exchanges
>echo chambers
>but guys /biz/ said Stellar is giving away XLM to niggers in africa there is no infrastructure!!!1
>what do you mean the stellar network can issue assets that aren't xlm?
>wtf is a native asset?
>wtf is supply and demand?
>wtf I'm never going to make it?

>> No.7828638


why are u posting reddit here wtf? Did u even read the link you posted? Literally guy made an account a few hours ago to shitpost on the subreddit

if they're giving out lumens for free, why arent u planning on getting them? (or maybe u ree and just using FUD to divert attention)

If they are giving it out for free, how can I sign up?

sage in all fields

>> No.7828678



>FUD accomplished

>> No.7828679

>give free crypto to people who do not understand crypto and cannot learn to cash out due to unable to use a computer while running away from civil war, lions and ebola
>even if you teached them to cash out, good part of them would need to cashout instantly to buy food or something, so the first ones to cash out would get more money than the late sellers (a quasi-pyramid)
>"I'm such a tolerant and progressive liberal, I did my part #withher #metoo #bernie"

>> No.7828698



let's lay it out here.
in initial phases, xlm needs to find a way to enter the market and gain adoption, best way is to give it away, with the incentive that it will have value at some point. for the people that get it for free, any value greater than zero means they got something from nothing. so they have a 0 average cost per xlm. so they can take profit whenever they want and be happy with it. hence, the dump. however they sell it to someone else, with the end goal of creating an economy, and once which due to the blockchain based nature is not bound by national borders or financial institutions and so has distinct advantages over fiat. what happened why the US started issuing their own currency? what happens when anybody establishes a country/fiat currency.

this retains all the advantages of blockchain but is organized in a way that the users aren't the one that have to sustain it because as we know, niggers can't sustain something like bitcoin the way the rest of the world has. so the central authority, xlm and partners, will manage it instead.
lol, "you can't change the world" what do you think the central goal of bitcoin/crypto/blockchain is??!?!?!?!? "it is not for you to decide how things should be"
for fucks sake, just try to engage your brain for once. this is literally the goal of blockchain

xlm reported on a blockchain digital ledger. USD is not

that's definitly a possible scenario. that speculation on what people are going to do is what everyone is doing. we are trying to figure out if that will happen, or if it will be successful, and gain long term adoption. that is what investors do, they try to take educated guesses based on their assessment of the world to determine whether the thing they are putting their money into will gain or lose value. from what I've seen, I'm willing to put my money on the side saying xlm will succeed, and therefore my early investment will grow in value.

>> No.7828728

Man I really fucked up I could have held on while it's dropped 8%

>> No.7828730


Thats the shittest photoshop.

no skill pol

>> No.7828739

for them to spend it on booze requires the booze man to accept xlm, which they wont. So they need to hit exchanges, next to none will have access to exchanges, banks won't take it and if they do then we're in lambo land. It's a win fucking win

>> No.7828748

Holy fucking shit. If this shitcoin pumps again I will sell. This is the deathstrike for a great project. Africans turn everything they can get hands on to shit since 10.000 years.

>> No.7828759


yo bro u don't even know what the fuck are u talking about, shut up

if u actually think they're giving it to niggers u are falling for the FUD. Anyone who thinks this is real is utterly retarded to think that a startup wants to literally feed Africans instead of become the financial behemoth it is trying to be





>> No.7828776

This thread makes me realize just how stupid /biz/ is.

Just because you have $200 in cryptocurrency doesn't make you a knowledgeable trader or investor.

Keep following the memes you fucking sheep brainlets.

>> No.7828780

this was painful to read holy fuck

>> No.7828782


>> No.7828789

So /biz/ is actually sperging out at the fact that a cryptocurrency is doing what cryptocurrencies were meant to do to begin with?

>> No.7828790

So then a new breed of African XLM warlords emerges and accumulates all the XLM for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.7828800

So... How do I get some of these free XLM?

I just need a proxy and a picture of a nog or do I actually have to go to africa and trick a tribe into giving it to me?

I have contacts in ghana that I could use to set-up a few scams. Easily make a reddit-friendly tribe that wants to into finance via stellar. Right some stupid stories and take pictures, maybe some sob shit about cripple kids. Then write the application, get my stellar, give the tribe some booze and chocolate bars and then flip the stellar into xmr.

What am I missing here?

Surely the stellar team aren't going to visit every shitty tribe in person

>> No.7828811

im okay with this

>> No.7828832

exactly this.
africa has numerous informal and micro economies based on the prevalence of phones and use of phones and apps to transfer value. like paypal and facebook/snapchat enabling mobile payments, and that giant asian chat app that lets you send money. That's how it will be. it's an attempt to replace the existing economies to some extent with one developed by professionals and managed by people that are not under direct control of the market itself or the government of the nation in which the market exists. just like the intentions of bitcoin and the entire blockchain project.

of course I'm saging all my posts. and if these idiots are too stupid to understand it at that level, I have to sink to theirs and disprove their arguments instead of outright dismissing them

>> No.7828833

who gives a fuck where he got it from your prob one of the niggers getting free xlm fuck off

>> No.7828844

>Anyone who thinks this is real is utterly retarded to think that a startup wants to literally feed Africans instead of become the financial behemoth
do we live
in the same

>"what, profit? it's not like my company has to deliver profit! I'm more interested in the social, you know? it's all about people"
>all books on the red

>> No.7828845


I don't remember there being this much shill activity in other Stellar "FUD" threads.

>> No.7828851


you only lose if u sell

>> No.7828861
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>simulated physical contact

>> No.7828864
File: 582 KB, 200x270, No.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agenda 21 Stellar Lumens redistrubtion of wealth confirmed.

Gtfo people this ends badly. Not saying this to buy your bags, i'm serious. Look up Agenda21

>> No.7828870


>> No.7828872

Why is it always the jewcoins ffs

>> No.7828900


That's an idea... don't give some poor guy a loaf of bread to feed his family.

He'd much prefer to get electronic money. And someday, when he finally has electricity and internet access, he can find out if it's mooning.

>> No.7828901

the post you linked doesn't relate to what I wrote at all you fucking moron.

I'm saying that they are going to have shit controls on who gets this money and that it's not going to be hard to use africans to accumulate a huge quantity of stellar.

>> No.7828903

You guys are morons. It's a charity.

>> No.7828906
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>probably the best time to invest in startups

well, it depends what startup to invest in i guess.

>who gives a fuck if they keep spreading the same FUD over and over

lol dude, I want free xlm. HOW DO I SIGN UP? (protip, you cant tell me)

>> No.7828909

HAHAHA Biz thought they were participating in "the greatest wealth transfer in history" when in actuality it's the third worlders taking money from them. Oh, the irony.

>> No.7828929

Lmao all you retards buying stellar are giving your money to niggers.

>> No.7828935

The intention of cryptocurrencies wasn't to have white people pay to build a network that (unbeknownst to them) would be used to give Africans millions of free dollars. Fuck you and Fuck Stellar.

>> No.7828942

I can go to any 3rd world shithole with $20 cash and get something for my money.

What is the value of blockchain in a place where about 14% of the population has access to the internet?

If I’m Kunta Kinte on my cell phone in a Nigerian marketplace and someone gives me some XLM for free I am going to immediately trade it for USD before whatever value it seemingly has is gone forever or my family demands I give it to them out of respect for my elders.

Show me one single African saying positive things about crypto currencies. Not a white lesbian at some non-profit. Show me an actual African displaying any sort of excitement over blockchain technology, crypto currency, and it’s application in the 3rd world.

>> No.7828951

*gives you a backrub*

>> No.7828974

Why has this only blown up in the past few days, this shit has been on their site for a while now

>> No.7828975



>> No.7828983


>> No.7828984


Reminder that ETH will probably do some cucked up shit like this. I can imagine it now, ETH will switch to some shitty PoS system where instead of getting ETH you get some new token, the point of which will be for every token the stakers generate, one extra one is generated and given to thirdworlders and womyn.

Just buy NEO, it's unironically the most amoral coin because it isn't filled with ''''''WESTERN VALUES'''''

>> No.7828988


Agenda 21 is a 350-page document divided into 40 chapters that have been grouped into 4 sections:

Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions is directed toward combating poverty, especially in developing countries, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population, and sustainable settlement in decision making.
Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development includes atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biological diversity (biodiversity), control of pollution and the management of biotechnology, and radioactive wastes.
Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups includes the roles of children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and industry, and workers; and strengthening the role of indigenous peoples, their communities, and farmers.
Section IV: Means of Implementation includes science, technology transfer, education, international institutions and financial mechanisms.

They make it sound like they're bettering the people, but they're doing it for their "agenda". Another mice experiment on the people of Africa. As a white person, I understand black people's frustrations. We're all manipulated by the elites.

>> No.7828993


if i am a nigger, how does one compute free xlm?

>> No.7828999

All these dumbfucks investing into a project without DYOR and here now yelling OMG I COULDN'T READ IT WAS HIDDEN ON DA WEBSITE.

Are you fucking kidding me? Literally the state of /biz/ and FUD at its lowest. Lol

>> No.7829000


Yup, most of the retards on biz are uneducated faggots or just posting FUD to bring down the price - either way most have sub 50 IQ and can barely get minimum wage cuck jobs

Africa does have a lot of different micro economies and financial tools compared to first world countries (one big prevalent environment/tool you would see in third world countries like Africa is "trusted lending circles")

Anyways this shit can go on and on.

>> No.7829007

That's a lot of work for $50 worth of XLM.

>> No.7829011

Everyone is forgetting the real reason stellar is doing this.

Millions of africans don't have access to banks.

No access to banks = no access to loans

No access to loans = no interest for (((the bank owners)))

Stellar is clever:
>Give free stellar to nogs
>They waste it on stupid shit
>They now have a taste and understanding of stellar/finance
>Start offering them loans, credit.
>Cripple them with interest
>Take their land if they don't pay
>Charge them rent to live on the land
>Kick them off the land if they can't afford it
>Set-up beautiful safaris and nature reserves for rich white people to visit

v clever

>> No.7829023

>xlm needs to find a way to enter the market and gain adoption
>best way is to give it away

Firstly - says who? Shouldn't it go hand in hand with getting local business to adopt it, consumer-friendly software solutions etc?

Secondly, how does that benefit us in the short to medium (possibly long) term?

Thirdly, aren't we effectively paying for this distribution?

and finally - this doesn't look poised for a big increase in value. In fact it seems like the Stellar team would prefer a more stable value, i.e.

>privileged westerners keep pumping value into the coin while we do our freebie campaign

>> No.7829029

I can smell the adrenaline of that guy from here. Soyboys are pathetic.

>> No.7829028

meanwhile no one explains where to get free XLM, i'm supposed to just believe all this FUD

enjoy wasting ur time faggots

>> No.7829060

Did anyone force you to speculate stellar tokens with your rupees?

>> No.7829062

Chinks will takeover crypto because of this

>> No.7829064

*hugs you*

>> No.7829067


Don't believe it, find out for yourself. If I understood correctly, there has been one done until the end of last year. The next ones are upcoming.

>> No.7829078

It's run by SJWs. They'll just keep dumping XLM into the bottomless pit of nigger financial decision making until it actually becomes scarce.

>> No.7829083

Nigger lover

>> No.7829087


>citation needed

ok i'll blindly follow what anon says on an asian image board for my financial advice

>> No.7829111

that's what they want you to think, it's just another form of control. since the whites got kicked out of the colonies they can only control through private enterprise. trap them all in crippling debt, legally take their land, then plunder the natural resources. stellar are more cleverer than u think

>> No.7829115
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>> No.7829118

blockchain at it's core is the next advancement in value transfer. first we had barter, then gold, then fiat, now digital fiat.
each iteration improved upon the last system which is why we use fiat, instead of still bartering.
what you are saying is that short term, because they don't understand the inherent advantages of block-chain over fiat, 3rd worlders aren't going to adopt it.
however, for use, we know the value that the blockchain revolution will bring to the world, which is why we are putting money into it. it's why we like bitcoin, and why it all started in the first place. xlm is attempting to bring this technology to a part of the market that wouldn't come to it on it's own in the current form. the question is whether xlm will succeed or not.
i think that the sjw nonsense angle and terminology doesn't invalidate the goals and efforts of the project, and to some extent may actually aid them initially due to the current attitudes of the very well off "progresive" people and countries that the 1st world is made up of.

>> No.7829135

>Don't believe it, find out for yourself
>Don't believe it, find out for yourself
>Don't believe it, find out for yourself


>> No.7829174
File: 58 KB, 400x386, DBBAE72F-C897-4FAD-B40C-F8F170ED14C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7829185


>If I understood correctly, there has been one done until the end of last year. The next ones are upcoming
>If I understood correctly, there has been one done until the end of last year. The next ones are upcoming
>If I understood correctly, there has been one done until the end of last year. The next ones are upcoming

>> No.7829199

Yes cunt, I included that for your convenience. Next time I'll tell you to fuck off and google it.

>> No.7829210

not at all.

>> No.7829233

Why don't you answer the question, Rasheed? Can your double digit iq brain read a white paper and a website?

No need to get that sentimental, I'm all in EOS and NEO anyway

>> No.7829251


next time u should add citation or not include it at all, faggot

>> No.7829260

fuck off and google it

>> No.7829264

they have donation pools for cucks that feel left out that is how cucked they are holy fuck

>> No.7829269


I just need chinks to take over the world at this point, I've given up all hope. I realised that due to game theory good cinema/literature/art etc. cannot exist in a 'diverse' society, not because of some ideological bullshit but simply because the core metric ceases to be quality but instead is representation. I used to go to an art gallery near where I live every month, and the last two years every exhibit ticks some box, disabled, trans, muslim, woman, etc. but the art is atrocious.

Once we're back to a monoculture the society will become more meritocratic. I'd rather read the best chink literature than the drivel churned out in the west today.

>> No.7829274
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1519067706474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha we have warned you but you didn't listen sideway stellar sissies.

>> No.7829277
File: 480 KB, 1200x745, A095503F-877B-4819-8B40-251803049F51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>103,708,899,665 XLM in existence
> 85,241,111,835 XLM held by the Stellar
> 18,467,787,829 XLM circulation
> 45,188,828,493 XLM yet to be airdropped to "the unbanked"

>> No.7829285


>> No.7829291

Not fud, it says in the mandate that they will give the lumens to charitable organizations who will be responsible for distribution

>> No.7829303

Agenda 21 is the redistribution of Western wealth to developing countries in the name of ''saving the planet from ecological decline'' (1 of the main reasons)

Gold is flowing out of USA like crazy into China and India, doesn't happen for no reason.

>> No.7829314
File: 38 KB, 430x450, 48769F25-C502-4343-A65A-87045478A3D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7829318

Whales are getting ready for fairx

>> No.7829332
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 1517949642878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit. Lol

>> No.7829339

Fairx lost first mover advantage

>> No.7829342

Jew McCaleb. Get out now.

>> No.7829385

>25% - for nonprofits to reach UNDSERVING populations
^That is literally how my brain read that sentence in the first tenth of a second in which I first saw that arrangement of words.
>that is also literally what is happenning
Oh, it feels SO FUCKING GOOD for facts to emerge which not only support but also prove what my instincts told me months and months ago:


>> No.7829403

this is the only answer to why stellar will do this. they are guilty white people. notice they dont donate to ukraine or asian countries with just as many poor people. its the same as unicef commericals. whities helping little black babys on tv.
this too.

>> No.7829414
File: 545 KB, 1300x1300, xlm-wakanda-n-shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7829422

man, this plebbit user is triggered. he reminds me of AIDS Skrillex.

>> No.7829473

mmmmhhhmmmm. whales gettin' mighty interested in helping sub IQ 70's .... very excited to dilute their investment with those 45 billion lumens to be airdropped dropped in a full frontal SJW assault on the poverty of "the unbanked"

>> No.7829477
File: 7 KB, 379x76, Screenshot-2018-2-20 biz - Holy shit, the Stellar FUD is true - Business Finance - 4chan(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisdom screencapped.

>> No.7829485


>they have donation pools for cucks that feel left out that is how cucked they are holy fuck

google what?

they only did the bitcoin program in august and that was before all of the normies. the bitcoin program showed them that giving it out like freebies was detrimental to Stellar and they stopped the program all together and wont be releasing the rest for those freeloaders

>> No.7829498
File: 209 KB, 332x339, 1472747288780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physical contant and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like "*hug*" or "*backrub*") without consent

>> No.7829501

And the American people suffer for it. America losing its value to help others get their value up. If the white man or jew didn't destroy that country for greedy reason, the west wouldn't have to build them back up.

Destroy a country, take their resources, and enslave the people for your benefit. Bring them to the "new world" to do all your hard work like agriculture. Give them meals and if they're lucky, they don't get whipped. Start a race dividing scheme after freeing the slaves. They're using it to their advantage. Nobody benefits, but the elite in the end.

>> No.7829558


get ur /pol/ & /x/ shit out of here

>> No.7829572
File: 180 KB, 1600x1200, 1516978537629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wasn't around for the stellar community guidelines
we all dropped stellar a long time ago

>> No.7829609

go back to your reddit cuck shed faggot

>> No.7829671

Everyone in the 3rd world countries already uses USD, retard. That, and Western Union/MoneyGram. No one needs XLM.
XLM is just giving niggers free money, so they can dump it.

>> No.7829739


Moneygram is working with XRP to make it faster literal retard

XLM is going to be used by Western Union and all other financial institutions

>> No.7829813

XLM is going to be used by literally no one. For everyone in the 3rd world it's an internet scam. Everyone will exchange the shitcoin for USD faster than you can say "I love nigger cock".
And moneygram isn't working with XRP, it was the WU and they are still "testing" it.

>> No.7829858

Lol clitorises have no value.

>> No.7829868

Its a phase in depopulating the planet, and instead of saying /pol/fag and /x/

Go actually look it up, this shit is not a secret. You can read it directly from the books the UN published. It is litterly called Agenda 21, thats the UN's name for it. You can download all associated books from their fucking website.

Do yourself a favor and fucking learn somethign.

>> No.7829947


>t. retard

>> No.7830039

If you wanted to depopulate the world you would need to stop africa from multiplying. Currently above 1B they will habe a population of 2B in 20 years and 4B in 50 years or so. Can't we just nuke the continent or something?

>> No.7830078

Goddamn people here are stupid, are they forgetting Lumens was given away on DAY ONE of its existence. Why didn't you get your gibs like good white niggers instead of bitching and complaining?

>> No.7830086

>redditers pay thousands of dollars for XLM
>poor africans get handed it for free


>> No.7830093

ever seen the mouse utopia experiment, specifically the population rise and decline?

>> No.7830114

I'm actually from a 3rd world country, so I know how it works. You are delusional.
What will happen is smarter people opening a small "offices" where people can exchange their XLM for $ and everyone will swarm in, while selling it at 2/3rds of the actual price, then the guys hoarding the XLM will dump it on you, move to Germany and buy a black Mercedes G-class.

That's how the internet works in the 3rd world. If you want to order something from AliExpress or Amazon you go to an office and they order it for you for a small fee.
No one actually gives a fuck about some internet money, because there are frequent power outages and internet costs more than the XLM they will be getting.

>> No.7830133

Gtfo now, go read a book.

>> No.7830155

Gonna be hilarious seeing all the nignog warlords slurping up all the free lumens and using them to buy more guns so they can collect more slaves.

Don't give cash to niggers, it only hurts them.

>> No.7830184

This is brilliant. Personally I think they should issue a new currency on stellar for each developing country, and setup some inflation metrics such as maintaining an increase of 5% a year in the money supply or a 2% increase in inflation.

Make sure this currency isn't on exchanges so dirty speculators ruin it as a currency and treat it as an investment.

>> No.7830217

Shit somebody archive this thread so we can check back in 5 years

>> No.7830222

western union takes up to 45% fee for transfers to shitholes like nigeria... you think these SJWs will be working to expose more "unbanked" to those fees? brainlet.jpg

>> No.7830233


no don't. These people will kill themselves just like those in the Ethereum/Bitcoin threads years ago

>> No.7830242

hmm lemme see coordinated out of the blue fud...wait a sec didn't i see this board polluted with tons of ltc fud a couple weeks back..i'll check ltc chart oh up 150% since that campaign makes ya think.

>> No.7830260


>implying Western union won't provide the same security and convenience at the same cost for customers while still taking the benefits of blockchain technology and low fees themselves

>> No.7830281

I already have a long list of archived threads and screenshots

>> No.7830302

unironically this. the state of 3rd world charity for the last 80 years

>> No.7830308

Literally why? Everyone is paying 45% and is happy, because they have literally no other choice.
You are dumb as fuck.

>> No.7830315

Honestly I don't think so. I started a few of these threads when almost no one was talking about "Stellar fud". I think it's information spreading rather than fud.

The sudden emergence of numerous shills performing mental gymnastics on the other hand...

>> No.7830343

Commie coin confirmed. Enjoy your donation.

>> No.7830377

Stellar Sissies BTFO
+60 days on the chastity belt lmao cucks your domina won't like it that you invested in this shitcoin

>> No.7830383


>because they have literally no other choice.

Exactly, which is why Western Union is in a great position to adopt technology that'll make it easier for their infrastructure to reap in more profits because of the savings the technology will procure.

Jesus fuck go read what Stellar can do for companies like Western Union


>> No.7830430

Sorry, I didn't read it right.
Yes, that's exactly what will happen. The fees are just as high, as they are able to get away with.
If they could charge 90%, they would.

>> No.7830493

Its a transfer of wealth from whites to non whites.

>> No.7830498

Main feature of stellar/ripple is rippling right, which I can only really see being useful for wholesale settelement.

The main costs for Western Union will be fraud prevention, which I don't see the blockchain helping.

The updating a database part is one of the cheapest parts of the process.

>> No.7830507

stellar brags about sending lumens around for free retard.

>> No.7830562


Stellar is a software u fucking idiot it isn't a business

The transaction fee is low but that doesn't mean that you won't get charged extra fees for using said service

>> No.7830666

Not a single charity cent actually reaches anyone. "charity clothes" are being sorted on arrival, the best ones are getting cleaned, get new fake labels and go to the stores, the more worn ones go to the "luxury western second hand stores", the remaining worn rags go to some poor fuckers, who are getting filmed receiving them and the films are getting sent with a report to the western charities.
Same with the medicine - the expensive ones go to the apothecaries, the remaining ones are taken by doctors, who sell them to the patients. The crates are then packed with some old stock pharma, that didn't sell and sent to the free hospitals.

Everyone is seeing charities as piggybanks, ran by mentally retarded westerners, who hate money.

>> No.7830774
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Goddamit In don't want Poor ass fucking Niggers in my cryptospace. REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7830810
File: 347 KB, 1024x683, 1517471940929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know how people assume that because Stellar has 100Billion supply+ and their main goal is to bank on the unbanked.... that this means they're going to give all the lumens to niggers?

I'm i delusion or a prophet with undeserved wisdom?

>> No.7830845
File: 135 KB, 288x415, 1484687843845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sjw: the coin

>> No.7830847

Still yet to see any angry white person address all the billions of other lumens that have been given away already to BTC holders or people who signed up with their email.

>> No.7830866
File: 13 KB, 157x143, shakinghands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they're busy accumulating and using the good 'ol free xlm for niggers FUD again

>> No.7830961

>103,708,899,665 XLM in existence
> 85,241,111,835 XLM held by the Stellar
> 18,467,787,829 XLM circulation
> 45,188,828,493 XLM yet to be airdropped to "the unbanked"

>> No.7830979

Thanks, got handed 100K, DUMPED immediately trololol.
> What is reverse FUD

>> No.7831038


weewww lad it's like 50 years of foreign aid to africa hasn't taught you anything

>> No.7831048

how are they going to air drop this? I want to register

>> No.7831073


Would you rather they just say 80% of lumens are in this safe box just like XRP where we will only give it out WHEN partnerships arrise?

How do you expect them to get mass adoption without giving out 1-10 free XLM to participants so they can use the services in their community?

How you literally expect them to try Stellar out without having any lumens?

Have you even thought of their plan or just want to copy paste information already available without understanding the facts

>> No.7831134

lol the fud is strong, fk this I'm buying some more

>> No.7831151
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1518719670708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just sold 18 billion

>> No.7831245
File: 82 KB, 400x400, waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


apparently u just have to be a nigger. The free lumens should be here by now just wait...

>> No.7831311

or fuck the market up because they are donating crypto to people that don't have power for a high enough portion of the day to do their research on the internet.

>> No.7831447

i know that feel. i had 100k lumen, then one day i just woke up and had that feeling.
why should i keep my lumen bags if that cuck Jed is just going to dump his load every 6 months?

it was purely instinctual

>> No.7831505

well, technically their clits have already been mutilated away.
dry fucking is all the rage there. (they put shit in their vag's to make more friction, it increases the risk for bleeding and STDs)

>> No.7831577
File: 167 KB, 743x1290, D5597BEB-EC22-40B0-A64B-C3B41557E3AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85 billion yet to be given away, 45 tothe unbanked. current circulating supply 18 billion. do the math faggot. M A T H

>> No.7831700
File: 64 KB, 800x613, defineFUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>M A T H

straw-man argument
connecting the dots with obscure facts

>> No.7831831

>XLM wants to give a small amount to people who have no stable national currency
>they won’t be able to sell it since they don’t have bank accounts anyway
>will make XLM the de facto currency for a huge amount of the population
Your hate will be your undoing. I can’t wait to see all the /pol/ closet cucks sell their XLM then blame the Jews when it becomes widely used

>> No.7831872

Meh, I am still ok with Stellar. They gave me some XLM out of nowhere on Kraken and I changed it immediately for BTC and XMR. I liked that deal.

>> No.7831887

Forgot to say XRP and LINK are doing the exact same giveaways except to (((banks))) who will hoard them instead of actual humans that will spend them.

>> No.7831973

>a small amount

>> No.7831977
File: 281 KB, 814x965, ChainLInk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I'm glad, I haven't FOMO'd in this shit.

>> No.7832019
File: 191 KB, 419x398, 1512171384708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XLM will go to people that really need it
>XLM makes an aidrp
>expects 3rd world desert niggers somewhere in bumfuck no where to not just have a working PC with energy supply but also internet and the knowledge of the existence of crypto

am i the onyl one who hast slight issues with the fever dream in OP's pic?

>> No.7832027

>can't do math
>must me strawman
"unbanked" IQ 75 'airdrop-hopeful' spotted

>> No.7832036

Fuckin kek. Stellar holders literally hold wagecuck jobs, pay welfare taxes, then willingly pay for more welfare for africa

>> No.7832092


alright retard you're going to keep using the same retarded '45 billion ready to be airdropped on niggers and destroy the supply for keks' even after u FOMO back in

literal retards

>> No.7832098
File: 250 KB, 372x406, 1518646456001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all you stellarcucks

get poor soon

>> No.7832114

remember folks, when u sell your XLM, you lose your stake of power

>> No.7832115
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1518202527611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harassment includes: [..] simulated physical contact(e.g., textual descriptions like "*hug*" or "*backrup*")
>*unzips pants*
>*flips cock out*
>*fapping furiously*
>*blows a hot cumload over ya face*

>> No.7832127

Can someone tell me the difference with mining coins excepted that they give the coins to poor fags instead of greedy chinks?

>> No.7832133

Stop spewing your ignorance. Nobody in Africa uses an actual computer, they have cell phones. The data speeds are shit but there will likely be an SMS based transaction platform

>> No.7832175



>> No.7832263

We need to figure out how to scoop up some gibs by pretending to be niggers

>> No.7832265

>Niggers in Africa got free xlm
>niggers going to sell the free xlm (every brownish minority sells the free stuff, good example the european gypsies)
>the "nigger xlm supply" circulate back to exchanges
>xlm price drops to 100 sats maybe lower, the supply inrease
>whales buy the xlm, and price goes skyrocket

>> No.7832312

So how can I obtain some of this nigger coin without being a nigger?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.7832344

yeah if you tell us the exact time frame that'd be fucking great

>> No.7832359


ive been lurking this fucking thread all day hoping for a legit response

>> No.7832380

Jesus knows my child

>> No.7832407

XLM is falling apart like a chinese motorcycle

>> No.7832471


>implying we have ETH instead of XLM

nice try scamming the right market audience retard

>> No.7832588

infrastructure like computers and internet access. Are they going to ship their xlm with donkeys on local market?

>> No.7832637


>> No.7832661


No u fucking idiot, there will have to be people in that market that accepts XLM. So yeah, a company/organization with a computer and internet access.

If there are people willing to make services for XLM they will be given some XLM to help with adoption. Not billions, like what lol theres like 40+ african countries and they all hate each other.

>> No.7832718

jesus christ. im losing so much money on this. i thought this was "one of the comfiest holds of 2018". fuck me i guess not. i keep telling myself i got it so cheap (around 400 sats) that i should just contine to hold , and maybe it will someday reach one dollar

>> No.7832807
File: 586 KB, 1024x1008, akamega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like it's time to buy

>> No.7832902
File: 80 KB, 500x366, no-white-person-will-be-allowed-to-own-mugabe-begs-1338514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The zimbabwe dollar had rampant inflation because they killed all the white farmers.
If Lumen becomes the reserve currency for Zimbabwe it will not create an economy.
it will just mean lumen holders will subsidize white genocide when they decide to do it again.

>> No.7832923

so they'll create this so called phisical markets there all over africa, in bunch of cities and villages to dodge the infrastructure problem and then people will go there, they'll give them their xlm account or something and then they'll get back there on the donkey when they'll want to do something with their xlm and those people will do it for them? Now if I was a nigger without phone or internet and even if such market was created I would dump the xlm the same moment and exchange them for dollars just so that I don't have to ride the donkey potentially miles away to get my money.

The fucking markets you seem to be talking about is basically building a fucking banking system for africa and employing thousands of people to help niggers deal with their crypto.

>> No.7832947

This is going to be an amazing experiment in why third-world countries are third-world countries. The people are shit, it's gebetic. Watch as the released XLM flows back into the wealthier holders, then by hording it the value will go back up again.

>> No.7832984


>The fucking markets you seem to be talking about is basically building a fucking banking system for africa and employing thousands of people to help niggers deal with their crypto.

i guess you get what Stellar is trying to do.....? I mean let's not forget Stellar is just software, it's the people using Stellar that will use it to their own benefit.

>> No.7833097

Just a reminder that retarded /pol/ cucks were fudding IOTA to hell and back over muh refugee smart cities at FOURTY FUCKING CENTS.

>> No.7833234

my point is you buy lumens with your dollars. Dollars are spent by them on employing thousands of people and build "charity banks" and they donate your dollars to niggers through lumens, which are sold the same moment people manage to do 100km trip to the said charity bank on their donkey and exchange them to dollars, since they can take dollars with them home on the donkey.

>> No.7833299


that refugee smart city was real though, the guy posted it himself. This FUD is trying to connect the dots between the 85 billion supply to be released and all the poor people in 3rd world countries

it even says they're only giving free lumens in hopes that it'll make it easier for them to access the system and help with adoption. And even then only give it to people who 'design services'. that's not free at all, that's like me making an application on apple after learning how to code on apple JUST so I can make money off that app?

like w0t

>> No.7833435


Hey man Stellar is a software, it isn't an investment. I support that they want to give a few lumens here and there to help startup other initiatives that will utilize the Stellar Network and create more volume/transactions. It's not all in Africa idk what this thread is on about, it's all over the world. I support them so much that I hold onto a small bag of lumens myself, just like everyone else did a year ago.

Nothing has changed, and you know why? Because I have used Stellar, and if you did too, you'd understand.


>> No.7833474
File: 571 KB, 800x2000, 15123552323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.7833535

hell yes they will.


>> No.7833841

The advantages of a trustless network are able to be felt by those who cannot think abstractly